Friday, 23.05.2014.


"Ukraine has practically slid into civil war"

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the opening of an international conference on global security that Ukraine has practically slid into civil war.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Ukraine has practically slid into civil war" IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?
(Truth for T, 24 May 2014 03:02)


Is this what you consider restrained:

- occupation by military force (yes, those little green men who Putin later acknowledged were indeed Russian service personnel, as if this was not clear to all when some of these revoked military insignia from their uniforms but forgot to take off all the license plates), in contravention of more international treaties signed also by the Russians since comrade Stalin illegally annexed the Baltic countries. While no major human rights violations had been perpetrated against the Russian-speaking population on Crimea before the occupation, a number of serious ones followed, including murder, and the forced expulsion of 10.000 people, the majority being Crimean Tatars a nations whose existence on the peninsula precedes that of the Russians with several hundred years. Many of those forced to become IDPs in rest-Ukraine were descendants of Stalin's mass deportation of the Tatars.
- put Russian state-controlled media into a propaganda overdrive, portraying most Ukrainians west of the Donbas as rabid fascists and anti-Semites, while the the truth is that less than two percent voted for Pravy Sektor or Svoboda, less than Jewish Rabinovich.

Truth for T

pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?


pre 10 godina

Really?? Ukraine has slid into civil war? Surprise, surprise!
This means that the Russians were successful in fulfilling their aim. Then why act so surprised? Nobody else is!

Truth for T

pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?


pre 10 godina

Really?? Ukraine has slid into civil war? Surprise, surprise!
This means that the Russians were successful in fulfilling their aim. Then why act so surprised? Nobody else is!


pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?
(Truth for T, 24 May 2014 03:02)


Is this what you consider restrained:

- occupation by military force (yes, those little green men who Putin later acknowledged were indeed Russian service personnel, as if this was not clear to all when some of these revoked military insignia from their uniforms but forgot to take off all the license plates), in contravention of more international treaties signed also by the Russians since comrade Stalin illegally annexed the Baltic countries. While no major human rights violations had been perpetrated against the Russian-speaking population on Crimea before the occupation, a number of serious ones followed, including murder, and the forced expulsion of 10.000 people, the majority being Crimean Tatars a nations whose existence on the peninsula precedes that of the Russians with several hundred years. Many of those forced to become IDPs in rest-Ukraine were descendants of Stalin's mass deportation of the Tatars.
- put Russian state-controlled media into a propaganda overdrive, portraying most Ukrainians west of the Donbas as rabid fascists and anti-Semites, while the the truth is that less than two percent voted for Pravy Sektor or Svoboda, less than Jewish Rabinovich.


pre 10 godina

Really?? Ukraine has slid into civil war? Surprise, surprise!
This means that the Russians were successful in fulfilling their aim. Then why act so surprised? Nobody else is!

Truth for T

pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?


pre 10 godina

Janukovic was not expelled by the Russians my friend. It was an externally financed coup but nothing to do with Putin who has remained very restrained in the face of unwarranted provocation. I think you know who the real culprit is don't you "T"?
(Truth for T, 24 May 2014 03:02)


Is this what you consider restrained:

- occupation by military force (yes, those little green men who Putin later acknowledged were indeed Russian service personnel, as if this was not clear to all when some of these revoked military insignia from their uniforms but forgot to take off all the license plates), in contravention of more international treaties signed also by the Russians since comrade Stalin illegally annexed the Baltic countries. While no major human rights violations had been perpetrated against the Russian-speaking population on Crimea before the occupation, a number of serious ones followed, including murder, and the forced expulsion of 10.000 people, the majority being Crimean Tatars a nations whose existence on the peninsula precedes that of the Russians with several hundred years. Many of those forced to become IDPs in rest-Ukraine were descendants of Stalin's mass deportation of the Tatars.
- put Russian state-controlled media into a propaganda overdrive, portraying most Ukrainians west of the Donbas as rabid fascists and anti-Semites, while the the truth is that less than two percent voted for Pravy Sektor or Svoboda, less than Jewish Rabinovich.