Friday, 22.07.2016.


Karadzic appeals, says trial was meant to "demonize Serbs"

Wartime leader of Serbs in Bosnia Radovan Karadzic has appealed against <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2016&mm=03&dd=24&nav_id=97477" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the 40-year jail sentence passed against him</a> in March by the Hague Tribunal.

Izvor: B92

Karadzic appeals, says trial was meant to "demonize Serbs" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 7 godina

Sadly in the name of Serbs people like Karadzic and his apologists redefined their culture and it will take generations to regain credibility and trust as the shadow of doubt and the reality of duplicity enshrouds them.


pre 8 godina

MARKU : The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him.


Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive.
(rote, 25 July 2016 09:44)

The prosecutors? Fabricated? Are out of your mind? The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him. You are you are so far beyond??... its incredible. In your world, everything that fits your believes is correct anything else is fabricated or a plot by your enemies. All the time I thought you are just a nationalists but now I realise you are paranoid. You need help.

Let me remind you. Russia insited to creat ICTY. It was their idea. Russia as a member of UNSC is responsible for the functioning of ICTY. One vote from Russia and ICTY is gone. Let that sink in a little bit and stop with your delusional nonsens.


pre 8 godina

Marku : MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile.

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive. New Serbs are ready to replace them and the feeling of unjust does not lower their hate. Neither it creates fear. Serbs only are radicalized and you will see it as soon as their next traditional early elections happen.


pre 8 godina

I Volontered on the Bosnian-Serbian side in the Civil War in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I know the Chain of Comand there.
Karadzic had no say/Comand when Millitary action was conserned.

He is Inocent !.


pre 8 godina


Karadzic is made the Scape-Goat by the West because He was the Formal Head of the Serb Entity.

I Know that He had no Power ower Serbian Warmachine to decide anything of Military action.

He is Inocent !.


Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.
(rote, 24 July 2016 19:16)

MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile. Thank god they did not name schools after him. Wait?! Ups. They did.

Nice heroes you have.


pre 8 godina

icj1 : Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.

Court you become flexible enough to manipulate when it has nothing to do with the Shqiptars. Remember please that both Kradjic and his people were the victims of the circumstances created by the US. So were the rest of the Balkan peoples. Guilty were those who opened the Pandora Box in every state here. Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.


pre 8 godina

A retrial is required this time all kangaroos should be removed from the courtroom that way some chance of a just verdict,prompt release and appropriate compensation for two and a half decades of misrepresentation and merciless demonisation of a man who saved the Serbs in Bosnia from total annhilation. The guy deserves a Nobel Prize not jail, the prison sentences should go to those who started the war,sadly the two main ones ( Izetbegovid and Tudjman) got divine justice and are now dead but others roam free and suitable accommodation at the Hague awaits them once the innocents are released.


pre 8 godina

"Karadzic appeals, says trial was meant to "demonize Serbs""

Karadzic is trying to portray the crimes that he committed as crimes committed by Serbs. But the Serb people is not guilty of any crimes.

The trial demonized Karadzic for the crimes that he committed, not the Serbs. Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.


pre 8 godina

Smart Serb you are right.In Australia Serbs are allowed every year to march in ANZAC DAY PARADE with their friends and allies. Croatians are not allowed guess why?


pre 8 godina

Karadzic is a real coward by not maning up and accepting responsibility when international court of justice was authorized by the UNSC which includes Russia and China that imported varies non Balkan judges to the Hague to reach a just charge,trial and sentencing....

Cowards cry.....

There is non such "crime" as being of one or any particular ethnicity...

The Hague is not Belgrade....

Get over it and move on like your twin brothers the NAZI have...

