Wednesday, 25.07.2012.


One year since major crisis in northern Kosovo

Wednesday marks one year since the Kosovo police launched an operation aimed at taking over the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings

Izvor: B92

One year since major crisis in northern Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

11 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

oh dear Staff, you learned the truth did you? you learned that Albanians are cowards and criminals? why thank you. one thing we are though, apparently according to you, is brilliant propagandists, that is we have the power to manipulate the world media for our own services. not bad for cowards and criminals.

as for your Kosova will never be independent, it depends what independence is. no country can EVER be truly independent because the world is inter connected. that is Kosova is not INDEPENDENT of events in Serbia but neither is Serbia INDEPENDENT of events in Kosova. what serbia cannot do now however is dictate. simple as that. i live in Kosova and do not have to abide by ANY SINGLE LAW that is passed in Serbia's parliament. not one. so in that regard, it is independent. i posses a Kosova passport that is recognized and accepted in EVERY SINGLE EU state (even Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Spain) never mind the US, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Canada etc. what people lime you fail to see, is that Kosova will NEVER be under Belgrade's domain again and we have fooled internationals like you to help us in that end. not bad for a people that are cowards and criminals.


pre 12 godina

There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself.

(Staff, 26 July 2012 22:30)

I'm sorry but I simply cannot go that low to understand you. You admit one thing and then say but now I don't... make up your mind. To me, you sound as very confused person- brain washed more precisely. I cannot deny the rights to Darfur no matter how unsympathetic to me they may look. You do.

Cowards thing: Albanians had very few smuggled rusted Ak47 and very limited supplies. No infrastructure, not even a simple surgery room- people were dying form simple infections...

Serbs had JNA which was the third-fourth strongest army in Europe. Very convenient!

Do I have to make you the list of the armaments and the numbers of them each side had?? Each time I have tried to remind you that B92 has denied publishing it. But I guess you can get that answer by yourself.

The war in Kosova started in early 1997 that is over 2 years before NATO intervention- if that’s what you are alluding to.

Remember we Albanians are the one that have defeated Turk in 25 battles, defeated 2 Sultans leading the Turkish army themselves and defeated the Venetians in our coastal towns.


pre 12 godina

(ben, 26 July 2012 15:20)

ben, I am as Serbian as you are Japanese = Not at all !

I am just an international western diplomat that was very pro-Albanian 1999 when start working in Yugoslavia due to the Serbian "repression" against the Albanian population according to the press and media. It took only some months for the majority of internationals to see what was the real truth. There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself. Cowards, criminals, love-to-be-victims-mentality is what other European people say about Abanians generally. I do not agree on all this. Many are hard working and try to make a good life out of a hard situation.
One thing is crystal clear though, Kosovo will never be an independent country by its own. If you dont believe and see this, you are blind and deaf.

My comment was from two international instructors that were trainers for the Rosu lately.


pre 12 godina

How can you leave one country enter another and declare it as yours? If that is all that is needed there are many countries who have their leaders with shivers down their backs.


pre 12 godina

in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !
(Staff, 25 July 2012 23:58)

Did your international friends told you that Serbia has about 2,000 of those troops already in north Kosova??? and they were unable to prevent ROSU reaching the gate 1 in Brnjak and were few meters form gate 31.

just in case you speak to them ask them what major military success these troops achieved in 1998/99 in Kosova against some farmers armed with rusted AK47 and amos carried with donkeys?? Drenica which is about 40km from your army/policy main barracks in Prishina was a no-go zone since Febraury 1988 and remained as such till Jun 1999. Now if the farmers could do that guess what these ROSU boys can even that weakly trained as you claim.

Of coure throuwing hand granates in the rooms full of childeren and women, chasing civilins out of theri homes is not military succes for an honorable army- if you plan to compete in this league.

And btw the ROSU are just a unit of RENEA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RENEA which in last training this May (and in mny previou others) with other Balkan special units including yours achieved the highest results.


pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

that can't be correct since we're told that Serbs were unarmed and peaceful. Serbs should just make up their mind what the correct story is!


pre 12 godina

This ROSU units are very very weak. I have two close friends, one american and one french, both police special forces. A couple of years ago, they were trainers for this Rosu units. They told that they had to lower and lower the requirements several times to get the officers to understand and to go through the physical training etc. Really low quality. About one of 25 officers got through the tests and was a good officer.
Outside the province, in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !

Ardi Asllani

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

If it was defeat for Albanians as you claim, why Serbs erected barricades and locked themselves in the box???
Border crossing 1&31 are under firm control of Kosova authorities. Even illegal paths are blocked lately. So, who is the winner and who is the big time looser?

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!

