Tuesday, 27.09.2011.


KFOR fires at Serbs, seven injured

Kosovska Mitrovica Health Center Director Milan Jakovljević says seven persons who were injured at the Jarinje checkpoint earlier today have been hospitalized.

Izvor: B92

KFOR fires at Serbs, seven injured IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

"The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism."

Why? At first Kosovo Albanians wanting to separate from Serbia was classic separatism, but after they began provoking Serbian police, it became a matter of survivalism.


pre 12 godina

NATO needs to be destroyed. Anyone who thinks they have the 'moral right' to police the world should be taken down.

From an American


pre 12 godina

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.
(sj, 27 September 2011 23:50)

I'm sure you meant just "Never Agagin" most Jews leave the mate part off. It's totally pointless trying to explain history to someone that wants to pick and choose the parts that make their case but like to deny facts that might put their side in a bad light. And as for your first part about "humanitarian loving nature" Sorry mate but I posted that the West and NATO were dragged kicking and screaming into the Balkins. Why did "They" sit on their hands, who is "they"? The U.S.,Russia,China,India or Serbia? We all know you mean the U.S. the worlds policeman.

A friend

pre 12 godina

why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why? (adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

Adriatik, my friend, I'm talking to you from my heart: are you asking this for real? you really don't have idea of what geopolitical strategies are? you do really think that in international relations there are good and the bad guys?

My humble, but honestly humble, suggestion is try to listen the reason from the other side. You won't change side - of course nobody ask you this - but at least you'll gain a wider understanding of what (since you're name you should be alb) is affecting directly your life and future. Dare to know. Dare to know.


pre 12 godina

...why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?
(adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

You ask the right questions, adriatik! Why does the West put a blame on the Serbs after the situation in North Kosovo has heated up again? Obviously, Thaci and Co. created the mess with an attempt to put the North of Kosovo with its vast majority of Serbs under the control of his gunmen - starting with a handful of them disguised as custom officers. Unacceptable bearing in mind the ethnic clensing Thaci and Co orchestrated during the past 12 years and in particular in 2004. Ask yor beloved NATO and the West your questions and why they support the outlaws in Pristina.


pre 12 godina

what geopolitics is Serbia caught on? do none of you remember that the US & the Western powers did NOT support Kosovo independence until very recently? read any statement from the the EU and Washington starting in 1991 (which was the first time Kosovo declared its intentions to become independent in its own right) and they all assert Serbia's territorial rights in Kosovo. what changed? you seem to paint America & NATO as some sort of restless entity looking to bomb Serbia fore the sake of it. perhaps its time the Serbs looked at things more humanly and looked at themselves in fact. Is Serbia absolved of any blame in this mess? Is it really the fault of the others? as of Kosovo being cleansed of Serbs, utter garbage. there are serbs south of the ibar river, in fact, there are sebrs who want to integrate in the new country. no doubt though, 'militant' posters here (who are advocating violence from the comfort of their armchair) consider them traitors


pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.
(John in Canada, 28 September 2011 02:31)
It amazes me how Serbs tend to trivialize the plight of the Kosovo Albanians during the 1990's. It is one thing to "claim" agression and to have documented proof.
How can the poor Serbians survive the scourge of establishing customs control of the border at these 2 crossings. It is not something that would have ever been envisioned over the last 12 years when UNMIK has said time and again that North Kosovo is to live under the same rules as the rest of Kosovo, nor when EULEX has said the rule of law shall pertain to the whole of Kosovo. Or when report after report after report to the UN has highlighted that the paralell institutions and the lack of law and order in the north was a major problem.
The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism.
I do not think that anyone in the world outside of Serbia, sees the establishment of customs control at checkpoint 1 and 31 as equated with the scourge of Milosevic.


pre 12 godina

according to most Serb commentators here, everything is the fault of the US. they apparently started everything. its never Serbia or the Serbs. why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?


pre 12 godina

John DC: Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great SerbiaSerbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia

John, you want to give us lessons about what was 12 or 20 years ago - but you turn a blind eye to the reality we have to face now: Who wants to spark new armed conflicts now? Thaci and Co. and their gunmem filled with hatred. And they provoked the current situation with their provoking unilateral steps at a moment when negotations gained momentum. Stop ignoring the facts and twisting the truth!


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.
(mms, 27 September 2011 15:51)

Based on everything I have read about these incidents, the shooter in Germany, although Albanian in etnicity, had lived his whole life other than early childhood in Germany. Calling this German citizen a Kosovar Albanian, while technically correct, is also misleading in this case, since it implies that somehow his life has been shaped by living in Kosovo, and that his actions somehow show that Albanians hate America. Come and visit Kosovo and you will see that this is far from the case. It would be better to call him a radical Muslim terrorist from Germany.

As for the Fort Dix terrorists, I believe that they had lived in the USA for a number of years, which makes them Americans in my minds (yes, in America, you become American after a short while, since America is not so stuck on ethnicity). However, I agree that they were certainly Muslim terrorists.

And yes, in both cases, the terrorists were radical Muslims. There is no doubt that radical Islam produces many terrorists, but terrorism is terrorism, whether it be a radical Muslim shooting a gun, or a nationalistic Serbian throwing a pipe bomb at peacekeeping troops.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.
(Agim Kelmendi, 27 September 2011 19:37)

Yeah, and Kosovo is a country, just like "China,Brasil,India" are continents.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:23)

Steve B,

You just don't get it. Any destruction done to Serb churches in Kosova during the 2004 spontaneous disturbances was not directed at the Christian Orthodox religion of the Serbs. It was directed at any Serb symbol which represented the repression of Albanians by the Serb government and Serb mentality, especially the latter. The attack on Albanian children by adult Serbs resulting in the death, by drowning, of ten year old Albanian boy who was chased into a river by grown Serbian men and their dogs, is one of many hate crimes that seems to form a pattern against Albanians. Anyone with any intelligence would know that this sadistic murder would end badly for Serbs, in light of the recent attempts in 1999 unmentionable war crimes Serbs are so well known for. Would you like me to be more specific? Your examples are isolated instances of deranged individuals whereas mine represent those of the Serb gov't and the teachings of its church and schools. Btw, your claim of a song made up to praise Osama is pure fiction and another pathetic attempt to discredit Albanians. And, since you brought it up, you forgot to mention the instance of a Serb-American National Guardsman attempting sabotage at a U.S. Amory during the 1999 war. He is still serving a long sentence in a U.S. military prison.


pre 12 godina

"KFOR Deputy Spokesman Kai Gudenoge stated Tuesday that KFOR soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense at the Serbs gathered on the road to the Jarinje administrative crossing in northern Kosovo.

“The Serbs were stoning the German soldiers, one of whom was hit, so the soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense,” he told AFP."

He has been misinformed. It's impossible that Serbs were stoning KFOR soldiers. We all know that Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 - they say it almost every other day. These are slanderous statements by Mr Gudenoge aimed at accusing Serbs or being against KFOR and 1244.

John in Canada

pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.


pre 12 godina

"Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.
The Count of Kosova

Monsieur le count you are absolutely right. The provocateurs got off very easy this time.


pre 12 godina

Again the albanians started all this and ran away and now nato and kfor come to their rescue again.Nice to see the germans still love the Serbs.

an observation

pre 12 godina

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)
or maybe it should read:

And let me guess, they [insert bs here]
"fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people" because .
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)


pre 12 godina

Serbia needs to end this " Peace At All Costs" stance. UN 1244 is cleary being breached by K-For and EULEX. Time for action President Tadic, if you dont have the courage, step aside.


pre 12 godina

(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Here is another excellent example of one of a few left in this world that actually believe this nonsense of the US being the world’s policeman etc.

If you believe the US or NATO got involved in the Balkans because of their humanitarian loving nature then you continue to live in fantasy land – ask yourself why did they sit on their hands while the kills in Rwanda were being carried out?. The reasoning behind its involvement would require me to write a book on the subject but in the end it was to control that region and close in on the Russians.

The reason the US is now tired of playing the world’s policeman does not take a genius to work out as they have simply run out of money and achieved none of their objectives.

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.


pre 12 godina

Tadic has no balls, if we put it in the way gion fusha ( sorry, if wrong spelling - I simply didn´t remember the correct spelling ) happened to put it.

Peggy is right. now Mr.Tadic will have to chose between bootlicking or standing up for national interests. well, not yet, but soon, as it looks.

I would say as soon those KFOR-occupiers are firing with real ammo at Serbs on serbian territory, there is no excuse for it. this has to be answered adequately.


pre 12 godina

But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

LOL!!! Now who would do that?



pre 12 godina

Do not throw stones or provoke KFOR. Peacefully march on the crossings or around the crossings to reach Serbia. Use the non-violent resistance methods of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.


pre 12 godina

its about time KFOR did something right, serbs started this , are you all blind , do you think KFOR will sit there while serbs stone them !!

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Seems they are trying to provoke another bombing of Serbia.
The ball's in your court now Mr Tadic.

Hey Peggy who's balls are this?

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?


pre 12 godina

cowards... where is the mention of pipe bombs thrown at kfor troops?

where is the condemnation of the the fictitious "ordinary" serbs as cowards toss explosives from there midst in there name?

perpetrators pretending to be victims.... nothing has changed.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.
(MikeC, 27 September 2011 16:40)

Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.

