Thursday, 02.07.2015.


Gas cut to Ukraine; Serbia has "regular and reliable" supply

Deliveries of gas to end customers in Serbia will be regular and reliable, Srbijagas, Serbia’s state-owned natural gas provider, said on Wednesday.

Izvor: B92

Gas cut to Ukraine; Serbia has "regular and reliable" supply IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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pre 9 godina

Just a thought,

Agreed, good business sense calls for that. I wouldnt trust my oil supply to Moscow.

However, we must all recognize our realities. Ukraine lives next to a giant that has a sensitivity on the geo-political disposition of Ukraine and made its red lines clear. 35% of its population is Russian speaking. Its largest trading partner is Russia. It needs Russian oil to not only heat itself, but also to run its economy. There is no other significant source of oil in Europe for perhaps another decade. Need I go on?

Kiev crossed the line and the giant bit back.


It should have followed the example of Finland who came to grips with its geographic situation many years ago and has made a nice life for themselves by being on good terms with both sides.

As for the word slavery in your reply, it seems an odd choice.


pre 9 godina

French cuisine does not know dill ("укроп").
Mr. Potroshenko may travel to France and try to sell "his" country.
Wait, but it was already sold...

Personal experience...

pre 9 godina

In this heat wave we tried to make okroshka.
No way: there is no dill.

We have to travel tomorrow to Baden-Baden area, just to buy dill in the Russian food store. But the same time I suspect, Mr. Potroshenko (Потрошенко) will have problem to sell that Укроп-land for a good price: Ukraine today is not worth the city of Baden-Baden or probably even the Dohány Street.

Russian Russophile

pre 9 godina

Yesterday the Rada battalion of Kiev prohibited use of word Rus (Русь) concerning or in the context of the territory of the Russian Federation. Same if they forbid using word Rashka in the context of Serbia or Britain in the context of the United Kingdom.

A day before they refused to buy the Russian gas from Russia saying that since July they were to buy our gas from Slovakia. Be it so but we don’t have to take them serious because it’s the agony. As far as I can judge Putin’s avenge is to feed the West with Ukraine as long as they can stand it.

just a thought

pre 9 godina

(factman, 2 July 2015 15:06)
I guess what you say is right, IF you consider that living in slavery to a foreign government is what is "in the best interest" of a country.
The easiest path is not always the best one in the long run.
At the prices and terms Ukraine was under for Russian gas I doubt the cost can be as high from other sources.
This action only reinforces the need of all EU markets to permanently decrease their dependence on Russian gas and oil.


pre 9 godina

So sad for these people.

Foreign capitals tell them to do things that are not in their interest.

And now they have no heat in winter.

But those very same foreign capitals:
- have many metric tons of heating oil purchased
- routinely break their own sanctions
- create sanctions that make sure they themselves don't lose market share on big ticket items

Since the beginning of the world, the people who act in their own best interests are the people who live there and act through enlightened self-interest for themselves and their neighbors. The people of the Balkans must settle their problems on their own and not run to manufactured mamas and papas.

What Germany is forcing will only come back one day soon in unexpected ways. Be certain of it. Don't believe me, read a history book.


pre 9 godina

So sad for these people.

Foreign capitals tell them to do things that are not in their interest.

And now they have no heat in winter.

But those very same foreign capitals:
- have many metric tons of heating oil purchased
- routinely break their own sanctions
- create sanctions that make sure they themselves don't lose market share on big ticket items

Since the beginning of the world, the people who act in their own best interests are the people who live there and act through enlightened self-interest for themselves and their neighbors. The people of the Balkans must settle their problems on their own and not run to manufactured mamas and papas.

What Germany is forcing will only come back one day soon in unexpected ways. Be certain of it. Don't believe me, read a history book.


pre 9 godina

Just a thought,

Agreed, good business sense calls for that. I wouldnt trust my oil supply to Moscow.

However, we must all recognize our realities. Ukraine lives next to a giant that has a sensitivity on the geo-political disposition of Ukraine and made its red lines clear. 35% of its population is Russian speaking. Its largest trading partner is Russia. It needs Russian oil to not only heat itself, but also to run its economy. There is no other significant source of oil in Europe for perhaps another decade. Need I go on?

Kiev crossed the line and the giant bit back.


It should have followed the example of Finland who came to grips with its geographic situation many years ago and has made a nice life for themselves by being on good terms with both sides.

