Politika daily: Vucic has not been invited

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hadn't received the invitation to attend the marking of 80th anniversary since the outbreak of the World War II

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 28.08.2019.


Politika daily: Vucic has not been invited

Politika daily: Vucic has not been invited

According to Politika daily, this would be the second significant event without Serbia's presence, despite its historical role and the status of a victorious country.
The daily reiterates that on the occasion of marking 100 years since WWI armistice, taking place on November 11, 2018, France had placed Serbian President in the side rows, while Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was sitting next to the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The invitation for marking this anniversary was denied to Vladimir Putin as well, which was confirmed by the Office of the Polish President, Politika reports, pointing out that the President of Poland decided to invite the states members of European Union, as well as the states gathered in Eastern Partnership Program, consisting of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Russia is not part of this organization, it is said in an explication of this decision.

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