Monday, 02.08.2010.


Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary

Refugee organizations says that nothing has been done to help the return of Serbs to Croatia, 15 years after they were forced to leave.

Izvor: FoNet

Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary IMAGE SOURCE

22 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

Dear friends. You had a the chance to live in big&beautifull&respectable country but you miss it. Now you are blaim each other for those crimes done for nothing.


pre 13 godina

>The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.

As long as you deny your own citizens their rights, and justify/glorify their persecution, there is no reconciliation. that would take humility from both sides.


pre 13 godina

Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.
(Barry, 3 August 2010 23:42)

Just because you don’t read about Croatia being critisized does not mean that it not being done in the right circles. Why do you think the EU appointed Josipovic as president? Considering that there are very strong fascist parties in Croatia don’t tell me that Croats actually elected this man.

Here is how it works: As the Eu supported Croatia’s independence it is very difficult now to openly criticize them – if they did then the EU would contradict itself. However, your Croats have done a marvellous job of just showing what a racist bunch you are and there are many in the EU that openly tell your diplomats this fact.


pre 13 godina

"Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.


pre 13 godina

HB even if what you said is true, which it is not - you don't have the right to condemn Croatian (Serb) citizens from returning.

Either you support democratic principles and agree in the right to disagree or you are the autocratic dictator. You think it is right to decide how your population should live and what they believe?


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.
(HB, 3 August 2010 07:05)

You mean that they refused to sign official oaths to loyalty to the croatian state that others were not asked to sign? They were evicted from their flats (go ask Kosor and the HVO) and their land, they were expected to stand around whilst black shirted HOS rampaged through the countryside slaughtering serbs like the good old days of 1940+?

Yes, silly Serbs, they should have just shut up and accepted their status as third class citizens without any rights under a president that denied the Holocaust, denied the genocide of the Serbs in WWII and saw collaboration with the Nazis as an honorable act.

In the cities, mixed families ostracised by their neighbors, threatened and beaten up on the streets by teenagers, graffiti on their properties and bigoted slurs against them.

Apart from that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with spitting on "everything that was Croatian" save it being a waste of valuable spit. You were either a 'pure' croat or the enemy.


pre 13 godina

A train from Zagreb is passing through Knin. In the railway compartment are two sets of Croatians, those from Zagreb and those from the diaspora coming to Croatia for a holiday.

As the train rolls through the countryside near knin, one of the diaspora croats exclaim 'look what those horrible serbs did!'. A Zagreb croats replies, 'we did that'.

This my friends, is a true story from not so long ago.


pre 13 godina

I love Croatia (going for 2 weeks in a few days, cant wait) and am v happy relations are improving. But I think that it is time for Serbs to return to their homes in Croatia without fear of persecution. Can't we all just get along!!


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.


pre 13 godina

I will continue to celebrate this period in Croatian history, For us, It is a celebration of the first time in about 5 years we were able to return to our burnt out homes,barns,etc. and get on the path to some sort of closure. After we filled the rocket and tank shell holes in the walls and cleared the building of shell casings.

Daveo Dinkum

pre 13 godina

Croatia celebrating liberation from what? You're all full of it. I don't know how you can seriously believe the rubbish that spouts out of your mouth.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.
(Lenard, 2 August 2010 21:13)

Croatian refugees from RS is a matter for RS and not Serbia, but here is something for you to chew over. Yesterday, the EU instructed the Croat Government - no it was not a request, but a direction - that the Serb refugee question has to be settled one way or another and soon.

In fact, the EU stated that Croatia has either to repatriate Serbs refugees by repairing/complete reconstruction of homes or pay compensation to those that do not feel safe to return.

Here is the dilemma; Croatia was given money in the late 1990s/early 2000s to perform this job, but ended up squandering it. According to several international financial institutions Croatia has technically been broke since the start of 2010 and it will become official before the end of this year. It’s has been living off EU money.

