Friday, 03.06.2016.


Kosovo Office director to Albanian PM: It's just a dream

Serbia condemns in the strongest terms the territorial pretensions expressed by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Pristina on Friday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Kosovo Office director to Albanian PM: It's just a dream IMAGE SOURCE

29 Komentari

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pre 8 godina

@ Peter the Polack:

Who cares what you say?

Worry about Russia taking more of Poland than it already has....

Illyria and Shqiptares are Indigenous and will be even after you are gone...

Peter Sudyka

pre 8 godina

@ILIRIA, a bit of humility wouldn't hurt your overblown Albanian pride. I think Albanians are more interested in escaping the glorious Illyrian lands to live on the shorelines of the UK (link to The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/04/fear-feuds-albanians-kent-coast-dinghies) and France (link to the Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/do-not-help-albanian-migrants-camped-on-dieppe-cliff-says-commun/) than to stay in their glorious Illyrian lands and drive out the Slavic so-called invaders. Albania really isn't quite as great as many Albanians seem to make it out to be and people are not that stupid as to believe your type.

The Count of Kosova

pre 8 godina

ok but can u tell me why can I enter Serbia with a Republic Kosovo ID ???
(real, 4 June 2016 02:23)

For the same reason an American can get into Canada with just a US ID.

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

Ian Uk yes it did they had to be rescued off the Kent coast, 2 Brits arrested for people smuggling, 18 albanians detained, 2 are children.

ned taylor

pre 8 godina

My reading of the comments is that Kosovo and Albanian will be 'joined together' when both are members of the EU "under the European flag". I see nothing that indicates that they will be one country with one government after any attempt at forcible assimilation of Kosovo into Albania. The Albanians know that trying to pursue the Greater Albanian dream has as much chance of success as did Milosevic's Greater Serbian vision.


pre 8 godina

Didn't we hear this before?!
Poor Gjuriq is mixing his dreams now.
Gjuriq real dream is to have his office in Kosova. Right now his office is in exile, in srpja.
He comes in Kosova and live the same day or cross the border illegally.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

If this is just a dream for the Albanians, then why it bothers to duric so much? And if Kosovo is part of Serbia why you want the zso so bad? Get the whole thing if you can

Ian, UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.
(Dave UK, 4 June 2016 08:36)

That has genuinely never happened.

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

Oh the mighty and glorious Illyrians!!A people who were defeated and concurred by every nation in the region. A people who were so smart they had no written language!!I have to agree that they have a lot in common with the modern day shiptars. I don't see how 6 million backward, toothless and illiterate Albanians are going to be much of a threat to anyone but themselves.

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.


pre 8 godina

"Noting that the joint session in Pristina was held in the National Library, Djuric urged Rama "to pick up a book and learn that Kosovo will never be a part of Albania": "

Since this guy Djuric did not specify it, does anybody know the title of this powerful book that tells countries what they can or can't do?


pre 8 godina

The countries of the region do not support the initiative:
1. Greece
2. Macedonia
3. Serbia
4. Bosnia
5. Montenegro
6. Romania

Maybe in support of, but probably not:
1. Croatia
2. Bulgaria

Things like this happen with:
1. Influence
2. Military might
3. Powerful economy to support the initiative
4. Visionary leadership
5. The support of neighbors
6. The buy in of power brokers in the hemisphere
7. No outstanding issues that can cause unintended consequences (ie RS and Bosnia)


pre 8 godina

England's self appointed Office Director for the (America) thirteen colonies demanded a Community of Municipalities and O'Bama directed him to Disney World where the clowns perform😜


pre 8 godina

This is true what Rama was saying of course one nation on dream - we are one. Who What's got to say about it..? borders were sealed off under YU regime - under Milosevic regime they used to kill people when crossing. Now?
Just drive- 2 hrs time Prishtine- Tirana. This is one nation don't pretend yui don't know.
We in Kosovo are a state - with UN seat - our mother state has a UN seat - what a F••••K do we need a UN membership fee?? Pay €€€ for nothing.. No thanks,
Our mother state it's a NATO member we have a full support on our security. Do you think any one can touch our home land? NO because will be fired back BIG time.