Ardi Asllani

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

If it was defeat for Albanians as you claim, why Serbs erected barricades and locked themselves in the box???
Border crossing 1&31 are under firm control of Kosova authorities. Even illegal paths are blocked lately. So, who is the winner and who is the big time looser?

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!


pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

that can't be correct since we're told that Serbs were unarmed and peaceful. Serbs should just make up their mind what the correct story is!


pre 12 godina

This ROSU units are very very weak. I have two close friends, one american and one french, both police special forces. A couple of years ago, they were trainers for this Rosu units. They told that they had to lower and lower the requirements several times to get the officers to understand and to go through the physical training etc. Really low quality. About one of 25 officers got through the tests and was a good officer.
Outside the province, in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !


pre 12 godina

in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !
(Staff, 25 July 2012 23:58)

Did your international friends told you that Serbia has about 2,000 of those troops already in north Kosova??? and they were unable to prevent ROSU reaching the gate 1 in Brnjak and were few meters form gate 31.

just in case you speak to them ask them what major military success these troops achieved in 1998/99 in Kosova against some farmers armed with rusted AK47 and amos carried with donkeys?? Drenica which is about 40km from your army/policy main barracks in Prishina was a no-go zone since Febraury 1988 and remained as such till Jun 1999. Now if the farmers could do that guess what these ROSU boys can even that weakly trained as you claim.

Of coure throuwing hand granates in the rooms full of childeren and women, chasing civilins out of theri homes is not military succes for an honorable army- if you plan to compete in this league.

And btw the ROSU are just a unit of RENEA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RENEA which in last training this May (and in mny previou others) with other Balkan special units including yours achieved the highest results.


pre 12 godina

How can you leave one country enter another and declare it as yours? If that is all that is needed there are many countries who have their leaders with shivers down their backs.


pre 12 godina

(ben, 26 July 2012 15:20)

ben, I am as Serbian as you are Japanese = Not at all !

I am just an international western diplomat that was very pro-Albanian 1999 when start working in Yugoslavia due to the Serbian "repression" against the Albanian population according to the press and media. It took only some months for the majority of internationals to see what was the real truth. There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself. Cowards, criminals, love-to-be-victims-mentality is what other European people say about Abanians generally. I do not agree on all this. Many are hard working and try to make a good life out of a hard situation.
One thing is crystal clear though, Kosovo will never be an independent country by its own. If you dont believe and see this, you are blind and deaf.

My comment was from two international instructors that were trainers for the Rosu lately.


pre 12 godina

There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself.

(Staff, 26 July 2012 22:30)

I'm sorry but I simply cannot go that low to understand you. You admit one thing and then say but now I don't... make up your mind. To me, you sound as very confused person- brain washed more precisely. I cannot deny the rights to Darfur no matter how unsympathetic to me they may look. You do.

Cowards thing: Albanians had very few smuggled rusted Ak47 and very limited supplies. No infrastructure, not even a simple surgery room- people were dying form simple infections...

Serbs had JNA which was the third-fourth strongest army in Europe. Very convenient!

Do I have to make you the list of the armaments and the numbers of them each side had?? Each time I have tried to remind you that B92 has denied publishing it. But I guess you can get that answer by yourself.

The war in Kosova started in early 1997 that is over 2 years before NATO intervention- if that’s what you are alluding to.

Remember we Albanians are the one that have defeated Turk in 25 battles, defeated 2 Sultans leading the Turkish army themselves and defeated the Venetians in our coastal towns.


pre 12 godina

oh dear Staff, you learned the truth did you? you learned that Albanians are cowards and criminals? why thank you. one thing we are though, apparently according to you, is brilliant propagandists, that is we have the power to manipulate the world media for our own services. not bad for cowards and criminals.

as for your Kosova will never be independent, it depends what independence is. no country can EVER be truly independent because the world is inter connected. that is Kosova is not INDEPENDENT of events in Serbia but neither is Serbia INDEPENDENT of events in Kosova. what serbia cannot do now however is dictate. simple as that. i live in Kosova and do not have to abide by ANY SINGLE LAW that is passed in Serbia's parliament. not one. so in that regard, it is independent. i posses a Kosova passport that is recognized and accepted in EVERY SINGLE EU state (even Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Spain) never mind the US, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Canada etc. what people lime you fail to see, is that Kosova will NEVER be under Belgrade's domain again and we have fooled internationals like you to help us in that end. not bad for a people that are cowards and criminals.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!

Ardi Asllani

pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.

Albanians were met with defeat there, and more to come if you try that sh*t again, believe that.

