Friday, 25.05.2012.


Average Serbian net salary at EUR 360

The average gross salary in Serbia in April 2012 stood at RSD 58,465 (some EUR 500), it has been announced in Belgrade.

Izvor: Tanjug

Average Serbian net salary at EUR 360 IMAGE SOURCE

13 Komentari

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pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.
(Danilo, 26 May 2012 11:30)

Actually, the answer is easier. They simply don't live in Serbia, but in the "evil, evil" West.


pre 12 godina

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).
(Comm. Parrisson, 26 May 2012 13:21)
Yes I have heard about the drugs. I have also heard that much of Kosovo’s energy needs are met with petrol-driven generators. My main pint was to show how absurd claims about who or what has higher salaries using Macedonia or Kosovo. The so called official figures just don’t stand up to any rigor. Kosovo’s official unemployment is 45%, but when many who are unemployed fail to meet a strict criteria are then simply not counted for the reason that the figures look bad, what can you say about those official information except what a load of …...


pre 12 godina

Danilo said, "Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian."

Your arrogance is only overshadowed by your chronic negativity.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish. "
(sj, 26 May 2012 00:13)

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).


pre 12 godina


Your dislike of me or my comments doesn't address the fact that I've provided a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why comments about some tiny country recognizing or not recognizing Kosovo gets 100X more comments than an article about the lives of Serbs.

Prove me wrong, don't hate me because I'm right :)


pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.


pre 12 godina

Lenard, when it says "real increase" that is the increase after inflation is taken into account. Read more than the first clause of each sentence.


pre 12 godina

(The Count of Kosova, 25 May 2012 18:55)
They don’t come any simpler than this posting.
Ask yourself this question –what do they export that gives them this fabulously higher net salaries than Serbia? I know Macedonia exports processed vegetables, biscuits and some juices, but that is all. I know Kosovo’s so called exports are little to nothing because it does not even produce enough to feed the people living there.
Let’s look at you logic – Macedonia officially has an unemployment level of 30% with about 31% living below the poverty level. It’s GDP (PPP) is about $10,500. Can you imagine that according to the official records Macedonia is on an equal footing with Azerbaijan which some of the largest gas and oil reserves in the world. Macedonia produces a little oil but consumes much much more and has to import. It has to buy electricity as it does not produce enough for itself.

Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish.
Don’t these numbers sound odd to you?
That is why the people I work for have abandoned western agencies and established their own as well as research departments that assess and reassess every country on this planet at regular intervals.


pre 12 godina

Not only all that but yore taxed when you buy things on top of what the government took its cut at the very top of your wages. Then you have meared of service fees and other not so obvious hidden taxes your lucky if you have even 50% left for you and your family. Most of us work more then a half a year just to support money drain highly inefficient wasteful all different levels of government. That produce useless worthless bureaucratic papers time consuming nonsense and clone bureaucrats and politicians just to keep their rip off jobs. With their many perks you know they are all worth it in their self serving greedy thinking no I'm not bitter just the plain facts.


pre 12 godina

It's sad that you get 50 comments when Jeremic goes to some African country and says they will not recognise Kosovo, but only 2 comments when it comes to show that Serbs are suffering.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

The net salaries in Macedonia and Albania are higher than in Serbia, according to our resident financial expert, "sj".


pre 12 godina

Then take inflation in to account yore falling always behind in making end meets. Until the poor tax paying citizens has enough explodes in to riots and protests at their unsustainable predicament.


pre 12 godina

It's sad that you get 50 comments when Jeremic goes to some African country and says they will not recognise Kosovo, but only 2 comments when it comes to show that Serbs are suffering.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

The net salaries in Macedonia and Albania are higher than in Serbia, according to our resident financial expert, "sj".


pre 12 godina

Then take inflation in to account yore falling always behind in making end meets. Until the poor tax paying citizens has enough explodes in to riots and protests at their unsustainable predicament.


pre 12 godina

Not only all that but yore taxed when you buy things on top of what the government took its cut at the very top of your wages. Then you have meared of service fees and other not so obvious hidden taxes your lucky if you have even 50% left for you and your family. Most of us work more then a half a year just to support money drain highly inefficient wasteful all different levels of government. That produce useless worthless bureaucratic papers time consuming nonsense and clone bureaucrats and politicians just to keep their rip off jobs. With their many perks you know they are all worth it in their self serving greedy thinking no I'm not bitter just the plain facts.


pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.


pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.
(Danilo, 26 May 2012 11:30)

Actually, the answer is easier. They simply don't live in Serbia, but in the "evil, evil" West.


pre 12 godina


Your dislike of me or my comments doesn't address the fact that I've provided a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why comments about some tiny country recognizing or not recognizing Kosovo gets 100X more comments than an article about the lives of Serbs.