No you still don't believe one nation - ( one dream
Means EU) don't forget - it is not a dream to be one nation without borders. It's already a true this one.

So get lost Duric.


pre 8 godina

Whether u like or not we Albanians we will relise our dreams that we did in the past and we will do in the next futur I guess dream one Juric and keep dreamin that Kosova is part of Serbia it will never be better accept now cause soon or latter u will accept.


pre 8 godina

@ 'the truth'

Kosovo and Metohija may not be under Serbian control for the time being, but rest assured it will never belong to Albania either. Serbia will not recognise the Albanian clan warlords in Pristina as rulers of Kosmet. Ever.


pre 8 godina

Many dreams have come reality:

No Serbian police in Kosovo which in 1997 or 1998 would have thought the same but it came true.

If we as region join EU does this not mean that we can go in each other's country and work, live etc with no issue?

Why would he pick a Serbian book when he can pick Albanian ne he does not speak Serbian, nor 80% of Albanians in Kosovo with anyone born 1990 on do not speak it, nor a reason to do so - except its good to know language of your enemy!

Keep your friends close enemies even closer!


pre 8 godina

Hahaha what a funny kid. In the next confrotantion between us yuo guys will face 6 milions Albanians in front of you and you'll see something that you have never experienced during your entire existence in this region. Finally we will liberate our Illirian lands, that you barbarians have occupied for centuries. .

Remember : When we had kingdoms and kings thousands of years ago you were still walking on four legs like animals and once you start looking as humans you came here in this region for food as slaves and thats your status that you belong historically as our slaves. You understand "SLAVeS". This territoru belongs to us its called ILLIRIA you're just temporary guests here.


pre 8 godina

Albania and Kosova, two countrys but One Nation. It cant be different since we are the same people.

Serbia can bark how much it want. But outside the fence! Kosova is independent and is not part of Serbia or Albania. The time of Serbian occupation is long gone and will never come back. Duric know that but he barks for internal reasons to fool serbs.

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

I don't see how this nationalist pipe dream will ever happen. Most Albanians would sell their house and children just to get hell out of their glorious dreamland. But it's always nice to dream lol đŸ˜Š

the truth

pre 8 godina

In that way they could have learned that Kosovo and Metohija is not, and never will be a part of Albania, and that this dream of theirs about one state, one people, will remain just a dream, not just for this, but also for future generations."

ej GJURO, I can assure you that Kosova will never be part of Serbia again. PM Rama never mentioned greater Albania , but said we will be all united under the European flag, which means Serbia to can be as well if is going to be able to join EU.
By the way, who is this Gjuric guy that is talking taugh???

the truth

pre 8 godina

In that way they could have learned that Kosovo and Metohija is not, and never will be a part of Albania, and that this dream of theirs about one state, one people, will remain just a dream, not just for this, but also for future generations."

ej GJURO, I can assure you that Kosova will never be part of Serbia again. PM Rama never mentioned greater Albania , but said we will be all united under the European flag, which means Serbia to can be as well if is going to be able to join EU.
By the way, who is this Gjuric guy that is talking taugh???


pre 8 godina

This is true what Rama was saying of course one nation on dream - we are one. Who What's got to say about it..? borders were sealed off under YU regime - under Milosevic regime they used to kill people when crossing. Now?
Just drive- 2 hrs time Prishtine- Tirana. This is one nation don't pretend yui don't know.
We in Kosovo are a state - with UN seat - our mother state has a UN seat - what a F••••K do we need a UN membership fee?? Pay €€€ for nothing.. No thanks,
Our mother state it's a NATO member we have a full support on our security. Do you think any one can touch our home land? NO because will be fired back BIG time.

No you still don't believe one nation - ( one dream
Means EU) don't forget - it is not a dream to be one nation without borders. It's already a true this one.

