Tuesday, 04.08.2015.


President addresses memorial for Operation Storm victims

"Serbia and Serbs are ready for forgiveness and reconciliation but everything does not depend only on us," President Tomislav Nikolic has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

President addresses memorial for Operation Storm victims IMAGE SOURCE

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Ivo Sesnic

pre 9 godina

Nikolic should have joined the Croatian president in Knin as a sign of reconsiliation. Croatia will support Serbia's bid to join the EU, despite Operation Storm and NDH (Independent State of Croatia. Seselj is a liar of the Serbian people!


pre 9 godina

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
authorities; "

So who deported them? Let me guess, they deported themselves right? Thats usually your croat/albanian logic, you are always innocent and can't harm none. They were deported and brutally murdered just like their ancestors in Jasenovac, do you really think that they would sit and wait for the Ustasa to come and kill them? How naive are you? Read the transcript from Brione and it will all be very clear even for an imbecile like you.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

And again, not a single word that Serbs from the RSK (a 'state' recognized by no one, not even recognized by Milosevic) expelled 100.000 of their Croatian neighbors when establishing this 'RSK' some years before Operation storm.

Italian Serbophile

pre 9 godina

A day nazi-Croatia will pay for its crimes: Jasenovac and Krajina will never be forgiven by those who knows the Truth about this dangerous ustasha "culture".


pre 9 godina

hey Bobbi where the hell did you get that info? any links you can provide to prove that what you said is in fact true? I've read the original ruling the icty and the appeals court ruling and i don't recall any of that. They ruled out the Brioni transcripts as proof the exodus was planned (which is a joke in my opinion and the opionion of the descenting judges)"The Majority concludes that portions of the Brioni Transcript deemed incriminating by the Trial Chamber can be interpreted [...] as a lawful consensus on helping civilians temporarily depart from an area of conflict for reasons including legitimate military advantage and casualty reduction.
These suggestions are simply grotesque.
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Pocar

the only order to evacuate krajina came from milan martic the afternoon of august 5th well after the offensive began and he became aware of the croatian forces were doing. Most of the serbs in the area were already on the move by that time.So their is no evidence that it was a preplanned exodus by the serb side at all.

also, even if what you are saying is true how the F*&^& is the burning of 5000 homes not evidence of attempt to prevent serbs from living in their homes in croatia????????

Croatia EU

pre 9 godina

It is funny that somebody like Nikolic & Co, are offering forgivnes. Forgive what? The fact that they were instrumental part of the hard core movement that caused all the suffering?

The whole Serbian government is guilty of what happened in the '90s and should not be elected to the office, but rather sent to jail.

In short, Mr. Nikolic & Co. you have no shame, and I am amazed that anybody would vote any of you into power. Makes no sense...


pre 9 godina

The ICTY concluded the following:

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
2. It’s confirmed that 20,000 houses were not burned
after Operation Storm; number is probably closer to 5,000,
in both Sectors, North and South.
3. The judgment has found that a total of 44 civilians
were killed by the Croatian forces, not 320 as the Prosecution claimed, not 600 as HHO claimed and not 2,000 as claimed by „Veritas“ and Savo Strbac.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

God helps those who help them selves! Croatian people very smart and very united! Has any one ever seen any where that a Croatian talk negative of his brother? How many Croatian cival and military leaders have been kicked out and turned in to the International courts by Croatia? Now look at Serbia so quick to lynch their cival and military leaders to please Satan! Croatian unity, one for all and all for one! Serbian people divided by every thing and any thing, never was and never will be any unity! Croatian people can do pretty much any thing they want, they could probably easily take the rest of Serbia with out any sweat if only they choose to do so! So pretty much Serbia can keep on crying but that will never bring back was is now lost for ever!

Ari Gold

pre 9 godina

Yes, the holy trinity Nikolic-Vucic-Dacic are prepared for just about anything. Forgiveness, reconciliation etc.