Slobodan Maric

pre 12 godina

This is sadly much more complicated than it reads! First of all the Albanians did not take Kosovo from us Serbs - We gave them Kosovo on a plate and the initiative came straight out of Belgrade. This was not done in 2008 but over a long drip fed period since 2001. Although Djindjic made some realistic noises about Kosovo in his day nothing was done to realistically secure the Serbian life there. As soon as Tadic ame along the game was up. All the games and pantomimes that come out of Belgrade in the way of trying to defend the Serbian sovereigity of Kosovo mean absolutely nothing as the EU and the USA have already bought Kosovo for Thaci and his boys. What have they paid Tadic for all this? Nothing! Not a single bean! If ever there was a traitor to the Serbs in Kosovo, it must be Tadic and his boys - Not the Albanians!
Now German KFOR Troops are firing on Serbs in Kosovo. I don't remember the Germans firing on Albanians back in 2004 when they went on the rampage and began to destroy Serbian churches. But then again, Germany is NOT Serbias friend. They have proven this to us since 1991 when THEY gave Croatia its independence for old time friendships in the Second World War.
Still at the end of the day, don't blame the Albanians nor the Germans for this sickening situation - blame Tadic and his boys. But we wont! We will just sit here on B92 and blame the world and his wife for our own crime in Kosovo!


pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

Tom, why can't EULEX leave Kosovo North alone? Isn't EULEX supposed to be status neutral?

Agim Kelmendi

pre 12 godina

Actually is the other way around. Serbs fired on KFOR, and KFOR responded in kind. Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.

Only Following Orders Kommendant

pre 12 godina

KFOR no longer trusts the albanians to do the ethnic cleansing themselves. KFOR now steps in to the breach. German and American troops have immunity for their actions as they are part of NATO.

They are only following orders....

Serb civilians should descend in their tens of thousands and show them whose land it is. I


pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

What if Northern Kosovo Serbs don't want to do anything with Prishtina authority, regardless kosovo Albanians being muslim integrists or not?


pre 12 godina

Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman
(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Then America shouldn't support Thaci's attack on the kosovo North.


pre 12 godina

Finally the actions taken by NATO/EULEX and Pristina have motivated Serbs to take back what is ours. Tadic can negotiate what he wants but the people have taken matters into their own hands. There is no turning back now. Baby steps to begin with and slowly we take it all. The occupiers have gone too far and I think they know it.


pre 12 godina

So, Mike. Have you polished your boots and cleaned your weapon? Ready for battle?

or do you mean Serbs other than you should fight so you can pat yourself on the back for being Serbian.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Mike C sure and you will be in the front lines directing the Serbs in Serbia from your home in Sweden lol. The only thing the young smart Serbs would do is leave Serbia in the 100s of thousands or go in to hiding.


pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.
(Observer, 27 September 2011 10:31)

Hold a referendum on how many Northern Kosovo Serbs support baricades.


pre 12 godina

B92 only mentions the "protesters" throwing rocks. According to other news agencies, some of these protesters fired at the checkpoints and also threw pipe bombs.

I guess, the lack of retaliation from the Kosovo Police earlier when these so called peaceful "protesters" shot and killed one of the police officers, made these clowns believe that they could pull the same stunt with KFOR and NATO soldiers.

I think it was about time these "protesters" were taught the hard way that the other side has guns too...and it's better at using them as well.

Ian, UK

pre 12 godina

I like the way the article fails to mention that four KFOR peacekeepers were injured by pipe bombs and only after the bombings did KFOR respond with rubber bullets.


pre 12 godina

I'm not surprised. It was only a question of time until Serbs lose their nerves and attack KFOR. The response of the Peacekeeper Force is just. You attack them, you pay the price.

John, DC

pre 12 godina

Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia. They have to be aware that this will not happen and need to once and for all move away from the destructive plans of making people fight each other in that region. I feel for the local serbs in Mitrovica who are helpless and find themselves played with like toys from politicians and mafia thugs who run that city since 12 years. NATO needs to clean that place from those thugs, whilst EU needs once and for all put Serbian politicians in the place they need to be put.


pre 12 godina

Nato/KFOR have been looking for an excuse to attack Serbs.They must be rubing their hands together in glee,for a reason to attack and injure Serbs.I am sure they would prefer to KILL SERBS,but for now they will have to settle at wounding them.These enemies of Serbs will do what the Kosovo TERRORISTS have not been able to do is ETHNICALLY CLEANSE Kosovo of all those who appose NATO/KFOR Dictatorship.

Big Brother

pre 12 godina

KFOR should not destroy the barricades. Instead they should help the serbs to make more barricades. Let them live in a closed enclave as per their wish.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Serbia needs to close all bordercrossing into Serbia. That way albanians need to get all their imports though Albania or mountenous Montenegro. 90 percent of Kosovo imports go through Serbia. Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.

Mr. David J. Jones

pre 12 godina

Karl said. Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans.

Actually Karl that is nearly right except they didn't do it themselves they organised small teams of foreigners to do there dirty work initially (Iran, Pakistan Afghanistan other stans, Yemen, Saudi etc. It took the good old US of A a few years later to arrive with their NATO Buddies.

Before you start stating this and that. No I am not a Serb I am a proud Scotsman who spent a loooonnngggg time in the region and witnessed mostly the opposite of what mine and other western media were reporting to the gullible slaves sitting at home.
P.S I was also privvy to some high level clearance documentation.


Enjoying the Arab Spring(s) from Bahrain

george miletich

pre 12 godina

putin is coming!!! we hope he brings nukes and plans for huge russian base!! not good news for you but damn good news for serbs.soon traitor tadic gone and ruskie nuke base in balkans!!!! any bets?? george miletich


pre 12 godina

"This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)"

Perhaps, I don't know, whatever. But how about the rubber bullets Tom? What was their purpose in your view of events?


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

And what have we learned from this? That it's perfectly fine to shoot rubber bullets at people throwing stones at you. So the next time a bus of Serbs are attacked by Albaniand throwing stones, they can fire into the crowd. :) A bunch of trigger happy buffoons in army uniforms shooting at civilians. What a disgrace to KFOR. And yet the Serbs still resist and refuse to bow. What an inspiration for people power!


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.
(sj, 27 September 2011 13:47)

Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans. Then on top of that they decided to send some tear gas and flash bangs into a crowd of peace loving Serbs who were just there to pick flowers and sing songs. Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman


pre 12 godina

"Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga"

German troops are protecting the border and the checkpoint. You as a Jew (as you claim time to time) would be the last to even come close let alone to fight as you might be preaching.


pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

Did I miss anything? Did KFOR raid the Kosovo parliament and arrested the mafia boss and election faker who calls himself 'prime minister', finally, to create some more democracy and establish rule of law instead of mafia rules?


pre 12 godina

Serbia is once again occupied by Germans. They are now showing their true colours and firing on civilians again. Keep up the resistance and for God's sake get some cameras over there and capture what the war criminals are doing to civilians!!


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?
(Milan, 27 September 2011 13:29)

Is KFOR putting up those barricades or Serbs?


pre 12 godina

Serbs in Kosovo will not leave, nor will exUCK or any extremist group start a new war. There will be a satistying NEGOTIATET solution for Serbs and Albanians. By the way, pretending to be a ex-Soldier, ex-Diplomat, someone with a access to secret or important information, is not very credible in an anonymous forum.


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?

Dear Tinka - If Thaci gets away again with his threat to use violence in case he cannot go ahead like he wants to - THAT will cause another Balkan war. According to UCK maps found by UNMIK in Obilic 10 years ago, the goal is to carve out large pieces of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro in order to incorporate it in "Greater Kosova". One map even indicated the goal to annex a sliver of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Gorazde area via Sandzak to "Kosova".
A senior Kosovo-Albanian (!) politician, a very brave man, told me: "If you do not stop UCK with all means on your disposal, they will finally set the entire Balkans region on fire." Not only a very brave man, a very wise gentleman too!
So, Europeans will have to fight against Thaci´s and Ceku´s gunmen sooner or later anyway. Like in many instances when "sooner or later" is used, the following applies: The sooner, the better...

OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

LOL!!! Tom Collins, what are you going to do when those kids start throwing hand grenades at the soldiers and they do get hurt, and NATO bodybags get sent home? As ex-KFOR mentioned, it's time for active rebellion. When you take away everything one has then they have nothing to lose, right?


pre 12 godina

Also, the Serbian flag was removed from that barricade by KFOR soldiers. Surprise no one mention that one!

On the question where Serbian Army.
The army better stay inside arack as told by Ohio National Guards Chief.After all, Serbian army officers get their training in Ohio.


pre 12 godina

And so it begins.

