Friday, 17.05.2013.


Nikolić hails "new chapter" in Serbia-Belarus relations

President Tomislav Nikolić said on Friday in Belgrade that a new chapter has been opened in relations between Serbia and Belarus.

Izvor: Tanjug

Nikoliæ hails "new chapter" in Serbia-Belarus relations IMAGE SOURCE

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ned taylor

pre 11 godina

Whilst in principle it is entirely Serbia's business to decide with whom it has diplomatic and economic ties, Nikolic runs the risk of giving the EU yet another excuse for denying the country a start date for accession talks. Even if such talks begin, Serbia will be expected to 'toe the party line' with regard to EU policy towards third party states. Belarus has been on the receiving end of sanctions from the EU for several years due to the autocratic regime in place. More recently Ukraine has suffered a similar fate as a result of its treatment of Ms Tymoschenko. I firmly believe that Serbia should make its own decisions about its trading partners but that may require a reappraisal of the benefits of EU membership.


pre 11 godina

We didn’t have almost any relationship with Belarus, which is not good since they could be a valuable strategic partner to Serbia.


pre 11 godina

We didn’t have almost any relationship with Belarus, which is not good since they could be a valuable strategic partner to Serbia.

ned taylor

pre 11 godina

Whilst in principle it is entirely Serbia's business to decide with whom it has diplomatic and economic ties, Nikolic runs the risk of giving the EU yet another excuse for denying the country a start date for accession talks. Even if such talks begin, Serbia will be expected to 'toe the party line' with regard to EU policy towards third party states. Belarus has been on the receiving end of sanctions from the EU for several years due to the autocratic regime in place. More recently Ukraine has suffered a similar fate as a result of its treatment of Ms Tymoschenko. I firmly believe that Serbia should make its own decisions about its trading partners but that may require a reappraisal of the benefits of EU membership.

ned taylor

pre 11 godina

Whilst in principle it is entirely Serbia's business to decide with whom it has diplomatic and economic ties, Nikolic runs the risk of giving the EU yet another excuse for denying the country a start date for accession talks. Even if such talks begin, Serbia will be expected to 'toe the party line' with regard to EU policy towards third party states. Belarus has been on the receiving end of sanctions from the EU for several years due to the autocratic regime in place. More recently Ukraine has suffered a similar fate as a result of its treatment of Ms Tymoschenko. I firmly believe that Serbia should make its own decisions about its trading partners but that may require a reappraisal of the benefits of EU membership.


pre 11 godina

We didn’t have almost any relationship with Belarus, which is not good since they could be a valuable strategic partner to Serbia.