So get lost Duric.


pre 8 godina

Albania and Kosova, two countrys but One Nation. It cant be different since we are the same people.

Serbia can bark how much it want. But outside the fence! Kosova is independent and is not part of Serbia or Albania. The time of Serbian occupation is long gone and will never come back. Duric know that but he barks for internal reasons to fool serbs.


pre 8 godina

Many dreams have come reality:

No Serbian police in Kosovo which in 1997 or 1998 would have thought the same but it came true.

If we as region join EU does this not mean that we can go in each other's country and work, live etc with no issue?

Why would he pick a Serbian book when he can pick Albanian ne he does not speak Serbian, nor 80% of Albanians in Kosovo with anyone born 1990 on do not speak it, nor a reason to do so - except its good to know language of your enemy!

Keep your friends close enemies even closer!


pre 8 godina

Hahaha what a funny kid. In the next confrotantion between us yuo guys will face 6 milions Albanians in front of you and you'll see something that you have never experienced during your entire existence in this region. Finally we will liberate our Illirian lands, that you barbarians have occupied for centuries. .

Remember : When we had kingdoms and kings thousands of years ago you were still walking on four legs like animals and once you start looking as humans you came here in this region for food as slaves and thats your status that you belong historically as our slaves. You understand "SLAVeS". This territoru belongs to us its called ILLIRIA you're just temporary guests here.


pre 8 godina

Whether u like or not we Albanians we will relise our dreams that we did in the past and we will do in the next futur I guess dream one Juric and keep dreamin that Kosova is part of Serbia it will never be better accept now cause soon or latter u will accept.


pre 8 godina

England's self appointed Office Director for the (America) thirteen colonies demanded a Community of Municipalities and O'Bama directed him to Disney World where the clowns perform😜


pre 8 godina

@ 'the truth'

Kosovo and Metohija may not be under Serbian control for the time being, but rest assured it will never belong to Albania either. Serbia will not recognise the Albanian clan warlords in Pristina as rulers of Kosmet. Ever.


pre 8 godina

"Noting that the joint session in Pristina was held in the National Library, Djuric urged Rama "to pick up a book and learn that Kosovo will never be a part of Albania": "

Since this guy Djuric did not specify it, does anybody know the title of this powerful book that tells countries what they can or can't do?

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

Oh the mighty and glorious Illyrians!!A people who were defeated and concurred by every nation in the region. A people who were so smart they had no written language!!I have to agree that they have a lot in common with the modern day shiptars. I don't see how 6 million backward, toothless and illiterate Albanians are going to be much of a threat to anyone but themselves.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

If this is just a dream for the Albanians, then why it bothers to duric so much? And if Kosovo is part of Serbia why you want the zso so bad? Get the whole thing if you can

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

I don't see how this nationalist pipe dream will ever happen. Most Albanians would sell their house and children just to get hell out of their glorious dreamland. But it's always nice to dream lol đŸ˜Š

Ian, UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.
(Dave UK, 4 June 2016 08:36)

That has genuinely never happened.


pre 8 godina

Didn't we hear this before?!
Poor Gjuriq is mixing his dreams now.
Gjuriq real dream is to have his office in Kosova. Right now his office is in exile, in srpja.
He comes in Kosova and live the same day or cross the border illegally.


pre 8 godina

The countries of the region do not support the initiative:
1. Greece
2. Macedonia
3. Serbia
4. Bosnia
5. Montenegro
6. Romania

Maybe in support of, but probably not:
1. Croatia
2. Bulgaria

Things like this happen with:
1. Influence
2. Military might
3. Powerful economy to support the initiative
4. Visionary leadership
5. The support of neighbors
6. The buy in of power brokers in the hemisphere
7. No outstanding issues that can cause unintended consequences (ie RS and Bosnia)

The Count of Kosova

pre 8 godina

ok but can u tell me why can I enter Serbia with a Republic Kosovo ID ???
(real, 4 June 2016 02:23)

For the same reason an American can get into Canada with just a US ID.


pre 8 godina

@ Peter the Polack:

Who cares what you say?

