"If institutions go, street remains, and it leads to war"

The League of Social-Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV) is not taking part in the boycott of the Serbian Assembly because that is "completely the wrong path."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 06.03.2019.


(screenshot, Prva TV, file)

"If institutions go, street remains, and it leads to war"

"If you destroy even the few institutions left, you are in a position where only the street remains, and it leads to a civil war," he said. "That's why assemblies and elections have been created, in order to prevent the change of power by the street," Canak said.

As for LSV's failure to take in (weekly anti-authorities) protests, he said that "no protests have ever yielded results if held before elections, but only after elections, as defense of election results."

"This happened in 1996/97 and in 2000. All others did not bring any changes. Changes without elections are a revolution, which is legitimate... but there is no critical mass for it. Since there it isn't there, it's pure politicking, which will turn into another scam of the citizens of this country in the interests of the Russian Federation and with the wholehearted support of the radical part of the Serbian Orthodox Church," said Chanak.

He added that the LSV "supported the dissatisfaction of Vojvodina citizens with the level of decentralization requirements, better electoral conditions and free media."

"However, suddenly there appeared some kind of party security that was chasing away from the rallies the people carrying the flag of Vojvodina (province), the Dveri (Movement) minds that, who would like to turn it into completely right-wing pro-Russian rallies, where the main thing would be - 'you have betrayed Kosovo" - to, based on that, gradually chase away everyone from the civic option leaving only fascists in the streets. Representatives of the LGBT population were pushed out of the protest, there are no more rainbow flags," said Chanak.

Regarding the fact that the (opposition) parties claim to have nothing to do with organizing these protests, Canak said that, at the same time, (opposition politicians) Vuk Jeremic and Dragan Djilas, "when they go to Brussels, start their address by saying they speak on behalf of those who march in the streets of the cities of Serbia - but cannot answer how they intend to go to the EU with Dveri."

"When you dig a little deeper, the Alliance for Serbia is effectively a mosaic of a broken DS (Democratic Party), and of a DS that took a big turn towards the right, plus the Ljotic organizations of Milan Stanojevic and Bosko Obradovic, and that's something to be understood that way. It's possible now that the DS might unify again, all of a sudden the differences don't matter anymore. Unfortunately, that says the idea of ​​unification has nothing to do with ideology, but with the exercise of power, and this does not fill me with optimism about the results that such a unification can bring," Canak added.

When the interviewer noted that his position on issue has earned him the name of "fake opposition" Canak replied: "Who gave the right to those who have exercised power for so many decades to talk about whether somebody is real or fake opposition in conditions when everything comes down to whether someone is on their side to come to power again. If somebody is fake opposition, then those are people that are fake as people. Here, for example, Sergej Trifunovic moves from role to role so much that he doesn't know which role he is, the man who doesn't realize that he is no longer doing one of his gigs, he does not understand, that when he stands before people and talks to them about politics, the swords are not made of wood..."

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