How is Croatia going to meet its full obligations when there is no money in the pot? I know and have written about on many occasions but you think about it slow and hard.


pre 13 godina

The Serbs were not the aggressors. Slovenians and Croatians were arming themselves to seperate and the first shots fired in the breakup were not from Serbia or the JNA. What the JNA was trying to do (and that this time, very important distinction because at the beginning it was not about Serbia but Yugoslavia; it did change later)was to keep the country together.
Always look within, and not ---"Hey what about this, or what about that, or hey you did this". this article is about Operation Storm. That operation was wrong and violent. It was not justified by "what about thises or thats". Those were also wrong but don't allow the Storm to be celebrated as some type of holiday.


pre 13 godina

Kujon, your analysis is wrong. Croatia celebrates on that day the liberation of its lands, and remember that Prsident Tudjamn asked the Serb population to stay, and Milan Babic ordered its evacuation.


pre 13 godina

According to those figures up to 30% have returned to Croatia.
Now compare that to the number of Croats that have been allowed to return to Serbian occupied Bosnia.


pre 13 godina

Lenard, Bosnia has absolutely nothing to do with this. You seem to want to search for excuses by which you would only entrench and justify the cleansing of the serbs. But worse, you do not see any problem in what has been done and you are probably bothered by any efforts to fix or mitigate the harm that was done.


pre 13 godina

Ah you see serbs 'leave' but are not ethnically cleansed whilst for everyone else it is vice-versa. Why else would the US/EU sponsor such massive criminality if they didn't already have effective immunity from war crimes prosecution?

German weapons (etc.) from the GDR, 'retired' american generals from MPRI who had access to US reconaissance satellites and the USAF/USN.

They're all up to their armpits in blood. But the ICTY's remit excludes actions by persons or groups outside the territory of the ex-SFRY.

The funny thing is that the Croatians actually believe they did it themselves, despite their extremely poor history of warfighting (i.e. when they are not hitched behind an empire). So, mass delusion is possible.

BTW, where are those artillery logs from Operation Storm?


pre 13 godina

Probably the Croatian government is too busy exhuming the bodies of slaughtered Croats from 1991-1995 and still paying off the huge exhumation bill from Vukovar/Ovcara alone.

When will Serbs get it through their heads that Croatia celebrates 5 August for the liberation of Knin, not "ethnic cleansing"? I guess when it's not your own people getting evicted and killed for 4-5 years, you don't care. Thanks to Oluja, my family was able to return to the burnede village they were forced to leave in '91 by those brave Krajina forces.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.


pre 13 godina

I know its in vain and that he is just a troll, but it would be interesting to read Robertos opinion about this. I guess he somehow would blame the BLGD "regime" on this also....


pre 13 godina

One of the bothersome areas Croatia also should be held more accountable for is the celebration of Operation Storm as a national holiday. Expelling citizens from your country should not be celebrated, and the EU should point this out.


pre 13 godina

One of the bothersome areas Croatia also should be held more accountable for is the celebration of Operation Storm as a national holiday. Expelling citizens from your country should not be celebrated, and the EU should point this out.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.


pre 13 godina

Probably the Croatian government is too busy exhuming the bodies of slaughtered Croats from 1991-1995 and still paying off the huge exhumation bill from Vukovar/Ovcara alone.

When will Serbs get it through their heads that Croatia celebrates 5 August for the liberation of Knin, not "ethnic cleansing"? I guess when it's not your own people getting evicted and killed for 4-5 years, you don't care. Thanks to Oluja, my family was able to return to the burnede village they were forced to leave in '91 by those brave Krajina forces.


pre 13 godina

Ah you see serbs 'leave' but are not ethnically cleansed whilst for everyone else it is vice-versa. Why else would the US/EU sponsor such massive criminality if they didn't already have effective immunity from war crimes prosecution?

German weapons (etc.) from the GDR, 'retired' american generals from MPRI who had access to US reconaissance satellites and the USAF/USN.

They're all up to their armpits in blood. But the ICTY's remit excludes actions by persons or groups outside the territory of the ex-SFRY.

The funny thing is that the Croatians actually believe they did it themselves, despite their extremely poor history of warfighting (i.e. when they are not hitched behind an empire). So, mass delusion is possible.

