Wednesday, 09.05.2012.


Democrats and Socialists agree to form new govt.

Pre-election coalitions gathered around the Democrats (DS) and the Socialists (SPS) will form Serbia's next government, reports said on Wednesday.

Izvor: Beta

Democrats and Socialists agree to form new govt. IMAGE SOURCE

13 Komentari

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pre 12 godina


You could kind of argue that the Czech Republic and Romania are a couple of examples of what you'd like to see happen in Serbia, but I'm not sure how much further along Romania is and the Czech Republic's history is somewhat dissimilar to Serbia's. Obviously, the big hurdle here is corruption, which tends to be worse in the Balkans than in other parts of Europe. When politicians and special interests (probably mafia in some cases) form such a tight bond, it's difficult to (1) unseat incumbents and (2) influence incumbents to server the interests of the common people. It's actually like this everywhere (a big reason we see banking crises in the US and Europe, or continued offshore drilling by oil companies that in fact gets more risky as time goes on), but in the Balkans, you tend to see this in the extreme because of the communist legacy followed by war.

So I hate to tell you, but I do think your hopes are more likely to be dashed. More likely that Serbia will enter the EU and gradually meld into that system -- whatever it turns out to be over the next decade or so.


pre 12 godina

"I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes"

That's because you live in Australia and don't understand Serbia to the degree you like to think you do.


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco
(roberto, 9 May 2012 17:54)

Well, if you're happy then it must be right.
I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes. George dubuya taught him well.


pre 12 godina

Count of Kosova what Serbia needs is a new party of citizens, made up of respected expert types and maybe the odd existing or ex-politician with an independent reputation. This has already been spoken of in some parts of the media.

Those supporting the idea touted the now deceased Verica Barac as a potential leader of such a party which would include university professors, uncorrupted (small to medium) business types, members of the diaspora, the odd former dissident from the Jugoslav period etc. The frustrating thing is that these people do exist, they could easily pass the census first time round. Although the party would be more successful in urban areas of course.

There is a precedent for this in a couple of central / east European countries which have seen such parties enter parliament, it is not a fantasy. Perhaps parties like this don't have a long 'shelf life', but frankly who cares - the idea is to influence positive change on the country. With time careerists would be attracted to join such a party and its fortunes would fade.

Ecoman, yes we are in agreement, see above.


pre 12 godina


whoever can make a coalition with 50% is the government.

if SNS can do that, then they form the government.

nothing "undemocratic".

In the UK system, if 3 parties run in each electoral district, and one wins in every riding with 35%, they get 100% of the seats. Is that more "democratic"?

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.
(trizo, 9 May 2012 23:10)


That's what I've been trying to tell you. If you were paying attention rather than spewing hate toward Albanians, you would know that. Like I have said before, it didn't matter who won the first round of elections because there was no one that was qualified among the bunch. Ergo, who ever wins the second round is also not qualified to be president of Serbia.


pre 12 godina

If the SNS got 24% of the vote and came first why is not them who form the next goverment? This process doesn't seem democratic. Maybe this is how ex communist states work?


pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.

Ivica The Dacich

pre 12 godina

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Double agent foiled bomb plot

... will the Belgrade scum be surprised by the coming civil war - regardless of Serbian "European" status ?


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco


pre 12 godina

But who would you rather have run the country, bganon, Mr. Nikolic, Mr. Ilic, and Mr. Vucic? Talk about some scary old relics from the past. Serbia's problem is that it must form these silly coalitions to form a government - imagine democrats and socialists forming a government - they are diametrically opposite ideologies, yet in Serbia that somehow works. That is why these bloated old faces, like Dacic, can stick around forever. Personally, there is no one in Serbian politics that excites me, or that I even trust.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.
(bganon, 9 May 2012 15:50)


I agree, however, who is there on the political scene in Serbia, capable of leading the country as well as winning the presidency. Forming an effective coalition gov't in Serbia is highly unlikely. The Serb people have been lied to so often that they don't know which end is up. How can they possibly be expected to make a sound decision. I'd be interested in your thoughts.


pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.


pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.


pre 12 godina

But who would you rather have run the country, bganon, Mr. Nikolic, Mr. Ilic, and Mr. Vucic? Talk about some scary old relics from the past. Serbia's problem is that it must form these silly coalitions to form a government - imagine democrats and socialists forming a government - they are diametrically opposite ideologies, yet in Serbia that somehow works. That is why these bloated old faces, like Dacic, can stick around forever. Personally, there is no one in Serbian politics that excites me, or that I even trust.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.
(bganon, 9 May 2012 15:50)


I agree, however, who is there on the political scene in Serbia, capable of leading the country as well as winning the presidency. Forming an effective coalition gov't in Serbia is highly unlikely. The Serb people have been lied to so often that they don't know which end is up. How can they possibly be expected to make a sound decision. I'd be interested in your thoughts.


