Friday, 05.06.2015.


"Nobody asked, and we won't recognize it" - PM on Kosovo

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has said that "Serbia will not recognize Kosovo," and that "no one has so far asked it to do that."

Izvor: Tanjug

"Nobody asked, and we won't recognize it" - PM on Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 9 godina


“here are some facts serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.”

What you mean as “the side of the allies” ? What allies ? WW1 was a war with no right sides – all were predators while WW2 was part 2 of the WW1 where almost all Europeans fought on Hitler’s side. Quite a few nations can be proud about it today. Outside the USSR I know only 2 such nations – the Brits and the Serbs(including the Montenegrins)and partly the Greeks. If you know more please explain it with figures. These mentioned nations were writing the history with their own blood while the rest later wrote their HOW I WON THE WAR STORIES with ink. Including the French, the Poles, the Albanians ect. During the Nurnberg Tribunal no Holocaust was ever mentioned because the idea came from the USA 9 years later. Serbs suffered the biggest combat losses outside the USSR in Europe. Then come the USA and the Brits.


pre 9 godina

Hey Val,

your historical viewpoint is bizarre

here are some facts

serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.

germany, led by adolph hitler was on the wrong side.

serbia did not start ww1. it was a long time coming. the assasination of ferdinand was just tinder.

austro-hungary annexed bosnia an aggresive maneuver to expand empire at the expense of locals who were not ethnically nor religiously aligned - without asking the serbs who lived on thise lands if they were for it. learn this: the act or the pen or the diplomat can be just as violent as the act of a pistol.

i am not writing this to excuse acts of barbaric serbs. there were plenty. but it is understood that one large strategy of sarajevo (and pristina) was to incite the other to violence by placing ones innocents in the line of fire. anyone who writes back and says this is milosevic or chetnik drivel is full of it. i am born in the USA and have nothing to do with milosevic.

the best way to win a fight is get someone bigger to fight on your behalf. and the best way to do that is manufacture consent thru atrocity. that strategy has a long and distinguished history.

it was not serbia which began the war in bosnia. sarajevo began it (with german encouragement).

the central philosophic hole in the argument of all serb haters has never changed: why do all people except serbs get self determination?

you break up fake yugo to make an even faker yugo in bosnia?

facts wrong

pre 9 godina

Hey Count,

You need to stop drinking so much of the Kool Aid that you "reading" in pro-western press and do your own thinking.

Life inside of the EU our outside of the EU is still life, and mostly good (except for the poorest countries of Europe). Should Greece fall away, life will still be mostly pleasant. This is why there is such string desire dor the EU from those peoples. But what those people do nit realize is that theyr really dont have a place at the table, but are only living in the "servant's quarters." there are endemic problems with the economies of the poorest Europeans. The EU is nit able to,fix those things. Only the people of those countries can do that.

There are good things to come of snctions - just like this person wrote and that is thecleansing of foreign market share (something that pulls money out). Russia is too big a market for the EU to forever keep it under sanctions. So in the long long view, these sanctions certainly do sting, but they are hardly devastating as you make them seem. Russia has plenty of oil and gas dollars for the next 70 years. These sanctions are only temporary.

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.
(RK, 7 June 2015 17:41)

What nonsense you write. If the Russians enjoy the sanctions imposed on them by the West, as you say, why then is it that many average Russians are complaining that they have not been paid in weeks. This is similar to what is happening to Greek workers, but without sanctions. I have never heard such idiotic drivel, even from primitive Chetniks. One cannot not be so stupid as to believe that the Greeks would be better off without the EU. Please note, they are begging the EU to save them from bankruptcy. It seems you cannot think on your own, but must listen to other ignoramuses in order to form an opinion. There in lies the problem with you and other Serbs that are holding out for a miracle to happen. You must educate yourself by reading reputable news sources, not by listening to some yahoo spouting off in the local kafane or depending on a supreme being, otherwise, you will end up like rote, sj, DD and Ari Gold.


pre 9 godina

why do albanians think they can migrate to a country then steal the land and claim it as their own?
(john, 8 June 2015 05:21)

I'm sorry to see even in this century to much ignorants.
95/% of Kosovo population is Albanian, you know...
If Kosovo was part of Serbia, there should live serbians and Albanians should "kill" all the Serbs to take that land ... No??? This never happened!
Albania was partitioned from the treaty of London 1913.
Kosovo was given to Serbia and Chameria to Greece.
This DECISION was the beginning of the riots in Balkan.