BTW, where are those artillery logs from Operation Storm?


pre 13 godina

I know its in vain and that he is just a troll, but it would be interesting to read Robertos opinion about this. I guess he somehow would blame the BLGD "regime" on this also....


pre 13 godina

Lenard, Bosnia has absolutely nothing to do with this. You seem to want to search for excuses by which you would only entrench and justify the cleansing of the serbs. But worse, you do not see any problem in what has been done and you are probably bothered by any efforts to fix or mitigate the harm that was done.


pre 13 godina

Kujon, your analysis is wrong. Croatia celebrates on that day the liberation of its lands, and remember that Prsident Tudjamn asked the Serb population to stay, and Milan Babic ordered its evacuation.


pre 13 godina

According to those figures up to 30% have returned to Croatia.
Now compare that to the number of Croats that have been allowed to return to Serbian occupied Bosnia.


pre 13 godina

The Serbs were not the aggressors. Slovenians and Croatians were arming themselves to seperate and the first shots fired in the breakup were not from Serbia or the JNA. What the JNA was trying to do (and that this time, very important distinction because at the beginning it was not about Serbia but Yugoslavia; it did change later)was to keep the country together.
Always look within, and not ---"Hey what about this, or what about that, or hey you did this". this article is about Operation Storm. That operation was wrong and violent. It was not justified by "what about thises or thats". Those were also wrong but don't allow the Storm to be celebrated as some type of holiday.

Daveo Dinkum

pre 13 godina

Croatia celebrating liberation from what? You're all full of it. I don't know how you can seriously believe the rubbish that spouts out of your mouth.


pre 13 godina

I will continue to celebrate this period in Croatian history, For us, It is a celebration of the first time in about 5 years we were able to return to our burnt out homes,barns,etc. and get on the path to some sort of closure. After we filled the rocket and tank shell holes in the walls and cleared the building of shell casings.


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.
(HB, 3 August 2010 07:05)

You mean that they refused to sign official oaths to loyalty to the croatian state that others were not asked to sign? They were evicted from their flats (go ask Kosor and the HVO) and their land, they were expected to stand around whilst black shirted HOS rampaged through the countryside slaughtering serbs like the good old days of 1940+?

Yes, silly Serbs, they should have just shut up and accepted their status as third class citizens without any rights under a president that denied the Holocaust, denied the genocide of the Serbs in WWII and saw collaboration with the Nazis as an honorable act.

In the cities, mixed families ostracised by their neighbors, threatened and beaten up on the streets by teenagers, graffiti on their properties and bigoted slurs against them.

Apart from that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with spitting on "everything that was Croatian" save it being a waste of valuable spit. You were either a 'pure' croat or the enemy.


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.
(Lenard, 2 August 2010 21:13)

Croatian refugees from RS is a matter for RS and not Serbia, but here is something for you to chew over. Yesterday, the EU instructed the Croat Government - no it was not a request, but a direction - that the Serb refugee question has to be settled one way or another and soon.

In fact, the EU stated that Croatia has either to repatriate Serbs refugees by repairing/complete reconstruction of homes or pay compensation to those that do not feel safe to return.

Here is the dilemma; Croatia was given money in the late 1990s/early 2000s to perform this job, but ended up squandering it. According to several international financial institutions Croatia has technically been broke since the start of 2010 and it will become official before the end of this year. It’s has been living off EU money.

How is Croatia going to meet its full obligations when there is no money in the pot? I know and have written about on many occasions but you think about it slow and hard.


pre 13 godina

I love Croatia (going for 2 weeks in a few days, cant wait) and am v happy relations are improving. But I think that it is time for Serbs to return to their homes in Croatia without fear of persecution. Can't we all just get along!!


pre 13 godina

HB even if what you said is true, which it is not - you don't have the right to condemn Croatian (Serb) citizens from returning.

Either you support democratic principles and agree in the right to disagree or you are the autocratic dictator. You think it is right to decide how your population should live and what they believe?


pre 13 godina

A train from Zagreb is passing through Knin. In the railway compartment are two sets of Croatians, those from Zagreb and those from the diaspora coming to Croatia for a holiday.

As the train rolls through the countryside near knin, one of the diaspora croats exclaim 'look what those horrible serbs did!'. A Zagreb croats replies, 'we did that'.

