Saturday, 09.06.2012.


Macedonian president won’t attend Nikolić’s inauguraton

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov will not attend the inauguration of his Serbian counterpart Tomislav Nikolić, reads a release by Ivanov's cabinet.

Izvor: Tanjug

Macedonian president won’t attend Nikoliæ’s inauguraton IMAGE SOURCE

20 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,it probably is a duck.


pre 12 godina

"Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women. "
(Dragan, 10 June 2012 06:30)

Serbs = immigrated Slavs, belonging to the same tribe as Croatians and Bosnians, but they chose to be orthodox and not catholic or islamic.

Now things must be clear for everybody!


pre 12 godina

Why does this shock so many? WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west? Why do Serbs view everything in dramatic black and white?

Ask yourselves about the relations between the countries. Belgrade still thinks its the capital and treats Skopje like a vassal entity. Macedonia is 20 years old and has its own identity and politics. It is this miss-reading from Belgrade that has caused a lot of tension between them.

How is the fact that Serbia doesn't recognize the Macedonian church and the continued occupation of Macedonian churches is viewed by the Macedonians. They have to deal with Greece for their name and Identity; with Bulgaria and Serbia also for identity, and the Albanians who want equality and a greater share of the state.

Serbia knows the diplomatic principle of reciprocity. It experiences it on a daily bases with all its neighbor, that is why its relations are so "rosy." Serbia's EU condition of good neighborly relations is not just for Kosovo but all its neighbors and we all know they are worst of any European country.

Belgrade is not the capital of Yugoslavia anymore!!!


pre 12 godina

You are only partially correct.
Bosnia muslims=Serbs converted to Islam (brainwashed and in denial)
Croats=many catholicized Serbs and wanna be Germans (completely brainwashed and delusional with huge inferiority complex)
Fyromians=people whom Tito convinced are Macedonians, even though Macedonians are Greeks
Slovenes= people with not much to say and no real history
Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women.

I hope that clears things up.



pre 12 godina

I can't remember who but a Serb on another post about Macedonian youths killed said to me that we should support our brothers. I recall that I was saying how after all the betrayal the Macedonians will again need our help and ask for it and I said to tell them to go and take a hike.
Those Macedonians just won't learn. They insist on slapping us in the face at every opportunity and surely they must know that Serbs and the only one who would even think about helping them when the time comes to liberate themselves from Albanians.

I wish I could remember who told me that we should support them. I would love them to comment on this post too and see if they still feel the same way.
Nikolic should send a letter of thanks to the people of Macedonia for yet again slapping us in the face and tell them that the gesture will be returned one day.


pre 12 godina

-Montenegrins, your brothers = backstabbers
-Macedonians, your brothers = backstabbers
-Croats = backstabbers
-Slovenes= backstabbers
- Albanians=backstabbers
- Bonsniaks=backstabbers

If they're all backstabbers then what does that say about you?

Putin's left boot

pre 12 godina

All those who won't be attending have all had their orders from their masters in the USA. They were probably threatened with sanctions if they intended to go.


pre 12 godina

Looks like that Nikolic successfully isolated Serbia in one week. With the Dinar already on the deep fall, it is not far until Serbia is back to its 90s. The Milosevic men Nikolic, Dacic and Co. are already there. Only the Visa Free Regime with the EU is between this and the beloved past, which, however, hangs on very thin string, once clashes between Kfor peacekeepers and armed Serbs in Kosovo intensifies.

Good job, Tome..


pre 12 godina

Wise Macedonian leader staying at home.
No interest in criminal mafia state of serbia.
Putin-Pasa new grand vizier of serbs, nothing change.
Serbs always in history little slaves like now "Radisav of Putin-Pasa.


pre 12 godina

No serious and self respecting person, let alone president of a country, woud want to participate in the inauguration of a chetnik president.


pre 12 godina

This little bootlicker will not be missed either. I hope that Serbia changes its policy and quit recognizing the name 'Macedonia'. We all know that Macedonians are Greeks, not slavs, and we don't support the usurping of someone else's culture. Serbia should recognize 'FYROM', it is the right thing to do. And Greeks have always been great allies to Serbia, far better than the FYROMian backstabbers.


Yet Another J S

pre 12 godina

This is regrettably another American and German Puppet who was odder not to attend the Inauguration of the President of a Neighbouring and Friendly Country.

We know that the Albanians who compromise a significant Minority do not want European Countries to have Good Neighbourly Relations.

The equally guilty culprits are America and Germany, and because Germany is a European Country; this means that it is time for America to leave Continental Europe Completely and Permanently.


pre 12 godina

of course hes not going because their masters the albanians told them not to go are else lol these slavic macedonians dont control their country its the albanians that do how pathetic..........lol


pre 12 godina

Because ivanov is a Croatian and Muslim a** kisser. Thats y many Macedonian politicans have resorts in Croatia. All that dispite the fact croat soldiers strangled a mak soldier in the war of the 90s. Shame on him for not attending a brothers wedding. Im sure he'd go for the fake albabian celebration in Pristina.