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco


pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.


pre 12 godina

If the SNS got 24% of the vote and came first why is not them who form the next goverment? This process doesn't seem democratic. Maybe this is how ex communist states work?

Ivica The Dacich

pre 12 godina

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CIA Upends Al-Qaeda By Planting Double Agent In Airline Bomb Plot

Double agent foiled bomb plot

... will the Belgrade scum be surprised by the coming civil war - regardless of Serbian "European" status ?


pre 12 godina


whoever can make a coalition with 50% is the government.

if SNS can do that, then they form the government.

nothing "undemocratic".

In the UK system, if 3 parties run in each electoral district, and one wins in every riding with 35%, they get 100% of the seats. Is that more "democratic"?


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco
(roberto, 9 May 2012 17:54)

Well, if you're happy then it must be right.
I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes. George dubuya taught him well.


pre 12 godina

Count of Kosova what Serbia needs is a new party of citizens, made up of respected expert types and maybe the odd existing or ex-politician with an independent reputation. This has already been spoken of in some parts of the media.

Those supporting the idea touted the now deceased Verica Barac as a potential leader of such a party which would include university professors, uncorrupted (small to medium) business types, members of the diaspora, the odd former dissident from the Jugoslav period etc. The frustrating thing is that these people do exist, they could easily pass the census first time round. Although the party would be more successful in urban areas of course.

There is a precedent for this in a couple of central / east European countries which have seen such parties enter parliament, it is not a fantasy. Perhaps parties like this don't have a long 'shelf life', but frankly who cares - the idea is to influence positive change on the country. With time careerists would be attracted to join such a party and its fortunes would fade.

Ecoman, yes we are in agreement, see above.


pre 12 godina

"I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes"

That's because you live in Australia and don't understand Serbia to the degree you like to think you do.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.
(trizo, 9 May 2012 23:10)


That's what I've been trying to tell you. If you were paying attention rather than spewing hate toward Albanians, you would know that. Like I have said before, it didn't matter who won the first round of elections because there was no one that was qualified among the bunch. Ergo, who ever wins the second round is also not qualified to be president of Serbia.


pre 12 godina


You could kind of argue that the Czech Republic and Romania are a couple of examples of what you'd like to see happen in Serbia, but I'm not sure how much further along Romania is and the Czech Republic's history is somewhat dissimilar to Serbia's. Obviously, the big hurdle here is corruption, which tends to be worse in the Balkans than in other parts of Europe. When politicians and special interests (probably mafia in some cases) form such a tight bond, it's difficult to (1) unseat incumbents and (2) influence incumbents to server the interests of the common people. It's actually like this everywhere (a big reason we see banking crises in the US and Europe, or continued offshore drilling by oil companies that in fact gets more risky as time goes on), but in the Balkans, you tend to see this in the extreme because of the communist legacy followed by war.

So I hate to tell you, but I do think your hopes are more likely to be dashed. More likely that Serbia will enter the EU and gradually meld into that system -- whatever it turns out to be over the next decade or so.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.
(bganon, 9 May 2012 15:50)


I agree, however, who is there on the political scene in Serbia, capable of leading the country as well as winning the presidency. Forming an effective coalition gov't in Serbia is highly unlikely. The Serb people have been lied to so often that they don't know which end is up. How can they possibly be expected to make a sound decision. I'd be interested in your thoughts.


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco

Ivica The Dacich

pre 12 godina

Crisis escalates as insurrection breaks German control of Europe

Moody’s Bank Downgrades Risk Choking European Recovery

Greece Could Be Out Of The Eurozone As Early As This Summer

Greek Bonds Lead Declines as Election Threatens Euro Membership

Ron Paul Is Hosting A Hearing On Ending The Federal Reserve Right Now

Jim Rogers: Europe Needs ‘Orderly Defaults’, Starting with Greece

Situation in Europe a 'Slow Motion Train Wreck': Roubini

The Countdown To The Break Up Of The Euro Has Officially Begun

Santelli Exchange: 'Wake Up Young People'

George Osborne's growth policy is turning British cities into Detroit UK

Demonstrators targeting BofA annual meeting

Eurozone at risk from anti-austerity revolt


CIA Upends Al-Qaeda By Planting Double Agent In Airline Bomb Plot

Double agent foiled bomb plot

... will the Belgrade scum be surprised by the coming civil war - regardless of Serbian "European" status ?


pre 12 godina

If the SNS got 24% of the vote and came first why is not them who form the next goverment? This process doesn't seem democratic. Maybe this is how ex communist states work?

