Friday, 12.07.2013.


Russia attaches "great importance" to South Stream

The Russian Federation attaches major importance to the realisation of the pan-European project of South Stream pipeline, ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin says.

Izvor: Tanjug

Russia attaches "great importance" to South Stream IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.
(toto, 14 July 2013 22:41)

Who wrote that? I didn't. Nobody mentions your fantasy except for yourself so there is no need to fake attribution to other commenters. It's all yours. You are not even able to post a credible link, but try europol and they will tell you that it is turkish&albanian mafia who are the kingpins and gateway of the drug trade in the region.


pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Dorothy, 12 July 2013 11:36).
sorry Dorothy but your fantasy is just a dream
(toto, 12 July 2013 13:55)

No doggy, you are only a character in a film. Nabucco West is DEAD DEAD DEAD. For reals!

FRE/RL Consortium Turns Down Nabucco West Pipeline



pre 11 godina

With the Nabucco pipeline officially pronounced dead will the US military at Camp Bondsteel stay on forever just to ensure an unhindered flow of Albanian heroin into Western Europe?


pre 11 godina

With the Nabucco pipeline officially pronounced dead will the US military at Camp Bondsteel stay on forever just to ensure an unhindered flow of Albanian heroin into Western Europe?

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Dorothy, 12 July 2013 11:36).
sorry Dorothy but your fantasy is just a dream
(toto, 12 July 2013 13:55)

No doggy, you are only a character in a film. Nabucco West is DEAD DEAD DEAD. For reals!

FRE/RL Consortium Turns Down Nabucco West Pipeline


Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.
(toto, 14 July 2013 22:41)

Who wrote that? I didn't. Nobody mentions your fantasy except for yourself so there is no need to fake attribution to other commenters. It's all yours. You are not even able to post a credible link, but try europol and they will tell you that it is turkish&albanian mafia who are the kingpins and gateway of the drug trade in the region.


pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.


pre 11 godina

With the Nabucco pipeline officially pronounced dead will the US military at Camp Bondsteel stay on forever just to ensure an unhindered flow of Albanian heroin into Western Europe?

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Dorothy, 12 July 2013 11:36).
sorry Dorothy but your fantasy is just a dream
(toto, 12 July 2013 13:55)

No doggy, you are only a character in a film. Nabucco West is DEAD DEAD DEAD. For reals!

FRE/RL Consortium Turns Down Nabucco West Pipeline



pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa

pre 11 godina

Toto, This is Serbia, Not Africa, 12 July 2013 14:59).
Sometimes one has to break it down for the simple minds. The fantasy is the illusion that the US got involved with the Serbian brutal onslaught of violence to the Albanians merely to protect a pipeline.
As far as the heroin link, it has always been known that Serbia has always been a huge link in that chain.
(toto, 14 July 2013 22:41)

Who wrote that? I didn't. Nobody mentions your fantasy except for yourself so there is no need to fake attribution to other commenters. It's all yours. You are not even able to post a credible link, but try europol and they will tell you that it is turkish&albanian mafia who are the kingpins and gateway of the drug trade in the region.