Wednesday, 15.06.2016.


SPC to be at Pan-Orthodox gathering - but could walk out

The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is preparing to take part in the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete, Greece, to be held June 17-26.

Izvor: Tanjug

SPC to be at Pan-Orthodox gathering - but could walk out IMAGE SOURCE

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Sam D

pre 8 godina

As an American of Serbian/Montenegrin descent I will never understand the Balkan mentality
The only thing the Patriarch is trying to do
is organize the church into a cohesive organization. One of the reasons the western church is where it is and we are where we are is because we do not have the organizational structure the Roman Catholic Church has had since its inception. Put your petty squabbles aside attend the meeting and get organized


pre 8 godina

During this American Patriarch in Constantinople best if the churches do not meet at all. So Russian Chrurch has joined the Serbian move and sustained too.


pre 8 godina

During this American Patriarch in Constantinople best if the churches do not meet at all. So Russian Chrurch has joined the Serbian move and sustained too.

Sam D

pre 8 godina

As an American of Serbian/Montenegrin descent I will never understand the Balkan mentality
The only thing the Patriarch is trying to do
is organize the church into a cohesive organization. One of the reasons the western church is where it is and we are where we are is because we do not have the organizational structure the Roman Catholic Church has had since its inception. Put your petty squabbles aside attend the meeting and get organized


pre 8 godina

During this American Patriarch in Constantinople best if the churches do not meet at all. So Russian Chrurch has joined the Serbian move and sustained too.

Sam D

pre 8 godina

As an American of Serbian/Montenegrin descent I will never understand the Balkan mentality
The only thing the Patriarch is trying to do
is organize the church into a cohesive organization. One of the reasons the western church is where it is and we are where we are is because we do not have the organizational structure the Roman Catholic Church has had since its inception. Put your petty squabbles aside attend the meeting and get organized