Please for your own culture, be informed a little more about the history...


pre 9 godina

last time i checked it was totally the opposite Mr. Vucic....if u don't remove kosovo from your milosevic constitution serbia is doomed, No EU, No Economy, No nothing


pre 9 godina

The Count of Kosova

If I were you I wouldn’t be so optimistic about Greece and Serbia. Even if Greece falls down they won’t stop to be your neighbors will all their problems. Also it may be a good step towards restoring their sovereignty and economy. With Russia in the shadow things may develop unpredictable as it always happen when Putin plays chess. Same with the Serbs. Many times in the history they proved that they can be stubborn enough to walk outside the western pragmatism logics. EU stopped to be a carrot and they need candidates like Ukraine and Serbia to advertise their rotten product. Same with the anti-Russian sanctions as the only side worried about their abolition is the West itself. Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.


pre 9 godina

I am reading a comment here which mentions how Serbia has suffered great calamity because of the US Air raid on that nation. America had no choice but to bomb Serbia: it was apparent that after the Bosnian genocide , there were would another genocide, namely, that of Northerner Albanians, the Kosovars. Therefore, the West acted quickly and decisively just as it has acted in the Middle East and Afghanistan-surely but swiftly - in bombing Serbia. Serbia started World War I which left such a bitter taste in Germany that Hitler decided the "world" would pay for the reparations forced on Germany after World War I. Serbians, do you remember why Austria was up in arms in the early 1900s? A Serb murdered Archduke Ferdinand and henceforth world history has never been the same. Fast forward late 1980s, early 1990s, who killed unarmed innocent Bosnian men, savagely , I mean savagely raped Bosnian women, even girls? Who almost decimated an entire nation of unassuming Bosniaks? These poor people were not armed, hundreds of thousands of them? Serbians need to be utterly gracious and thankful that the rest of the world has not wiped them out already.


pre 9 godina

We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Thanks God... Hopefully the majority of Serbs thinks like you! Serbia not joining the EU would make it much easier for Kosovo to join. And thanks God Serbia will not align itself with US or Germany. If Serbia had been an ally of US or Germany or a member of NATO, the 1999 bombing would have never happened and Kosovo would still be under Serbia today...


pre 9 godina

Rocky you didn't take on anything or anyone, NATO took on for you otherwise you would have kept running just like you ran like dogs and cried to NATO remember? Ran like sewer rats and told your masters that the big bad serbs were butchering you and begged for help. Spineless cowards.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:39)

So, you are saying that Albanians were smart (cowards, but smart) to choose the right allies (not like macho but stupid Serbs who chose the irrelevant Russia)! That's the problem mate - machoism can't compensate for stupidity. But we'll give Serbs a medal for heroism as a consolation prize since Kosovo went to the cowards Albanians :)


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Hey mate, don't lose it... Only few people would get that through their head, regardless of how thick their heads are because nobody is able to predict with the certainty of "never". Imagine the scenario below:

1. Kosovo asks to become part of Serbia
2. Serb people who are idiots like you will happily accept Kosovo as part of Serbia
3. Since the fertility rate of the Albanian population in Kosovo is much higher than the Serbs (or to use the assessment of the most patriotic of Serbs - Albanians multiply like rats), in a few decades or centuries, Albanians become a majority in Serbia
4. A referendum is held on whether Kosovo should be separated from Serbia
5. The majority of Serb citizens (those of Albanian ethnicity) vote for the separation

So, you can never say "never" :)

and he would never organize it because that would bury his career.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

That does not make any sense... Politicians organize referendums to toss the "hot potato" to the electorate so that nobody can blame them for a decision on the issue and politicians can say that it was the electorate that decided in a referendum and not them.


pre 9 godina

By signing Brussels did really recognize Kosovo but its not formal and won't be until the 63% of Serbia according to b92 and ipsos can vote to remove Kosovo from the constituion. Vucic is already talking about constitutional votes in 2017- he talks to the wsj.

the truth

pre 9 godina

@Dragoljub Djurkovic

How about this/that ? Everything was about making Serbs look like victims, yet DD never mention the real victims!?What is wrong with this pathetic chetnik???