Oliver Cromwell

pre 12 godina

Of course he won't,the man is pathetic just another Stooge of the Reich scared of his own shadow the last thing he wants is to get on the wrong side of his Puppet Masters at Reich High command in washington.

Oliver Cromwell

pre 12 godina

Of course he won't,the man is pathetic just another Stooge of the Reich scared of his own shadow the last thing he wants is to get on the wrong side of his Puppet Masters at Reich High command in washington.


pre 12 godina

Because ivanov is a Croatian and Muslim a** kisser. Thats y many Macedonian politicans have resorts in Croatia. All that dispite the fact croat soldiers strangled a mak soldier in the war of the 90s. Shame on him for not attending a brothers wedding. Im sure he'd go for the fake albabian celebration in Pristina.


pre 12 godina

This little bootlicker will not be missed either. I hope that Serbia changes its policy and quit recognizing the name 'Macedonia'. We all know that Macedonians are Greeks, not slavs, and we don't support the usurping of someone else's culture. Serbia should recognize 'FYROM', it is the right thing to do. And Greeks have always been great allies to Serbia, far better than the FYROMian backstabbers.



pre 12 godina

of course hes not going because their masters the albanians told them not to go are else lol these slavic macedonians dont control their country its the albanians that do how pathetic..........lol

Yet Another J S

pre 12 godina

This is regrettably another American and German Puppet who was odder not to attend the Inauguration of the President of a Neighbouring and Friendly Country.

We know that the Albanians who compromise a significant Minority do not want European Countries to have Good Neighbourly Relations.

The equally guilty culprits are America and Germany, and because Germany is a European Country; this means that it is time for America to leave Continental Europe Completely and Permanently.


pre 12 godina

No serious and self respecting person, let alone president of a country, woud want to participate in the inauguration of a chetnik president.


pre 12 godina

-Montenegrins, your brothers = backstabbers
-Macedonians, your brothers = backstabbers
-Croats = backstabbers
-Slovenes= backstabbers
- Albanians=backstabbers
- Bonsniaks=backstabbers

If they're all backstabbers then what does that say about you?


pre 12 godina

Wise Macedonian leader staying at home.
No interest in criminal mafia state of serbia.
Putin-Pasa new grand vizier of serbs, nothing change.
Serbs always in history little slaves like now "Radisav of Putin-Pasa.


pre 12 godina

Looks like that Nikolic successfully isolated Serbia in one week. With the Dinar already on the deep fall, it is not far until Serbia is back to its 90s. The Milosevic men Nikolic, Dacic and Co. are already there. Only the Visa Free Regime with the EU is between this and the beloved past, which, however, hangs on very thin string, once clashes between Kfor peacekeepers and armed Serbs in Kosovo intensifies.

Good job, Tome..

Putin's left boot

pre 12 godina

All those who won't be attending have all had their orders from their masters in the USA. They were probably threatened with sanctions if they intended to go.


pre 12 godina

You are only partially correct.
Bosnia muslims=Serbs converted to Islam (brainwashed and in denial)
Croats=many catholicized Serbs and wanna be Germans (completely brainwashed and delusional with huge inferiority complex)
Fyromians=people whom Tito convinced are Macedonians, even though Macedonians are Greeks
Slovenes= people with not much to say and no real history
Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women.

I hope that clears things up.



pre 12 godina

I can't remember who but a Serb on another post about Macedonian youths killed said to me that we should support our brothers. I recall that I was saying how after all the betrayal the Macedonians will again need our help and ask for it and I said to tell them to go and take a hike.
Those Macedonians just won't learn. They insist on slapping us in the face at every opportunity and surely they must know that Serbs and the only one who would even think about helping them when the time comes to liberate themselves from Albanians.

I wish I could remember who told me that we should support them. I would love them to comment on this post too and see if they still feel the same way.
Nikolic should send a letter of thanks to the people of Macedonia for yet again slapping us in the face and tell them that the gesture will be returned one day.


pre 12 godina

Why does this shock so many? WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west? Why do Serbs view everything in dramatic black and white?

Ask yourselves about the relations between the countries. Belgrade still thinks its the capital and treats Skopje like a vassal entity. Macedonia is 20 years old and has its own identity and politics. It is this miss-reading from Belgrade that has caused a lot of tension between them.

How is the fact that Serbia doesn't recognize the Macedonian church and the continued occupation of Macedonian churches is viewed by the Macedonians. They have to deal with Greece for their name and Identity; with Bulgaria and Serbia also for identity, and the Albanians who want equality and a greater share of the state.

Serbia knows the diplomatic principle of reciprocity. It experiences it on a daily bases with all its neighbor, that is why its relations are so "rosy." Serbia's EU condition of good neighborly relations is not just for Kosovo but all its neighbors and we all know they are worst of any European country.

Belgrade is not the capital of Yugoslavia anymore!!!


pre 12 godina

"Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women. "
(Dragan, 10 June 2012 06:30)

Serbs = immigrated Slavs, belonging to the same tribe as Croatians and Bosnians, but they chose to be orthodox and not catholic or islamic.

