Thursday, 25.06.2015.


Switzerland to extradite Oric to Bosnia

Former commander of Muslim units in Srebrenica and former Hague indictee Naser Oric will be extradited to Bosnia-Herzegovina, N1 is reporting.

Izvor: B92

Switzerland to extradite Oric to Bosnia IMAGE SOURCE

19 Komentari

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ned taylor

pre 9 godina

Oric was very unlikely to have been extradited to Serbia as I pointed out twice last week. The 'outrage' shown by Serbs in Belgrade and Banja Luka is either for show or they are eternal optimists. I won't defend Oric as a person for a single moment, he is a despicable individual and a habitual criminal. However, it is a bit rich for Vucic to say that the Swiss decision was politically motivated not least as he had previously claimed to have complete faith in the Swiss justice system. On a separate point, some Serb colleagues of mine have asked me when the world will stop holding commemorations in Srebrenica. Yesterday was the 626th anniversary of Kosovo Polje and it was marked in Serbia and the RS. I assume therefore that Serbs would expect Srebrenica to still be officially remembered in 2611.


pre 9 godina

"But the Hague Chamber of Appeals acquitted him of all charges saying that "while serious crimes had been committed against Serbs in Srebrenica from September 1992 until March 1993" - the fact that crimes had been committed was "not enough to sentence an individual.""

B92, come on!!! This is very poor journalism! Where did you get the quotes above from? wikipedia or serbiana.com? Why is it so hard to go to the original source (which is very easily available) and take the correct quote or at a minimum verify that the quote is correct?! Otherwise don't put it between "".

When you put a statement between "" it means that's exactly what the original source said. But after I read your "quote" it sounded immediately very suspicious that ICTY could have written that. And indeed, after checking, it turns out that the Hague Chamber of Appeals never said what you (B92) have put between "" above.

You are misleading your readers by making up stamements and attributing them to the Hague Chamber of Appeals to give the impression that for ICTY serious crimes committed against Serbs are not sufficient to sentence an individual. This is how myths are created in the minds of Serbs...


pre 9 godina

In a previous article on B92, it was mentioned that the Swiss requested from the Serbian prosecution documents with the motivation for the extradition request, documents about the case. It was also mentioned that Serbia had 18 days to provide these documents. Now, in this follow-up article, a good (but even a mediocre) journalist, would have inquired if this happened or not. Did Serbia send these documents in the end? Knowing this would help the readers gauge the importance of Naser Oric's capture for Serbia. If Serbia did not follow through with the extradition procedures, then maybe Serbia does not care about capturing him. Serbs who visit this site, can you inform us about this, since the journalists are maybe too lazy.


pre 9 godina

Lol, MikeC has some anger management issues to deal with.
(Bob, 25 June 2015 19:05) It's because the few Serbs are so mean to him in Sweden his new home. He ran away from the mean Serbs of Serbia thinking he would find peace among the Croatian descendents the http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OfLZg3AnzvY/UKlpGTXkXAI/AAAAAAAAABs/zXrBh_TALP0/s1600/Haplogroup_I.png Swedes. Nop no one has ever peace with the Serbs we Serbs neighbors can more then testify to that.

Bam Bam

pre 9 godina

Mustafic missed out on the loot and now he wants to tell lies and bring Oric down. Oric must respected like a god. Without heroes like Oric BiH would not have survived.


pre 9 godina


You can keep Oric but lets see if you can keep Bosnia from falling apart even more then it already has. Europe would rather let everyone go their own way then to see another war.


pre 9 godina

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.

the Count of Kosovo

I don't know why you are so happy because you albanians didn't have anything to do with winning any war. You just continue to provoke your neighbours and you wont have anyone to fight your war for you next time around. Then you will belong to the loosing side just like you did after WW2 ended.

Pope F

pre 9 godina

I don't see why he needs to be arrested to begin with. He was defending his home town and that makes him a criminal? He killed mostly enemy soldiers and that makes him a criminal? Yet serbia was hiding actual criminals who killed mostly civilians. We all know why serbia opened the case now, the srebrenica commemoration which, if there is any justice, will be recognized world wide.


pre 9 godina

The main thing is that the so-called justice system of Serbia (which is anything but) will never get their claws on him. That's the point.