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

“The winner takes it all” is their (Kosova's) compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.
(RK, 6 June 2015 11:18)

It really does not matter in which direction the wind is blowing, Greece will sink in a few short months and no one can save the Greeks from their own stupidity. The same goes for Serbia, they have lost Kosova and will never qualify for the EU. Serbia and Greece, two peas in a pod, and neither one can save the other.


pre 9 godina

Transitions: Notice the rhetoric has progressed over the years. You hear less and less the mention of "Serbia's southern province" and more and more Kosovo, not even Kosovo and Met.., Or references to Belgrade and Pristina.
The focus is still on Serbia will not recognize Kosovo independence but it is recognizing it as a separate entity. As Serbia itself transitions to a "status neutral" approach as it has insisted from others. No longer will Serbia refer to Kosovo as a country or province. It will simple avoid the issue.
Maybe more to come, maybe not but that will be enough for the immediate future.

Go Home Brian You're Drunk

pre 9 godina

Brian, according to your logic, Serbia already recognized Kosovo's independence and according to your fantasies, is a big supporter of it. So what nonsense you write here completely contradicts earlier nonsense of yours.


pre 9 godina

I doubt it very much that “nobody asked” because he spent so much time overseas. And now he tells us tales as if he spent a week with the whores discussing history of the Communist party or the mortal sins or something of the kind. I don’t trust it. Most likely (if he chose a treason road) he will launch something that will indirectly lead to legalizing the current status quo in KIM. In fact all are tired of the problem and some compromise must be found but the problem is that they offer no compromise. “The winner takes it all” is their compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.


pre 9 godina

At the end of the interview vucic says.

I cant promise that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo, but i can promise that we will solve the Bytyqi case.

He is playing slowly but surely, like the rest of the Serbian politicians on Kosovo issue.


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass and he would never organize it because that would bury his career. We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

Bytyqis brothers death a terrible crime? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Kosovo? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Croatia? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Bosnia-Herzegovina? How about all the Serbian people murdered in Serbia from 78 days of NATO bombing? How about all the severe infrastructure damage in Serbia caused by 78 days of NATO bombing? How about the " Lingering Death " Cancer to all Balkan people caused by NATO uranium bombs? How about all the real estate and personal property Serbian civilians lost when they were murdered and displaced from their ancient home lands? How about the Final Solution Isolation and Demonization of all Serbian people by USA, England and Germany, unleashing Satanic hatred from the whole world upon us that continues indefinately to devistate our Serbian nation economicaly and socialy, how about all that??? My Serbian Sisters and Brothers Look and see us the innocent poor and unfortunate victims who lost every thing because of the USA, England and Germany! The unfortunate Serbian people, what justice will ever come from Satan to us? Serbian cival leaders waste precious time and energy for what? USA, England and Germany have etched their statement in stone regarding Serbia and Serbian people, why is this so difficult for our Serbian cival leaders to understand? So the loops continue, Serbia like a circus animal continues to entertain Satan! Boze Pravde!!!


pre 9 godina

No one is asking. Those are demands. Germany demands it. poland demands. Croatia demands. There is no one who would ask because its a demand. It's not "wont" it's cant and that's why vucic is scheduling a referendum about removing Kosovo claim. Than Serbia can but can't now.


pre 9 godina

No one is asking. Those are demands. Germany demands it. poland demands. Croatia demands. There is no one who would ask because its a demand. It's not "wont" it's cant and that's why vucic is scheduling a referendum about removing Kosovo claim. Than Serbia can but can't now.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

Bytyqis brothers death a terrible crime? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Kosovo? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Croatia? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Bosnia-Herzegovina? How about all the Serbian people murdered in Serbia from 78 days of NATO bombing? How about all the severe infrastructure damage in Serbia caused by 78 days of NATO bombing? How about the " Lingering Death " Cancer to all Balkan people caused by NATO uranium bombs? How about all the real estate and personal property Serbian civilians lost when they were murdered and displaced from their ancient home lands? How about the Final Solution Isolation and Demonization of all Serbian people by USA, England and Germany, unleashing Satanic hatred from the whole world upon us that continues indefinately to devistate our Serbian nation economicaly and socialy, how about all that??? My Serbian Sisters and Brothers Look and see us the innocent poor and unfortunate victims who lost every thing because of the USA, England and Germany! The unfortunate Serbian people, what justice will ever come from Satan to us? Serbian cival leaders waste precious time and energy for what? USA, England and Germany have etched their statement in stone regarding Serbia and Serbian people, why is this so difficult for our Serbian cival leaders to understand? So the loops continue, Serbia like a circus animal continues to entertain Satan! Boze Pravde!!!