It had to be the American Bond Steel squatters of course, not even the Germans would have gone that far initially. Despite other commentators, mainly from the Otpor™ camp i presume, i dont believe lying down and let the rapist have his way yet again and accept the ultimate humiliation is any solution. To the western imposed quisling regime of Tadic and his gang it is but they are out and have nothing to say in Kosovo. The next step is logically to defend our positions and when the first Serbian is killed by US imperial bullets, nothing will stop the flood from Serbia proper. The US and the Germans knows that occupying the rest of Kosovo will be messy and a lot of blood shed involved. May god have mercy on their souls but they started it.


pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...


pre 12 godina

If I were a Serb in KiM I would send my family - if posible - to Serbian Proper and preparing to eliminate and harass KFOR occupiers and repel muslim-terrorists so called police units. enough is enough - believe me - KFOR would make in their pants - cause I know whate were the mainstream feelings in March 2004 - everybody was afraid of Serbs response (apart from the UN and corrupted KFOR officers who were intermingled with muslim-mafiosos). Do as UCK did...or leave ur land to muslim-albos...


pre 12 godina

The internal order and law in Kosova must be left to the authorities of Prishtina.

Of course this means that intenrational community must urgently wave the ridiculous limitations in numbers and quality of the defence system that Kosova can have.


pre 12 godina

It is wrong that Serbian people at the hart of their homeland to be treated like prisoners just becouse their expressing anger over current occupation.
Serbs gave you most of their land for nothing in return,you hhave clansed them from their teritory over last few decades,now the only 60 thousend left are going to be expelled or otherwised ruled and punished by th occupators.

What kind of cover story will you give to the World now against Serbs,perhaps you exhousted all lies by now and noone will believe you any longer especially after last decade.

Serbs are good and educated people,keep forgiving and not looking for revange,you must remmember we are all over the World and we will defend our homeland,we will come and defend our people and history again.

After all we are the ones who are now being expelled and tortured and cleansed,it is our humanitarian disaster why aren't you now concerned about other side of the story,is it perhaps that that it isnt in your interest and you fabricated all to get where you are now.
Ok lets reason here,do you really think that you can just take someone elses land and clansed its people just like that,is it what Hitler had thought,Otoman,Napoleon,Romans...
Are you going to learn hard way or this will ring some bells.

I am serb,I dont hate Albanians,neither Croatians,neither muslims,neither I think no evil to any child,or woman or elderly,
I am just confused 30m something who is just looking at the mess politicians have created all over the world.
I will tell you any labourer,tradesman,truck driver or any hard working man or woman thinks the same anywhere in the World,we all want peace,English,Irish,African Albanians,Americans,Serbians,French,Germans,Italians....
My point is ,when we make International Law(and we need one) can it be made that applies to all us eqvivalent!!??
Please,can we just let some wanker cos he has hard on for unknown reasons(perhaps cant get laid or something)just order to destroy some Country overnight and get away with it ...
Peace to Albanians and Serbs

and all good people!
When you make i

Tom Collins

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?

Jovan O.

pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

The ordinary people north of the Ibar hate your criminal kind and will never live under rule from Pristina. It is a sad joke that you Albos tell the media that criminals hold normal Serbs hostage... normal Serbs are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters and we want nothing to do with Pristina. We will never surrender and we can play this game forever, costing the EU and NATO money.

Get it now?


pre 12 godina

An interesting article on the goings on in Serbia's Southern province, and oh yes, it is still very much Serbia's. Otherwise, there would be no need for these fiasco's.



pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.


pre 12 godina

Where is the Serbian Army?? why are you letting the KFOR Germans hurt the citizens of Serbia in their own land.?? Mr. Tadic! why are you letting them hurt / arrest your people??


pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.
(OTAN Brussels, 27 September 2011, 10:05)

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga


pre 12 godina

Well if history teaches us anything, this move will only serve to strengthen Serbian resolve and make KFOR's existence even tougher. I was just in KM and was amazed to see the unity of effort by ALL Serbs in the north... God Bless you all in the fight against the occupiers.


pre 12 godina

All this is disgusting and scary but it couldn't be more clear the this. Kosovo issue was since the beginning a war of the west against Serbia. Only between the west and Serbia. Kalbs have always been nothing else than puppets in the hands of financial and massonic powers. I don't blame Kalbs, some of them are far too immature (in some cases too corrupted themselves) to undestand the trap they've been framed in. They knotted a tie with the devil, and there is always a cost for this. In front of the world Kalbs became just the shameful reminder of what western policies are capable of, what so called democracies really are. What they are doing to Serbs, they've been doing to us for long time so not only Serbs who should raise against this system, but the entire European and American people.

OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.


pre 12 godina

Well if history teaches us anything, this move will only serve to strengthen Serbian resolve and make KFOR's existence even tougher. I was just in KM and was amazed to see the unity of effort by ALL Serbs in the north... God Bless you all in the fight against the occupiers.


pre 12 godina

Where is the Serbian Army?? why are you letting the KFOR Germans hurt the citizens of Serbia in their own land.?? Mr. Tadic! why are you letting them hurt / arrest your people??


pre 12 godina

Serbia is once again occupied by Germans. They are now showing their true colours and firing on civilians again. Keep up the resistance and for God's sake get some cameras over there and capture what the war criminals are doing to civilians!!

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Serbia needs to close all bordercrossing into Serbia. That way albanians need to get all their imports though Albania or mountenous Montenegro. 90 percent of Kosovo imports go through Serbia. Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.


pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.

Jovan O.

pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

The ordinary people north of the Ibar hate your criminal kind and will never live under rule from Pristina. It is a sad joke that you Albos tell the media that criminals hold normal Serbs hostage... normal Serbs are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters and we want nothing to do with Pristina. We will never surrender and we can play this game forever, costing the EU and NATO money.

Get it now?


pre 12 godina

All this is disgusting and scary but it couldn't be more clear the this. Kosovo issue was since the beginning a war of the west against Serbia. Only between the west and Serbia. Kalbs have always been nothing else than puppets in the hands of financial and massonic powers. I don't blame Kalbs, some of them are far too immature (in some cases too corrupted themselves) to undestand the trap they've been framed in. They knotted a tie with the devil, and there is always a cost for this. In front of the world Kalbs became just the shameful reminder of what western policies are capable of, what so called democracies really are. What they are doing to Serbs, they've been doing to us for long time so not only Serbs who should raise against this system, but the entire European and American people.


pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.
(OTAN Brussels, 27 September 2011, 10:05)

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

And what have we learned from this? That it's perfectly fine to shoot rubber bullets at people throwing stones at you. So the next time a bus of Serbs are attacked by Albaniand throwing stones, they can fire into the crowd. :) A bunch of trigger happy buffoons in army uniforms shooting at civilians. What a disgrace to KFOR. And yet the Serbs still resist and refuse to bow. What an inspiration for people power!

Mr. David J. Jones

pre 12 godina

Karl said. Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans.

Actually Karl that is nearly right except they didn't do it themselves they organised small teams of foreigners to do there dirty work initially (Iran, Pakistan Afghanistan other stans, Yemen, Saudi etc. It took the good old US of A a few years later to arrive with their NATO Buddies.

Before you start stating this and that. No I am not a Serb I am a proud Scotsman who spent a loooonnngggg time in the region and witnessed mostly the opposite of what mine and other western media were reporting to the gullible slaves sitting at home.
P.S I was also privvy to some high level clearance documentation.


Enjoying the Arab Spring(s) from Bahrain

Tom Collins

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?
(Milan, 27 September 2011 13:29)

Is KFOR putting up those barricades or Serbs?


pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...


pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

Did I miss anything? Did KFOR raid the Kosovo parliament and arrested the mafia boss and election faker who calls himself 'prime minister', finally, to create some more democracy and establish rule of law instead of mafia rules?


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.

OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.
(sj, 27 September 2011 13:47)

Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans. Then on top of that they decided to send some tear gas and flash bangs into a crowd of peace loving Serbs who were just there to pick flowers and sing songs. Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.


pre 12 godina

Serbs in Kosovo will not leave, nor will exUCK or any extremist group start a new war. There will be a satistying NEGOTIATET solution for Serbs and Albanians. By the way, pretending to be a ex-Soldier, ex-Diplomat, someone with a access to secret or important information, is not very credible in an anonymous forum.


pre 12 godina

It is wrong that Serbian people at the hart of their homeland to be treated like prisoners just becouse their expressing anger over current occupation.
Serbs gave you most of their land for nothing in return,you hhave clansed them from their teritory over last few decades,now the only 60 thousend left are going to be expelled or otherwised ruled and punished by th occupators.

What kind of cover story will you give to the World now against Serbs,perhaps you exhousted all lies by now and noone will believe you any longer especially after last decade.

Serbs are good and educated people,keep forgiving and not looking for revange,you must remmember we are all over the World and we will defend our homeland,we will come and defend our people and history again.

After all we are the ones who are now being expelled and tortured and cleansed,it is our humanitarian disaster why aren't you now concerned about other side of the story,is it perhaps that that it isnt in your interest and you fabricated all to get where you are now.
Ok lets reason here,do you really think that you can just take someone elses land and clansed its people just like that,is it what Hitler had thought,Otoman,Napoleon,Romans...
Are you going to learn hard way or this will ring some bells.