As for the word slavery in your reply, it seems an odd choice.

just a thought

pre 9 godina

(factman, 2 July 2015 15:06)
I guess what you say is right, IF you consider that living in slavery to a foreign government is what is "in the best interest" of a country.
The easiest path is not always the best one in the long run.
At the prices and terms Ukraine was under for Russian gas I doubt the cost can be as high from other sources.
This action only reinforces the need of all EU markets to permanently decrease their dependence on Russian gas and oil.

Russian Russophile

pre 9 godina

Yesterday the Rada battalion of Kiev prohibited use of word Rus (Русь) concerning or in the context of the territory of the Russian Federation. Same if they forbid using word Rashka in the context of Serbia or Britain in the context of the United Kingdom.

A day before they refused to buy the Russian gas from Russia saying that since July they were to buy our gas from Slovakia. Be it so but we don’t have to take them serious because it’s the agony. As far as I can judge Putin’s avenge is to feed the West with Ukraine as long as they can stand it.


pre 9 godina

French cuisine does not know dill ("укроп").
Mr. Potroshenko may travel to France and try to sell "his" country.
Wait, but it was already sold...

Personal experience...

pre 9 godina

In this heat wave we tried to make okroshka.
No way: there is no dill.

We have to travel tomorrow to Baden-Baden area, just to buy dill in the Russian food store. But the same time I suspect, Mr. Potroshenko (Потрошенко) will have problem to sell that Укроп-land for a good price: Ukraine today is not worth the city of Baden-Baden or probably even the Dohány Street.


pre 9 godina

So sad for these people.

Foreign capitals tell them to do things that are not in their interest.

And now they have no heat in winter.

But those very same foreign capitals:
- have many metric tons of heating oil purchased
- routinely break their own sanctions
- create sanctions that make sure they themselves don't lose market share on big ticket items

Since the beginning of the world, the people who act in their own best interests are the people who live there and act through enlightened self-interest for themselves and their neighbors. The people of the Balkans must settle their problems on their own and not run to manufactured mamas and papas.

What Germany is forcing will only come back one day soon in unexpected ways. Be certain of it. Don't believe me, read a history book.

just a thought

pre 9 godina

(factman, 2 July 2015 15:06)
I guess what you say is right, IF you consider that living in slavery to a foreign government is what is "in the best interest" of a country.
The easiest path is not always the best one in the long run.
At the prices and terms Ukraine was under for Russian gas I doubt the cost can be as high from other sources.
This action only reinforces the need of all EU markets to permanently decrease their dependence on Russian gas and oil.


pre 9 godina

Just a thought,

Agreed, good business sense calls for that. I wouldnt trust my oil supply to Moscow.

However, we must all recognize our realities. Ukraine lives next to a giant that has a sensitivity on the geo-political disposition of Ukraine and made its red lines clear. 35% of its population is Russian speaking. Its largest trading partner is Russia. It needs Russian oil to not only heat itself, but also to run its economy. There is no other significant source of oil in Europe for perhaps another decade. Need I go on?

Kiev crossed the line and the giant bit back.


It should have followed the example of Finland who came to grips with its geographic situation many years ago and has made a nice life for themselves by being on good terms with both sides.

As for the word slavery in your reply, it seems an odd choice.

Russian Russophile

pre 9 godina

Yesterday the Rada battalion of Kiev prohibited use of word Rus (Русь) concerning or in the context of the territory of the Russian Federation. Same if they forbid using word Rashka in the context of Serbia or Britain in the context of the United Kingdom.

A day before they refused to buy the Russian gas from Russia saying that since July they were to buy our gas from Slovakia. Be it so but we don’t have to take them serious because it’s the agony. As far as I can judge Putin’s avenge is to feed the West with Ukraine as long as they can stand it.


pre 9 godina

French cuisine does not know dill ("укроп").
Mr. Potroshenko may travel to France and try to sell "his" country.
Wait, but it was already sold...

Personal experience...

pre 9 godina

In this heat wave we tried to make okroshka.
No way: there is no dill.

We have to travel tomorrow to Baden-Baden area, just to buy dill in the Russian food store. But the same time I suspect, Mr. Potroshenko (Потрошенко) will have problem to sell that Укроп-land for a good price: Ukraine today is not worth the city of Baden-Baden or probably even the Dohány Street.