Friday, 15.05.2015.


Fugitive terrorist wants "Albanian state within Macedonia"

A terrorist who escaped from the Macedonian police custody after <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2015&mm=05&dd=12&nav_id=94089" class="text-link" target= "_blank">last week's deadly clashes in Kumanovo</a>, says the goal is to "create a state."

Izvor: Tanjug

Fugitive terrorist wants "Albanian state within Macedonia" IMAGE SOURCE

11 Komentari

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pre 9 godina

They want their own state in macedonia? I wonder where they got this idea from? Perhaps the serbs which created one in bosnia through genocide. Tried to create more too. The international community must realize that as long as RS exists within bosnia that other will try in in hopes of being rewarded for genocide. Notice i did not say I support the albanian guy.


pre 9 godina

@B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

I totally agree with you. This site is becoming like the cheap version of "Kurir": propagandistic lies and sex, drugs, rock n' roll for the Neanderthal Serbian souls. I'm done here.

B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

pre 9 godina

Funny, not a word from the "independent" B92 about the massive protests in Macedonia. Yet when it comes to portaying Albanians as terrorists you're the first in line to "report". Albanians this, albanians that! Thank goodness we live in a globalised world where real independent media actually exist, as for you (Serbian media in general) we would continue to live in a surrealistic world of Serbian propaganda.


pre 9 godina

"Osmani also told the broadcaster that he was "forced to show where weapons from Goshince were hidden" after his arrest, and that this was where he managed to escape. "

This is very unlikely. Either he was never caught in the first place, or he was let go on purpose. Or the Macedonian police are truly truly incompetent, to the point where somebody escapes from them and runs away like in comic movies. I don't believe it is the latter.


pre 9 godina

while in Kosovo in 2004 kfor was tasked to screw Serbs and not Albos - that's why Albanian schools and mosques were not searched even thoug hthere was a good intel before March 2004. Obviously no-one (leftists Euro governments) was interested in being targeted by UCK as Yugo forces had been before 1999 illegal and illegitimate US bombing. the West chose to side with Albo islamo-fascists, yet one day they will be fighting in their home-yards those animals - I bet... But for Serbs and other non-muSSlims - since albo islamo-fascists sooo proudly and incessantly declare they want to die as their mohhamad commanded them - give them this pleasure and wipe them off should they once more try to steal others peoples property!


pre 9 godina

You invade Macedonia with the express intention of causing havoc,destruction and the murder of policemen. Then have the audacity to request that you be given a corridor to retreat back to your failed state. You actually think we will just stand aside and let you do whatever it is you want? This is not 2001. Ahmeti tried to save you in Kumanovo. He called the U.S. ambassodor and OBCE to no avail. Come back again and we might get serious this time. Some of you pulled out a white flag to surrender then you shot police dead. Typical of the scum that you are. Come back again. You won't leave alive.


pre 9 godina

This fake illegitiment corrupt Slavic regime will collapse. Indigenous Albanians will inevitably unite and overthrow this unjust occupier just as we did in Serbia.
Never forget Slavs arrived into the Balkans to find us already here and real Macedonians were never Slavs.
Your lies will get you no where.
Rejected ethnic Bulgarian you Slavs are.


pre 9 godina


Id hate to tell you but 38 homes were checked today, and guns were confiscated... too bad Kosovo is been proving you wrong for a while now

Billy Bob

pre 9 godina

It's interesting to note that EULEX and KFOR have failed to take any action in Kosovo with checking out the homes of the guys that were captured in Kumanovo. You'd expect a follow-up like that anywhere else in the world and a lot of evidence at their homes, on the phone records, emails etc... That way the others belonging to the group would be identified.

Billy Bob

pre 9 godina

It's interesting to note that EULEX and KFOR have failed to take any action in Kosovo with checking out the homes of the guys that were captured in Kumanovo. You'd expect a follow-up like that anywhere else in the world and a lot of evidence at their homes, on the phone records, emails etc... That way the others belonging to the group would be identified.


pre 9 godina

You invade Macedonia with the express intention of causing havoc,destruction and the murder of policemen. Then have the audacity to request that you be given a corridor to retreat back to your failed state. You actually think we will just stand aside and let you do whatever it is you want? This is not 2001. Ahmeti tried to save you in Kumanovo. He called the U.S. ambassodor and OBCE to no avail. Come back again and we might get serious this time. Some of you pulled out a white flag to surrender then you shot police dead. Typical of the scum that you are. Come back again. You won't leave alive.


pre 9 godina

while in Kosovo in 2004 kfor was tasked to screw Serbs and not Albos - that's why Albanian schools and mosques were not searched even thoug hthere was a good intel before March 2004. Obviously no-one (leftists Euro governments) was interested in being targeted by UCK as Yugo forces had been before 1999 illegal and illegitimate US bombing. the West chose to side with Albo islamo-fascists, yet one day they will be fighting in their home-yards those animals - I bet... But for Serbs and other non-muSSlims - since albo islamo-fascists sooo proudly and incessantly declare they want to die as their mohhamad commanded them - give them this pleasure and wipe them off should they once more try to steal others peoples property!


