A clear warning: "There will be no banned marches"

Minister of the Interior, Aleksandar Vulin, said that "violence will not be tolerated on the streets of Belgrade, nor will there be illegal marches."

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 17.09.2022.


A clear warning:
Photo: Milan Maricic/ATAImages

A clear warning: "There will be no banned marches"

"The Ministry of the Interior warns everyone once again that it will not tolerate any violence on the streets of Belgrade and that it will strictly implement the law and the decisions of the competent authorities and courts. As announced by the Ministry of the Interior and confirmed by the Administrative Court, there will be no illegal walks, just as it will not be allowed to endanger the personal and property security of anyone. All means permitted by law will be applied to anyone who violates public order and peace," said Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

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