Monday, 26.01.2015.


Putin slams Ukrainian forces as "NATO legion"

Ukrainian armed forces are in essence a NATO legion, which is not serving the country's national interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Izvor: sputniknews.com

Putin slams Ukrainian forces as "NATO legion" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 9 godina

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.
(rote, 27 January 2015 20:20)

Hey mate, your delusions are reaching new heights.... 92% of Ukrainians voted on 1 December 1991 for Ukraine to be independent from the USSR.

The USSR ceased to exist on 26 December 1991, so nobody could vote in 1992 to be part of something that did not exist.

Please make sure mate to correctly follow the propaganda from the Kremlin because you are embarrassing it.


pre 9 godina

1/ “ Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!”

At the eve of the New Year RBC TV made a public poll WHAT WOULD YOU ASK FROM SANTA KLAUS ? They offered 4 answers and 61% of the Russians said they would ask him to revive the USSR.

2/ “The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country”

The whole world believes that LGBT is good and they say Je suis Charlie so what ? We know it better that Byelorussians and Ukrainians are a kind of the Russians and most common people on the mentioned territories think the same. You will see it soon.

3/ “Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.”

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.

4/ “Serbian politicians … don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.”

Serbs are in much more difficult situation. So they behave appropriate. When we need them they’ll stand by our side as it always happened. But for the time being we need nobody’s help or approval about Crimea. We just do what we believe to be correct.


pre 9 godina

(Comm.Parrisson, 26 January 2015 19:17)

What do you think the US has been doing for the last decade? Playing footsies? The US has massive social and economic problems and don’t confuse the corporations stock market with government. It’s now 6 years since the GFC hit and employment has not recovered. In fact there are now more part time jobs on $7.25 per hour while the higher paid manufacturing positions no longer exist.
PS they still have tent cities and plenty of them.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

"Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go."
(rote, 27 January 2015 08:13)

You name it! Thanks for these words, because exactly that's the problem! This kind of delusional thinking which is typical for Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!

So: NO, for your information: The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country, an UN member state, independent in its decisions and in no way a 'part of Russia'. Which includes Crimea, btw.

And 'let it go'? Do you think you can decide about your neighbors property? Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.

P.S: Serbian politicians often said they support the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries and they don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.


pre 9 godina


Is it an open door day in the mad-house ? Then where Mirel , Rocky , Leonard , the Truth and other guys are ? I start to worry about them coz they are really missing in this barking chorus. Anyway I’ll say it in Russian : СОБАКИ ЛАЮТ, А КАРАВАН ИДЕТ. Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go. So why don’t you all relax and have a pleasure of the inevitable ? I believe some of you post your poison free of charge because you believe that Russia is a bad guy. But we are coming and very soon we’ll be back to Moldova and to Hungary border. So if I were you I wouldn’t spoil relation with the neighbor. Only insane pedophiles can think different. The agony of the Nazi is very close to an end so be patient for another month or two and you’ll see of what shit the regime was composed. If you remember what shame is each of you will be ashamed for every word said in the favor of the fascists. But Russia will finish the job in any case. Ukraine is not a problem it’s one of the US tools so the real problem is the US and only the US. Their EU back vocals are not a problem either.

From Russia with love !


pre 9 godina

LK that's because they are everywhere anybody with any knowledge of real-politque knows that and president Putin is one of the few who dare to openly expose them.


pre 9 godina

Yep Putins exactly right. The nato legion is shelling innocents in Donetsk as revenge for them not wanting to be governed by a bunch of neo-nazi scum in Kiev e.g. yatsentwat who claimed the Soviet Union invaded Germany first in WW2


pre 9 godina

"Many in Ukraine have already realized that the country is caught in a civil war that had taken lives of thousands of people, he added."

Caught? No, it was Russia that was driving Ukraine into a civil war by supporting ethnic separatists.

And no, Ukraine's army is defending its territory, hence national interests. Only Russia thinks it can defend it's national interests by attacking a neighbor country and stealing territory. In the, end will fire back, Putin is on the best path to drive Russia into ruin in the name of nationalism.

And it was always a often used method: Creating war to draw attention away from massive problems (social and economic) inside the country.


pre 9 godina

Putin is sticking his nose into his neighbours business. His opinions are rubbish.

HIs motives stink.

