Saturday, 11.05.2013.


“Liaison officers will speed up communication”

Belgrade’s liaison officer Dejan Pavićević says that according to the Brussels agreement, his position does not have a diplomatic status.

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“Liaison officers will speed up communication” IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

When Serbia sends people as representatives of Belgrade they are ambassadors and are diplomats. Pavicevic is a diplomat and an ambassador and the official representative of Belgrade in pristina. Is there a liaison officer to vojvodina? Of course not because countries don't send ambassadors internally. The biggest symbol of him being diplomat is the facts and duties of his job. The facts and duties of his job indicate an international diplomat and ambassador.


pre 11 godina

With all that needs to be done and accomplished between the two sides, BG and Pristina, I think the thing of least importance are symbols. "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges".


pre 11 godina

He stressed that national symbols would not be visible in the liaison officers’ offices in Belgrade and Priština.

Just by working out of each other's capitol, is a national symbol on itself. Stop kidding yourself!.


pre 11 godina

He stressed that national symbols would not be visible in the liaison officers’ offices in Belgrade and Priština.

Just by working out of each other's capitol, is a national symbol on itself. Stop kidding yourself!.


pre 11 godina

With all that needs to be done and accomplished between the two sides, BG and Pristina, I think the thing of least importance are symbols. "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges".


pre 11 godina

When Serbia sends people as representatives of Belgrade they are ambassadors and are diplomats. Pavicevic is a diplomat and an ambassador and the official representative of Belgrade in pristina. Is there a liaison officer to vojvodina? Of course not because countries don't send ambassadors internally. The biggest symbol of him being diplomat is the facts and duties of his job. The facts and duties of his job indicate an international diplomat and ambassador.


pre 11 godina

He stressed that national symbols would not be visible in the liaison officers’ offices in Belgrade and Priština.

Just by working out of each other's capitol, is a national symbol on itself. Stop kidding yourself!.


pre 11 godina

When Serbia sends people as representatives of Belgrade they are ambassadors and are diplomats. Pavicevic is a diplomat and an ambassador and the official representative of Belgrade in pristina. Is there a liaison officer to vojvodina? Of course not because countries don't send ambassadors internally. The biggest symbol of him being diplomat is the facts and duties of his job. The facts and duties of his job indicate an international diplomat and ambassador.


pre 11 godina

With all that needs to be done and accomplished between the two sides, BG and Pristina, I think the thing of least importance are symbols. "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges".