The detention of the father of the killer from Vračar has been extended

High Court in Belgrade has extended the detention of Vladimir Kecmanović, the father of the boy K.K. who committed the massacre at school "Vladislav Ribnikar''.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 02.06.2023.


The detention of the father of the killer from Vračar has been extended

The detention of the father of the killer from Vračar has been extended

The High Court in Belgrade has extended the detention of Vladimir Kecmanović, the father of the boy K.K. who committed the massacre at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar na Vračar", writes "Novosti".

His detention was extended for another 30 days.

It is suspected that V.K. previously trained his 13-year-old son in the handling of firearms and ammunition by taking him to a shooting club to practice target shooting with firearms, despite the fact that the child is 13 years old and such activity and training is clearly not appropriate for his age, the prosecutor's office announced earlier.

It is suspected that V. K. acted contrary to the provisions of Article 32 paragraph 1 of the Law on Arms and Ammunition and Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Rulebook on Spatial Technical Conditions for Safe Storage of Weapons and Ammunition, because he did not provide conditions for safe accommodation and storage of weapons and ammunition so that it cannot come into the possession of unauthorized persons, i.e. it must be locked and separately kept in safes, cash registers or similar cabinets that cannot be opened easily.

It is suspected that as a result of his actions on May 3, his son managed to get possession of a CZ Shadow pistol, caliber 9x19mm, and a Ruger MK pistol, caliber 22 mm LR, for which the suspect V.K. has the permits of the competent authority, which was in an improperly secured metal safe in the closet in the hall of the apartment.

The child took weapons and ammunition with him to the elementary school "Vladimir Ribnikar" in Belgrade, which he attends, where he fired a large number of shots and took the lives of a security guard and eight students, and seriously wounded the school teacher and six students.

During the hearing, the suspect denied committing the crime and presented his defense in detail. His son is not criminally responsible according to the current regulations, because he has not reached the age of 14.

He was placed for observation in an appropriate psychiatric institution for children and youth.

In addition to this procedure, a preliminary investigation is underway against the boy's mother in order to determine whether her actions contain elements of the criminal act of neglecting and abusing a child, and checks are underway in relation to the shooting club where the father and son practiced shooting.

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