Monday, 11.11.2013.


Serbia protests over damage done to consulate

Serbia has lodged a protest to Croatia over an incident in the town of Rijeka, that targeted the Serbian consulate there.

Izvor: Tanjug

Serbia protests over damage done to consulate IMAGE SOURCE

19 Komentari

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Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I qualified my statement, I did not 'minimise' it. One final time I will explain that the point I was making was about politicians who selectively criticise when it suits them. If I punch the man who lives next door to me and then the man living next to him punches me, any complaint I make sounds hollow. It doesn't mean however that he was right to do so. I don't accept that everyone is biased. This implies that we are not capable of judging an issue on its merits and that we will always support 'our' side irrespective of the facts. I do not have a side to take in these discussions and consider that whilst many will not agree with what I say, it is said genuinely and with no preconceptions.


pre 10 godina

I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.
(ned taylor, 13 November 2013 18:08)
I never claimed I wasn't biased. We all are but the rest of your post is not true.
Anytime you claim something then follow with "but" you minimize your own statement. Nothing to do with deflecting.

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I did not contradict myself, I explained why it is potentially difficult for politicians who allow mob rule to criticise others when this happens in another country. You need to discern between an excuse and a reason. An excuse implies that to some extent the actions that took place were acceptable; they were not. A reason simply explains why they may have happened; ie I was late for work because I overslept; that's not an excuse it's a reason. I have the benefit of looking at this issue from a neutral standpoint and am not interested in scoring any points from anyone. I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.


pre 10 godina

Lenard, 12 November 2013 23:01)
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. More Croatian BS. Hey how is tourism going? Up 5%?
We all know Croat Greeks developed democracy while Croat Egyptians built the pyramids. Is there nothing you guys have not done first or invented apart from the biggest outhouse in the world to take all your crap?


pre 10 godina

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.
(Bam Bam, 12 November 2013 00:26)
So having Germany on your side makes you civilized? About as civilized as you were back in WW2 when you had Germany on your side and Jasenovac to be proud of.

Nobody wants to mess with you but at the same time nobody will allow you to mess with minorities because as you say you are now in the EU and you must obey EU laws, as stated by your own "friend" Germany.



pre 10 godina

"Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it,"
Yes, of course I am telling you that you are excusing it because you are. You conveniently stopped after the word inexcusable to show me how I contradict myself when that word is followed by another word "but" which says implies that Serbs have brought it on themselves by setting a precedent of some sort.

Here is your quote again with the rest of the sentence:

"this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you."
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)

You see how you contradicted YOURSELF and I picked it up?


pre 10 godina

sj Croatia spends same amount of money as Serbia on its armed forces but the funny part it is only 1.4% of the budget. While it is 2.3% Serbias buget even they dont have enough fule. Serbias air force grounded and it dose not have even money to replace worn out tires. Most of Serbias millitary budget goes to pay pensions. As the nepotism Serbs filled them selfs in ex Yugo nepotism communist army high as 70%. As for the Dec Jan that is the holiday season Christmas/New Year in Croatia. The bases are not closed just minumem staffing as everyone wants those holidays. We have Israeli drones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbit_Hermes_450 that can carry different type of missels. Daniel lot of Croatian "news" storys are the tabloid type take it with grain of salt. As for the politicans usual doom and gloom. Same old untill election time miracously they turned it around vote for them the heros LOL. sj we had our own parliment and goverment. Just like Australia ,Canada and U.S.A for a while under the British empire rule. The other still have the queen as head of state and the queens governer general to this day. That has the power to dissmis the goverment in those countrys pretty weird. The only time it was bad when Serbian despots took over and had the Croatian democratic leaders murdered in the Serb parliment of thieves. Put marshall law so they could steal with impunity and anty democraticaly in criminal Yugoserbia run by Serb criminals.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26

The only drone Croatia can afford is you. Croatia closes its military bases over December/January to save money for more soup kitchens. We will piss on you Croats and you will have signs in Cyrillic – no signs no EU and no money from EU and NO investment.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26)

You dont even have money to feed your own people let alone to buy drones.

Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it, great going! My message was to the politicians rather than the man on the street; either you condemn all such acts of violence or you leave yourself open to accusations of hypocrisy. These things often have a habit of going full circle and you never know when you may be the one in need of sympathy.

Bam Bam

pre 10 godina

@ peggy...What a civilized country they made.