You are totally unable to arrest the thousands of war criminals that freely walk the streets of Belgrade and yr puppet state cities of Banja Luka. Prijedor, etc. Yr govt and justice system is a total joke; no war criminals are ever prosecuted without some massive campaign by the NGO's and international community. You ever hear of "Guri"? Responsible for war crimes throughout the former Yugoslavia including inside Serbia, and currently a part of the ruling party. How sick is that.

Now the commemoration of genocide can transpire at Srebrenica, with thousands of people from all over the globe attending, incl some good and normal citizens of Serbia. Yr govt and that of yr puppet state are not invited!


pre 9 godina

"Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered."

Besides that there was Bosnian Muslim Ibran Mustafic who was witness to Naser Oric describing his killing of Serbian judge Slobodan Ilic at the beginning of the war. Mustafic wanted to testify against Oric, was in contact with the ICTY, had traveled there - was available and waiting - but was never called/allowed to testify.
This shows that the trial was fixed and the prosecution should be sued by Serbs for not doing its job and working for the defense.

the Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

No justice, no peace!
(MikeC, 25 June 2015 17:05)

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce....
(Alexander R., 25 June 2015 18:54)

I agree.
A trial should be hold in Banja Luka or Belgrade.
It will be a fair trial. Lol!
It is time for Serbs to put the past behind, but it looks like they still live in the past.
You lost the war and you have to accept this fact.
Sooner you accept this the better.
Following your logic in Nuremberg should have trial Stalin, because Russian partisans have killed and raped innocent Germans when they entered in Berlin.
The losers in the war always get punished and that's why Gotovina,Haradinaj etc were set free and Serbians were in jail.

Just accept the fact that you screw up in 1990s and move on.
We live in 2015 not in 1995.

Alexander R.

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce. The prosecution wasn't even trying to convict him. I think they put him on trial just so that they could acquit him and whitewash his crimes. Everything that goes on in The Hague is political theater.

Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered. Gen. Philippe Morillon of France gave similar testimony about his dealings with Oric when he testifed as a prosecution witness in the Slobodan Milosevic trial in The Hague. He said that Oric had told him that he and his men killed Serbs every night and that they didn't bother taking Serbs prisoner, they just killed them.

Prosecutors in The Hague didn't put any of these witnesses on the stand during the Oric trial. If Serbian commander had been boasting to Western journalists and to officials from UNPROFOR about atrocities that the VRS had committed, then you'd better believe that those witnesses would be put on the stand. Why wasn't this done in the Oric trial? Because the goal wasn't to prosecute it was to whitewash. If the Prosecution thought that Gen. Morillon was credible enough to be put on the stand in the Milosevic trial, then why not in the Oric trial?


pre 9 godina

What bs! He arrived to Switzerland from Bosnia now he will be extradited to Bosnia, who will of course find him to be a bosnian hero for killing innocent serbs. This action however will have serbs realize that independence for RS is the only way. Serbs have done their part but fascist croats, fundamentlist bosnians and drugsmuggling and organharvesting albanians should not do their part. No justice, no peace!


pre 9 godina

What bs! He arrived to Switzerland from Bosnia now he will be extradited to Bosnia, who will of course find him to be a bosnian hero for killing innocent serbs. This action however will have serbs realize that independence for RS is the only way. Serbs have done their part but fascist croats, fundamentlist bosnians and drugsmuggling and organharvesting albanians should not do their part. No justice, no peace!

Alexander R.

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce. The prosecution wasn't even trying to convict him. I think they put him on trial just so that they could acquit him and whitewash his crimes. Everything that goes on in The Hague is political theater.

Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered. Gen. Philippe Morillon of France gave similar testimony about his dealings with Oric when he testifed as a prosecution witness in the Slobodan Milosevic trial in The Hague. He said that Oric had told him that he and his men killed Serbs every night and that they didn't bother taking Serbs prisoner, they just killed them.