Worry about Russia taking more of Poland than it already has....

Illyria and Shqiptares are Indigenous and will be even after you are gone...

ned taylor

pre 8 godina

My reading of the comments is that Kosovo and Albanian will be 'joined together' when both are members of the EU "under the European flag". I see nothing that indicates that they will be one country with one government after any attempt at forcible assimilation of Kosovo into Albania. The Albanians know that trying to pursue the Greater Albanian dream has as much chance of success as did Milosevic's Greater Serbian vision.

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

Ian Uk yes it did they had to be rescued off the Kent coast, 2 Brits arrested for people smuggling, 18 albanians detained, 2 are children.

Peter Sudyka

pre 8 godina

@ILIRIA, a bit of humility wouldn't hurt your overblown Albanian pride. I think Albanians are more interested in escaping the glorious Illyrian lands to live on the shorelines of the UK (link to The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/04/fear-feuds-albanians-kent-coast-dinghies) and France (link to the Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/do-not-help-albanian-migrants-camped-on-dieppe-cliff-says-commun/) than to stay in their glorious Illyrian lands and drive out the Slavic so-called invaders. Albania really isn't quite as great as many Albanians seem to make it out to be and people are not that stupid as to believe your type.

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

I don't see how this nationalist pipe dream will ever happen. Most Albanians would sell their house and children just to get hell out of their glorious dreamland. But it's always nice to dream lol đŸ˜Š


pre 8 godina

@ 'the truth'

Kosovo and Metohija may not be under Serbian control for the time being, but rest assured it will never belong to Albania either. Serbia will not recognise the Albanian clan warlords in Pristina as rulers of Kosmet. Ever.

So sad, too bad

pre 8 godina

Oh the mighty and glorious Illyrians!!A people who were defeated and concurred by every nation in the region. A people who were so smart they had no written language!!I have to agree that they have a lot in common with the modern day shiptars. I don't see how 6 million backward, toothless and illiterate Albanians are going to be much of a threat to anyone but themselves.

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.

the truth

pre 8 godina

In that way they could have learned that Kosovo and Metohija is not, and never will be a part of Albania, and that this dream of theirs about one state, one people, will remain just a dream, not just for this, but also for future generations."

ej GJURO, I can assure you that Kosova will never be part of Serbia again. PM Rama never mentioned greater Albania , but said we will be all united under the European flag, which means Serbia to can be as well if is going to be able to join EU.
By the way, who is this Gjuric guy that is talking taugh???


pre 8 godina

Hahaha what a funny kid. In the next confrotantion between us yuo guys will face 6 milions Albanians in front of you and you'll see something that you have never experienced during your entire existence in this region. Finally we will liberate our Illirian lands, that you barbarians have occupied for centuries. .

Remember : When we had kingdoms and kings thousands of years ago you were still walking on four legs like animals and once you start looking as humans you came here in this region for food as slaves and thats your status that you belong historically as our slaves. You understand "SLAVeS". This territoru belongs to us its called ILLIRIA you're just temporary guests here.


pre 8 godina

The countries of the region do not support the initiative:
1. Greece
2. Macedonia
3. Serbia
4. Bosnia
5. Montenegro
6. Romania

Maybe in support of, but probably not:
1. Croatia
2. Bulgaria

Things like this happen with:
1. Influence
2. Military might
3. Powerful economy to support the initiative
4. Visionary leadership
5. The support of neighbors
6. The buy in of power brokers in the hemisphere
7. No outstanding issues that can cause unintended consequences (ie RS and Bosnia)


pre 8 godina

Albania and Kosova, two countrys but One Nation. It cant be different since we are the same people.

Serbia can bark how much it want. But outside the fence! Kosova is independent and is not part of Serbia or Albania. The time of Serbian occupation is long gone and will never come back. Duric know that but he barks for internal reasons to fool serbs.


pre 8 godina

Whether u like or not we Albanians we will relise our dreams that we did in the past and we will do in the next futur I guess dream one Juric and keep dreamin that Kosova is part of Serbia it will never be better accept now cause soon or latter u will accept.