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.


pre 10 godina

Of course it is a big deal. How would you react if we attacked your embassy here for instance?Wouldn´t be a big deal right?
(Daniel, 11 November 2013 17:05) You did and over half a dozen http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0SO81xkV4FSqVQAXyjrFAx.?ei=UTF-8&rd=r1&fr=mcafee&p=serbs+burn+embassies&SpellState=&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.


pre 10 godina

I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)
Wow, it's only taken five years for revenge. Great going. Croatians are a real patient MOB.
How about you stop excusing this and all other attacks on Serbs. This is obviously just hatred and not revenge.
What a civilized country they made.


pre 10 godina

Ned Taylor

Well you said it yourself. The embassy attacks in Belgrade were provoked by the theft of Kosovo and the support for this by Croatia amongst others. That's not an excuse but still a reason. What's the reason by croats for attacking Serbian consulate in Croatia? And the attacks on bilingual signs and pretty much every thing that reminds croats of Serbia and serbs? Serbia is one of Croatias main export countries. They want to keep it this way and at the same time prevent serbs from the same opportunity in Croatia. I'm sick and tired of everyone being able to treat serbs bad while they themselves demand VIP treatement by serbs. To bad we serbs are dumb enough to let albs and croats get away with this policy of disscrimination.

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

I am reminded of the news pictures that I saw on the day that Kosovo proclaimed its independence: angry mobs attacking and damaging numerous embassies and consulates in Belgrade while the police stood watching. I don't recall too much regret being expressed at the time by those who now seek an apology from Croatia. I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

Little more than HDZ's last gasp before political irrelevancy sets in. I wonder how many Croat "veterans" will protest against the impending privatization of most of its shipyards and other plans the EU has to bring this beloved domovina up to European codes. I suppose if they can link it to Serbia somehow, they'll come out in droves.


pre 10 godina


You know if this happened to a Croatian consulate in Serbia you would be begging your masters is Berlin and Washington to bomb those "barbaric serbs"!


pre 10 godina


You know if this happened to a Croatian consulate in Serbia you would be begging your masters is Berlin and Washington to bomb those "barbaric serbs"!

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

Little more than HDZ's last gasp before political irrelevancy sets in. I wonder how many Croat "veterans" will protest against the impending privatization of most of its shipyards and other plans the EU has to bring this beloved domovina up to European codes. I suppose if they can link it to Serbia somehow, they'll come out in droves.


pre 10 godina

I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)
Wow, it's only taken five years for revenge. Great going. Croatians are a real patient MOB.
How about you stop excusing this and all other attacks on Serbs. This is obviously just hatred and not revenge.
What a civilized country they made.


pre 10 godina

Ned Taylor

Well you said it yourself. The embassy attacks in Belgrade were provoked by the theft of Kosovo and the support for this by Croatia amongst others. That's not an excuse but still a reason. What's the reason by croats for attacking Serbian consulate in Croatia? And the attacks on bilingual signs and pretty much every thing that reminds croats of Serbia and serbs? Serbia is one of Croatias main export countries. They want to keep it this way and at the same time prevent serbs from the same opportunity in Croatia. I'm sick and tired of everyone being able to treat serbs bad while they themselves demand VIP treatement by serbs. To bad we serbs are dumb enough to let albs and croats get away with this policy of disscrimination.

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

I am reminded of the news pictures that I saw on the day that Kosovo proclaimed its independence: angry mobs attacking and damaging numerous embassies and consulates in Belgrade while the police stood watching. I don't recall too much regret being expressed at the time by those who now seek an apology from Croatia. I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26)

You dont even have money to feed your own people let alone to buy drones.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26

The only drone Croatia can afford is you. Croatia closes its military bases over December/January to save money for more soup kitchens. We will piss on you Croats and you will have signs in Cyrillic – no signs no EU and no money from EU and NO investment.


pre 10 godina

Lenard, 12 November 2013 23:01)
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. More Croatian BS. Hey how is tourism going? Up 5%?
We all know Croat Greeks developed democracy while Croat Egyptians built the pyramids. Is there nothing you guys have not done first or invented apart from the biggest outhouse in the world to take all your crap?

Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it, great going! My message was to the politicians rather than the man on the street; either you condemn all such acts of violence or you leave yourself open to accusations of hypocrisy. These things often have a habit of going full circle and you never know when you may be the one in need of sympathy.


pre 10 godina

sj Croatia spends same amount of money as Serbia on its armed forces but the funny part it is only 1.4% of the budget. While it is 2.3% Serbias buget even they dont have enough fule. Serbias air force grounded and it dose not have even money to replace worn out tires. Most of Serbias millitary budget goes to pay pensions. As the nepotism Serbs filled them selfs in ex Yugo nepotism communist army high as 70%. As for the Dec Jan that is the holiday season Christmas/New Year in Croatia. The bases are not closed just minumem staffing as everyone wants those holidays. We have Israeli drones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbit_Hermes_450 that can carry different type of missels. Daniel lot of Croatian "news" storys are the tabloid type take it with grain of salt. As for the politicans usual doom and gloom. Same old untill election time miracously they turned it around vote for them the heros LOL. sj we had our own parliment and goverment. Just like Australia ,Canada and U.S.A for a while under the British empire rule. The other still have the queen as head of state and the queens governer general to this day. That has the power to dissmis the goverment in those countrys pretty weird. The only time it was bad when Serbian despots took over and had the Croatian democratic leaders murdered in the Serb parliment of thieves. Put marshall law so they could steal with impunity and anty democraticaly in criminal Yugoserbia run by Serb criminals.


pre 10 godina

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.
(Bam Bam, 12 November 2013 00:26)
So having Germany on your side makes you civilized? About as civilized as you were back in WW2 when you had Germany on your side and Jasenovac to be proud of.