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 8 godina

Hey Karadzic if you are guilty of war crimes why don't you stop your complaining and accept your fate.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Guilty of standing up to the west.
Guilty for not being submissive to the west.
Guilty for not being catholic.
Guilty because someone had to be made example of.
Croats, Muslims and Serbs all committed murder.
Serbs were made the instigators as someone needs to be the bad guy for the history books. Serbs are known worldwide to be the kindest people before any Croat or Muslim. Ziveli Srbe.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Guilty of standing up to the west.
Guilty for not being submissive to the west.
Guilty for not being catholic.
Guilty because someone had to be made example of.
Croats, Muslims and Serbs all committed murder.
Serbs were made the instigators as someone needs to be the bad guy for the history books. Serbs are known worldwide to be the kindest people before any Croat or Muslim. Ziveli Srbe.


pre 8 godina

Smart Serb you are right.In Australia Serbs are allowed every year to march in ANZAC DAY PARADE with their friends and allies. Croatians are not allowed guess why?

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 8 godina

Hey Karadzic if you are guilty of war crimes why don't you stop your complaining and accept your fate.


pre 8 godina

Karadzic is a real coward by not maning up and accepting responsibility when international court of justice was authorized by the UNSC which includes Russia and China that imported varies non Balkan judges to the Hague to reach a just charge,trial and sentencing....

Cowards cry.....

There is non such "crime" as being of one or any particular ethnicity...

The Hague is not Belgrade....

Get over it and move on like your twin brothers the NAZI have...


pre 8 godina

"Karadzic appeals, says trial was meant to "demonize Serbs""

Karadzic is trying to portray the crimes that he committed as crimes committed by Serbs. But the Serb people is not guilty of any crimes.

The trial demonized Karadzic for the crimes that he committed, not the Serbs. Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.


pre 8 godina

A retrial is required this time all kangaroos should be removed from the courtroom that way some chance of a just verdict,prompt release and appropriate compensation for two and a half decades of misrepresentation and merciless demonisation of a man who saved the Serbs in Bosnia from total annhilation. The guy deserves a Nobel Prize not jail, the prison sentences should go to those who started the war,sadly the two main ones ( Izetbegovid and Tudjman) got divine justice and are now dead but others roam free and suitable accommodation at the Hague awaits them once the innocents are released.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive.
(rote, 25 July 2016 09:44)

The prosecutors? Fabricated? Are out of your mind? The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him. You are you are so far beyond??... its incredible. In your world, everything that fits your believes is correct anything else is fabricated or a plot by your enemies. All the time I thought you are just a nationalists but now I realise you are paranoid. You need help.

Let me remind you. Russia insited to creat ICTY. It was their idea. Russia as a member of UNSC is responsible for the functioning of ICTY. One vote from Russia and ICTY is gone. Let that sink in a little bit and stop with your delusional nonsens.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.
(rote, 24 July 2016 19:16)

MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile. Thank god they did not name schools after him. Wait?! Ups. They did.

Nice heroes you have.


pre 8 godina

icj1 : Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.

Court you become flexible enough to manipulate when it has nothing to do with the Shqiptars. Remember please that both Kradjic and his people were the victims of the circumstances created by the US. So were the rest of the Balkan peoples. Guilty were those who opened the Pandora Box in every state here. Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.


pre 8 godina

I Volontered on the Bosnian-Serbian side in the Civil War in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I know the Chain of Comand there.
Karadzic had no say/Comand when Millitary action was conserned.

He is Inocent !.


pre 8 godina


Karadzic is made the Scape-Goat by the West because He was the Formal Head of the Serb Entity.

I Know that He had no Power ower Serbian Warmachine to decide anything of Military action.

He is Inocent !.



pre 8 godina

Marku : MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile.

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive. New Serbs are ready to replace them and the feeling of unjust does not lower their hate. Neither it creates fear. Serbs only are radicalized and you will see it as soon as their next traditional early elections happen.


pre 8 godina

MARKU : The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him.



pre 7 godina

Sadly in the name of Serbs people like Karadzic and his apologists redefined their culture and it will take generations to regain credibility and trust as the shadow of doubt and the reality of duplicity enshrouds them.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Guilty of standing up to the west.
Guilty for not being submissive to the west.
Guilty for not being catholic.
Guilty because someone had to be made example of.
Croats, Muslims and Serbs all committed murder.
Serbs were made the instigators as someone needs to be the bad guy for the history books. Serbs are known worldwide to be the kindest people before any Croat or Muslim. Ziveli Srbe.