Prosecutors in The Hague didn't put any of these witnesses on the stand during the Oric trial. If Serbian commander had been boasting to Western journalists and to officials from UNPROFOR about atrocities that the VRS had committed, then you'd better believe that those witnesses would be put on the stand. Why wasn't this done in the Oric trial? Because the goal wasn't to prosecute it was to whitewash. If the Prosecution thought that Gen. Morillon was credible enough to be put on the stand in the Milosevic trial, then why not in the Oric trial?

the Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

No justice, no peace!
(MikeC, 25 June 2015 17:05)

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce....
(Alexander R., 25 June 2015 18:54)

I agree.
A trial should be hold in Banja Luka or Belgrade.
It will be a fair trial. Lol!
It is time for Serbs to put the past behind, but it looks like they still live in the past.
You lost the war and you have to accept this fact.
Sooner you accept this the better.
Following your logic in Nuremberg should have trial Stalin, because Russian partisans have killed and raped innocent Germans when they entered in Berlin.
The losers in the war always get punished and that's why Gotovina,Haradinaj etc were set free and Serbians were in jail.

Just accept the fact that you screw up in 1990s and move on.
We live in 2015 not in 1995.


pre 9 godina

"Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered."

Besides that there was Bosnian Muslim Ibran Mustafic who was witness to Naser Oric describing his killing of Serbian judge Slobodan Ilic at the beginning of the war. Mustafic wanted to testify against Oric, was in contact with the ICTY, had traveled there - was available and waiting - but was never called/allowed to testify.
This shows that the trial was fixed and the prosecution should be sued by Serbs for not doing its job and working for the defense.


pre 9 godina

The main thing is that the so-called justice system of Serbia (which is anything but) will never get their claws on him. That's the point.

You are totally unable to arrest the thousands of war criminals that freely walk the streets of Belgrade and yr puppet state cities of Banja Luka. Prijedor, etc. Yr govt and justice system is a total joke; no war criminals are ever prosecuted without some massive campaign by the NGO's and international community. You ever hear of "Guri"? Responsible for war crimes throughout the former Yugoslavia including inside Serbia, and currently a part of the ruling party. How sick is that.

Now the commemoration of genocide can transpire at Srebrenica, with thousands of people from all over the globe attending, incl some good and normal citizens of Serbia. Yr govt and that of yr puppet state are not invited!


pre 9 godina

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.

the Count of Kosovo

I don't know why you are so happy because you albanians didn't have anything to do with winning any war. You just continue to provoke your neighbours and you wont have anyone to fight your war for you next time around. Then you will belong to the loosing side just like you did after WW2 ended.


pre 9 godina


You can keep Oric but lets see if you can keep Bosnia from falling apart even more then it already has. Europe would rather let everyone go their own way then to see another war.

Pope F

pre 9 godina

I don't see why he needs to be arrested to begin with. He was defending his home town and that makes him a criminal? He killed mostly enemy soldiers and that makes him a criminal? Yet serbia was hiding actual criminals who killed mostly civilians. We all know why serbia opened the case now, the srebrenica commemoration which, if there is any justice, will be recognized world wide.


pre 9 godina

Lol, MikeC has some anger management issues to deal with.
(Bob, 25 June 2015 19:05) It's because the few Serbs are so mean to him in Sweden his new home. He ran away from the mean Serbs of Serbia thinking he would find peace among the Croatian descendents the http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OfLZg3AnzvY/UKlpGTXkXAI/AAAAAAAAABs/zXrBh_TALP0/s1600/Haplogroup_I.png Swedes. Nop no one has ever peace with the Serbs we Serbs neighbors can more then testify to that.

Bam Bam

pre 9 godina

Mustafic missed out on the loot and now he wants to tell lies and bring Oric down. Oric must respected like a god. Without heroes like Oric BiH would not have survived.


pre 9 godina

In a previous article on B92, it was mentioned that the Swiss requested from the Serbian prosecution documents with the motivation for the extradition request, documents about the case. It was also mentioned that Serbia had 18 days to provide these documents. Now, in this follow-up article, a good (but even a mediocre) journalist, would have inquired if this happened or not. Did Serbia send these documents in the end? Knowing this would help the readers gauge the importance of Naser Oric's capture for Serbia. If Serbia did not follow through with the extradition procedures, then maybe Serbia does not care about capturing him. Serbs who visit this site, can you inform us about this, since the journalists are maybe too lazy.

ned taylor

pre 9 godina

Oric was very unlikely to have been extradited to Serbia as I pointed out twice last week. The 'outrage' shown by Serbs in Belgrade and Banja Luka is either for show or they are eternal optimists. I won't defend Oric as a person for a single moment, he is a despicable individual and a habitual criminal. However, it is a bit rich for Vucic to say that the Swiss decision was politically motivated not least as he had previously claimed to have complete faith in the Swiss justice system. On a separate point, some Serb colleagues of mine have asked me when the world will stop holding commemorations in Srebrenica. Yesterday was the 626th anniversary of Kosovo Polje and it was marked in Serbia and the RS. I assume therefore that Serbs would expect Srebrenica to still be officially remembered in 2611.


pre 9 godina

"But the Hague Chamber of Appeals acquitted him of all charges saying that "while serious crimes had been committed against Serbs in Srebrenica from September 1992 until March 1993" - the fact that crimes had been committed was "not enough to sentence an individual.""