This my friends, is a true story from not so long ago.


pre 13 godina

Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.
(Barry, 3 August 2010 23:42)

Just because you don’t read about Croatia being critisized does not mean that it not being done in the right circles. Why do you think the EU appointed Josipovic as president? Considering that there are very strong fascist parties in Croatia don’t tell me that Croats actually elected this man.

Here is how it works: As the Eu supported Croatia’s independence it is very difficult now to openly criticize them – if they did then the EU would contradict itself. However, your Croats have done a marvellous job of just showing what a racist bunch you are and there are many in the EU that openly tell your diplomats this fact.


pre 13 godina

>The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.

As long as you deny your own citizens their rights, and justify/glorify their persecution, there is no reconciliation. that would take humility from both sides.


pre 13 godina

"Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.


pre 13 godina

Dear friends. You had a the chance to live in big&beautifull&respectable country but you miss it. Now you are blaim each other for those crimes done for nothing.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.


pre 13 godina

One of the bothersome areas Croatia also should be held more accountable for is the celebration of Operation Storm as a national holiday. Expelling citizens from your country should not be celebrated, and the EU should point this out.


pre 13 godina

Kujon, your analysis is wrong. Croatia celebrates on that day the liberation of its lands, and remember that Prsident Tudjamn asked the Serb population to stay, and Milan Babic ordered its evacuation.


pre 13 godina

Lenard, Bosnia has absolutely nothing to do with this. You seem to want to search for excuses by which you would only entrench and justify the cleansing of the serbs. But worse, you do not see any problem in what has been done and you are probably bothered by any efforts to fix or mitigate the harm that was done.


pre 13 godina

Ah you see serbs 'leave' but are not ethnically cleansed whilst for everyone else it is vice-versa. Why else would the US/EU sponsor such massive criminality if they didn't already have effective immunity from war crimes prosecution?

German weapons (etc.) from the GDR, 'retired' american generals from MPRI who had access to US reconaissance satellites and the USAF/USN.

They're all up to their armpits in blood. But the ICTY's remit excludes actions by persons or groups outside the territory of the ex-SFRY.

The funny thing is that the Croatians actually believe they did it themselves, despite their extremely poor history of warfighting (i.e. when they are not hitched behind an empire). So, mass delusion is possible.

BTW, where are those artillery logs from Operation Storm?


pre 13 godina

Probably the Croatian government is too busy exhuming the bodies of slaughtered Croats from 1991-1995 and still paying off the huge exhumation bill from Vukovar/Ovcara alone.

When will Serbs get it through their heads that Croatia celebrates 5 August for the liberation of Knin, not "ethnic cleansing"? I guess when it's not your own people getting evicted and killed for 4-5 years, you don't care. Thanks to Oluja, my family was able to return to the burnede village they were forced to leave in '91 by those brave Krajina forces.


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.


pre 13 godina

According to those figures up to 30% have returned to Croatia.
Now compare that to the number of Croats that have been allowed to return to Serbian occupied Bosnia.


pre 13 godina

The Serbs were not the aggressors. Slovenians and Croatians were arming themselves to seperate and the first shots fired in the breakup were not from Serbia or the JNA. What the JNA was trying to do (and that this time, very important distinction because at the beginning it was not about Serbia but Yugoslavia; it did change later)was to keep the country together.
Always look within, and not ---"Hey what about this, or what about that, or hey you did this". this article is about Operation Storm. That operation was wrong and violent. It was not justified by "what about thises or thats". Those were also wrong but don't allow the Storm to be celebrated as some type of holiday.


pre 13 godina

When are the over 200,000 Croatians ethnically cleansed from "Srpska" entity will be allowed back and be compensated. Also over 1000 Croatians missing from Croatia also and from Bosnia. As the world ritely sees it Serbs were the aggressors in former Yugo and the mess the region is in good work Serbs and Serbia. Time to look at your selfs and get real from your imaginary imaginations.
(Lenard, 2 August 2010 21:13)

Croatian refugees from RS is a matter for RS and not Serbia, but here is something for you to chew over. Yesterday, the EU instructed the Croat Government - no it was not a request, but a direction - that the Serb refugee question has to be settled one way or another and soon.