He had opportunity to become a great international politician, but instead he increasingly reminds me of the liar Milosevic.

Putin has turned into a typical little man who trys too hard to be big. He should confine himself to the gym.


pre 9 godina

"It is, in essence, not an army anymore but a foreign legion, a NATO-controlled foreign legion, which is not serving to protect Ukraine's national interests," Putin said at a meeting with university students in St. Petersburg.

Why should defending its territory against separatists and murderous terrorists (which are supported by Russia with weapons, missiles, soldiers on 'holidays' and money) not be in Ukraine's 'national interests'?

EU Dude

pre 9 godina

Usual western silence about Kiev's war crimes:

1: Use of ballistic missiles (Tochka-U) against donetsk
2: Use of cluster bombs by the air force (banned in international law)
3: Use of mines (banned in international law)
4: Firing artillery into Donetsk city (war crime)

Those are just the big ones. Kiev has precipitated a humanitarian crisis in the east (ask the UN) where food, water, medicine and medical treatment are severely restricted. But that's fine too for the West who are quite happy for Kiev to promise to send humanitarian convoys that never arrive.

So all in all, everything that is evil from the Balkans wars is not evil in the Ukraine. The western media doesn't bat an eyelid either. Business as usual!


pre 9 godina

Lucky Putin is there to protect Ukraine's national interests by helping to bomb the NATO high-schools and CIA vegetable markets in Mariupol. Next week he could destroy the Nazi-Junta-run Ebola Manufacturing Kindergartens

EU Dude

pre 9 godina

Usual western silence about Kiev's war crimes:

1: Use of ballistic missiles (Tochka-U) against donetsk
2: Use of cluster bombs by the air force (banned in international law)
3: Use of mines (banned in international law)
4: Firing artillery into Donetsk city (war crime)

Those are just the big ones. Kiev has precipitated a humanitarian crisis in the east (ask the UN) where food, water, medicine and medical treatment are severely restricted. But that's fine too for the West who are quite happy for Kiev to promise to send humanitarian convoys that never arrive.

So all in all, everything that is evil from the Balkans wars is not evil in the Ukraine. The western media doesn't bat an eyelid either. Business as usual!


pre 9 godina

Lucky Putin is there to protect Ukraine's national interests by helping to bomb the NATO high-schools and CIA vegetable markets in Mariupol. Next week he could destroy the Nazi-Junta-run Ebola Manufacturing Kindergartens


pre 9 godina


Is it an open door day in the mad-house ? Then where Mirel , Rocky , Leonard , the Truth and other guys are ? I start to worry about them coz they are really missing in this barking chorus. Anyway I’ll say it in Russian : СОБАКИ ЛАЮТ, А КАРАВАН ИДЕТ. Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go. So why don’t you all relax and have a pleasure of the inevitable ? I believe some of you post your poison free of charge because you believe that Russia is a bad guy. But we are coming and very soon we’ll be back to Moldova and to Hungary border. So if I were you I wouldn’t spoil relation with the neighbor. Only insane pedophiles can think different. The agony of the Nazi is very close to an end so be patient for another month or two and you’ll see of what shit the regime was composed. If you remember what shame is each of you will be ashamed for every word said in the favor of the fascists. But Russia will finish the job in any case. Ukraine is not a problem it’s one of the US tools so the real problem is the US and only the US. Their EU back vocals are not a problem either.

From Russia with love !


pre 9 godina

"Many in Ukraine have already realized that the country is caught in a civil war that had taken lives of thousands of people, he added."

Caught? No, it was Russia that was driving Ukraine into a civil war by supporting ethnic separatists.

And no, Ukraine's army is defending its territory, hence national interests. Only Russia thinks it can defend it's national interests by attacking a neighbor country and stealing territory. In the, end will fire back, Putin is on the best path to drive Russia into ruin in the name of nationalism.

And it was always a often used method: Creating war to draw attention away from massive problems (social and economic) inside the country.


pre 9 godina

Yep Putins exactly right. The nato legion is shelling innocents in Donetsk as revenge for them not wanting to be governed by a bunch of neo-nazi scum in Kiev e.g. yatsentwat who claimed the Soviet Union invaded Germany first in WW2


pre 9 godina

"It is, in essence, not an army anymore but a foreign legion, a NATO-controlled foreign legion, which is not serving to protect Ukraine's national interests," Putin said at a meeting with university students in St. Petersburg.