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.
(trizo, 9 May 2012 23:10)


That's what I've been trying to tell you. If you were paying attention rather than spewing hate toward Albanians, you would know that. Like I have said before, it didn't matter who won the first round of elections because there was no one that was qualified among the bunch. Ergo, who ever wins the second round is also not qualified to be president of Serbia.


pre 12 godina

It's the perfect partnership: Tadic's "democrats" with Milosevic's party. This is the pro-west democratic hope that the bbc keeps telling us about. Congratulations Serbia, again...

roberto frisco
(roberto, 9 May 2012 17:54)

Well, if you're happy then it must be right.
I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes. George dubuya taught him well.


pre 12 godina

Not the government I wanted or hoped for. We have Arkan's friend Dragan Palma Markovic, Slobodan Milosevic's protoge, Dacic and JUL of the post 2000 period Dinkic / URS leading the country, alongside the do nothing party of DS.

If the people of Serbia wanted to see change after these elections they will be sorely disappointed - the same tired faces, the same discredited politicians and the same old politics.


pre 12 godina


whoever can make a coalition with 50% is the government.

if SNS can do that, then they form the government.

nothing "undemocratic".

In the UK system, if 3 parties run in each electoral district, and one wins in every riding with 35%, they get 100% of the seats. Is that more "democratic"?


pre 12 godina

"I am disappointed that Tadic got so many votes"

That's because you live in Australia and don't understand Serbia to the degree you like to think you do.


pre 12 godina

But who would you rather have run the country, bganon, Mr. Nikolic, Mr. Ilic, and Mr. Vucic? Talk about some scary old relics from the past. Serbia's problem is that it must form these silly coalitions to form a government - imagine democrats and socialists forming a government - they are diametrically opposite ideologies, yet in Serbia that somehow works. That is why these bloated old faces, like Dacic, can stick around forever. Personally, there is no one in Serbian politics that excites me, or that I even trust.


pre 12 godina

Count of Kosova what Serbia needs is a new party of citizens, made up of respected expert types and maybe the odd existing or ex-politician with an independent reputation. This has already been spoken of in some parts of the media.

Those supporting the idea touted the now deceased Verica Barac as a potential leader of such a party which would include university professors, uncorrupted (small to medium) business types, members of the diaspora, the odd former dissident from the Jugoslav period etc. The frustrating thing is that these people do exist, they could easily pass the census first time round. Although the party would be more successful in urban areas of course.

There is a precedent for this in a couple of central / east European countries which have seen such parties enter parliament, it is not a fantasy. Perhaps parties like this don't have a long 'shelf life', but frankly who cares - the idea is to influence positive change on the country. With time careerists would be attracted to join such a party and its fortunes would fade.

Ecoman, yes we are in agreement, see above.


pre 12 godina

Only in Belgrade do they want Tadic & co and it's probably a lot of paid voters. The rest of the country want change but the people don't really care who they vote for because they are all liars in the end and noone does anything anyway.


pre 12 godina


You could kind of argue that the Czech Republic and Romania are a couple of examples of what you'd like to see happen in Serbia, but I'm not sure how much further along Romania is and the Czech Republic's history is somewhat dissimilar to Serbia's. Obviously, the big hurdle here is corruption, which tends to be worse in the Balkans than in other parts of Europe. When politicians and special interests (probably mafia in some cases) form such a tight bond, it's difficult to (1) unseat incumbents and (2) influence incumbents to server the interests of the common people. It's actually like this everywhere (a big reason we see banking crises in the US and Europe, or continued offshore drilling by oil companies that in fact gets more risky as time goes on), but in the Balkans, you tend to see this in the extreme because of the communist legacy followed by war.

So I hate to tell you, but I do think your hopes are more likely to be dashed. More likely that Serbia will enter the EU and gradually meld into that system -- whatever it turns out to be over the next decade or so.