I am serb,I dont hate Albanians,neither Croatians,neither muslims,neither I think no evil to any child,or woman or elderly,
I am just confused 30m something who is just looking at the mess politicians have created all over the world.
I will tell you any labourer,tradesman,truck driver or any hard working man or woman thinks the same anywhere in the World,we all want peace,English,Irish,African Albanians,Americans,Serbians,French,Germans,Italians....
My point is ,when we make International Law(and we need one) can it be made that applies to all us eqvivalent!!??
Please,can we just let some wanker cos he has hard on for unknown reasons(perhaps cant get laid or something)just order to destroy some Country overnight and get away with it ...
Peace to Albanians and Serbs

and all good people!
When you make i


pre 12 godina

If I were a Serb in KiM I would send my family - if posible - to Serbian Proper and preparing to eliminate and harass KFOR occupiers and repel muslim-terrorists so called police units. enough is enough - believe me - KFOR would make in their pants - cause I know whate were the mainstream feelings in March 2004 - everybody was afraid of Serbs response (apart from the UN and corrupted KFOR officers who were intermingled with muslim-mafiosos). Do as UCK did...or leave ur land to muslim-albos...


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?

Dear Tinka - If Thaci gets away again with his threat to use violence in case he cannot go ahead like he wants to - THAT will cause another Balkan war. According to UCK maps found by UNMIK in Obilic 10 years ago, the goal is to carve out large pieces of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro in order to incorporate it in "Greater Kosova". One map even indicated the goal to annex a sliver of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Gorazde area via Sandzak to "Kosova".
A senior Kosovo-Albanian (!) politician, a very brave man, told me: "If you do not stop UCK with all means on your disposal, they will finally set the entire Balkans region on fire." Not only a very brave man, a very wise gentleman too!
So, Europeans will have to fight against Thaci´s and Ceku´s gunmen sooner or later anyway. Like in many instances when "sooner or later" is used, the following applies: The sooner, the better...


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?

george miletich

pre 12 godina

putin is coming!!! we hope he brings nukes and plans for huge russian base!! not good news for you but damn good news for serbs.soon traitor tadic gone and ruskie nuke base in balkans!!!! any bets?? george miletich


pre 12 godina

An interesting article on the goings on in Serbia's Southern province, and oh yes, it is still very much Serbia's. Otherwise, there would be no need for these fiasco's.


OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

LOL!!! Tom Collins, what are you going to do when those kids start throwing hand grenades at the soldiers and they do get hurt, and NATO bodybags get sent home? As ex-KFOR mentioned, it's time for active rebellion. When you take away everything one has then they have nothing to lose, right?


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?


pre 12 godina

Also, the Serbian flag was removed from that barricade by KFOR soldiers. Surprise no one mention that one!

On the question where Serbian Army.
The army better stay inside arack as told by Ohio National Guards Chief.After all, Serbian army officers get their training in Ohio.


pre 12 godina

And so it begins.

It had to be the American Bond Steel squatters of course, not even the Germans would have gone that far initially. Despite other commentators, mainly from the Otpor™ camp i presume, i dont believe lying down and let the rapist have his way yet again and accept the ultimate humiliation is any solution. To the western imposed quisling regime of Tadic and his gang it is but they are out and have nothing to say in Kosovo. The next step is logically to defend our positions and when the first Serbian is killed by US imperial bullets, nothing will stop the flood from Serbia proper. The US and the Germans knows that occupying the rest of Kosovo will be messy and a lot of blood shed involved. May god have mercy on their souls but they started it.


pre 12 godina

"Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga"

German troops are protecting the border and the checkpoint. You as a Jew (as you claim time to time) would be the last to even come close let alone to fight as you might be preaching.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?


pre 12 godina

its about time KFOR did something right, serbs started this , are you all blind , do you think KFOR will sit there while serbs stone them !!

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Seems they are trying to provoke another bombing of Serbia.
The ball's in your court now Mr Tadic.

Hey Peggy who's balls are this?

Agim Kelmendi

pre 12 godina

Actually is the other way around. Serbs fired on KFOR, and KFOR responded in kind. Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.
(MikeC, 27 September 2011 16:40)

Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].

Slobodan Maric

pre 12 godina

This is sadly much more complicated than it reads! First of all the Albanians did not take Kosovo from us Serbs - We gave them Kosovo on a plate and the initiative came straight out of Belgrade. This was not done in 2008 but over a long drip fed period since 2001. Although Djindjic made some realistic noises about Kosovo in his day nothing was done to realistically secure the Serbian life there. As soon as Tadic ame along the game was up. All the games and pantomimes that come out of Belgrade in the way of trying to defend the Serbian sovereigity of Kosovo mean absolutely nothing as the EU and the USA have already bought Kosovo for Thaci and his boys. What have they paid Tadic for all this? Nothing! Not a single bean! If ever there was a traitor to the Serbs in Kosovo, it must be Tadic and his boys - Not the Albanians!
Now German KFOR Troops are firing on Serbs in Kosovo. I don't remember the Germans firing on Albanians back in 2004 when they went on the rampage and began to destroy Serbian churches. But then again, Germany is NOT Serbias friend. They have proven this to us since 1991 when THEY gave Croatia its independence for old time friendships in the Second World War.
Still at the end of the day, don't blame the Albanians nor the Germans for this sickening situation - blame Tadic and his boys. But we wont! We will just sit here on B92 and blame the world and his wife for our own crime in Kosovo!


pre 12 godina

"This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)"

Perhaps, I don't know, whatever. But how about the rubber bullets Tom? What was their purpose in your view of events?

Ian, UK

pre 12 godina

I like the way the article fails to mention that four KFOR peacekeepers were injured by pipe bombs and only after the bombings did KFOR respond with rubber bullets.


pre 12 godina

Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman
(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Then America shouldn't support Thaci's attack on the kosovo North.

Only Following Orders Kommendant

pre 12 godina

KFOR no longer trusts the albanians to do the ethnic cleansing themselves. KFOR now steps in to the breach. German and American troops have immunity for their actions as they are part of NATO.

They are only following orders....

Serb civilians should descend in their tens of thousands and show them whose land it is. I


pre 12 godina

The internal order and law in Kosova must be left to the authorities of Prishtina.

Of course this means that intenrational community must urgently wave the ridiculous limitations in numbers and quality of the defence system that Kosova can have.


pre 12 godina

cowards... where is the mention of pipe bombs thrown at kfor troops?

where is the condemnation of the the fictitious "ordinary" serbs as cowards toss explosives from there midst in there name?

perpetrators pretending to be victims.... nothing has changed.


pre 12 godina

B92 only mentions the "protesters" throwing rocks. According to other news agencies, some of these protesters fired at the checkpoints and also threw pipe bombs.

I guess, the lack of retaliation from the Kosovo Police earlier when these so called peaceful "protesters" shot and killed one of the police officers, made these clowns believe that they could pull the same stunt with KFOR and NATO soldiers.

I think it was about time these "protesters" were taught the hard way that the other side has guns too...and it's better at using them as well.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Mike C sure and you will be in the front lines directing the Serbs in Serbia from your home in Sweden lol. The only thing the young smart Serbs would do is leave Serbia in the 100s of thousands or go in to hiding.


pre 12 godina

I'm not surprised. It was only a question of time until Serbs lose their nerves and attack KFOR. The response of the Peacekeeper Force is just. You attack them, you pay the price.


pre 12 godina

Nato/KFOR have been looking for an excuse to attack Serbs.They must be rubing their hands together in glee,for a reason to attack and injure Serbs.I am sure they would prefer to KILL SERBS,but for now they will have to settle at wounding them.These enemies of Serbs will do what the Kosovo TERRORISTS have not been able to do is ETHNICALLY CLEANSE Kosovo of all those who appose NATO/KFOR Dictatorship.


pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

Tom, why can't EULEX leave Kosovo North alone? Isn't EULEX supposed to be status neutral?


pre 12 godina

Finally the actions taken by NATO/EULEX and Pristina have motivated Serbs to take back what is ours. Tadic can negotiate what he wants but the people have taken matters into their own hands. There is no turning back now. Baby steps to begin with and slowly we take it all. The occupiers have gone too far and I think they know it.


pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.
(Observer, 27 September 2011 10:31)

Hold a referendum on how many Northern Kosovo Serbs support baricades.


pre 12 godina

So, Mike. Have you polished your boots and cleaned your weapon? Ready for battle?

or do you mean Serbs other than you should fight so you can pat yourself on the back for being Serbian.


pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

What if Northern Kosovo Serbs don't want to do anything with Prishtina authority, regardless kosovo Albanians being muslim integrists or not?

John, DC

pre 12 godina

Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia. They have to be aware that this will not happen and need to once and for all move away from the destructive plans of making people fight each other in that region. I feel for the local serbs in Mitrovica who are helpless and find themselves played with like toys from politicians and mafia thugs who run that city since 12 years. NATO needs to clean that place from those thugs, whilst EU needs once and for all put Serbian politicians in the place they need to be put.


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.
(mms, 27 September 2011 15:51)

Based on everything I have read about these incidents, the shooter in Germany, although Albanian in etnicity, had lived his whole life other than early childhood in Germany. Calling this German citizen a Kosovar Albanian, while technically correct, is also misleading in this case, since it implies that somehow his life has been shaped by living in Kosovo, and that his actions somehow show that Albanians hate America. Come and visit Kosovo and you will see that this is far from the case. It would be better to call him a radical Muslim terrorist from Germany.

