Friday, 10.06.2011.


Croatia likely to join EU in 2013

European Commission (EC) has recommended to the EU Council of Ministers to close the remaining four chapters in negotiations with Croatia.

Izvor: Beta

Croatia likely to join EU in 2013 IMAGE SOURCE

16 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05) Croatia has been in Afghanistan ,Chad ,Dafur Sudan ,Golan etc for years and no body bags. In Afghanistan we escort and provide security for high official's of other nations we havent lost one plus train Afghanistan forces and the most liked by them. Even security for America top bras by their own request because of professionalism experience ,the insurgency has tried to attack but they have been shut down permanently in seconds by our troops. We are good at what we do that visiting delegations ask for Croatia troops as escort security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyg-lqH7YdM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL .


pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05)

In case you don't know: Croatia IS already a NATO country, and is participating in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Slovenia, too, btw. I don't know about the current body count, but it will never ever reach the amounts of soldiers killed during the 'defending YU's integrity' wars.


pre 13 godina

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.
(Analyst, 11 June 2011 14:02)

!00% true, but you forgot one more thing™

Probably more, than one.

1) in some years both will be plundered and raped by self-appointed "democrats" from the West who will have no trouble to find one Vuk Branković here, one Ante Pavelić there... cheap traitors, sellouts, demagogues preaching "European Values" but caring only about the value of their wallet.

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.


pre 13 godina

"Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?"
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.


pre 13 godina

Who recalls that Croatia was supposed to join the EU in 2005? then it was 2008? then it was 2010? Then it was 2012 now it’s 2013.
Don’t hold your breath because Croatia has many things to do before they set foot in the EU – even Ivo Josipovic stated that they have still a long way to go and have to fulfill ALL agreements. One of the major obstacles is the Serb refugees and Croatia will NEVER see the EU if that is not finalized.
For those Serbs that are depressed by this latest statement, don’t be because it’s only the EU trying to keep average Croatian hopes up just like the latest statement involving Serbia where there are no more conditions blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My favourite part is that Croatia will get something like 800 million Euros upon joining the EU – with 4 million people in Croatia they will be able to ask “how much does the US cost? We would like to buy it.
There is an old Serbian saying “Pricaj usta da nebudnu pusta”. What is the salient point of this press statement of “Croatia likely to join EU in 2013”? the operative word is LIKELY and not WILL JOIN.


pre 13 godina

Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Lenard is the proof of the Neue Kroatie. The smart croats have figured out that they have to keep their tongue and play the Brussels games whilst pretending to reform, like Bg & Ro. Then there are the stupid croatians who dream of Genie, i.e. that fat old holocaust denying fascist Tudjman, dead rock star of idol of Berlin, Vienna & the Vatican. Guess which one Lenard belongs to??? I wonder when bosnian serbs will be allowed to return to Mostar and south west bosnia... My bad, that's the 'right kind' of ethnic cleansing.

Je¿ chorwatski, serbski i europejski

pre 13 godina

First miracle of Ratzinger...
(Luigi, 10 June 2011 17:04)

Yes... (rolling eyes)

ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,

(ad nauseam)

May The Force, the power of Creator and all other holy things be with that holy man :-O


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.
(Aleks, 10 June 2011 14:04) The Serbs can go back to Croatia as soon as 10s of thousands ethnically cleansed Croatians can go back to their homes in Bosnia in the fake part of "Srpska" entity where they were ethnically cleansed murdered by Serbs also in Vojvodina province Serbia. If you Serbs did not plan start and be the progenitors of the criminal wars on the other republics to create a Grater Serbia everyone would be in their homes. The region would be much ahead and the world would not have a such a bad opinion of Serbia and Serbs. The EU is a just another one of many dictatorial empires that has plagued Europe for centuries only more cunning coming in by stealth by using the peoples grate delusional imaginations.


pre 13 godina

It's nice that this announcement and follow-up in two weeks will coincide with Croatia's 20th anniversary as an independent state. I look forward to seeing Croatia help those poorer and indeed more backward nations of the Balkans succeed in their ultimate Europeanisation in the next 2 to 3 decades.

Well done Croatia...


pre 13 godina

Should I even pretend to be surprised anymore? Should I even care? Have they really progressed or are they a great medium to preventing Serbia from being sucked into/joining this morally and financially bankrupt joke of a union?