pre 9 godina

This fake illegitiment corrupt Slavic regime will collapse. Indigenous Albanians will inevitably unite and overthrow this unjust occupier just as we did in Serbia.
Never forget Slavs arrived into the Balkans to find us already here and real Macedonians were never Slavs.
Your lies will get you no where.
Rejected ethnic Bulgarian you Slavs are.


pre 9 godina


Id hate to tell you but 38 homes were checked today, and guns were confiscated... too bad Kosovo is been proving you wrong for a while now


pre 9 godina

"Osmani also told the broadcaster that he was "forced to show where weapons from Goshince were hidden" after his arrest, and that this was where he managed to escape. "

This is very unlikely. Either he was never caught in the first place, or he was let go on purpose. Or the Macedonian police are truly truly incompetent, to the point where somebody escapes from them and runs away like in comic movies. I don't believe it is the latter.

B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

pre 9 godina

Funny, not a word from the "independent" B92 about the massive protests in Macedonia. Yet when it comes to portaying Albanians as terrorists you're the first in line to "report". Albanians this, albanians that! Thank goodness we live in a globalised world where real independent media actually exist, as for you (Serbian media in general) we would continue to live in a surrealistic world of Serbian propaganda.


pre 9 godina

@B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

I totally agree with you. This site is becoming like the cheap version of "Kurir": propagandistic lies and sex, drugs, rock n' roll for the Neanderthal Serbian souls. I'm done here.


pre 9 godina

They want their own state in macedonia? I wonder where they got this idea from? Perhaps the serbs which created one in bosnia through genocide. Tried to create more too. The international community must realize that as long as RS exists within bosnia that other will try in in hopes of being rewarded for genocide. Notice i did not say I support the albanian guy.


pre 9 godina

This fake illegitiment corrupt Slavic regime will collapse. Indigenous Albanians will inevitably unite and overthrow this unjust occupier just as we did in Serbia.
Never forget Slavs arrived into the Balkans to find us already here and real Macedonians were never Slavs.
Your lies will get you no where.
Rejected ethnic Bulgarian you Slavs are.

B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

pre 9 godina

Funny, not a word from the "independent" B92 about the massive protests in Macedonia. Yet when it comes to portaying Albanians as terrorists you're the first in line to "report". Albanians this, albanians that! Thank goodness we live in a globalised world where real independent media actually exist, as for you (Serbian media in general) we would continue to live in a surrealistic world of Serbian propaganda.

Billy Bob

pre 9 godina

It's interesting to note that EULEX and KFOR have failed to take any action in Kosovo with checking out the homes of the guys that were captured in Kumanovo. You'd expect a follow-up like that anywhere else in the world and a lot of evidence at their homes, on the phone records, emails etc... That way the others belonging to the group would be identified.


pre 9 godina


Id hate to tell you but 38 homes were checked today, and guns were confiscated... too bad Kosovo is been proving you wrong for a while now


pre 9 godina

You invade Macedonia with the express intention of causing havoc,destruction and the murder of policemen. Then have the audacity to request that you be given a corridor to retreat back to your failed state. You actually think we will just stand aside and let you do whatever it is you want? This is not 2001. Ahmeti tried to save you in Kumanovo. He called the U.S. ambassodor and OBCE to no avail. Come back again and we might get serious this time. Some of you pulled out a white flag to surrender then you shot police dead. Typical of the scum that you are. Come back again. You won't leave alive.


pre 9 godina

while in Kosovo in 2004 kfor was tasked to screw Serbs and not Albos - that's why Albanian schools and mosques were not searched even thoug hthere was a good intel before March 2004. Obviously no-one (leftists Euro governments) was interested in being targeted by UCK as Yugo forces had been before 1999 illegal and illegitimate US bombing. the West chose to side with Albo islamo-fascists, yet one day they will be fighting in their home-yards those animals - I bet... But for Serbs and other non-muSSlims - since albo islamo-fascists sooo proudly and incessantly declare they want to die as their mohhamad commanded them - give them this pleasure and wipe them off should they once more try to steal others peoples property!


pre 9 godina

"Osmani also told the broadcaster that he was "forced to show where weapons from Goshince were hidden" after his arrest, and that this was where he managed to escape. "

This is very unlikely. Either he was never caught in the first place, or he was let go on purpose. Or the Macedonian police are truly truly incompetent, to the point where somebody escapes from them and runs away like in comic movies. I don't believe it is the latter.


pre 9 godina

They want their own state in macedonia? I wonder where they got this idea from? Perhaps the serbs which created one in bosnia through genocide. Tried to create more too. The international community must realize that as long as RS exists within bosnia that other will try in in hopes of being rewarded for genocide. Notice i did not say I support the albanian guy.


pre 9 godina

@B92 = a tool of the racist Serbian government just like in the 90's.

I totally agree with you. This site is becoming like the cheap version of "Kurir": propagandistic lies and sex, drugs, rock n' roll for the Neanderthal Serbian souls. I'm done here.