Happy anniversary!
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

If it was defeat for Albanians as you claim, why Serbs erected barricades and locked themselves in the box???
Border crossing 1&31 are under firm control of Kosova authorities. Even illegal paths are blocked lately. So, who is the winner and who is the big time looser?


pre 12 godina

One year since the ROSU Albanian organ extracting terrorist was murdered for trying to occupy more Serbian soil.
(Ari Gold, 25 July 2012 21:44)

that can't be correct since we're told that Serbs were unarmed and peaceful. Serbs should just make up their mind what the correct story is!


pre 12 godina

This ROSU units are very very weak. I have two close friends, one american and one french, both police special forces. A couple of years ago, they were trainers for this Rosu units. They told that they had to lower and lower the requirements several times to get the officers to understand and to go through the physical training etc. Really low quality. About one of 25 officers got through the tests and was a good officer.
Outside the province, in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !


pre 12 godina

in Serbia proper, there are something called Jandarmerie and CAJ (not sure of spelling.) My friends told me that those units are extremely fit, well equipped and would eat this Rosus for breakfast, no doubt.
Dont believe me ? Ask the internationals !
(Staff, 25 July 2012 23:58)

Did your international friends told you that Serbia has about 2,000 of those troops already in north Kosova??? and they were unable to prevent ROSU reaching the gate 1 in Brnjak and were few meters form gate 31.

just in case you speak to them ask them what major military success these troops achieved in 1998/99 in Kosova against some farmers armed with rusted AK47 and amos carried with donkeys?? Drenica which is about 40km from your army/policy main barracks in Prishina was a no-go zone since Febraury 1988 and remained as such till Jun 1999. Now if the farmers could do that guess what these ROSU boys can even that weakly trained as you claim.

Of coure throuwing hand granates in the rooms full of childeren and women, chasing civilins out of theri homes is not military succes for an honorable army- if you plan to compete in this league.

And btw the ROSU are just a unit of RENEA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RENEA which in last training this May (and in mny previou others) with other Balkan special units including yours achieved the highest results.


pre 12 godina

(ben, 26 July 2012 15:20)

ben, I am as Serbian as you are Japanese = Not at all !

I am just an international western diplomat that was very pro-Albanian 1999 when start working in Yugoslavia due to the Serbian "repression" against the Albanian population according to the press and media. It took only some months for the majority of internationals to see what was the real truth. There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself. Cowards, criminals, love-to-be-victims-mentality is what other European people say about Abanians generally. I do not agree on all this. Many are hard working and try to make a good life out of a hard situation.
One thing is crystal clear though, Kosovo will never be an independent country by its own. If you dont believe and see this, you are blind and deaf.

My comment was from two international instructors that were trainers for the Rosu lately.


pre 12 godina

How can you leave one country enter another and declare it as yours? If that is all that is needed there are many countries who have their leaders with shivers down their backs.


pre 12 godina

There were repressions yes, there were murders yes, there were extremely bad things done yes. But, you are by no means any better yourself.

(Staff, 26 July 2012 22:30)

I'm sorry but I simply cannot go that low to understand you. You admit one thing and then say but now I don't... make up your mind. To me, you sound as very confused person- brain washed more precisely. I cannot deny the rights to Darfur no matter how unsympathetic to me they may look. You do.

Cowards thing: Albanians had very few smuggled rusted Ak47 and very limited supplies. No infrastructure, not even a simple surgery room- people were dying form simple infections...

Serbs had JNA which was the third-fourth strongest army in Europe. Very convenient!

Do I have to make you the list of the armaments and the numbers of them each side had?? Each time I have tried to remind you that B92 has denied publishing it. But I guess you can get that answer by yourself.

The war in Kosova started in early 1997 that is over 2 years before NATO intervention- if that’s what you are alluding to.

Remember we Albanians are the one that have defeated Turk in 25 battles, defeated 2 Sultans leading the Turkish army themselves and defeated the Venetians in our coastal towns.


pre 12 godina

oh dear Staff, you learned the truth did you? you learned that Albanians are cowards and criminals? why thank you. one thing we are though, apparently according to you, is brilliant propagandists, that is we have the power to manipulate the world media for our own services. not bad for cowards and criminals.

as for your Kosova will never be independent, it depends what independence is. no country can EVER be truly independent because the world is inter connected. that is Kosova is not INDEPENDENT of events in Serbia but neither is Serbia INDEPENDENT of events in Kosova. what serbia cannot do now however is dictate. simple as that. i live in Kosova and do not have to abide by ANY SINGLE LAW that is passed in Serbia's parliament. not one. so in that regard, it is independent. i posses a Kosova passport that is recognized and accepted in EVERY SINGLE EU state (even Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Spain) never mind the US, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Canada etc. what people lime you fail to see, is that Kosova will NEVER be under Belgrade's domain again and we have fooled internationals like you to help us in that end. not bad for a people that are cowards and criminals.