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass and he would never organize it because that would bury his career. We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .

the truth

pre 9 godina

@Dragoljub Djurkovic

How about this/that ? Everything was about making Serbs look like victims, yet DD never mention the real victims!?What is wrong with this pathetic chetnik???


pre 9 godina

I am reading a comment here which mentions how Serbia has suffered great calamity because of the US Air raid on that nation. America had no choice but to bomb Serbia: it was apparent that after the Bosnian genocide , there were would another genocide, namely, that of Northerner Albanians, the Kosovars. Therefore, the West acted quickly and decisively just as it has acted in the Middle East and Afghanistan-surely but swiftly - in bombing Serbia. Serbia started World War I which left such a bitter taste in Germany that Hitler decided the "world" would pay for the reparations forced on Germany after World War I. Serbians, do you remember why Austria was up in arms in the early 1900s? A Serb murdered Archduke Ferdinand and henceforth world history has never been the same. Fast forward late 1980s, early 1990s, who killed unarmed innocent Bosnian men, savagely , I mean savagely raped Bosnian women, even girls? Who almost decimated an entire nation of unassuming Bosniaks? These poor people were not armed, hundreds of thousands of them? Serbians need to be utterly gracious and thankful that the rest of the world has not wiped them out already.


pre 9 godina

why do albanians think they can migrate to a country then steal the land and claim it as their own?
(john, 8 June 2015 05:21)

I'm sorry to see even in this century to much ignorants.
95/% of Kosovo population is Albanian, you know...
If Kosovo was part of Serbia, there should live serbians and Albanians should "kill" all the Serbs to take that land ... No??? This never happened!
Albania was partitioned from the treaty of London 1913.
Kosovo was given to Serbia and Chameria to Greece.
This DECISION was the beginning of the riots in Balkan.


Please for your own culture, be informed a little more about the history...


pre 9 godina

We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Thanks God... Hopefully the majority of Serbs thinks like you! Serbia not joining the EU would make it much easier for Kosovo to join. And thanks God Serbia will not align itself with US or Germany. If Serbia had been an ally of US or Germany or a member of NATO, the 1999 bombing would have never happened and Kosovo would still be under Serbia today...

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

“The winner takes it all” is their (Kosova's) compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.
(RK, 6 June 2015 11:18)

It really does not matter in which direction the wind is blowing, Greece will sink in a few short months and no one can save the Greeks from their own stupidity. The same goes for Serbia, they have lost Kosova and will never qualify for the EU. Serbia and Greece, two peas in a pod, and neither one can save the other.


pre 9 godina

At the end of the interview vucic says.

I cant promise that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo, but i can promise that we will solve the Bytyqi case.

He is playing slowly but surely, like the rest of the Serbian politicians on Kosovo issue.

Go Home Brian You're Drunk

pre 9 godina

Brian, according to your logic, Serbia already recognized Kosovo's independence and according to your fantasies, is a big supporter of it. So what nonsense you write here completely contradicts earlier nonsense of yours.


pre 9 godina

Rocky you didn't take on anything or anyone, NATO took on for you otherwise you would have kept running just like you ran like dogs and cried to NATO remember? Ran like sewer rats and told your masters that the big bad serbs were butchering you and begged for help. Spineless cowards.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:39)

So, you are saying that Albanians were smart (cowards, but smart) to choose the right allies (not like macho but stupid Serbs who chose the irrelevant Russia)! That's the problem mate - machoism can't compensate for stupidity. But we'll give Serbs a medal for heroism as a consolation prize since Kosovo went to the cowards Albanians :)


pre 9 godina

last time i checked it was totally the opposite Mr. Vucic....if u don't remove kosovo from your milosevic constitution serbia is doomed, No EU, No Economy, No nothing


pre 9 godina

Transitions: Notice the rhetoric has progressed over the years. You hear less and less the mention of "Serbia's southern province" and more and more Kosovo, not even Kosovo and Met.., Or references to Belgrade and Pristina.
The focus is still on Serbia will not recognize Kosovo independence but it is recognizing it as a separate entity. As Serbia itself transitions to a "status neutral" approach as it has insisted from others. No longer will Serbia refer to Kosovo as a country or province. It will simple avoid the issue.
Maybe more to come, maybe not but that will be enough for the immediate future.


