Grenell's message to Pristina: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you..."

Donald Trump's former envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Richard Grenell, responded to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Meliza Haradinaj-Stubla.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Wednesday, 27.09.2023.


Grenell's message to Pristina:
Foto: Epa/Efe Chris Kleponis / POOL

Grenell's message to Pristina: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you..."

She made a series of accusations against the West for the events in Banjska, and Grenell told her that it was not a good idea to "bite the hand that has fed them for decades".

To those who accuse him of being paid by Serbia, Grenell said that spreading fake news instead of debating politics is a hallmark of Kurti's government.

Grenell stated on the "X" social network that the international community told Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on June 3 to stop unilateral moves, to call elections and establish the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

"Are you blaming the West? Not a good idea to bite the hand that has fed you for decades. The *truth* is the international community told Kurti on June 3 that he should stop making unilateral moves, announce elections and create the Serb Municipalities. You didn’t speak up. This is the truth, too'', Grenell pointed out.

Responding to those who accuse him of being paid by Serbia, Grenell states that emphasizing fake news instead of political debate is a hallmark of Kurti's government.

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