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 8 godina

Hey Karadzic if you are guilty of war crimes why don't you stop your complaining and accept your fate.


pre 8 godina

Karadzic is a real coward by not maning up and accepting responsibility when international court of justice was authorized by the UNSC which includes Russia and China that imported varies non Balkan judges to the Hague to reach a just charge,trial and sentencing....

Cowards cry.....

There is non such "crime" as being of one or any particular ethnicity...

The Hague is not Belgrade....

Get over it and move on like your twin brothers the NAZI have...


pre 8 godina

A retrial is required this time all kangaroos should be removed from the courtroom that way some chance of a just verdict,prompt release and appropriate compensation for two and a half decades of misrepresentation and merciless demonisation of a man who saved the Serbs in Bosnia from total annhilation. The guy deserves a Nobel Prize not jail, the prison sentences should go to those who started the war,sadly the two main ones ( Izetbegovid and Tudjman) got divine justice and are now dead but others roam free and suitable accommodation at the Hague awaits them once the innocents are released.


pre 8 godina

"Karadzic appeals, says trial was meant to "demonize Serbs""

Karadzic is trying to portray the crimes that he committed as crimes committed by Serbs. But the Serb people is not guilty of any crimes.

The trial demonized Karadzic for the crimes that he committed, not the Serbs. Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.


pre 8 godina

icj1 : Karadzic is the criminal, not the Serb people.

Court you become flexible enough to manipulate when it has nothing to do with the Shqiptars. Remember please that both Kradjic and his people were the victims of the circumstances created by the US. So were the rest of the Balkan peoples. Guilty were those who opened the Pandora Box in every state here. Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.


pre 8 godina

Smart Serb you are right.In Australia Serbs are allowed every year to march in ANZAC DAY PARADE with their friends and allies. Croatians are not allowed guess why?


pre 8 godina

I Volontered on the Bosnian-Serbian side in the Civil War in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I know the Chain of Comand there.
Karadzic had no say/Comand when Millitary action was conserned.

He is Inocent !.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Karadzic and Mladic were heroes to be remembered for centuries. So you will never mud them if Serbia stays apart from the EU coffin.
(rote, 24 July 2016 19:16)

MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile. Thank god they did not name schools after him. Wait?! Ups. They did.

Nice heroes you have.


pre 8 godina


Karadzic is made the Scape-Goat by the West because He was the Formal Head of the Serb Entity.

I Know that He had no Power ower Serbian Warmachine to decide anything of Military action.

He is Inocent !.



pre 8 godina

Marku : MUP recently released evidence when Karadzic was cought. You know what they found? Porn. Child Porn. Karadzic is not only a genocidal subhuman. He's also a pedophile.

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive. New Serbs are ready to replace them and the feeling of unjust does not lower their hate. Neither it creates fear. Serbs only are radicalized and you will see it as soon as their next traditional early elections happen.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Don't be naiive! Such evidence is easily fabricated when the prosecutors have nothing else to accuse you. Serbs behave like heroes in Haague so the tribunal is counter productive.
(rote, 25 July 2016 09:44)

The prosecutors? Fabricated? Are out of your mind? The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him. You are you are so far beyond??... its incredible. In your world, everything that fits your believes is correct anything else is fabricated or a plot by your enemies. All the time I thought you are just a nationalists but now I realise you are paranoid. You need help.

Let me remind you. Russia insited to creat ICTY. It was their idea. Russia as a member of UNSC is responsible for the functioning of ICTY. One vote from Russia and ICTY is gone. Let that sink in a little bit and stop with your delusional nonsens.


pre 8 godina

MARKU : The evidence does not come from prosecutors or hague. Its from Serbia and the unit that caught him.



pre 7 godina

Sadly in the name of Serbs people like Karadzic and his apologists redefined their culture and it will take generations to regain credibility and trust as the shadow of doubt and the reality of duplicity enshrouds them.