Why should defending its territory against separatists and murderous terrorists (which are supported by Russia with weapons, missiles, soldiers on 'holidays' and money) not be in Ukraine's 'national interests'?


pre 9 godina

Putin is sticking his nose into his neighbours business. His opinions are rubbish.

HIs motives stink.

He had opportunity to become a great international politician, but instead he increasingly reminds me of the liar Milosevic.

Putin has turned into a typical little man who trys too hard to be big. He should confine himself to the gym.


pre 9 godina

(Comm.Parrisson, 26 January 2015 19:17)

What do you think the US has been doing for the last decade? Playing footsies? The US has massive social and economic problems and don’t confuse the corporations stock market with government. It’s now 6 years since the GFC hit and employment has not recovered. In fact there are now more part time jobs on $7.25 per hour while the higher paid manufacturing positions no longer exist.
PS they still have tent cities and plenty of them.


pre 9 godina

LK that's because they are everywhere anybody with any knowledge of real-politque knows that and president Putin is one of the few who dare to openly expose them.


pre 9 godina

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.
(rote, 27 January 2015 20:20)

Hey mate, your delusions are reaching new heights.... 92% of Ukrainians voted on 1 December 1991 for Ukraine to be independent from the USSR.

The USSR ceased to exist on 26 December 1991, so nobody could vote in 1992 to be part of something that did not exist.

Please make sure mate to correctly follow the propaganda from the Kremlin because you are embarrassing it.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

"Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go."
(rote, 27 January 2015 08:13)

You name it! Thanks for these words, because exactly that's the problem! This kind of delusional thinking which is typical for Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!

So: NO, for your information: The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country, an UN member state, independent in its decisions and in no way a 'part of Russia'. Which includes Crimea, btw.

And 'let it go'? Do you think you can decide about your neighbors property? Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.

P.S: Serbian politicians often said they support the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries and they don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.


pre 9 godina

1/ “ Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!”

At the eve of the New Year RBC TV made a public poll WHAT WOULD YOU ASK FROM SANTA KLAUS ? They offered 4 answers and 61% of the Russians said they would ask him to revive the USSR.

2/ “The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country”

The whole world believes that LGBT is good and they say Je suis Charlie so what ? We know it better that Byelorussians and Ukrainians are a kind of the Russians and most common people on the mentioned territories think the same. You will see it soon.

3/ “Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.”

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.

4/ “Serbian politicians … don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.”

Serbs are in much more difficult situation. So they behave appropriate. When we need them they’ll stand by our side as it always happened. But for the time being we need nobody’s help or approval about Crimea. We just do what we believe to be correct.


pre 9 godina

Lucky Putin is there to protect Ukraine's national interests by helping to bomb the NATO high-schools and CIA vegetable markets in Mariupol. Next week he could destroy the Nazi-Junta-run Ebola Manufacturing Kindergartens


pre 9 godina

Putin is sticking his nose into his neighbours business. His opinions are rubbish.

HIs motives stink.

He had opportunity to become a great international politician, but instead he increasingly reminds me of the liar Milosevic.

Putin has turned into a typical little man who trys too hard to be big. He should confine himself to the gym.


pre 9 godina

"Many in Ukraine have already realized that the country is caught in a civil war that had taken lives of thousands of people, he added."

Caught? No, it was Russia that was driving Ukraine into a civil war by supporting ethnic separatists.

And no, Ukraine's army is defending its territory, hence national interests. Only Russia thinks it can defend it's national interests by attacking a neighbor country and stealing territory. In the, end will fire back, Putin is on the best path to drive Russia into ruin in the name of nationalism.

And it was always a often used method: Creating war to draw attention away from massive problems (social and economic) inside the country.

EU Dude

pre 9 godina

Usual western silence about Kiev's war crimes:

1: Use of ballistic missiles (Tochka-U) against donetsk
2: Use of cluster bombs by the air force (banned in international law)
3: Use of mines (banned in international law)
4: Firing artillery into Donetsk city (war crime)

Those are just the big ones. Kiev has precipitated a humanitarian crisis in the east (ask the UN) where food, water, medicine and medical treatment are severely restricted. But that's fine too for the West who are quite happy for Kiev to promise to send humanitarian convoys that never arrive.

