Zelensky has a new condition; NATO is sending more weapons; War negotiators arrived;

The war in Ukraine enters the fifth day. Both delegations arrived at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border to take part in negotiations on ending the war in Ukraine.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.02.2022.


Zelensky has a new condition; NATO is sending more weapons; War negotiators arrived;
Tanjug/AP Photo

Zelensky has a new condition; NATO is sending more weapons; War negotiators arrived;

The Russian delegation, as Nexta media reported, will be represented by Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Grizlov, MP Leonid Slutsky, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko and Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin. The head of the delegation is Vladimir Medinsky.

Ukraine leader urges Russian soldiers to lay down arms

Ukraine's president Volodymr Zelensky has urged Russian soldiers to lay down their weapons and desert as Ukrainian and Russian delegations were set to hold talks on Moscow's invasion.

Ukraine asks the EU for an urgent admission

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, stated today that Ukraine is asking the European Union for urgent admission according to a new special procedure.

In a video address, Zelensky said that Ukraine is grateful to its partners for being with it, UNIAN reports. "But our goal is to be together with all Europeans and, most importantly, to be equal," Zelensky pointed out.

He added that he was sure that Ukraine deserved it and that it was possible.

Guterres: "Escalation leads to growing human rights violations"

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said today that the escalation of Russian military operations in Ukraine leads to increasing human rights violations and that the UN is closely monitoring the situation with the help of teams on the ground.

"The escalation of the Russian Federation's military operations in Ukraine is leading to an escalation of human rights violations. We must show all people in Ukraine that we are with them in the most difficult moments," Guterres said in a recorded speech, as Reuters reported.

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