As for the Fort Dix terrorists, I believe that they had lived in the USA for a number of years, which makes them Americans in my minds (yes, in America, you become American after a short while, since America is not so stuck on ethnicity). However, I agree that they were certainly Muslim terrorists.

And yes, in both cases, the terrorists were radical Muslims. There is no doubt that radical Islam produces many terrorists, but terrorism is terrorism, whether it be a radical Muslim shooting a gun, or a nationalistic Serbian throwing a pipe bomb at peacekeeping troops.

A friend

pre 12 godina

why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why? (adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

Adriatik, my friend, I'm talking to you from my heart: are you asking this for real? you really don't have idea of what geopolitical strategies are? you do really think that in international relations there are good and the bad guys?

My humble, but honestly humble, suggestion is try to listen the reason from the other side. You won't change side - of course nobody ask you this - but at least you'll gain a wider understanding of what (since you're name you should be alb) is affecting directly your life and future. Dare to know. Dare to know.

Big Brother

pre 12 godina

KFOR should not destroy the barricades. Instead they should help the serbs to make more barricades. Let them live in a closed enclave as per their wish.


pre 12 godina

"Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.
The Count of Kosova

Monsieur le count you are absolutely right. The provocateurs got off very easy this time.


pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.
(John in Canada, 28 September 2011 02:31)
It amazes me how Serbs tend to trivialize the plight of the Kosovo Albanians during the 1990's. It is one thing to "claim" agression and to have documented proof.
How can the poor Serbians survive the scourge of establishing customs control of the border at these 2 crossings. It is not something that would have ever been envisioned over the last 12 years when UNMIK has said time and again that North Kosovo is to live under the same rules as the rest of Kosovo, nor when EULEX has said the rule of law shall pertain to the whole of Kosovo. Or when report after report after report to the UN has highlighted that the paralell institutions and the lack of law and order in the north was a major problem.
The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism.
I do not think that anyone in the world outside of Serbia, sees the establishment of customs control at checkpoint 1 and 31 as equated with the scourge of Milosevic.


pre 12 godina

Do not throw stones or provoke KFOR. Peacefully march on the crossings or around the crossings to reach Serbia. Use the non-violent resistance methods of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.


pre 12 godina

according to most Serb commentators here, everything is the fault of the US. they apparently started everything. its never Serbia or the Serbs. why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?


pre 12 godina

NATO needs to be destroyed. Anyone who thinks they have the 'moral right' to police the world should be taken down.

From an American


pre 12 godina

Again the albanians started all this and ran away and now nato and kfor come to their rescue again.Nice to see the germans still love the Serbs.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:23)

Steve B,

You just don't get it. Any destruction done to Serb churches in Kosova during the 2004 spontaneous disturbances was not directed at the Christian Orthodox religion of the Serbs. It was directed at any Serb symbol which represented the repression of Albanians by the Serb government and Serb mentality, especially the latter. The attack on Albanian children by adult Serbs resulting in the death, by drowning, of ten year old Albanian boy who was chased into a river by grown Serbian men and their dogs, is one of many hate crimes that seems to form a pattern against Albanians. Anyone with any intelligence would know that this sadistic murder would end badly for Serbs, in light of the recent attempts in 1999 unmentionable war crimes Serbs are so well known for. Would you like me to be more specific? Your examples are isolated instances of deranged individuals whereas mine represent those of the Serb gov't and the teachings of its church and schools. Btw, your claim of a song made up to praise Osama is pure fiction and another pathetic attempt to discredit Albanians. And, since you brought it up, you forgot to mention the instance of a Serb-American National Guardsman attempting sabotage at a U.S. Amory during the 1999 war. He is still serving a long sentence in a U.S. military prison.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.
(Agim Kelmendi, 27 September 2011 19:37)

Yeah, and Kosovo is a country, just like "China,Brasil,India" are continents.


pre 12 godina

John DC: Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great SerbiaSerbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia

John, you want to give us lessons about what was 12 or 20 years ago - but you turn a blind eye to the reality we have to face now: Who wants to spark new armed conflicts now? Thaci and Co. and their gunmem filled with hatred. And they provoked the current situation with their provoking unilateral steps at a moment when negotations gained momentum. Stop ignoring the facts and twisting the truth!


pre 12 godina

...why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?
(adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

You ask the right questions, adriatik! Why does the West put a blame on the Serbs after the situation in North Kosovo has heated up again? Obviously, Thaci and Co. created the mess with an attempt to put the North of Kosovo with its vast majority of Serbs under the control of his gunmen - starting with a handful of them disguised as custom officers. Unacceptable bearing in mind the ethnic clensing Thaci and Co orchestrated during the past 12 years and in particular in 2004. Ask yor beloved NATO and the West your questions and why they support the outlaws in Pristina.


pre 12 godina

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.
(sj, 27 September 2011 23:50)

I'm sure you meant just "Never Agagin" most Jews leave the mate part off. It's totally pointless trying to explain history to someone that wants to pick and choose the parts that make their case but like to deny facts that might put their side in a bad light. And as for your first part about "humanitarian loving nature" Sorry mate but I posted that the West and NATO were dragged kicking and screaming into the Balkins. Why did "They" sit on their hands, who is "they"? The U.S.,Russia,China,India or Serbia? We all know you mean the U.S. the worlds policeman.


pre 12 godina

what geopolitics is Serbia caught on? do none of you remember that the US & the Western powers did NOT support Kosovo independence until very recently? read any statement from the the EU and Washington starting in 1991 (which was the first time Kosovo declared its intentions to become independent in its own right) and they all assert Serbia's territorial rights in Kosovo. what changed? you seem to paint America & NATO as some sort of restless entity looking to bomb Serbia fore the sake of it. perhaps its time the Serbs looked at things more humanly and looked at themselves in fact. Is Serbia absolved of any blame in this mess? Is it really the fault of the others? as of Kosovo being cleansed of Serbs, utter garbage. there are serbs south of the ibar river, in fact, there are sebrs who want to integrate in the new country. no doubt though, 'militant' posters here (who are advocating violence from the comfort of their armchair) consider them traitors


pre 12 godina

"The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism."

Why? At first Kosovo Albanians wanting to separate from Serbia was classic separatism, but after they began provoking Serbian police, it became a matter of survivalism.


pre 12 godina

(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Here is another excellent example of one of a few left in this world that actually believe this nonsense of the US being the world’s policeman etc.

If you believe the US or NATO got involved in the Balkans because of their humanitarian loving nature then you continue to live in fantasy land – ask yourself why did they sit on their hands while the kills in Rwanda were being carried out?. The reasoning behind its involvement would require me to write a book on the subject but in the end it was to control that region and close in on the Russians.

The reason the US is now tired of playing the world’s policeman does not take a genius to work out as they have simply run out of money and achieved none of their objectives.

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.


pre 12 godina

Serbia needs to end this " Peace At All Costs" stance. UN 1244 is cleary being breached by K-For and EULEX. Time for action President Tadic, if you dont have the courage, step aside.

an observation

pre 12 godina

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)
or maybe it should read:

And let me guess, they [insert bs here]
"fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people" because .
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)

John in Canada

pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.


pre 12 godina

"KFOR Deputy Spokesman Kai Gudenoge stated Tuesday that KFOR soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense at the Serbs gathered on the road to the Jarinje administrative crossing in northern Kosovo.

“The Serbs were stoning the German soldiers, one of whom was hit, so the soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense,” he told AFP."

He has been misinformed. It's impossible that Serbs were stoning KFOR soldiers. We all know that Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 - they say it almost every other day. These are slanderous statements by Mr Gudenoge aimed at accusing Serbs or being against KFOR and 1244.


pre 12 godina

But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

LOL!!! Now who would do that?



pre 12 godina

Tadic has no balls, if we put it in the way gion fusha ( sorry, if wrong spelling - I simply didn´t remember the correct spelling ) happened to put it.

Peggy is right. now Mr.Tadic will have to chose between bootlicking or standing up for national interests. well, not yet, but soon, as it looks.

I would say as soon those KFOR-occupiers are firing with real ammo at Serbs on serbian territory, there is no excuse for it. this has to be answered adequately.


pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.
(OTAN Brussels, 27 September 2011, 10:05)

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.


pre 12 godina

"Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.
The Count of Kosova

Monsieur le count you are absolutely right. The provocateurs got off very easy this time.


pre 12 godina

Where is the Serbian Army?? why are you letting the KFOR Germans hurt the citizens of Serbia in their own land.?? Mr. Tadic! why are you letting them hurt / arrest your people??

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga


pre 12 godina

All this is disgusting and scary but it couldn't be more clear the this. Kosovo issue was since the beginning a war of the west against Serbia. Only between the west and Serbia. Kalbs have always been nothing else than puppets in the hands of financial and massonic powers. I don't blame Kalbs, some of them are far too immature (in some cases too corrupted themselves) to undestand the trap they've been framed in. They knotted a tie with the devil, and there is always a cost for this. In front of the world Kalbs became just the shameful reminder of what western policies are capable of, what so called democracies really are. What they are doing to Serbs, they've been doing to us for long time so not only Serbs who should raise against this system, but the entire European and American people.


pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.


pre 12 godina

Well if history teaches us anything, this move will only serve to strengthen Serbian resolve and make KFOR's existence even tougher. I was just in KM and was amazed to see the unity of effort by ALL Serbs in the north... God Bless you all in the fight against the occupiers.


pre 12 godina

If I were a Serb in KiM I would send my family - if posible - to Serbian Proper and preparing to eliminate and harass KFOR occupiers and repel muslim-terrorists so called police units. enough is enough - believe me - KFOR would make in their pants - cause I know whate were the mainstream feelings in March 2004 - everybody was afraid of Serbs response (apart from the UN and corrupted KFOR officers who were intermingled with muslim-mafiosos). Do as UCK did...or leave ur land to muslim-albos...


