Vucic: Key word in 2015 - responsibility

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said in his New Year message to the citizens that "nobody will do anything instead of them, or instead of the government."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 31.12.2014.


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Vucic: Key word in 2015 - responsibility

“We ourselves are responsible for each new year - for everything we will do and everything we will not do in it", Vucic said in his opinion piece for the New Year's edition of Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti.

The prime minister stressed that the government he leads must be responsible for “the appearance of the house we live in, for every dinar in that house, and for the way in which it will be spent”.

The government must provide work for the people of Serbia, bring investments, reindustrialize the country, solve the issue of restructuring, restart production in Zelezara steel mill, the entire chemical sector, create new jobs, complete the transport corridors and railways and, most importantly, make sure that the same rules apply to everybody in Serbia, he said.

Vucic stressed that each citizen will be at least partly responsible for the situation in which they find themselves.

Responsibility will be the key word in Serbia 2015, he said.

“Everything that Serbia has done in the eight months since this government has been in office was done under the flag of responsibility!” Vucic underlined in the article.

"It is owing to responsibility that we managed to (successfully) cope with the floods, and not spend a single dinar for anyone else but for the flood victims. Responsibility made it possible for us to stand up to those involved in corruption and crime, to tycoons and their friends in politics, to stop them from robbing us further ".

"Responsibility also brought about higher VAT revenues, the opening of a new smelting plant, pit mines, roads, the bridge... It is responsibility that restored Serbia's reputation in the world and placed us among respected and trusted nations," wrote Vucic.

This responsibility should now be shared, as there is no government that can carry the burden of responsibility by itself, the prime minister said.

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