Wesley Clark congratulated Haradinaj

Ramush Haradinaj stated that he got a letter from a retired NATO General and a devoted friend of Kosovo's Albanians, Wesley Clark

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 26.07.2019.


Wesley Clark congratulated Haradinaj

Wesley Clark congratulated Haradinaj

Haradinaj, who resigned a week ago from Prime Minister's position, stated that he received a letter from the retired NATO General and a devoted friend of Kosovo's Albanians Wesley Clark, who, as he said "congratulated him on determination in achieving progress and further development of Kosovo".

Haradinaj posted on his Facebook profile that Clark commended him for being devoted to the progress and development of Kosovo in the recent years.

He promised that the people of Kosovo will be "forever grateful for the assistance of US General Wesley Clark".

Haradinaj had scheduled regular government session for Friday, at 2.00 pm, with several topics on the agenda.

Pristina based Koha noticed that after coming back from the hearing at Special Court in the Hague on the crimes committed by KLA against the Serbs and other non-Albanians, Haradinaj acts as if nothing happened.

Haradinaj returned to Pristina from the Hague on Thursday evening.

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