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Serbia needs to close all bordercrossing into Serbia. That way albanians need to get all their imports though Albania or mountenous Montenegro. 90 percent of Kosovo imports go through Serbia. Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.


pre 12 godina

The internal order and law in Kosova must be left to the authorities of Prishtina.

Of course this means that intenrational community must urgently wave the ridiculous limitations in numbers and quality of the defence system that Kosova can have.


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.

OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This is a good move to change the situation from peaceful demonstrations to armed resistance. We will likely witness an escalation soon.


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.
(sj, 27 September 2011 13:47)

Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans. Then on top of that they decided to send some tear gas and flash bangs into a crowd of peace loving Serbs who were just there to pick flowers and sing songs. Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman


pre 12 godina

Also, the Serbian flag was removed from that barricade by KFOR soldiers. Surprise no one mention that one!

On the question where Serbian Army.
The army better stay inside arack as told by Ohio National Guards Chief.After all, Serbian army officers get their training in Ohio.


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?

Dear Tinka - If Thaci gets away again with his threat to use violence in case he cannot go ahead like he wants to - THAT will cause another Balkan war. According to UCK maps found by UNMIK in Obilic 10 years ago, the goal is to carve out large pieces of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro in order to incorporate it in "Greater Kosova". One map even indicated the goal to annex a sliver of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Gorazde area via Sandzak to "Kosova".
A senior Kosovo-Albanian (!) politician, a very brave man, told me: "If you do not stop UCK with all means on your disposal, they will finally set the entire Balkans region on fire." Not only a very brave man, a very wise gentleman too!
So, Europeans will have to fight against Thaci´s and Ceku´s gunmen sooner or later anyway. Like in many instances when "sooner or later" is used, the following applies: The sooner, the better...

Jovan O.

pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

The ordinary people north of the Ibar hate your criminal kind and will never live under rule from Pristina. It is a sad joke that you Albos tell the media that criminals hold normal Serbs hostage... normal Serbs are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters and we want nothing to do with Pristina. We will never surrender and we can play this game forever, costing the EU and NATO money.

Get it now?


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?
(Milan, 27 September 2011 13:29)

Is KFOR putting up those barricades or Serbs?

Tom Collins

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.


pre 12 godina

Serbia is once again occupied by Germans. They are now showing their true colours and firing on civilians again. Keep up the resistance and for God's sake get some cameras over there and capture what the war criminals are doing to civilians!!


pre 12 godina

Actually this is a good move to get rid of thugs that are holding ordinary people hostage.
God bless US troops along with other NATO troops.
(Kosova-USA, 27 September 2011 10:40)

Did I miss anything? Did KFOR raid the Kosovo parliament and arrested the mafia boss and election faker who calls himself 'prime minister', finally, to create some more democracy and establish rule of law instead of mafia rules?

Mr. David J. Jones

pre 12 godina

Karl said. Started What? Slovenia,Bosnia,Croatia or Kosovo? You act as if America and the rest of NATO just woke up one morning and decided it would be grand to put troops in the Balkans.

Actually Karl that is nearly right except they didn't do it themselves they organised small teams of foreigners to do there dirty work initially (Iran, Pakistan Afghanistan other stans, Yemen, Saudi etc. It took the good old US of A a few years later to arrive with their NATO Buddies.

Before you start stating this and that. No I am not a Serb I am a proud Scotsman who spent a loooonnngggg time in the region and witnessed mostly the opposite of what mine and other western media were reporting to the gullible slaves sitting at home.
P.S I was also privvy to some high level clearance documentation.


Enjoying the Arab Spring(s) from Bahrain

george miletich

pre 12 godina

putin is coming!!! we hope he brings nukes and plans for huge russian base!! not good news for you but damn good news for serbs.soon traitor tadic gone and ruskie nuke base in balkans!!!! any bets?? george miletich

OTAN Brussels

pre 12 godina

This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

LOL!!! Tom Collins, what are you going to do when those kids start throwing hand grenades at the soldiers and they do get hurt, and NATO bodybags get sent home? As ex-KFOR mentioned, it's time for active rebellion. When you take away everything one has then they have nothing to lose, right?


pre 12 godina

Americans started this and when it becomes too sticky they will demand that others try and resolve the situation.
Watch these US clowns make fools of themselves.


pre 12 godina

its about time KFOR did something right, serbs started this , are you all blind , do you think KFOR will sit there while serbs stone them !!


pre 12 godina

And so it begins.

It had to be the American Bond Steel squatters of course, not even the Germans would have gone that far initially. Despite other commentators, mainly from the Otpor™ camp i presume, i dont believe lying down and let the rapist have his way yet again and accept the ultimate humiliation is any solution. To the western imposed quisling regime of Tadic and his gang it is but they are out and have nothing to say in Kosovo. The next step is logically to defend our positions and when the first Serbian is killed by US imperial bullets, nothing will stop the flood from Serbia proper. The US and the Germans knows that occupying the rest of Kosovo will be messy and a lot of blood shed involved. May god have mercy on their souls but they started it.


pre 12 godina

"Bring cameras and record what takes place. Tie your wrists up with caution tape as well as tape your mouths and stand in front of the barricades my brave Serbs. Majkemi if I was there I would do as I am preaching. Don't give up and record everything that happens.

Terrorists will lose, both the ones living south of the Ibar and the foreign ones stationed in Kosovo. The West is running out of money and therefore want to close the chapter on Kosovo so they can pull out. Bleed them dry!

Nema Predaje CCCC Sa Verom u Boga"

German troops are protecting the border and the checkpoint. You as a Jew (as you claim time to time) would be the last to even come close let alone to fight as you might be preaching.


pre 12 godina

"This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers.(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)"

Perhaps, I don't know, whatever. But how about the rubber bullets Tom? What was their purpose in your view of events?

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Cut them off and let them suffer the way Serbs suffer in the hands of albanians and the americans.
(MikeC, 27 September 2011 16:40)

Please spare us the drama, MikeC, no one is buying your false hysteria. Those Serbians got off easy, anyone else would have reacted more strongly than Kfor. Lucky for you Serbs, Kfor is a highly disciplined and professional army. Let this be a lesson to all persons that attempt to cause trouble in Kosova. Next time, MikeC, your pals won't be so lucky. Violence will not be tolerated.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

And what have we learned from this? That it's perfectly fine to shoot rubber bullets at people throwing stones at you. So the next time a bus of Serbs are attacked by Albaniand throwing stones, they can fire into the crowd. :) A bunch of trigger happy buffoons in army uniforms shooting at civilians. What a disgrace to KFOR. And yet the Serbs still resist and refuse to bow. What an inspiration for people power!


pre 12 godina

An interesting article on the goings on in Serbia's Southern province, and oh yes, it is still very much Serbia's. Otherwise, there would be no need for these fiasco's.



pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...


pre 12 godina

Good that KFOR is in and that the Internet warriors are very far away (Greetings to Canada, the UK and Australia...). I think Europeans have other problems to deal with at this moment than another Balkan war. By the way, what has become of Serbia's EU application?


pre 12 godina

cowards... where is the mention of pipe bombs thrown at kfor troops?

where is the condemnation of the the fictitious "ordinary" serbs as cowards toss explosives from there midst in there name?

perpetrators pretending to be victims.... nothing has changed.


pre 12 godina

@Tom Collins
Since you are there can you tell me how will people from Jarinje get food supply go to school and work ,with KFOR blocking all roads ?

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Seems they are trying to provoke another bombing of Serbia.
The ball's in your court now Mr Tadic.

Hey Peggy who's balls are this?

Agim Kelmendi

pre 12 godina

Actually is the other way around. Serbs fired on KFOR, and KFOR responded in kind. Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].


pre 12 godina

If Serbia will loose northern Kosovo we should make KFOR pay. We need to resist with arms. Let them pay a hefty price for ethnicly clensing Serbs from their ancient homeland. Mike C sure and you will be in the front lines directing the Serbs in Serbia from your home in Sweden lol. The only thing the young smart Serbs would do is leave Serbia in the 100s of thousands or go in to hiding.


pre 12 godina

It is wrong that Serbian people at the hart of their homeland to be treated like prisoners just becouse their expressing anger over current occupation.
Serbs gave you most of their land for nothing in return,you hhave clansed them from their teritory over last few decades,now the only 60 thousend left are going to be expelled or otherwised ruled and punished by th occupators.

What kind of cover story will you give to the World now against Serbs,perhaps you exhousted all lies by now and noone will believe you any longer especially after last decade.