Now things must be clear for everybody!


pre 12 godina

WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,it probably is a duck.


pre 12 godina

Because ivanov is a Croatian and Muslim a** kisser. Thats y many Macedonian politicans have resorts in Croatia. All that dispite the fact croat soldiers strangled a mak soldier in the war of the 90s. Shame on him for not attending a brothers wedding. Im sure he'd go for the fake albabian celebration in Pristina.


pre 12 godina

No serious and self respecting person, let alone president of a country, woud want to participate in the inauguration of a chetnik president.


pre 12 godina

Wise Macedonian leader staying at home.
No interest in criminal mafia state of serbia.
Putin-Pasa new grand vizier of serbs, nothing change.
Serbs always in history little slaves like now "Radisav of Putin-Pasa.

Oliver Cromwell

pre 12 godina

Of course he won't,the man is pathetic just another Stooge of the Reich scared of his own shadow the last thing he wants is to get on the wrong side of his Puppet Masters at Reich High command in washington.

Yet Another J S

pre 12 godina

This is regrettably another American and German Puppet who was odder not to attend the Inauguration of the President of a Neighbouring and Friendly Country.

We know that the Albanians who compromise a significant Minority do not want European Countries to have Good Neighbourly Relations.

The equally guilty culprits are America and Germany, and because Germany is a European Country; this means that it is time for America to leave Continental Europe Completely and Permanently.


pre 12 godina

This little bootlicker will not be missed either. I hope that Serbia changes its policy and quit recognizing the name 'Macedonia'. We all know that Macedonians are Greeks, not slavs, and we don't support the usurping of someone else's culture. Serbia should recognize 'FYROM', it is the right thing to do. And Greeks have always been great allies to Serbia, far better than the FYROMian backstabbers.



pre 12 godina

of course hes not going because their masters the albanians told them not to go are else lol these slavic macedonians dont control their country its the albanians that do how pathetic..........lol


pre 12 godina

-Montenegrins, your brothers = backstabbers
-Macedonians, your brothers = backstabbers
-Croats = backstabbers
-Slovenes= backstabbers
- Albanians=backstabbers
- Bonsniaks=backstabbers

If they're all backstabbers then what does that say about you?

Putin's left boot

pre 12 godina

All those who won't be attending have all had their orders from their masters in the USA. They were probably threatened with sanctions if they intended to go.


pre 12 godina

Looks like that Nikolic successfully isolated Serbia in one week. With the Dinar already on the deep fall, it is not far until Serbia is back to its 90s. The Milosevic men Nikolic, Dacic and Co. are already there. Only the Visa Free Regime with the EU is between this and the beloved past, which, however, hangs on very thin string, once clashes between Kfor peacekeepers and armed Serbs in Kosovo intensifies.

Good job, Tome..


pre 12 godina

Why does this shock so many? WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west? Why do Serbs view everything in dramatic black and white?

Ask yourselves about the relations between the countries. Belgrade still thinks its the capital and treats Skopje like a vassal entity. Macedonia is 20 years old and has its own identity and politics. It is this miss-reading from Belgrade that has caused a lot of tension between them.

How is the fact that Serbia doesn't recognize the Macedonian church and the continued occupation of Macedonian churches is viewed by the Macedonians. They have to deal with Greece for their name and Identity; with Bulgaria and Serbia also for identity, and the Albanians who want equality and a greater share of the state.

Serbia knows the diplomatic principle of reciprocity. It experiences it on a daily bases with all its neighbor, that is why its relations are so "rosy." Serbia's EU condition of good neighborly relations is not just for Kosovo but all its neighbors and we all know they are worst of any European country.

Belgrade is not the capital of Yugoslavia anymore!!!


pre 12 godina

You are only partially correct.
Bosnia muslims=Serbs converted to Islam (brainwashed and in denial)
Croats=many catholicized Serbs and wanna be Germans (completely brainwashed and delusional with huge inferiority complex)
Fyromians=people whom Tito convinced are Macedonians, even though Macedonians are Greeks
Slovenes= people with not much to say and no real history
Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women.

I hope that clears things up.



pre 12 godina

I can't remember who but a Serb on another post about Macedonian youths killed said to me that we should support our brothers. I recall that I was saying how after all the betrayal the Macedonians will again need our help and ask for it and I said to tell them to go and take a hike.
Those Macedonians just won't learn. They insist on slapping us in the face at every opportunity and surely they must know that Serbs and the only one who would even think about helping them when the time comes to liberate themselves from Albanians.

I wish I could remember who told me that we should support them. I would love them to comment on this post too and see if they still feel the same way.
Nikolic should send a letter of thanks to the people of Macedonia for yet again slapping us in the face and tell them that the gesture will be returned one day.


pre 12 godina

"Serbs=Free and independent people with a proud and impressive history of fighting oppressors and tyrants. Are smart and posses a prowess for sports and abundant beautiful women. "
(Dragan, 10 June 2012 06:30)

Serbs = immigrated Slavs, belonging to the same tribe as Croatians and Bosnians, but they chose to be orthodox and not catholic or islamic.

Now things must be clear for everybody!


pre 12 godina

WHy is the President of Macedonia called a puppet of the west?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,it probably is a duck.