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.


pre 13 godina

It's nice that this announcement and follow-up in two weeks will coincide with Croatia's 20th anniversary as an independent state. I look forward to seeing Croatia help those poorer and indeed more backward nations of the Balkans succeed in their ultimate Europeanisation in the next 2 to 3 decades.

Well done Croatia...


pre 13 godina

Should I even pretend to be surprised anymore? Should I even care? Have they really progressed or are they a great medium to preventing Serbia from being sucked into/joining this morally and financially bankrupt joke of a union?


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.
(Aleks, 10 June 2011 14:04) The Serbs can go back to Croatia as soon as 10s of thousands ethnically cleansed Croatians can go back to their homes in Bosnia in the fake part of "Srpska" entity where they were ethnically cleansed murdered by Serbs also in Vojvodina province Serbia. If you Serbs did not plan start and be the progenitors of the criminal wars on the other republics to create a Grater Serbia everyone would be in their homes. The region would be much ahead and the world would not have a such a bad opinion of Serbia and Serbs. The EU is a just another one of many dictatorial empires that has plagued Europe for centuries only more cunning coming in by stealth by using the peoples grate delusional imaginations.


pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05)

In case you don't know: Croatia IS already a NATO country, and is participating in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Slovenia, too, btw. I don't know about the current body count, but it will never ever reach the amounts of soldiers killed during the 'defending YU's integrity' wars.

Je¿ chorwatski, serbski i europejski

pre 13 godina

First miracle of Ratzinger...
(Luigi, 10 June 2011 17:04)

Yes... (rolling eyes)

ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,

(ad nauseam)

May The Force, the power of Creator and all other holy things be with that holy man :-O


pre 13 godina

"Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?"
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.


pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05) Croatia has been in Afghanistan ,Chad ,Dafur Sudan ,Golan etc for years and no body bags. In Afghanistan we escort and provide security for high official's of other nations we havent lost one plus train Afghanistan forces and the most liked by them. Even security for America top bras by their own request because of professionalism experience ,the insurgency has tried to attack but they have been shut down permanently in seconds by our troops. We are good at what we do that visiting delegations ask for Croatia troops as escort security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyg-lqH7YdM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL .


pre 13 godina

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.
(Analyst, 11 June 2011 14:02)

!00% true, but you forgot one more thing™

Probably more, than one.

1) in some years both will be plundered and raped by self-appointed "democrats" from the West who will have no trouble to find one Vuk Branković here, one Ante Pavelić there... cheap traitors, sellouts, demagogues preaching "European Values" but caring only about the value of their wallet.

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.


pre 13 godina

Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Lenard is the proof of the Neue Kroatie. The smart croats have figured out that they have to keep their tongue and play the Brussels games whilst pretending to reform, like Bg & Ro. Then there are the stupid croatians who dream of Genie, i.e. that fat old holocaust denying fascist Tudjman, dead rock star of idol of Berlin, Vienna & the Vatican. Guess which one Lenard belongs to??? I wonder when bosnian serbs will be allowed to return to Mostar and south west bosnia... My bad, that's the 'right kind' of ethnic cleansing.


pre 13 godina

Who recalls that Croatia was supposed to join the EU in 2005? then it was 2008? then it was 2010? Then it was 2012 now it’s 2013.
Don’t hold your breath because Croatia has many things to do before they set foot in the EU – even Ivo Josipovic stated that they have still a long way to go and have to fulfill ALL agreements. One of the major obstacles is the Serb refugees and Croatia will NEVER see the EU if that is not finalized.
For those Serbs that are depressed by this latest statement, don’t be because it’s only the EU trying to keep average Croatian hopes up just like the latest statement involving Serbia where there are no more conditions blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My favourite part is that Croatia will get something like 800 million Euros upon joining the EU – with 4 million people in Croatia they will be able to ask “how much does the US cost? We would like to buy it.
There is an old Serbian saying “Pricaj usta da nebudnu pusta”. What is the salient point of this press statement of “Croatia likely to join EU in 2013”? the operative word is LIKELY and not WILL JOIN.


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.


pre 13 godina

Should I even pretend to be surprised anymore? Should I even care? Have they really progressed or are they a great medium to preventing Serbia from being sucked into/joining this morally and financially bankrupt joke of a union?


pre 13 godina

It's nice that this announcement and follow-up in two weeks will coincide with Croatia's 20th anniversary as an independent state. I look forward to seeing Croatia help those poorer and indeed more backward nations of the Balkans succeed in their ultimate Europeanisation in the next 2 to 3 decades.