B92, come on!!! This is very poor journalism! Where did you get the quotes above from? wikipedia or serbiana.com? Why is it so hard to go to the original source (which is very easily available) and take the correct quote or at a minimum verify that the quote is correct?! Otherwise don't put it between "".

When you put a statement between "" it means that's exactly what the original source said. But after I read your "quote" it sounded immediately very suspicious that ICTY could have written that. And indeed, after checking, it turns out that the Hague Chamber of Appeals never said what you (B92) have put between "" above.

You are misleading your readers by making up stamements and attributing them to the Hague Chamber of Appeals to give the impression that for ICTY serious crimes committed against Serbs are not sufficient to sentence an individual. This is how myths are created in the minds of Serbs...


pre 9 godina

What bs! He arrived to Switzerland from Bosnia now he will be extradited to Bosnia, who will of course find him to be a bosnian hero for killing innocent serbs. This action however will have serbs realize that independence for RS is the only way. Serbs have done their part but fascist croats, fundamentlist bosnians and drugsmuggling and organharvesting albanians should not do their part. No justice, no peace!

Alexander R.

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce. The prosecution wasn't even trying to convict him. I think they put him on trial just so that they could acquit him and whitewash his crimes. Everything that goes on in The Hague is political theater.

Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered. Gen. Philippe Morillon of France gave similar testimony about his dealings with Oric when he testifed as a prosecution witness in the Slobodan Milosevic trial in The Hague. He said that Oric had told him that he and his men killed Serbs every night and that they didn't bother taking Serbs prisoner, they just killed them.

Prosecutors in The Hague didn't put any of these witnesses on the stand during the Oric trial. If Serbian commander had been boasting to Western journalists and to officials from UNPROFOR about atrocities that the VRS had committed, then you'd better believe that those witnesses would be put on the stand. Why wasn't this done in the Oric trial? Because the goal wasn't to prosecute it was to whitewash. If the Prosecution thought that Gen. Morillon was credible enough to be put on the stand in the Milosevic trial, then why not in the Oric trial?

the Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

No justice, no peace!
(MikeC, 25 June 2015 17:05)

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.


pre 9 godina

The main thing is that the so-called justice system of Serbia (which is anything but) will never get their claws on him. That's the point.

You are totally unable to arrest the thousands of war criminals that freely walk the streets of Belgrade and yr puppet state cities of Banja Luka. Prijedor, etc. Yr govt and justice system is a total joke; no war criminals are ever prosecuted without some massive campaign by the NGO's and international community. You ever hear of "Guri"? Responsible for war crimes throughout the former Yugoslavia including inside Serbia, and currently a part of the ruling party. How sick is that.

Now the commemoration of genocide can transpire at Srebrenica, with thousands of people from all over the globe attending, incl some good and normal citizens of Serbia. Yr govt and that of yr puppet state are not invited!

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 9 godina

There should be a real investigation of Nasir Oric and the crimes of the 28th Infantry Division. The trial in The Hague was a farce....
(Alexander R., 25 June 2015 18:54)

I agree.
A trial should be hold in Banja Luka or Belgrade.
It will be a fair trial. Lol!
It is time for Serbs to put the past behind, but it looks like they still live in the past.
You lost the war and you have to accept this fact.
Sooner you accept this the better.
Following your logic in Nuremberg should have trial Stalin, because Russian partisans have killed and raped innocent Germans when they entered in Berlin.
The losers in the war always get punished and that's why Gotovina,Haradinaj etc were set free and Serbians were in jail.

Just accept the fact that you screw up in 1990s and move on.
We live in 2015 not in 1995.

