Monday, 10.06.2013.


WB official: Serbia will not face Greek scenario

Serbia is not going to face a Greek crisis scenario, Loup Brefort, World Bank's (WB) country manager for Serbia, has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

WB official: Serbia will not face Greek scenario IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

Lenard, 10 June 2013 20:12)

have a good and long look at Croatia before talking about Serbia. They were both under the same system and it was only recently that Croatia was forced to close its government subsised industries. Even Milanovic has openmly stated that he fears for Croaia as its going into the EU with NOTHING in the bank and a full to capacity social security liabilty. Croatia has more war veterans on the take today than it had acutal soldiers fighting.


pre 11 godina

Many employees in Serbia left work early and were given the full pension scheme, which is something that no system in the world can withstand, said the WB official.

Serbia has an aging population and this must be taken into account, Brefort said, noting that at the time of the former Yugoslavia, the ratio of employed to retired persons was three to one, while now Serbia has one employee per 1.7 beneficiaries.
One time the minority Serbs of Yugoslavia thought they were so smart. They loaded the communist party bureaucracy with them self's as high as the 70% when they only were 30% of ex Yugo population. Now Serbia has to pay the self serving useless communist Serbs pensions. Not even considering the billions to support the Greater Serbia fantasy of a "Srpska". That Bosnian and Croatian Parliaments don't recognize a criminal Srpska in war occupied Bosnia. They never ratified a Greater expansionist Serbia aka "Srpska entity" in the brutally savagely criminally attacked country of Bosnia i Herzegovina. No Serbia is not Greece it dose not have the EU to give it a financial life line. It has two dead weights tied to it Kosovo and and make believe "Srpska entity". That is why Serbia is bending for the master of the EU Germany. Hoping fantasizing it will be saved before time runs out on Serbia's home grown stupidity's before they do it in.


pre 11 godina

Many employees in Serbia left work early and were given the full pension scheme, which is something that no system in the world can withstand, said the WB official.

Serbia has an aging population and this must be taken into account, Brefort said, noting that at the time of the former Yugoslavia, the ratio of employed to retired persons was three to one, while now Serbia has one employee per 1.7 beneficiaries.
One time the minority Serbs of Yugoslavia thought they were so smart. They loaded the communist party bureaucracy with them self's as high as the 70% when they only were 30% of ex Yugo population. Now Serbia has to pay the self serving useless communist Serbs pensions. Not even considering the billions to support the Greater Serbia fantasy of a "Srpska". That Bosnian and Croatian Parliaments don't recognize a criminal Srpska in war occupied Bosnia. They never ratified a Greater expansionist Serbia aka "Srpska entity" in the brutally savagely criminally attacked country of Bosnia i Herzegovina. No Serbia is not Greece it dose not have the EU to give it a financial life line. It has two dead weights tied to it Kosovo and and make believe "Srpska entity". That is why Serbia is bending for the master of the EU Germany. Hoping fantasizing it will be saved before time runs out on Serbia's home grown stupidity's before they do it in.


pre 11 godina

Lenard, 10 June 2013 20:12)

have a good and long look at Croatia before talking about Serbia. They were both under the same system and it was only recently that Croatia was forced to close its government subsised industries. Even Milanovic has openmly stated that he fears for Croaia as its going into the EU with NOTHING in the bank and a full to capacity social security liabilty. Croatia has more war veterans on the take today than it had acutal soldiers fighting.


pre 11 godina

Lenard, 10 June 2013 20:12)

have a good and long look at Croatia before talking about Serbia. They were both under the same system and it was only recently that Croatia was forced to close its government subsised industries. Even Milanovic has openmly stated that he fears for Croaia as its going into the EU with NOTHING in the bank and a full to capacity social security liabilty. Croatia has more war veterans on the take today than it had acutal soldiers fighting.


pre 11 godina

Many employees in Serbia left work early and were given the full pension scheme, which is something that no system in the world can withstand, said the WB official.

Serbia has an aging population and this must be taken into account, Brefort said, noting that at the time of the former Yugoslavia, the ratio of employed to retired persons was three to one, while now Serbia has one employee per 1.7 beneficiaries.
One time the minority Serbs of Yugoslavia thought they were so smart. They loaded the communist party bureaucracy with them self's as high as the 70% when they only were 30% of ex Yugo population. Now Serbia has to pay the self serving useless communist Serbs pensions. Not even considering the billions to support the Greater Serbia fantasy of a "Srpska". That Bosnian and Croatian Parliaments don't recognize a criminal Srpska in war occupied Bosnia. They never ratified a Greater expansionist Serbia aka "Srpska entity" in the brutally savagely criminally attacked country of Bosnia i Herzegovina. No Serbia is not Greece it dose not have the EU to give it a financial life line. It has two dead weights tied to it Kosovo and and make believe "Srpska entity". That is why Serbia is bending for the master of the EU Germany. Hoping fantasizing it will be saved before time runs out on Serbia's home grown stupidity's before they do it in.