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Hey mate, don't lose it... Only few people would get that through their head, regardless of how thick their heads are because nobody is able to predict with the certainty of "never". Imagine the scenario below:

1. Kosovo asks to become part of Serbia
2. Serb people who are idiots like you will happily accept Kosovo as part of Serbia
3. Since the fertility rate of the Albanian population in Kosovo is much higher than the Serbs (or to use the assessment of the most patriotic of Serbs - Albanians multiply like rats), in a few decades or centuries, Albanians become a majority in Serbia
4. A referendum is held on whether Kosovo should be separated from Serbia
5. The majority of Serb citizens (those of Albanian ethnicity) vote for the separation

So, you can never say "never" :)

and he would never organize it because that would bury his career.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

That does not make any sense... Politicians organize referendums to toss the "hot potato" to the electorate so that nobody can blame them for a decision on the issue and politicians can say that it was the electorate that decided in a referendum and not them.

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.
(RK, 7 June 2015 17:41)

What nonsense you write. If the Russians enjoy the sanctions imposed on them by the West, as you say, why then is it that many average Russians are complaining that they have not been paid in weeks. This is similar to what is happening to Greek workers, but without sanctions. I have never heard such idiotic drivel, even from primitive Chetniks. One cannot not be so stupid as to believe that the Greeks would be better off without the EU. Please note, they are begging the EU to save them from bankruptcy. It seems you cannot think on your own, but must listen to other ignoramuses in order to form an opinion. There in lies the problem with you and other Serbs that are holding out for a miracle to happen. You must educate yourself by reading reputable news sources, not by listening to some yahoo spouting off in the local kafane or depending on a supreme being, otherwise, you will end up like rote, sj, DD and Ari Gold.


pre 9 godina

I doubt it very much that “nobody asked” because he spent so much time overseas. And now he tells us tales as if he spent a week with the whores discussing history of the Communist party or the mortal sins or something of the kind. I don’t trust it. Most likely (if he chose a treason road) he will launch something that will indirectly lead to legalizing the current status quo in KIM. In fact all are tired of the problem and some compromise must be found but the problem is that they offer no compromise. “The winner takes it all” is their compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.


pre 9 godina

The Count of Kosova

If I were you I wouldn’t be so optimistic about Greece and Serbia. Even if Greece falls down they won’t stop to be your neighbors will all their problems. Also it may be a good step towards restoring their sovereignty and economy. With Russia in the shadow things may develop unpredictable as it always happen when Putin plays chess. Same with the Serbs. Many times in the history they proved that they can be stubborn enough to walk outside the western pragmatism logics. EU stopped to be a carrot and they need candidates like Ukraine and Serbia to advertise their rotten product. Same with the anti-Russian sanctions as the only side worried about their abolition is the West itself. Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.


pre 9 godina

By signing Brussels did really recognize Kosovo but its not formal and won't be until the 63% of Serbia according to b92 and ipsos can vote to remove Kosovo from the constituion. Vucic is already talking about constitutional votes in 2017- he talks to the wsj.


pre 9 godina


“here are some facts serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.”

What you mean as “the side of the allies” ? What allies ? WW1 was a war with no right sides – all were predators while WW2 was part 2 of the WW1 where almost all Europeans fought on Hitler’s side. Quite a few nations can be proud about it today. Outside the USSR I know only 2 such nations – the Brits and the Serbs(including the Montenegrins)and partly the Greeks. If you know more please explain it with figures. These mentioned nations were writing the history with their own blood while the rest later wrote their HOW I WON THE WAR STORIES with ink. Including the French, the Poles, the Albanians ect. During the Nurnberg Tribunal no Holocaust was ever mentioned because the idea came from the USA 9 years later. Serbs suffered the biggest combat losses outside the USSR in Europe. Then come the USA and the Brits.


pre 9 godina

Hey Val,

your historical viewpoint is bizarre

here are some facts

serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.

germany, led by adolph hitler was on the wrong side.

serbia did not start ww1. it was a long time coming. the assasination of ferdinand was just tinder.

austro-hungary annexed bosnia an aggresive maneuver to expand empire at the expense of locals who were not ethnically nor religiously aligned - without asking the serbs who lived on thise lands if they were for it. learn this: the act or the pen or the diplomat can be just as violent as the act of a pistol.

i am not writing this to excuse acts of barbaric serbs. there were plenty. but it is understood that one large strategy of sarajevo (and pristina) was to incite the other to violence by placing ones innocents in the line of fire. anyone who writes back and says this is milosevic or chetnik drivel is full of it. i am born in the USA and have nothing to do with milosevic.

the best way to win a fight is get someone bigger to fight on your behalf. and the best way to do that is manufacture consent thru atrocity. that strategy has a long and distinguished history.

it was not serbia which began the war in bosnia. sarajevo began it (with german encouragement).

the central philosophic hole in the argument of all serb haters has never changed: why do all people except serbs get self determination?

you break up fake yugo to make an even faker yugo in bosnia?

facts wrong

pre 9 godina

Hey Count,

You need to stop drinking so much of the Kool Aid that you "reading" in pro-western press and do your own thinking.

Life inside of the EU our outside of the EU is still life, and mostly good (except for the poorest countries of Europe). Should Greece fall away, life will still be mostly pleasant. This is why there is such string desire dor the EU from those peoples. But what those people do nit realize is that theyr really dont have a place at the table, but are only living in the "servant's quarters." there are endemic problems with the economies of the poorest Europeans. The EU is nit able to,fix those things. Only the people of those countries can do that.

There are good things to come of snctions - just like this person wrote and that is thecleansing of foreign market share (something that pulls money out). Russia is too big a market for the EU to forever keep it under sanctions. So in the long long view, these sanctions certainly do sting, but they are hardly devastating as you make them seem. Russia has plenty of oil and gas dollars for the next 70 years. These sanctions are only temporary.


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass and he would never organize it because that would bury his career. We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 9 godina

Bytyqis brothers death a terrible crime? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Kosovo? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Croatia? How about all the Serbian people murdered and displaced in Bosnia-Herzegovina? How about all the Serbian people murdered in Serbia from 78 days of NATO bombing? How about all the severe infrastructure damage in Serbia caused by 78 days of NATO bombing? How about the " Lingering Death " Cancer to all Balkan people caused by NATO uranium bombs? How about all the real estate and personal property Serbian civilians lost when they were murdered and displaced from their ancient home lands? How about the Final Solution Isolation and Demonization of all Serbian people by USA, England and Germany, unleashing Satanic hatred from the whole world upon us that continues indefinately to devistate our Serbian nation economicaly and socialy, how about all that??? My Serbian Sisters and Brothers Look and see us the innocent poor and unfortunate victims who lost every thing because of the USA, England and Germany! The unfortunate Serbian people, what justice will ever come from Satan to us? Serbian cival leaders waste precious time and energy for what? USA, England and Germany have etched their statement in stone regarding Serbia and Serbian people, why is this so difficult for our Serbian cival leaders to understand? So the loops continue, Serbia like a circus animal continues to entertain Satan! Boze Pravde!!!


pre 9 godina

No one is asking. Those are demands. Germany demands it. poland demands. Croatia demands. There is no one who would ask because its a demand. It's not "wont" it's cant and that's why vucic is scheduling a referendum about removing Kosovo claim. Than Serbia can but can't now.

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

“The winner takes it all” is their (Kosova's) compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.
(RK, 6 June 2015 11:18)

It really does not matter in which direction the wind is blowing, Greece will sink in a few short months and no one can save the Greeks from their own stupidity. The same goes for Serbia, they have lost Kosova and will never qualify for the EU. Serbia and Greece, two peas in a pod, and neither one can save the other.

the truth

pre 9 godina

@Dragoljub Djurkovic

How about this/that ? Everything was about making Serbs look like victims, yet DD never mention the real victims!?What is wrong with this pathetic chetnik???

Go Home Brian You're Drunk

pre 9 godina

Brian, according to your logic, Serbia already recognized Kosovo's independence and according to your fantasies, is a big supporter of it. So what nonsense you write here completely contradicts earlier nonsense of yours.


pre 9 godina

I doubt it very much that “nobody asked” because he spent so much time overseas. And now he tells us tales as if he spent a week with the whores discussing history of the Communist party or the mortal sins or something of the kind. I don’t trust it. Most likely (if he chose a treason road) he will launch something that will indirectly lead to legalizing the current status quo in KIM. In fact all are tired of the problem and some compromise must be found but the problem is that they offer no compromise. “The winner takes it all” is their compromise. If so Serbia should behave like Greece and wait for the wind to change.


pre 9 godina

Hey Val,

your historical viewpoint is bizarre

here are some facts

serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.

germany, led by adolph hitler was on the wrong side.

serbia did not start ww1. it was a long time coming. the assasination of ferdinand was just tinder.

austro-hungary annexed bosnia an aggresive maneuver to expand empire at the expense of locals who were not ethnically nor religiously aligned - without asking the serbs who lived on thise lands if they were for it. learn this: the act or the pen or the diplomat can be just as violent as the act of a pistol.