Pope F

pre 9 godina

I don't see why he needs to be arrested to begin with. He was defending his home town and that makes him a criminal? He killed mostly enemy soldiers and that makes him a criminal? Yet serbia was hiding actual criminals who killed mostly civilians. We all know why serbia opened the case now, the srebrenica commemoration which, if there is any justice, will be recognized world wide.


pre 9 godina


You can keep Oric but lets see if you can keep Bosnia from falling apart even more then it already has. Europe would rather let everyone go their own way then to see another war.

Bam Bam

pre 9 godina

Mustafic missed out on the loot and now he wants to tell lies and bring Oric down. Oric must respected like a god. Without heroes like Oric BiH would not have survived.


pre 9 godina

"Bill Schiller of the Toronto Star and John Pomfret of the Washington Post both reported in early 1994 that they had met with Oric and he bragged to them about all the Serbs he killed and even showed them videos of Serbs that his men had butchered."

Besides that there was Bosnian Muslim Ibran Mustafic who was witness to Naser Oric describing his killing of Serbian judge Slobodan Ilic at the beginning of the war. Mustafic wanted to testify against Oric, was in contact with the ICTY, had traveled there - was available and waiting - but was never called/allowed to testify.
This shows that the trial was fixed and the prosecution should be sued by Serbs for not doing its job and working for the defense.


pre 9 godina

I gather you'd like to see Serbia humiliated once again. Can't you just be satisfied with losing 4 wars in ten years. Why are Serbs such gluttons for punishment.

the Count of Kosovo

I don't know why you are so happy because you albanians didn't have anything to do with winning any war. You just continue to provoke your neighbours and you wont have anyone to fight your war for you next time around. Then you will belong to the loosing side just like you did after WW2 ended.


pre 9 godina

Lol, MikeC has some anger management issues to deal with.
(Bob, 25 June 2015 19:05) It's because the few Serbs are so mean to him in Sweden his new home. He ran away from the mean Serbs of Serbia thinking he would find peace among the Croatian descendents the http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OfLZg3AnzvY/UKlpGTXkXAI/AAAAAAAAABs/zXrBh_TALP0/s1600/Haplogroup_I.png Swedes. Nop no one has ever peace with the Serbs we Serbs neighbors can more then testify to that.


pre 9 godina

In a previous article on B92, it was mentioned that the Swiss requested from the Serbian prosecution documents with the motivation for the extradition request, documents about the case. It was also mentioned that Serbia had 18 days to provide these documents. Now, in this follow-up article, a good (but even a mediocre) journalist, would have inquired if this happened or not. Did Serbia send these documents in the end? Knowing this would help the readers gauge the importance of Naser Oric's capture for Serbia. If Serbia did not follow through with the extradition procedures, then maybe Serbia does not care about capturing him. Serbs who visit this site, can you inform us about this, since the journalists are maybe too lazy.


pre 9 godina

"But the Hague Chamber of Appeals acquitted him of all charges saying that "while serious crimes had been committed against Serbs in Srebrenica from September 1992 until March 1993" - the fact that crimes had been committed was "not enough to sentence an individual.""

B92, come on!!! This is very poor journalism! Where did you get the quotes above from? wikipedia or serbiana.com? Why is it so hard to go to the original source (which is very easily available) and take the correct quote or at a minimum verify that the quote is correct?! Otherwise don't put it between "".

When you put a statement between "" it means that's exactly what the original source said. But after I read your "quote" it sounded immediately very suspicious that ICTY could have written that. And indeed, after checking, it turns out that the Hague Chamber of Appeals never said what you (B92) have put between "" above.

You are misleading your readers by making up stamements and attributing them to the Hague Chamber of Appeals to give the impression that for ICTY serious crimes committed against Serbs are not sufficient to sentence an individual. This is how myths are created in the minds of Serbs...

ned taylor

pre 9 godina

Oric was very unlikely to have been extradited to Serbia as I pointed out twice last week. The 'outrage' shown by Serbs in Belgrade and Banja Luka is either for show or they are eternal optimists. I won't defend Oric as a person for a single moment, he is a despicable individual and a habitual criminal. However, it is a bit rich for Vucic to say that the Swiss decision was politically motivated not least as he had previously claimed to have complete faith in the Swiss justice system. On a separate point, some Serb colleagues of mine have asked me when the world will stop holding commemorations in Srebrenica. Yesterday was the 626th anniversary of Kosovo Polje and it was marked in Serbia and the RS. I assume therefore that Serbs would expect Srebrenica to still be officially remembered in 2611.