But you don't speak for the quarter million people who were forced from their ancestral homes.


pre 9 godina

Person who was a high ranking member of the Radical Party demanding apology from others. Dementia really must have got the best of him. I respect Seselj for at least not pretending anything in hopes for personal gain.


pre 9 godina

Thank you Mr. President that you give the croatian nation, who invade your country the chance to accept your forgiveness and reconciliation! U have been a blind nationalist and you will always be a blind nationalist! You scum!!!


pre 9 godina

Thank you Mr. President that you give the croatian nation, who invade your country the chance to accept your forgiveness and reconciliation! U have been a blind nationalist and you will always be a blind nationalist! You scum!!!

Ari Gold

pre 9 godina

Yes, the holy trinity Nikolic-Vucic-Dacic are prepared for just about anything. Forgiveness, reconciliation etc.

But you don't speak for the quarter million people who were forced from their ancestral homes.


pre 9 godina

The ICTY concluded the following:

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
2. It’s confirmed that 20,000 houses were not burned
after Operation Storm; number is probably closer to 5,000,
in both Sectors, North and South.
3. The judgment has found that a total of 44 civilians
were killed by the Croatian forces, not 320 as the Prosecution claimed, not 600 as HHO claimed and not 2,000 as claimed by „Veritas“ and Savo Strbac.

Croatia EU

pre 9 godina

It is funny that somebody like Nikolic & Co, are offering forgivnes. Forgive what? The fact that they were instrumental part of the hard core movement that caused all the suffering?

The whole Serbian government is guilty of what happened in the '90s and should not be elected to the office, but rather sent to jail.

In short, Mr. Nikolic & Co. you have no shame, and I am amazed that anybody would vote any of you into power. Makes no sense...

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

God helps those who help them selves! Croatian people very smart and very united! Has any one ever seen any where that a Croatian talk negative of his brother? How many Croatian cival and military leaders have been kicked out and turned in to the International courts by Croatia? Now look at Serbia so quick to lynch their cival and military leaders to please Satan! Croatian unity, one for all and all for one! Serbian people divided by every thing and any thing, never was and never will be any unity! Croatian people can do pretty much any thing they want, they could probably easily take the rest of Serbia with out any sweat if only they choose to do so! So pretty much Serbia can keep on crying but that will never bring back was is now lost for ever!


pre 9 godina

Person who was a high ranking member of the Radical Party demanding apology from others. Dementia really must have got the best of him. I respect Seselj for at least not pretending anything in hopes for personal gain.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

And again, not a single word that Serbs from the RSK (a 'state' recognized by no one, not even recognized by Milosevic) expelled 100.000 of their Croatian neighbors when establishing this 'RSK' some years before Operation storm.

Italian Serbophile

pre 9 godina

A day nazi-Croatia will pay for its crimes: Jasenovac and Krajina will never be forgiven by those who knows the Truth about this dangerous ustasha "culture".

Ivo Sesnic

pre 9 godina

Nikolic should have joined the Croatian president in Knin as a sign of reconsiliation. Croatia will support Serbia's bid to join the EU, despite Operation Storm and NDH (Independent State of Croatia. Seselj is a liar of the Serbian people!


pre 9 godina

hey Bobbi where the hell did you get that info? any links you can provide to prove that what you said is in fact true? I've read the original ruling the icty and the appeals court ruling and i don't recall any of that. They ruled out the Brioni transcripts as proof the exodus was planned (which is a joke in my opinion and the opionion of the descenting judges)"The Majority concludes that portions of the Brioni Transcript deemed incriminating by the Trial Chamber can be interpreted [...] as a lawful consensus on helping civilians temporarily depart from an area of conflict for reasons including legitimate military advantage and casualty reduction.
These suggestions are simply grotesque.
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Pocar

the only order to evacuate krajina came from milan martic the afternoon of august 5th well after the offensive began and he became aware of the croatian forces were doing. Most of the serbs in the area were already on the move by that time.So their is no evidence that it was a preplanned exodus by the serb side at all.

also, even if what you are saying is true how the F*&^& is the burning of 5000 homes not evidence of attempt to prevent serbs from living in their homes in croatia????????


pre 9 godina

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
authorities; "

So who deported them? Let me guess, they deported themselves right? Thats usually your croat/albanian logic, you are always innocent and can't harm none. They were deported and brutally murdered just like their ancestors in Jasenovac, do you really think that they would sit and wait for the Ustasa to come and kill them? How naive are you? Read the transcript from Brione and it will all be very clear even for an imbecile like you.


pre 9 godina

Thank you Mr. President that you give the croatian nation, who invade your country the chance to accept your forgiveness and reconciliation! U have been a blind nationalist and you will always be a blind nationalist! You scum!!!