i am not writing this to excuse acts of barbaric serbs. there were plenty. but it is understood that one large strategy of sarajevo (and pristina) was to incite the other to violence by placing ones innocents in the line of fire. anyone who writes back and says this is milosevic or chetnik drivel is full of it. i am born in the USA and have nothing to do with milosevic.

the best way to win a fight is get someone bigger to fight on your behalf. and the best way to do that is manufacture consent thru atrocity. that strategy has a long and distinguished history.

it was not serbia which began the war in bosnia. sarajevo began it (with german encouragement).

the central philosophic hole in the argument of all serb haters has never changed: why do all people except serbs get self determination?

you break up fake yugo to make an even faker yugo in bosnia?


pre 9 godina

Transitions: Notice the rhetoric has progressed over the years. You hear less and less the mention of "Serbia's southern province" and more and more Kosovo, not even Kosovo and Met.., Or references to Belgrade and Pristina.
The focus is still on Serbia will not recognize Kosovo independence but it is recognizing it as a separate entity. As Serbia itself transitions to a "status neutral" approach as it has insisted from others. No longer will Serbia refer to Kosovo as a country or province. It will simple avoid the issue.
Maybe more to come, maybe not but that will be enough for the immediate future.


pre 9 godina

Rocky you didn't take on anything or anyone, NATO took on for you otherwise you would have kept running just like you ran like dogs and cried to NATO remember? Ran like sewer rats and told your masters that the big bad serbs were butchering you and begged for help. Spineless cowards.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:39)

So, you are saying that Albanians were smart (cowards, but smart) to choose the right allies (not like macho but stupid Serbs who chose the irrelevant Russia)! That's the problem mate - machoism can't compensate for stupidity. But we'll give Serbs a medal for heroism as a consolation prize since Kosovo went to the cowards Albanians :)


pre 9 godina

I am reading a comment here which mentions how Serbia has suffered great calamity because of the US Air raid on that nation. America had no choice but to bomb Serbia: it was apparent that after the Bosnian genocide , there were would another genocide, namely, that of Northerner Albanians, the Kosovars. Therefore, the West acted quickly and decisively just as it has acted in the Middle East and Afghanistan-surely but swiftly - in bombing Serbia. Serbia started World War I which left such a bitter taste in Germany that Hitler decided the "world" would pay for the reparations forced on Germany after World War I. Serbians, do you remember why Austria was up in arms in the early 1900s? A Serb murdered Archduke Ferdinand and henceforth world history has never been the same. Fast forward late 1980s, early 1990s, who killed unarmed innocent Bosnian men, savagely , I mean savagely raped Bosnian women, even girls? Who almost decimated an entire nation of unassuming Bosniaks? These poor people were not armed, hundreds of thousands of them? Serbians need to be utterly gracious and thankful that the rest of the world has not wiped them out already.


pre 9 godina

We dont care about what the US or Germany wants, let alone powerless Poland or Croatia, we don't want to be a part of EU and NATO .
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Thanks God... Hopefully the majority of Serbs thinks like you! Serbia not joining the EU would make it much easier for Kosovo to join. And thanks God Serbia will not align itself with US or Germany. If Serbia had been an ally of US or Germany or a member of NATO, the 1999 bombing would have never happened and Kosovo would still be under Serbia today...


pre 9 godina


“here are some facts serbia was on the side of the allies in both wars.”

What you mean as “the side of the allies” ? What allies ? WW1 was a war with no right sides – all were predators while WW2 was part 2 of the WW1 where almost all Europeans fought on Hitler’s side. Quite a few nations can be proud about it today. Outside the USSR I know only 2 such nations – the Brits and the Serbs(including the Montenegrins)and partly the Greeks. If you know more please explain it with figures. These mentioned nations were writing the history with their own blood while the rest later wrote their HOW I WON THE WAR STORIES with ink. Including the French, the Poles, the Albanians ect. During the Nurnberg Tribunal no Holocaust was ever mentioned because the idea came from the USA 9 years later. Serbs suffered the biggest combat losses outside the USSR in Europe. Then come the USA and the Brits.


pre 9 godina

The Count of Kosova

If I were you I wouldn’t be so optimistic about Greece and Serbia. Even if Greece falls down they won’t stop to be your neighbors will all their problems. Also it may be a good step towards restoring their sovereignty and economy. With Russia in the shadow things may develop unpredictable as it always happen when Putin plays chess. Same with the Serbs. Many times in the history they proved that they can be stubborn enough to walk outside the western pragmatism logics. EU stopped to be a carrot and they need candidates like Ukraine and Serbia to advertise their rotten product. Same with the anti-Russian sanctions as the only side worried about their abolition is the West itself. Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.


pre 9 godina

last time i checked it was totally the opposite Mr. Vucic....if u don't remove kosovo from your milosevic constitution serbia is doomed, No EU, No Economy, No nothing


pre 9 godina

At the end of the interview vucic says.