Nobody wants to mess with you but at the same time nobody will allow you to mess with minorities because as you say you are now in the EU and you must obey EU laws, as stated by your own "friend" Germany.



pre 10 godina

"Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it,"
Yes, of course I am telling you that you are excusing it because you are. You conveniently stopped after the word inexcusable to show me how I contradict myself when that word is followed by another word "but" which says implies that Serbs have brought it on themselves by setting a precedent of some sort.

Here is your quote again with the rest of the sentence:

"this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you."
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)

You see how you contradicted YOURSELF and I picked it up?

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I did not contradict myself, I explained why it is potentially difficult for politicians who allow mob rule to criticise others when this happens in another country. You need to discern between an excuse and a reason. An excuse implies that to some extent the actions that took place were acceptable; they were not. A reason simply explains why they may have happened; ie I was late for work because I overslept; that's not an excuse it's a reason. I have the benefit of looking at this issue from a neutral standpoint and am not interested in scoring any points from anyone. I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.

Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I qualified my statement, I did not 'minimise' it. One final time I will explain that the point I was making was about politicians who selectively criticise when it suits them. If I punch the man who lives next door to me and then the man living next to him punches me, any complaint I make sounds hollow. It doesn't mean however that he was right to do so. I don't accept that everyone is biased. This implies that we are not capable of judging an issue on its merits and that we will always support 'our' side irrespective of the facts. I do not have a side to take in these discussions and consider that whilst many will not agree with what I say, it is said genuinely and with no preconceptions.


pre 10 godina

Of course it is a big deal. How would you react if we attacked your embassy here for instance?Wouldn´t be a big deal right?
(Daniel, 11 November 2013 17:05) You did and over half a dozen http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0SO81xkV4FSqVQAXyjrFAx.?ei=UTF-8&rd=r1&fr=mcafee&p=serbs+burn+embassies&SpellState=&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.

Bam Bam

pre 10 godina

@ peggy...What a civilized country they made.

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.


pre 10 godina

I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.
(ned taylor, 13 November 2013 18:08)
I never claimed I wasn't biased. We all are but the rest of your post is not true.
Anytime you claim something then follow with "but" you minimize your own statement. Nothing to do with deflecting.

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

I am reminded of the news pictures that I saw on the day that Kosovo proclaimed its independence: angry mobs attacking and damaging numerous embassies and consulates in Belgrade while the police stood watching. I don't recall too much regret being expressed at the time by those who now seek an apology from Croatia. I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.


pre 10 godina

Of course it is a big deal. How would you react if we attacked your embassy here for instance?Wouldn´t be a big deal right?
(Daniel, 11 November 2013 17:05) You did and over half a dozen http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0SO81xkV4FSqVQAXyjrFAx.?ei=UTF-8&rd=r1&fr=mcafee&p=serbs+burn+embassies&SpellState=&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.


pre 10 godina


You know if this happened to a Croatian consulate in Serbia you would be begging your masters is Berlin and Washington to bomb those "barbaric serbs"!

Bam Bam

pre 10 godina

@ peggy...What a civilized country they made.

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.


pre 10 godina

I am saddened by all such violent acts and this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you.
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)
Wow, it's only taken five years for revenge. Great going. Croatians are a real patient MOB.
How about you stop excusing this and all other attacks on Serbs. This is obviously just hatred and not revenge.
What a civilized country they made.


pre 10 godina

sj Croatia spends same amount of money as Serbia on its armed forces but the funny part it is only 1.4% of the budget. While it is 2.3% Serbias buget even they dont have enough fule. Serbias air force grounded and it dose not have even money to replace worn out tires. Most of Serbias millitary budget goes to pay pensions. As the nepotism Serbs filled them selfs in ex Yugo nepotism communist army high as 70%. As for the Dec Jan that is the holiday season Christmas/New Year in Croatia. The bases are not closed just minumem staffing as everyone wants those holidays. We have Israeli drones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbit_Hermes_450 that can carry different type of missels. Daniel lot of Croatian "news" storys are the tabloid type take it with grain of salt. As for the politicans usual doom and gloom. Same old untill election time miracously they turned it around vote for them the heros LOL. sj we had our own parliment and goverment. Just like Australia ,Canada and U.S.A for a while under the British empire rule. The other still have the queen as head of state and the queens governer general to this day. That has the power to dissmis the goverment in those countrys pretty weird. The only time it was bad when Serbian despots took over and had the Croatian democratic leaders murdered in the Serb parliment of thieves. Put marshall law so they could steal with impunity and anty democraticaly in criminal Yugoserbia run by Serb criminals.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 10 godina