Well done Croatia...


pre 13 godina

What's that I hear? "Danke, Deutschland, Danke"? Previously Brussels had said that addressing the property rights and crimes against the ethnically cleansed Krajina Serbs was essential to be delt with before Croatia could join. Croatia needs to be further squeezed.
(Aleks, 10 June 2011 14:04) The Serbs can go back to Croatia as soon as 10s of thousands ethnically cleansed Croatians can go back to their homes in Bosnia in the fake part of "Srpska" entity where they were ethnically cleansed murdered by Serbs also in Vojvodina province Serbia. If you Serbs did not plan start and be the progenitors of the criminal wars on the other republics to create a Grater Serbia everyone would be in their homes. The region would be much ahead and the world would not have a such a bad opinion of Serbia and Serbs. The EU is a just another one of many dictatorial empires that has plagued Europe for centuries only more cunning coming in by stealth by using the peoples grate delusional imaginations.


pre 13 godina

Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Lenard is the proof of the Neue Kroatie. The smart croats have figured out that they have to keep their tongue and play the Brussels games whilst pretending to reform, like Bg & Ro. Then there are the stupid croatians who dream of Genie, i.e. that fat old holocaust denying fascist Tudjman, dead rock star of idol of Berlin, Vienna & the Vatican. Guess which one Lenard belongs to??? I wonder when bosnian serbs will be allowed to return to Mostar and south west bosnia... My bad, that's the 'right kind' of ethnic cleansing.

Je¿ chorwatski, serbski i europejski

pre 13 godina

First miracle of Ratzinger...
(Luigi, 10 June 2011 17:04)

Yes... (rolling eyes)

ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,
ओं मणिपद्मे हूं,

(ad nauseam)

May The Force, the power of Creator and all other holy things be with that holy man :-O


pre 13 godina

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.
(Analyst, 11 June 2011 14:02)

!00% true, but you forgot one more thing™

Probably more, than one.

1) in some years both will be plundered and raped by self-appointed "democrats" from the West who will have no trouble to find one Vuk Branković here, one Ante Pavelić there... cheap traitors, sellouts, demagogues preaching "European Values" but caring only about the value of their wallet.

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.


pre 13 godina

Who recalls that Croatia was supposed to join the EU in 2005? then it was 2008? then it was 2010? Then it was 2012 now it’s 2013.
Don’t hold your breath because Croatia has many things to do before they set foot in the EU – even Ivo Josipovic stated that they have still a long way to go and have to fulfill ALL agreements. One of the major obstacles is the Serb refugees and Croatia will NEVER see the EU if that is not finalized.
For those Serbs that are depressed by this latest statement, don’t be because it’s only the EU trying to keep average Croatian hopes up just like the latest statement involving Serbia where there are no more conditions blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My favourite part is that Croatia will get something like 800 million Euros upon joining the EU – with 4 million people in Croatia they will be able to ask “how much does the US cost? We would like to buy it.
There is an old Serbian saying “Pricaj usta da nebudnu pusta”. What is the salient point of this press statement of “Croatia likely to join EU in 2013”? the operative word is LIKELY and not WILL JOIN.


pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05) Croatia has been in Afghanistan ,Chad ,Dafur Sudan ,Golan etc for years and no body bags. In Afghanistan we escort and provide security for high official's of other nations we havent lost one plus train Afghanistan forces and the most liked by them. Even security for America top bras by their own request because of professionalism experience ,the insurgency has tried to attack but they have been shut down permanently in seconds by our troops. We are good at what we do that visiting delegations ask for Croatia troops as escort security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyg-lqH7YdM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL .


pre 13 godina

2) At last, Serbia and Croatia will see some body bags coming home from "humanitarian missions" in Afghanistan.
(Ataman, 11 June 2011 16:05)

In case you don't know: Croatia IS already a NATO country, and is participating in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Slovenia, too, btw. I don't know about the current body count, but it will never ever reach the amounts of soldiers killed during the 'defending YU's integrity' wars.


pre 13 godina

"Is Croatia still a fascist/catholic country, or has it now joined the modern world?"
(Bob, 10 June 2011 16:52)

Croatia is still catholic, still has a lot of fascist/nationalistic parties and groups, but will eventually join the modern Europe, and there's hope that things is improving. Serbia is orthodox, with a lot of nationalistic people and parties who still deny the responsibility for the wars and all the crimes, but in some years, it will join the modern, democratic world of EU, too, with the hope for things to improve.