I cant promise that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo, but i can promise that we will solve the Bytyqi case.

He is playing slowly but surely, like the rest of the Serbian politicians on Kosovo issue.


pre 9 godina

why do albanians think they can migrate to a country then steal the land and claim it as their own?
(john, 8 June 2015 05:21)

I'm sorry to see even in this century to much ignorants.
95/% of Kosovo population is Albanian, you know...
If Kosovo was part of Serbia, there should live serbians and Albanians should "kill" all the Serbs to take that land ... No??? This never happened!
Albania was partitioned from the treaty of London 1913.
Kosovo was given to Serbia and Chameria to Greece.
This DECISION was the beginning of the riots in Balkan.


Please for your own culture, be informed a little more about the history...

facts wrong

pre 9 godina

Hey Count,

You need to stop drinking so much of the Kool Aid that you "reading" in pro-western press and do your own thinking.

Life inside of the EU our outside of the EU is still life, and mostly good (except for the poorest countries of Europe). Should Greece fall away, life will still be mostly pleasant. This is why there is such string desire dor the EU from those peoples. But what those people do nit realize is that theyr really dont have a place at the table, but are only living in the "servant's quarters." there are endemic problems with the economies of the poorest Europeans. The EU is nit able to,fix those things. Only the people of those countries can do that.

There are good things to come of snctions - just like this person wrote and that is thecleansing of foreign market share (something that pulls money out). Russia is too big a market for the EU to forever keep it under sanctions. So in the long long view, these sanctions certainly do sting, but they are hardly devastating as you make them seem. Russia has plenty of oil and gas dollars for the next 70 years. These sanctions are only temporary.


pre 9 godina

By signing Brussels did really recognize Kosovo but its not formal and won't be until the 63% of Serbia according to b92 and ipsos can vote to remove Kosovo from the constituion. Vucic is already talking about constitutional votes in 2017- he talks to the wsj.


pre 9 godina

Brian, Serbia can but WONT neeeeeeeeever recognize Kosovo, NEVER get that through your thick head. Such a referendum would never ever pass
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

Hey mate, don't lose it... Only few people would get that through their head, regardless of how thick their heads are because nobody is able to predict with the certainty of "never". Imagine the scenario below:

1. Kosovo asks to become part of Serbia
2. Serb people who are idiots like you will happily accept Kosovo as part of Serbia
3. Since the fertility rate of the Albanian population in Kosovo is much higher than the Serbs (or to use the assessment of the most patriotic of Serbs - Albanians multiply like rats), in a few decades or centuries, Albanians become a majority in Serbia
4. A referendum is held on whether Kosovo should be separated from Serbia
5. The majority of Serb citizens (those of Albanian ethnicity) vote for the separation

So, you can never say "never" :)

and he would never organize it because that would bury his career.
(Daniel, 6 June 2015 00:29)

That does not make any sense... Politicians organize referendums to toss the "hot potato" to the electorate so that nobody can blame them for a decision on the issue and politicians can say that it was the electorate that decided in a referendum and not them.

The Count of Kosova

pre 9 godina

Russians enjoy the sanctions to clean their market from the European companies. Something of the kind may happen with Greece. I don’t think they will fall as low as the Kosovo economics is but they have to start to revive real economics. I believe that outside the EU Greece has bigger potential.
(RK, 7 June 2015 17:41)

What nonsense you write. If the Russians enjoy the sanctions imposed on them by the West, as you say, why then is it that many average Russians are complaining that they have not been paid in weeks. This is similar to what is happening to Greek workers, but without sanctions. I have never heard such idiotic drivel, even from primitive Chetniks. One cannot not be so stupid as to believe that the Greeks would be better off without the EU. Please note, they are begging the EU to save them from bankruptcy. It seems you cannot think on your own, but must listen to other ignoramuses in order to form an opinion. There in lies the problem with you and other Serbs that are holding out for a miracle to happen. You must educate yourself by reading reputable news sources, not by listening to some yahoo spouting off in the local kafane or depending on a supreme being, otherwise, you will end up like rote, sj, DD and Ari Gold.