Little more than HDZ's last gasp before political irrelevancy sets in. I wonder how many Croat "veterans" will protest against the impending privatization of most of its shipyards and other plans the EU has to bring this beloved domovina up to European codes. I suppose if they can link it to Serbia somehow, they'll come out in droves.


pre 10 godina

Ned Taylor

Well you said it yourself. The embassy attacks in Belgrade were provoked by the theft of Kosovo and the support for this by Croatia amongst others. That's not an excuse but still a reason. What's the reason by croats for attacking Serbian consulate in Croatia? And the attacks on bilingual signs and pretty much every thing that reminds croats of Serbia and serbs? Serbia is one of Croatias main export countries. They want to keep it this way and at the same time prevent serbs from the same opportunity in Croatia. I'm sick and tired of everyone being able to treat serbs bad while they themselves demand VIP treatement by serbs. To bad we serbs are dumb enough to let albs and croats get away with this policy of disscrimination.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26)

You dont even have money to feed your own people let alone to buy drones.

Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it, great going! My message was to the politicians rather than the man on the street; either you condemn all such acts of violence or you leave yourself open to accusations of hypocrisy. These things often have a habit of going full circle and you never know when you may be the one in need of sympathy.


pre 10 godina

You did and over half a dozen [link] others ,pilliged ,burned etc. With the wink nod of your Serbian criminal goverment and we let you off no with drone strikes.
(Lenard, 11 November 2013 23:26

The only drone Croatia can afford is you. Croatia closes its military bases over December/January to save money for more soup kitchens. We will piss on you Croats and you will have signs in Cyrillic – no signs no EU and no money from EU and NO investment.


pre 10 godina

Guess who is in the E.U and NATO ? Who is going to mess with us..now that the all mighty Germans have access to our wonderful coast.
(Bam Bam, 12 November 2013 00:26)
So having Germany on your side makes you civilized? About as civilized as you were back in WW2 when you had Germany on your side and Jasenovac to be proud of.

Nobody wants to mess with you but at the same time nobody will allow you to mess with minorities because as you say you are now in the EU and you must obey EU laws, as stated by your own "friend" Germany.



pre 10 godina

Lenard, 12 November 2013 23:01)
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. More Croatian BS. Hey how is tourism going? Up 5%?
We all know Croat Greeks developed democracy while Croat Egyptians built the pyramids. Is there nothing you guys have not done first or invented apart from the biggest outhouse in the world to take all your crap?


pre 10 godina

I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.
(ned taylor, 13 November 2013 18:08)
I never claimed I wasn't biased. We all are but the rest of your post is not true.
Anytime you claim something then follow with "but" you minimize your own statement. Nothing to do with deflecting.

ned taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I did not contradict myself, I explained why it is potentially difficult for politicians who allow mob rule to criticise others when this happens in another country. You need to discern between an excuse and a reason. An excuse implies that to some extent the actions that took place were acceptable; they were not. A reason simply explains why they may have happened; ie I was late for work because I overslept; that's not an excuse it's a reason. I have the benefit of looking at this issue from a neutral standpoint and am not interested in scoring any points from anyone. I suspect that you are somewhat biased and are seeking to deflect attention away from the core of the issue by attempting to find fault where it does not exist.


pre 10 godina

"Peggy: Well done. You cut and paste my comment saying that the latest attack is ,quote, "inexcusable" and then tell me to stop trying to excuse it,"
Yes, of course I am telling you that you are excusing it because you are. You conveniently stopped after the word inexcusable to show me how I contradict myself when that word is followed by another word "but" which says implies that Serbs have brought it on themselves by setting a precedent of some sort.

Here is your quote again with the rest of the sentence:

"this latest one is as inexcusable as those in 2008 but one sets one's own standards in such affairs and occasionally they come back to bite you."
(ned taylor, 11 November 2013 17:00)

You see how you contradicted YOURSELF and I picked it up?

Ned Taylor

pre 10 godina

Peggy: I qualified my statement, I did not 'minimise' it. One final time I will explain that the point I was making was about politicians who selectively criticise when it suits them. If I punch the man who lives next door to me and then the man living next to him punches me, any complaint I make sounds hollow. It doesn't mean however that he was right to do so. I don't accept that everyone is biased. This implies that we are not capable of judging an issue on its merits and that we will always support 'our' side irrespective of the facts. I do not have a side to take in these discussions and consider that whilst many will not agree with what I say, it is said genuinely and with no preconceptions.