In fact, the EU stated that Croatia has either to repatriate Serbs refugees by repairing/complete reconstruction of homes or pay compensation to those that do not feel safe to return.

Here is the dilemma; Croatia was given money in the late 1990s/early 2000s to perform this job, but ended up squandering it. According to several international financial institutions Croatia has technically been broke since the start of 2010 and it will become official before the end of this year. It’s has been living off EU money.

How is Croatia going to meet its full obligations when there is no money in the pot? I know and have written about on many occasions but you think about it slow and hard.

Daveo Dinkum

pre 13 godina

Croatia celebrating liberation from what? You're all full of it. I don't know how you can seriously believe the rubbish that spouts out of your mouth.


pre 13 godina

"Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.


pre 13 godina

A train from Zagreb is passing through Knin. In the railway compartment are two sets of Croatians, those from Zagreb and those from the diaspora coming to Croatia for a holiday.

As the train rolls through the countryside near knin, one of the diaspora croats exclaim 'look what those horrible serbs did!'. A Zagreb croats replies, 'we did that'.

This my friends, is a true story from not so long ago.


pre 13 godina

I know its in vain and that he is just a troll, but it would be interesting to read Robertos opinion about this. I guess he somehow would blame the BLGD "regime" on this also....


pre 13 godina

The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.
(HB, 3 August 2010 07:05)

You mean that they refused to sign official oaths to loyalty to the croatian state that others were not asked to sign? They were evicted from their flats (go ask Kosor and the HVO) and their land, they were expected to stand around whilst black shirted HOS rampaged through the countryside slaughtering serbs like the good old days of 1940+?

Yes, silly Serbs, they should have just shut up and accepted their status as third class citizens without any rights under a president that denied the Holocaust, denied the genocide of the Serbs in WWII and saw collaboration with the Nazis as an honorable act.

In the cities, mixed families ostracised by their neighbors, threatened and beaten up on the streets by teenagers, graffiti on their properties and bigoted slurs against them.

Apart from that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with spitting on "everything that was Croatian" save it being a waste of valuable spit. You were either a 'pure' croat or the enemy.


pre 13 godina

I will continue to celebrate this period in Croatian history, For us, It is a celebration of the first time in about 5 years we were able to return to our burnt out homes,barns,etc. and get on the path to some sort of closure. After we filled the rocket and tank shell holes in the walls and cleared the building of shell casings.


pre 13 godina

I love Croatia (going for 2 weeks in a few days, cant wait) and am v happy relations are improving. But I think that it is time for Serbs to return to their homes in Croatia without fear of persecution. Can't we all just get along!!


pre 13 godina

HB even if what you said is true, which it is not - you don't have the right to condemn Croatian (Serb) citizens from returning.

Either you support democratic principles and agree in the right to disagree or you are the autocratic dictator. You think it is right to decide how your population should live and what they believe?


pre 13 godina

Croatia criticized on exodus anniversary"

It seems the Serbs are the only ones criticizing Croatia.

No Croatian will lose any sleep over that.
(Barry, 3 August 2010 23:42)

Just because you don’t read about Croatia being critisized does not mean that it not being done in the right circles. Why do you think the EU appointed Josipovic as president? Considering that there are very strong fascist parties in Croatia don’t tell me that Croats actually elected this man.

Here is how it works: As the Eu supported Croatia’s independence it is very difficult now to openly criticize them – if they did then the EU would contradict itself. However, your Croats have done a marvellous job of just showing what a racist bunch you are and there are many in the EU that openly tell your diplomats this fact.


pre 13 godina

Dear friends. You had a the chance to live in big&beautifull&respectable country but you miss it. Now you are blaim each other for those crimes done for nothing.


pre 13 godina

>The so called refugees that want to return to Croatia. In 1991 they were spitting on everything that was Croatian, refused to respect the constitution of the Republic Of Croatia, supported Seselji's forces and now that they have lost there so called Krajina they are sulking like little puppy's.

As long as you deny your own citizens their rights, and justify/glorify their persecution, there is no reconciliation. that would take humility from both sides.