Ian, UK

pre 8 godina

This dream can not be that good when Albanians try to get to the UK in a dingy boat from France. if Albania joined the EU watch them leave their country in thousands.
(Dave UK, 4 June 2016 08:36)

That has genuinely never happened.

Peter Sudyka

pre 8 godina

@ILIRIA, a bit of humility wouldn't hurt your overblown Albanian pride. I think Albanians are more interested in escaping the glorious Illyrian lands to live on the shorelines of the UK (link to The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/04/fear-feuds-albanians-kent-coast-dinghies) and France (link to the Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/do-not-help-albanian-migrants-camped-on-dieppe-cliff-says-commun/) than to stay in their glorious Illyrian lands and drive out the Slavic so-called invaders. Albania really isn't quite as great as many Albanians seem to make it out to be and people are not that stupid as to believe your type.


pre 8 godina

Many dreams have come reality:

No Serbian police in Kosovo which in 1997 or 1998 would have thought the same but it came true.

If we as region join EU does this not mean that we can go in each other's country and work, live etc with no issue?

Why would he pick a Serbian book when he can pick Albanian ne he does not speak Serbian, nor 80% of Albanians in Kosovo with anyone born 1990 on do not speak it, nor a reason to do so - except its good to know language of your enemy!

Keep your friends close enemies even closer!


pre 8 godina

This is true what Rama was saying of course one nation on dream - we are one. Who What's got to say about it..? borders were sealed off under YU regime - under Milosevic regime they used to kill people when crossing. Now?
Just drive- 2 hrs time Prishtine- Tirana. This is one nation don't pretend yui don't know.
We in Kosovo are a state - with UN seat - our mother state has a UN seat - what a F••••K do we need a UN membership fee?? Pay €€€ for nothing.. No thanks,
Our mother state it's a NATO member we have a full support on our security. Do you think any one can touch our home land? NO because will be fired back BIG time.

No you still don't believe one nation - ( one dream
Means EU) don't forget - it is not a dream to be one nation without borders. It's already a true this one.

So get lost Duric.

Dave UK

pre 8 godina

Ian Uk yes it did they had to be rescued off the Kent coast, 2 Brits arrested for people smuggling, 18 albanians detained, 2 are children.


pre 8 godina

"Noting that the joint session in Pristina was held in the National Library, Djuric urged Rama "to pick up a book and learn that Kosovo will never be a part of Albania": "

Since this guy Djuric did not specify it, does anybody know the title of this powerful book that tells countries what they can or can't do?


pre 8 godina

England's self appointed Office Director for the (America) thirteen colonies demanded a Community of Municipalities and O'Bama directed him to Disney World where the clowns perform😜

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

If this is just a dream for the Albanians, then why it bothers to duric so much? And if Kosovo is part of Serbia why you want the zso so bad? Get the whole thing if you can

ned taylor

pre 8 godina

My reading of the comments is that Kosovo and Albanian will be 'joined together' when both are members of the EU "under the European flag". I see nothing that indicates that they will be one country with one government after any attempt at forcible assimilation of Kosovo into Albania. The Albanians know that trying to pursue the Greater Albanian dream has as much chance of success as did Milosevic's Greater Serbian vision.


pre 8 godina

Didn't we hear this before?!
Poor Gjuriq is mixing his dreams now.
Gjuriq real dream is to have his office in Kosova. Right now his office is in exile, in srpja.
He comes in Kosova and live the same day or cross the border illegally.


pre 8 godina

@ Peter the Polack:

Who cares what you say?

Worry about Russia taking more of Poland than it already has....

Illyria and Shqiptares are Indigenous and will be even after you are gone...

The Count of Kosova

pre 8 godina

ok but can u tell me why can I enter Serbia with a Republic Kosovo ID ???
(real, 4 June 2016 02:23)

For the same reason an American can get into Canada with just a US ID.