Monday, 04.06.2012.


President holds govt. consultations with Progressives

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić on Monday in Belgrade held consultations on the formation of a new government with officials of the Serb Progressives (SNS).

Izvor: Tanjug

President holds govt. consultations with Progressives IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

Since I follow the political situation in Serbia, I can say that the best solution for Serbia is,that SNS and SPS enter into a coalition and join the government.


pre 12 godina

Steve, don't you think SNS politicians have 'illegal wealth' too? They entered politics so they can lie, cheat and deceit. They are all the same, no matter who you vote for!!


pre 12 godina

Forming Government with Socialists will be the right thing for Mr. Dacic. Dacic knows that his party alone in coalition with Progressives could form strong government w/o too many, so called, minor parties. That would be the only way for Serbia to fight corruption, misuse of political positions, illegal wealth of DS members, acquired in last 12 years of power. That coalition will have men, power and knowledge to fight all of stated and they will be capable to push Serbia out of the poverty. And one last thing...that alliance will be the true reflection of Serbia votes for some change in their lives. Everything else would be pure mathematics of Democrats not respecting people desire for change.


pre 12 godina

Forming Government with Socialists will be the right thing for Mr. Dacic. Dacic knows that his party alone in coalition with Progressives could form strong government w/o too many, so called, minor parties. That would be the only way for Serbia to fight corruption, misuse of political positions, illegal wealth of DS members, acquired in last 12 years of power. That coalition will have men, power and knowledge to fight all of stated and they will be capable to push Serbia out of the poverty. And one last thing...that alliance will be the true reflection of Serbia votes for some change in their lives. Everything else would be pure mathematics of Democrats not respecting people desire for change.


pre 12 godina

Steve, don't you think SNS politicians have 'illegal wealth' too? They entered politics so they can lie, cheat and deceit. They are all the same, no matter who you vote for!!


pre 12 godina

Since I follow the political situation in Serbia, I can say that the best solution for Serbia is,that SNS and SPS enter into a coalition and join the government.


pre 12 godina

Forming Government with Socialists will be the right thing for Mr. Dacic. Dacic knows that his party alone in coalition with Progressives could form strong government w/o too many, so called, minor parties. That would be the only way for Serbia to fight corruption, misuse of political positions, illegal wealth of DS members, acquired in last 12 years of power. That coalition will have men, power and knowledge to fight all of stated and they will be capable to push Serbia out of the poverty. And one last thing...that alliance will be the true reflection of Serbia votes for some change in their lives. Everything else would be pure mathematics of Democrats not respecting people desire for change.


pre 12 godina

Steve, don't you think SNS politicians have 'illegal wealth' too? They entered politics so they can lie, cheat and deceit. They are all the same, no matter who you vote for!!


pre 12 godina

Since I follow the political situation in Serbia, I can say that the best solution for Serbia is,that SNS and SPS enter into a coalition and join the government.