Friday, 08.10.2010.


NGOs condemn metropolitan’s statement

SPC Metropolitan Amfilohije has called on participants of the Belgrade gay parade to stop political propaganda since it "provokes others to act violently".

Izvor: B92

NGOs condemn metropolitan’s statement IMAGE SOURCE

13 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

"a clown cry for lost moral and spiritual balance and existential insecurity,” Amfilohije told weekly Pečat."

To those putting the moral mask here; people do not choose to be discriminated, yelled at, persecuted or killed because they like being in that situation. Look at your own skeletons before judging others. The same goes for Amfilohije. Worry about your own skeletons Amfilohije.

I don't like these kinds of things either but let people do whatever they want.


pre 13 godina


One of the fundamental aspects of democracy is the right to free speech and expression. Whether you're a majority or not, that's irrelevant.

While I'm not a big fan of such parades, they do fall under free speech and that's that.

As for the rest, I have never heard of anyone who got beaten, taunted, even killed for being heterosexual. The same cannot be said for gays.

So, whoever does not like like such parades, well, ...don't watch them.

Find something else to do on that day...and mind your own business.


pre 13 godina

That's fine and good, papajohn. Listen to whomever you want.

Personally, I feel that 500 people should be able to walk ONE BLOCK in public (and without 5000 police needed to protect them) for a society to consider itself anything other than abjectly primitive.

perhaps you feel otherwise.


pre 13 godina

Go Ida. You are correct. What is it that the gay people want anyway? What right is being denied them? This is just more pressure from the West to have Serbia fall in line under their command. I wish I was Tadic, I would tell the EU/US to take a hike. And take their morally and spiritually bankrupt Union offer with them. Serbia needs trade partners, not dictators.


pre 13 godina

Danilo, maybe some of us wants to listen to some guy in a dress as you so respectfully put it. No one is forcing you to be Christian. Gays and homosexual can live in the same society, under the same laws. I just do not understand what it is that the gay community, and their Western society wants from Serbia. Do they want heterosexual Serbs to feel that their lifestyle is fine, without feeling some disgust? Keep it in your pants in public, and out of politics. That is a good formula for co-existence.


pre 13 godina

Why don't these Western NGOs go and stage gay pride parades in Pristina and Sarajevo? Or are they maybe afraid it would offend the muslims? Lay off of Serbia a bit, OK? We don't want to be another cookie-cutter, bow to Brussels/US nation. No one is trying to take the homosexuals rights away, just have them keep it in their own homes - I don't want to hear about it. I don't walk around displaying that I am heterosexual, that's my business.


pre 13 godina

The gay parade is NOT democratic as democracy is rule by the majority and the vast majority of Serbian citizens do not want this gay parade. A parade geared towards gayness is an extra thing and not a basic human right at all. It is putting gayness and gay rights above others and provoking the majority whom don't approve.


pre 13 godina

Not ever Serbian citizen belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church. Personally, I would un-christen myself if I could.

Not everyone here is part of your "us", Highdook.

A modern society should be governed by the rule of law, not by what some guy in a dress tells you


pre 13 godina

I condemn the NGOs statement...the SPC is totally right in regards to the reasons for the parade and outward show of the participants' gayness. It is a front to hide the sin that consumes their lives, and all they want to to do is to put up a farce that they accept themselves as they are. It is not at all acceptable to be behave that way.


pre 13 godina


One of the fundamental aspects of democracy is the right to free speech and expression. Whether you're a majority or not, that's irrelevant.

While I'm not a big fan of such parades, they do fall under free speech and that's that.

As for the rest, I have never heard of anyone who got beaten, taunted, even killed for being heterosexual. The same cannot be said for gays.

So, whoever does not like like such parades, well, ...don't watch them.

Find something else to do on that day...and mind your own business.


pre 13 godina

Not ever Serbian citizen belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church. Personally, I would un-christen myself if I could.

Not everyone here is part of your "us", Highdook.

A modern society should be governed by the rule of law, not by what some guy in a dress tells you


pre 13 godina

That's fine and good, papajohn. Listen to whomever you want.