So all in all, everything that is evil from the Balkans wars is not evil in the Ukraine. The western media doesn't bat an eyelid either. Business as usual!

Comm. Parrisson

pre 9 godina

"Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go."
(rote, 27 January 2015 08:13)

You name it! Thanks for these words, because exactly that's the problem! This kind of delusional thinking which is typical for Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!

So: NO, for your information: The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country, an UN member state, independent in its decisions and in no way a 'part of Russia'. Which includes Crimea, btw.

And 'let it go'? Do you think you can decide about your neighbors property? Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.

P.S: Serbian politicians often said they support the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries and they don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.


pre 9 godina

"It is, in essence, not an army anymore but a foreign legion, a NATO-controlled foreign legion, which is not serving to protect Ukraine's national interests," Putin said at a meeting with university students in St. Petersburg.

Why should defending its territory against separatists and murderous terrorists (which are supported by Russia with weapons, missiles, soldiers on 'holidays' and money) not be in Ukraine's 'national interests'?


pre 9 godina


Is it an open door day in the mad-house ? Then where Mirel , Rocky , Leonard , the Truth and other guys are ? I start to worry about them coz they are really missing in this barking chorus. Anyway I’ll say it in Russian : СОБАКИ ЛАЮТ, А КАРАВАН ИДЕТ. Each one of you knows for sure that Ukraine is Russia and Putin will in no way let it go. So why don’t you all relax and have a pleasure of the inevitable ? I believe some of you post your poison free of charge because you believe that Russia is a bad guy. But we are coming and very soon we’ll be back to Moldova and to Hungary border. So if I were you I wouldn’t spoil relation with the neighbor. Only insane pedophiles can think different. The agony of the Nazi is very close to an end so be patient for another month or two and you’ll see of what shit the regime was composed. If you remember what shame is each of you will be ashamed for every word said in the favor of the fascists. But Russia will finish the job in any case. Ukraine is not a problem it’s one of the US tools so the real problem is the US and only the US. Their EU back vocals are not a problem either.

From Russia with love !


pre 9 godina

Yep Putins exactly right. The nato legion is shelling innocents in Donetsk as revenge for them not wanting to be governed by a bunch of neo-nazi scum in Kiev e.g. yatsentwat who claimed the Soviet Union invaded Germany first in WW2


pre 9 godina

1/ “ Russian nationalists/extremists who are still stuck in old Soviet times which are past since almost 25 years!”

At the eve of the New Year RBC TV made a public poll WHAT WOULD YOU ASK FROM SANTA KLAUS ? They offered 4 answers and 61% of the Russians said they would ask him to revive the USSR.

2/ “The whole world knows that Ukraine is a sovereign country”

The whole world believes that LGBT is good and they say Je suis Charlie so what ? We know it better that Byelorussians and Ukrainians are a kind of the Russians and most common people on the mentioned territories think the same. You will see it soon.

3/ “Ukraine can go wherever it wants and don't has to as Russia or Putin about it.”

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.

4/ “Serbian politicians … don't accept the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.”

Serbs are in much more difficult situation. So they behave appropriate. When we need them they’ll stand by our side as it always happened. But for the time being we need nobody’s help or approval about Crimea. We just do what we believe to be correct.


pre 9 godina

LK that's because they are everywhere anybody with any knowledge of real-politque knows that and president Putin is one of the few who dare to openly expose them.


pre 9 godina

In 1992 during referendum 92% of what you call Ukrainians voted for keeping the USSR but nobody cared them. We do.
(rote, 27 January 2015 20:20)

Hey mate, your delusions are reaching new heights.... 92% of Ukrainians voted on 1 December 1991 for Ukraine to be independent from the USSR.

The USSR ceased to exist on 26 December 1991, so nobody could vote in 1992 to be part of something that did not exist.

Please make sure mate to correctly follow the propaganda from the Kremlin because you are embarrassing it.


pre 9 godina

(Comm.Parrisson, 26 January 2015 19:17)

What do you think the US has been doing for the last decade? Playing footsies? The US has massive social and economic problems and don’t confuse the corporations stock market with government. It’s now 6 years since the GFC hit and employment has not recovered. In fact there are now more part time jobs on $7.25 per hour while the higher paid manufacturing positions no longer exist.
PS they still have tent cities and plenty of them.