Serbs are good and educated people,keep forgiving and not looking for revange,you must remmember we are all over the World and we will defend our homeland,we will come and defend our people and history again.

After all we are the ones who are now being expelled and tortured and cleansed,it is our humanitarian disaster why aren't you now concerned about other side of the story,is it perhaps that that it isnt in your interest and you fabricated all to get where you are now.
Ok lets reason here,do you really think that you can just take someone elses land and clansed its people just like that,is it what Hitler had thought,Otoman,Napoleon,Romans...
Are you going to learn hard way or this will ring some bells.

I am serb,I dont hate Albanians,neither Croatians,neither muslims,neither I think no evil to any child,or woman or elderly,
I am just confused 30m something who is just looking at the mess politicians have created all over the world.
I will tell you any labourer,tradesman,truck driver or any hard working man or woman thinks the same anywhere in the World,we all want peace,English,Irish,African Albanians,Americans,Serbians,French,Germans,Italians....
My point is ,when we make International Law(and we need one) can it be made that applies to all us eqvivalent!!??
Please,can we just let some wanker cos he has hard on for unknown reasons(perhaps cant get laid or something)just order to destroy some Country overnight and get away with it ...
Peace to Albanians and Serbs

and all good people!
When you make i

John, DC

pre 12 godina

Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia. They have to be aware that this will not happen and need to once and for all move away from the destructive plans of making people fight each other in that region. I feel for the local serbs in Mitrovica who are helpless and find themselves played with like toys from politicians and mafia thugs who run that city since 12 years. NATO needs to clean that place from those thugs, whilst EU needs once and for all put Serbian politicians in the place they need to be put.


pre 12 godina

B92 only mentions the "protesters" throwing rocks. According to other news agencies, some of these protesters fired at the checkpoints and also threw pipe bombs.

I guess, the lack of retaliation from the Kosovo Police earlier when these so called peaceful "protesters" shot and killed one of the police officers, made these clowns believe that they could pull the same stunt with KFOR and NATO soldiers.

I think it was about time these "protesters" were taught the hard way that the other side has guns too...and it's better at using them as well.


pre 12 godina

I'm not surprised. It was only a question of time until Serbs lose their nerves and attack KFOR. The response of the Peacekeeper Force is just. You attack them, you pay the price.

Ian, UK

pre 12 godina

I like the way the article fails to mention that four KFOR peacekeepers were injured by pipe bombs and only after the bombings did KFOR respond with rubber bullets.

Only Following Orders Kommendant

pre 12 godina

KFOR no longer trusts the albanians to do the ethnic cleansing themselves. KFOR now steps in to the breach. German and American troops have immunity for their actions as they are part of NATO.

They are only following orders....

Serb civilians should descend in their tens of thousands and show them whose land it is. I


pre 12 godina

Finally the actions taken by NATO/EULEX and Pristina have motivated Serbs to take back what is ours. Tadic can negotiate what he wants but the people have taken matters into their own hands. There is no turning back now. Baby steps to begin with and slowly we take it all. The occupiers have gone too far and I think they know it.


pre 12 godina

Serbs in Kosovo will not leave, nor will exUCK or any extremist group start a new war. There will be a satistying NEGOTIATET solution for Serbs and Albanians. By the way, pretending to be a ex-Soldier, ex-Diplomat, someone with a access to secret or important information, is not very credible in an anonymous forum.

Big Brother

pre 12 godina

KFOR should not destroy the barricades. Instead they should help the serbs to make more barricades. Let them live in a closed enclave as per their wish.


pre 12 godina

Nato/KFOR have been looking for an excuse to attack Serbs.They must be rubing their hands together in glee,for a reason to attack and injure Serbs.I am sure they would prefer to KILL SERBS,but for now they will have to settle at wounding them.These enemies of Serbs will do what the Kosovo TERRORISTS have not been able to do is ETHNICALLY CLEANSE Kosovo of all those who appose NATO/KFOR Dictatorship.


pre 12 godina

Trust me when I tell you America is tired of being the worlds policeman
(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Then America shouldn't support Thaci's attack on the kosovo North.


pre 12 godina

So, Mike. Have you polished your boots and cleaned your weapon? Ready for battle?

or do you mean Serbs other than you should fight so you can pat yourself on the back for being Serbian.


pre 12 godina

I am amazed how often the analogy Albanians = muslim integrists is made in this forum. Has anyone stating such nonsense has ever been south of the Ibar??? You need a magnifying glass to find veiled women or bearded men in Kosovo. Drinking beer, wine and rakia is the most common thing among Kosovo Albanians. And most Albanians admit happily that they were in fact catholics before they were "convinced" by the Ottomans to adopt Islam for fiscal reasons a few centuries ago. I am far from thinking that Albanians are all little angels and there are a lot of things you can reproach them, but certainly not being muslim integrists. But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

What if Northern Kosovo Serbs don't want to do anything with Prishtina authority, regardless kosovo Albanians being muslim integrists or not?


pre 12 godina

(Karl, 27 September 2011 14:42)

Here is another excellent example of one of a few left in this world that actually believe this nonsense of the US being the world’s policeman etc.

If you believe the US or NATO got involved in the Balkans because of their humanitarian loving nature then you continue to live in fantasy land – ask yourself why did they sit on their hands while the kills in Rwanda were being carried out?. The reasoning behind its involvement would require me to write a book on the subject but in the end it was to control that region and close in on the Russians.

The reason the US is now tired of playing the world’s policeman does not take a genius to work out as they have simply run out of money and achieved none of their objectives.

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.


pre 12 godina

Again the albanians started all this and ran away and now nato and kfor come to their rescue again.Nice to see the germans still love the Serbs.


pre 12 godina

...why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?
(adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

You ask the right questions, adriatik! Why does the West put a blame on the Serbs after the situation in North Kosovo has heated up again? Obviously, Thaci and Co. created the mess with an attempt to put the North of Kosovo with its vast majority of Serbs under the control of his gunmen - starting with a handful of them disguised as custom officers. Unacceptable bearing in mind the ethnic clensing Thaci and Co orchestrated during the past 12 years and in particular in 2004. Ask yor beloved NATO and the West your questions and why they support the outlaws in Pristina.


pre 12 godina

Before any more comments are made, more truth of the situation should be known. The barricades were moved early in the morning before the crowds were present. The crowd gathered after the barricades were moved. When the crowd arrived, the majority of people voiced their concerns in a civil and peaceful manner. It was only after a couple young men started throwing rocks at KFOR soldiers that Pepper Spray was sprayed on the person throwing stones. This was an act of self defense to make the few violent people stop throwing stones which could hurt the soldiers. Also, the men that detained, which happened last night and not today, were trying to climb over the wire around the area. What did they think would happen if they did that? The men weren't treated roughly either; they were taken to the EULEX officers who questioned them, then released them. Now, make you opinion off the truth and not the biased information of the protestors.
(Tom Collins, 27 September 2011 11:59)

Tom, why can't EULEX leave Kosovo North alone? Isn't EULEX supposed to be status neutral?

John in Canada

pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.

The Count of Kosova

pre 12 godina

Yes, and many Catholics demolish churches and rip the crosses off. And also, what about those Albanians from Kosovo that made a song praising Osama Bin Laden for what he did to America? And the K Albo that shot the American soldiers in Germany. And the terrorist plots planned to happen on U.S. soil. You want more examples?
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:23)

Steve B,

You just don't get it. Any destruction done to Serb churches in Kosova during the 2004 spontaneous disturbances was not directed at the Christian Orthodox religion of the Serbs. It was directed at any Serb symbol which represented the repression of Albanians by the Serb government and Serb mentality, especially the latter. The attack on Albanian children by adult Serbs resulting in the death, by drowning, of ten year old Albanian boy who was chased into a river by grown Serbian men and their dogs, is one of many hate crimes that seems to form a pattern against Albanians. Anyone with any intelligence would know that this sadistic murder would end badly for Serbs, in light of the recent attempts in 1999 unmentionable war crimes Serbs are so well known for. Would you like me to be more specific? Your examples are isolated instances of deranged individuals whereas mine represent those of the Serb gov't and the teachings of its church and schools. Btw, your claim of a song made up to praise Osama is pure fiction and another pathetic attempt to discredit Albanians. And, since you brought it up, you forgot to mention the instance of a Serb-American National Guardsman attempting sabotage at a U.S. Amory during the 1999 war. He is still serving a long sentence in a U.S. military prison.


pre 12 godina

What do you think the Serbs were going to do in Croatia or Bosnia? Allow another killing of their people? As the Jews say NEVE AGAIN mate . Slovenia was not a war started by the Serbs but the Slovenes who wanted to appear to liberate themselves. The sad part is the Yugoslav troops they killed were all Slovenes doing their national service.
(sj, 27 September 2011 23:50)

I'm sure you meant just "Never Agagin" most Jews leave the mate part off. It's totally pointless trying to explain history to someone that wants to pick and choose the parts that make their case but like to deny facts that might put their side in a bad light. And as for your first part about "humanitarian loving nature" Sorry mate but I posted that the West and NATO were dragged kicking and screaming into the Balkins. Why did "They" sit on their hands, who is "they"? The U.S.,Russia,China,India or Serbia? We all know you mean the U.S. the worlds policeman.