Prove me wrong, don't hate me because I'm right :)


pre 12 godina

Lenard, when it says "real increase" that is the increase after inflation is taken into account. Read more than the first clause of each sentence.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish. "
(sj, 26 May 2012 00:13)

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).


pre 12 godina

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).
(Comm. Parrisson, 26 May 2012 13:21)
Yes I have heard about the drugs. I have also heard that much of Kosovo’s energy needs are met with petrol-driven generators. My main pint was to show how absurd claims about who or what has higher salaries using Macedonia or Kosovo. The so called official figures just don’t stand up to any rigor. Kosovo’s official unemployment is 45%, but when many who are unemployed fail to meet a strict criteria are then simply not counted for the reason that the figures look bad, what can you say about those official information except what a load of …...


pre 12 godina

(The Count of Kosova, 25 May 2012 18:55)
They don’t come any simpler than this posting.
Ask yourself this question –what do they export that gives them this fabulously higher net salaries than Serbia? I know Macedonia exports processed vegetables, biscuits and some juices, but that is all. I know Kosovo’s so called exports are little to nothing because it does not even produce enough to feed the people living there.
Let’s look at you logic – Macedonia officially has an unemployment level of 30% with about 31% living below the poverty level. It’s GDP (PPP) is about $10,500. Can you imagine that according to the official records Macedonia is on an equal footing with Azerbaijan which some of the largest gas and oil reserves in the world. Macedonia produces a little oil but consumes much much more and has to import. It has to buy electricity as it does not produce enough for itself.

Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish.
Don’t these numbers sound odd to you?
That is why the people I work for have abandoned western agencies and established their own as well as research departments that assess and reassess every country on this planet at regular intervals.


pre 12 godina

Danilo said, "Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian."

Your arrogance is only overshadowed by your chronic negativity.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

The net salaries in Macedonia and Albania are higher than in Serbia, according to our resident financial expert, "sj".


pre 12 godina

Then take inflation in to account yore falling always behind in making end meets. Until the poor tax paying citizens has enough explodes in to riots and protests at their unsustainable predicament.


pre 12 godina

Danilo said, "Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian."

Your arrogance is only overshadowed by your chronic negativity.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish. "
(sj, 26 May 2012 00:13)

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).


pre 12 godina

(The Count of Kosova, 25 May 2012 18:55)
They don’t come any simpler than this posting.
Ask yourself this question –what do they export that gives them this fabulously higher net salaries than Serbia? I know Macedonia exports processed vegetables, biscuits and some juices, but that is all. I know Kosovo’s so called exports are little to nothing because it does not even produce enough to feed the people living there.
Let’s look at you logic – Macedonia officially has an unemployment level of 30% with about 31% living below the poverty level. It’s GDP (PPP) is about $10,500. Can you imagine that according to the official records Macedonia is on an equal footing with Azerbaijan which some of the largest gas and oil reserves in the world. Macedonia produces a little oil but consumes much much more and has to import. It has to buy electricity as it does not produce enough for itself.

Now with Kosovo its 45% unemployed with only 30% living below the poverty line and its GDP PP is about $6500. It has no oil or gas. It somehow manages to produce enough electricity to cover consumption. Its main exports are .wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish.
Don’t these numbers sound odd to you?
That is why the people I work for have abandoned western agencies and established their own as well as research departments that assess and reassess every country on this planet at regular intervals.


pre 12 godina

No, Kosovo hardly manages to produce enough electricity, that's why power supply is often cut. And Kosovo's main export is scrap metal, as far as I know (illegal drugs are not included, of course - you know Kosovo is Europe's main drug hub).
(Comm. Parrisson, 26 May 2012 13:21)
Yes I have heard about the drugs. I have also heard that much of Kosovo’s energy needs are met with petrol-driven generators. My main pint was to show how absurd claims about who or what has higher salaries using Macedonia or Kosovo. The so called official figures just don’t stand up to any rigor. Kosovo’s official unemployment is 45%, but when many who are unemployed fail to meet a strict criteria are then simply not counted for the reason that the figures look bad, what can you say about those official information except what a load of …...


pre 12 godina

Not only all that but yore taxed when you buy things on top of what the government took its cut at the very top of your wages. Then you have meared of service fees and other not so obvious hidden taxes your lucky if you have even 50% left for you and your family. Most of us work more then a half a year just to support money drain highly inefficient wasteful all different levels of government. That produce useless worthless bureaucratic papers time consuming nonsense and clone bureaucrats and politicians just to keep their rip off jobs. With their many perks you know they are all worth it in their self serving greedy thinking no I'm not bitter just the plain facts.


pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.


pre 12 godina

It's sad that you get 50 comments when Jeremic goes to some African country and says they will not recognise Kosovo, but only 2 comments when it comes to show that Serbs are suffering.


pre 12 godina

Lenard, when it says "real increase" that is the increase after inflation is taken into account. Read more than the first clause of each sentence.


pre 12 godina


Your dislike of me or my comments doesn't address the fact that I've provided a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why comments about some tiny country recognizing or not recognizing Kosovo gets 100X more comments than an article about the lives of Serbs.

Prove me wrong, don't hate me because I'm right :)


pre 12 godina


Easily explained. Most people who post here who identify as Serbian don't care about Serbs, only how they feel about being Serbian.
(Danilo, 26 May 2012 11:30)

Actually, the answer is easier. They simply don't live in Serbia, but in the "evil, evil" West.