Personally, I feel that 500 people should be able to walk ONE BLOCK in public (and without 5000 police needed to protect them) for a society to consider itself anything other than abjectly primitive.

perhaps you feel otherwise.


pre 13 godina

Why don't these Western NGOs go and stage gay pride parades in Pristina and Sarajevo? Or are they maybe afraid it would offend the muslims? Lay off of Serbia a bit, OK? We don't want to be another cookie-cutter, bow to Brussels/US nation. No one is trying to take the homosexuals rights away, just have them keep it in their own homes - I don't want to hear about it. I don't walk around displaying that I am heterosexual, that's my business.


pre 13 godina

The gay parade is NOT democratic as democracy is rule by the majority and the vast majority of Serbian citizens do not want this gay parade. A parade geared towards gayness is an extra thing and not a basic human right at all. It is putting gayness and gay rights above others and provoking the majority whom don't approve.


pre 13 godina

I condemn the NGOs statement...the SPC is totally right in regards to the reasons for the parade and outward show of the participants' gayness. It is a front to hide the sin that consumes their lives, and all they want to to do is to put up a farce that they accept themselves as they are. It is not at all acceptable to be behave that way.


pre 13 godina

Danilo, maybe some of us wants to listen to some guy in a dress as you so respectfully put it. No one is forcing you to be Christian. Gays and homosexual can live in the same society, under the same laws. I just do not understand what it is that the gay community, and their Western society wants from Serbia. Do they want heterosexual Serbs to feel that their lifestyle is fine, without feeling some disgust? Keep it in your pants in public, and out of politics. That is a good formula for co-existence.


pre 13 godina

Go Ida. You are correct. What is it that the gay people want anyway? What right is being denied them? This is just more pressure from the West to have Serbia fall in line under their command. I wish I was Tadic, I would tell the EU/US to take a hike. And take their morally and spiritually bankrupt Union offer with them. Serbia needs trade partners, not dictators.


pre 13 godina

"a clown cry for lost moral and spiritual balance and existential insecurity,” Amfilohije told weekly Pečat."

To those putting the moral mask here; people do not choose to be discriminated, yelled at, persecuted or killed because they like being in that situation. Look at your own skeletons before judging others. The same goes for Amfilohije. Worry about your own skeletons Amfilohije.

I don't like these kinds of things either but let people do whatever they want.


pre 13 godina

I condemn the NGOs statement...the SPC is totally right in regards to the reasons for the parade and outward show of the participants' gayness. It is a front to hide the sin that consumes their lives, and all they want to to do is to put up a farce that they accept themselves as they are. It is not at all acceptable to be behave that way.


pre 13 godina

The gay parade is NOT democratic as democracy is rule by the majority and the vast majority of Serbian citizens do not want this gay parade. A parade geared towards gayness is an extra thing and not a basic human right at all. It is putting gayness and gay rights above others and provoking the majority whom don't approve.


pre 13 godina

Why don't these Western NGOs go and stage gay pride parades in Pristina and Sarajevo? Or are they maybe afraid it would offend the muslims? Lay off of Serbia a bit, OK? We don't want to be another cookie-cutter, bow to Brussels/US nation. No one is trying to take the homosexuals rights away, just have them keep it in their own homes - I don't want to hear about it. I don't walk around displaying that I am heterosexual, that's my business.


pre 13 godina

Go Ida. You are correct. What is it that the gay people want anyway? What right is being denied them? This is just more pressure from the West to have Serbia fall in line under their command. I wish I was Tadic, I would tell the EU/US to take a hike. And take their morally and spiritually bankrupt Union offer with them. Serbia needs trade partners, not dictators.


pre 13 godina

Danilo, maybe some of us wants to listen to some guy in a dress as you so respectfully put it. No one is forcing you to be Christian. Gays and homosexual can live in the same society, under the same laws. I just do not understand what it is that the gay community, and their Western society wants from Serbia. Do they want heterosexual Serbs to feel that their lifestyle is fine, without feeling some disgust? Keep it in your pants in public, and out of politics. That is a good formula for co-existence.


pre 13 godina

Not ever Serbian citizen belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church. Personally, I would un-christen myself if I could.

Not everyone here is part of your "us", Highdook.

A modern society should be governed by the rule of law, not by what some guy in a dress tells you


pre 13 godina

That's fine and good, papajohn. Listen to whomever you want.

Personally, I feel that 500 people should be able to walk ONE BLOCK in public (and without 5000 police needed to protect them) for a society to consider itself anything other than abjectly primitive.

perhaps you feel otherwise.


pre 13 godina


One of the fundamental aspects of democracy is the right to free speech and expression. Whether you're a majority or not, that's irrelevant.

While I'm not a big fan of such parades, they do fall under free speech and that's that.

As for the rest, I have never heard of anyone who got beaten, taunted, even killed for being heterosexual. The same cannot be said for gays.

So, whoever does not like like such parades, well, ...don't watch them.

Find something else to do on that day...and mind your own business.


pre 13 godina

"a clown cry for lost moral and spiritual balance and existential insecurity,” Amfilohije told weekly Pečat."

To those putting the moral mask here; people do not choose to be discriminated, yelled at, persecuted or killed because they like being in that situation. Look at your own skeletons before judging others. The same goes for Amfilohije. Worry about your own skeletons Amfilohije.

I don't like these kinds of things either but let people do whatever they want.