pre 12 godina

I recall quite a few years back when Albanians in Kosovo were a minority, they declared themselves victims of aggression; the West granted them their own country out of a piece of Serbia as a result. So it's only right now that Serbs in Mitrovica and northern Kosovo are granted their own country as well as they are now victims of aggression. Kosovo is Serbia, if the Albanians who lived in Kosovo wanted their own country than why don't they just go right next door to the country that is named after them. Some Serbs have been accused of dreams of a greater Serbia a few years back and they paid heavily for it. Why doesn't the West then penalize the Albanians for their aspirations of a greater Albania (out of Serbia, Macedonia and Greece). Serbs in Serbia, resist your westernized-puppet government and stand for your brothers in Kosovo, and then maybe your brothers in Russia will stand for you.
(John in Canada, 28 September 2011 02:31)
It amazes me how Serbs tend to trivialize the plight of the Kosovo Albanians during the 1990's. It is one thing to "claim" agression and to have documented proof.
How can the poor Serbians survive the scourge of establishing customs control of the border at these 2 crossings. It is not something that would have ever been envisioned over the last 12 years when UNMIK has said time and again that North Kosovo is to live under the same rules as the rest of Kosovo, nor when EULEX has said the rule of law shall pertain to the whole of Kosovo. Or when report after report after report to the UN has highlighted that the paralell institutions and the lack of law and order in the north was a major problem.
The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism.
I do not think that anyone in the world outside of Serbia, sees the establishment of customs control at checkpoint 1 and 31 as equated with the scourge of Milosevic.


pre 12 godina

It started. Serbs must be calm, wise and pragmatic and distance themselves from criminals in the North, otherwise Oluja may await.

The civilised serbs in the North are seeing the light under tunnel, want to live free of baricades and exercise a freedom of speech and movoment.

Lets hope everything ends up peacefully and no life is lost. Criminals need to be arrested so that ordinary citizens in teh North live peacefully.
(Observer, 27 September 2011 10:31)

Hold a referendum on how many Northern Kosovo Serbs support baricades.


pre 12 godina

"KFOR Deputy Spokesman Kai Gudenoge stated Tuesday that KFOR soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense at the Serbs gathered on the road to the Jarinje administrative crossing in northern Kosovo.

“The Serbs were stoning the German soldiers, one of whom was hit, so the soldiers were forced to fire rubber bullets in self-defense,” he told AFP."

He has been misinformed. It's impossible that Serbs were stoning KFOR soldiers. We all know that Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 - they say it almost every other day. These are slanderous statements by Mr Gudenoge aimed at accusing Serbs or being against KFOR and 1244.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

Lucky you guys don't live in some continents such as; Africa,China,Brasil,India, etc.. , because you all will be shot dead on the spot.
(Agim Kelmendi, 27 September 2011 19:37)

Yeah, and Kosovo is a country, just like "China,Brasil,India" are continents.


pre 12 godina

John DC: Serbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great SerbiaSerbian politicians in Belgrade are playing with the fire. They are trying to separate Kosovo and Bosnia for the same dream that over 12 years ago caused four wars in the same region, i.e. the Great Serbia

John, you want to give us lessons about what was 12 or 20 years ago - but you turn a blind eye to the reality we have to face now: Who wants to spark new armed conflicts now? Thaci and Co. and their gunmem filled with hatred. And they provoked the current situation with their provoking unilateral steps at a moment when negotations gained momentum. Stop ignoring the facts and twisting the truth!


pre 12 godina

according to most Serb commentators here, everything is the fault of the US. they apparently started everything. its never Serbia or the Serbs. why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why?


pre 12 godina

Tadic has no balls, if we put it in the way gion fusha ( sorry, if wrong spelling - I simply didn´t remember the correct spelling ) happened to put it.

Peggy is right. now Mr.Tadic will have to chose between bootlicking or standing up for national interests. well, not yet, but soon, as it looks.

I would say as soon those KFOR-occupiers are firing with real ammo at Serbs on serbian territory, there is no excuse for it. this has to be answered adequately.


pre 12 godina

Serbia needs to end this " Peace At All Costs" stance. UN 1244 is cleary being breached by K-For and EULEX. Time for action President Tadic, if you dont have the courage, step aside.

Slobodan Maric

pre 12 godina

This is sadly much more complicated than it reads! First of all the Albanians did not take Kosovo from us Serbs - We gave them Kosovo on a plate and the initiative came straight out of Belgrade. This was not done in 2008 but over a long drip fed period since 2001. Although Djindjic made some realistic noises about Kosovo in his day nothing was done to realistically secure the Serbian life there. As soon as Tadic ame along the game was up. All the games and pantomimes that come out of Belgrade in the way of trying to defend the Serbian sovereigity of Kosovo mean absolutely nothing as the EU and the USA have already bought Kosovo for Thaci and his boys. What have they paid Tadic for all this? Nothing! Not a single bean! If ever there was a traitor to the Serbs in Kosovo, it must be Tadic and his boys - Not the Albanians!
Now German KFOR Troops are firing on Serbs in Kosovo. I don't remember the Germans firing on Albanians back in 2004 when they went on the rampage and began to destroy Serbian churches. But then again, Germany is NOT Serbias friend. They have proven this to us since 1991 when THEY gave Croatia its independence for old time friendships in the Second World War.
Still at the end of the day, don't blame the Albanians nor the Germans for this sickening situation - blame Tadic and his boys. But we wont! We will just sit here on B92 and blame the world and his wife for our own crime in Kosovo!

A friend

pre 12 godina

why on earth would America or NATO or the West be so determined to bomb Serbia? seriously, why? (adriatik, 28 September 2011 09:51)

Adriatik, my friend, I'm talking to you from my heart: are you asking this for real? you really don't have idea of what geopolitical strategies are? you do really think that in international relations there are good and the bad guys?

My humble, but honestly humble, suggestion is try to listen the reason from the other side. You won't change side - of course nobody ask you this - but at least you'll gain a wider understanding of what (since you're name you should be alb) is affecting directly your life and future. Dare to know. Dare to know.


pre 12 godina

You ignore the kosovo Albanian who murdered American servicemen in Germany. You ignore the Kosovo Albanian who took part in planning an attack on US servicemen at fort Dix.
Convenient. The US is supporting the wrong side again. Kosovo Albanians biting the hand that feeds them - like Osama bin laden did.
(mms, 27 September 2011 15:51)

Based on everything I have read about these incidents, the shooter in Germany, although Albanian in etnicity, had lived his whole life other than early childhood in Germany. Calling this German citizen a Kosovar Albanian, while technically correct, is also misleading in this case, since it implies that somehow his life has been shaped by living in Kosovo, and that his actions somehow show that Albanians hate America. Come and visit Kosovo and you will see that this is far from the case. It would be better to call him a radical Muslim terrorist from Germany.

As for the Fort Dix terrorists, I believe that they had lived in the USA for a number of years, which makes them Americans in my minds (yes, in America, you become American after a short while, since America is not so stuck on ethnicity). However, I agree that they were certainly Muslim terrorists.

And yes, in both cases, the terrorists were radical Muslims. There is no doubt that radical Islam produces many terrorists, but terrorism is terrorism, whether it be a radical Muslim shooting a gun, or a nationalistic Serbian throwing a pipe bomb at peacekeeping troops.


pre 12 godina

what geopolitics is Serbia caught on? do none of you remember that the US & the Western powers did NOT support Kosovo independence until very recently? read any statement from the the EU and Washington starting in 1991 (which was the first time Kosovo declared its intentions to become independent in its own right) and they all assert Serbia's territorial rights in Kosovo. what changed? you seem to paint America & NATO as some sort of restless entity looking to bomb Serbia fore the sake of it. perhaps its time the Serbs looked at things more humanly and looked at themselves in fact. Is Serbia absolved of any blame in this mess? Is it really the fault of the others? as of Kosovo being cleansed of Serbs, utter garbage. there are serbs south of the ibar river, in fact, there are sebrs who want to integrate in the new country. no doubt though, 'militant' posters here (who are advocating violence from the comfort of their armchair) consider them traitors


pre 12 godina

NATO needs to be destroyed. Anyone who thinks they have the 'moral right' to police the world should be taken down.

From an American

an observation

pre 12 godina

And let me guess, they fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people because [insert bs here].
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)
or maybe it should read:

And let me guess, they [insert bs here]
"fired bullets at the ambulance that was helping injured people" because .
(Steve B., 27 September 2011 21:19)


pre 12 godina

"The northern Serbs wanting to separate from the rest of Kosovo is classic separatism. Kosovo wanting to separate from Serbia was an act of survivalism."

Why? At first Kosovo Albanians wanting to separate from Serbia was classic separatism, but after they began provoking Serbian police, it became a matter of survivalism.


pre 12 godina

Do not throw stones or provoke KFOR. Peacefully march on the crossings or around the crossings to reach Serbia. Use the non-violent resistance methods of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.


pre 12 godina

But of course, it is a convenient argument to discredit someone and to create the image of a perfect evil enemy, if you cannot be bothered to look into the real nature of the problem...
(Tinka, 27 September 2011 12:36)

LOL!!! Now who would do that?