Ari Gold

pre 9 godina

Yes, the holy trinity Nikolic-Vucic-Dacic are prepared for just about anything. Forgiveness, reconciliation etc.

But you don't speak for the quarter million people who were forced from their ancestral homes.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

God helps those who help them selves! Croatian people very smart and very united! Has any one ever seen any where that a Croatian talk negative of his brother? How many Croatian cival and military leaders have been kicked out and turned in to the International courts by Croatia? Now look at Serbia so quick to lynch their cival and military leaders to please Satan! Croatian unity, one for all and all for one! Serbian people divided by every thing and any thing, never was and never will be any unity! Croatian people can do pretty much any thing they want, they could probably easily take the rest of Serbia with out any sweat if only they choose to do so! So pretty much Serbia can keep on crying but that will never bring back was is now lost for ever!


pre 9 godina

Person who was a high ranking member of the Radical Party demanding apology from others. Dementia really must have got the best of him. I respect Seselj for at least not pretending anything in hopes for personal gain.

Croatia EU

pre 9 godina

It is funny that somebody like Nikolic & Co, are offering forgivnes. Forgive what? The fact that they were instrumental part of the hard core movement that caused all the suffering?

The whole Serbian government is guilty of what happened in the '90s and should not be elected to the office, but rather sent to jail.

In short, Mr. Nikolic & Co. you have no shame, and I am amazed that anybody would vote any of you into power. Makes no sense...

Italian Serbophile

pre 9 godina

A day nazi-Croatia will pay for its crimes: Jasenovac and Krajina will never be forgiven by those who knows the Truth about this dangerous ustasha "culture".


pre 9 godina

The ICTY concluded the following:

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
2. It’s confirmed that 20,000 houses were not burned
after Operation Storm; number is probably closer to 5,000,
in both Sectors, North and South.
3. The judgment has found that a total of 44 civilians
were killed by the Croatian forces, not 320 as the Prosecution claimed, not 600 as HHO claimed and not 2,000 as claimed by „Veritas“ and Savo Strbac.


pre 9 godina

hey Bobbi where the hell did you get that info? any links you can provide to prove that what you said is in fact true? I've read the original ruling the icty and the appeals court ruling and i don't recall any of that. They ruled out the Brioni transcripts as proof the exodus was planned (which is a joke in my opinion and the opionion of the descenting judges)"The Majority concludes that portions of the Brioni Transcript deemed incriminating by the Trial Chamber can be interpreted [...] as a lawful consensus on helping civilians temporarily depart from an area of conflict for reasons including legitimate military advantage and casualty reduction.
These suggestions are simply grotesque.
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Pocar

the only order to evacuate krajina came from milan martic the afternoon of august 5th well after the offensive began and he became aware of the croatian forces were doing. Most of the serbs in the area were already on the move by that time.So their is no evidence that it was a preplanned exodus by the serb side at all.

also, even if what you are saying is true how the F*&^& is the burning of 5000 homes not evidence of attempt to prevent serbs from living in their homes in croatia????????


pre 9 godina

1. Krajina Serbs were not deported from Croatia by the Croatian
authorities; "

So who deported them? Let me guess, they deported themselves right? Thats usually your croat/albanian logic, you are always innocent and can't harm none. They were deported and brutally murdered just like their ancestors in Jasenovac, do you really think that they would sit and wait for the Ustasa to come and kill them? How naive are you? Read the transcript from Brione and it will all be very clear even for an imbecile like you.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

And again, not a single word that Serbs from the RSK (a 'state' recognized by no one, not even recognized by Milosevic) expelled 100.000 of their Croatian neighbors when establishing this 'RSK' some years before Operation storm.

Ivo Sesnic

pre 9 godina

Nikolic should have joined the Croatian president in Knin as a sign of reconsiliation. Croatia will support Serbia's bid to join the EU, despite Operation Storm and NDH (Independent State of Croatia. Seselj is a liar of the Serbian people!