Vučić: "I didn't sign the law"; "The excavator driver has serious bodily injuries"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke about the Law on Expropriation and the Law on Referendum.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 29.11.2021.



Vučić: "I didn't sign the law"; "The excavator driver has serious bodily injuries"

"I did not sign the law on expropriation, and I did sign the law on the referendum when I returned from Sochi," said Vučić during a tour of the works on the Miloš Veliki highway in Čačak.

“I’m waiting for a lawyer’s opinion,” he explained.

Speaking about the incident in Sabac, Vučić said that the driver of the excavator did not injure anyone and is currently in the hospital.

"He suffered serious bodily injuries," President of Serbia stated, adding that the driver of the excavator was "killed". Vučić pointed out that "all the Zelenović thugs" were there. He pointed out that Zelenović occupied the bridge with machines and "climbed on tractors". "And who are you to ban him from leaving the assembly of the municipality of Sabac? Under what law? It is pure crime. Who do you think you are to prevent honest and normal people from going anywhere? Did you get permission for that?" Vucic asks.

"The man liked not to hurt anyone. What are you, gods?", The President of Serbia explained.

"Where does it say that?"

Vučić asked according to which law and constitution roads can be blocked.

"Civil disobedience - all right, but in accordance with the law. Where does it say that? In the 'Comandante Mark' comics. Whether you are obedient or not, you can do whatever you want, you have to abide by the law. My advice to the police is to let you behave illegally", Vučić pointed out and stated that the opposition was not surprised by the results of the elections on April 3.

Croatian media writing

When asked to comment on the writing of the Croatian media that he sent the excavator to people, President of Serbia said that he was not surprised and that, if Croatian journalists brought all their politicians, they would not have as many votes as he won.

"They are worried about something else, they can't even dream of being as strong as Serbia, even with this new purchase of airplanes," Vucic stated. Asked to comment on some media reports that Rockefeller's money was behind the protest, he said that back in 2014, when businessman Miroslav Mišković met with certain ambassadors to form a government, it was clear that, since he opposed it, it had a high price.

"You have 500 organizations today that someone pays, and the only goal is to stop Serbia. Their problem is that there is someone who is not afraid of them, who will not give up," he concluded.

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