An attack on state leadership? Major police operation: Mass arrests; roadblocks VIDEO

In a coordinated action, a group of 17 people were arrested and 50 locations were searched, the media reports.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 11.11.2022.


An attack on state leadership? Major police operation: Mass arrests; roadblocks VIDEO
Foto: AstroStar/Shutterstock

An attack on state leadership? Major police operation: Mass arrests; roadblocks VIDEO

As is known, this was a joint action of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, BIA (Security Infromation Agency) and the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime.

As "Novosti" reports, in a large police operation, in which 17 people were arrested this morning, "Vračar gang" members, who are part of the team formed by Radoje Zvicer, were arrested.

Those arrested are accused of having committed three murders on the territory of Belgrade and five attempted murders.

They also planned attacks on the highest state officials of Serbia.

It is suspected that Vušović and most of his associates who are not in Serbia are hiding in Spain and the Dominican Republic.

The suspects are charged with three murders - Aleksandar Halabrin, Dragan Ristic Čadja and Aleksandar Šarac, as well as five attempted murders. As reported by the media, traffic is stopped on Despot Stefan Boulevard, while ten gendarmerie vehicles pass by on rotation.

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