Friday, 23.07.2010.


"UN to give political interpretation of ruling"

In the wake of ICJ's Kosovo case ruling, Serbian President Boris Tadić has announced a "clear plan of diplomatic activities".

Izvor: B92

"UN to give political interpretation of ruling" IMAGE SOURCE

17 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?
(Metrod, 23 July 2010 19:37)

Yes Metrod I do care to comment. Serbia maintains that Kosovo is her territory. 1244 confirms this. The UDI was not illegal but no mention was made of the seccession issue. For many years the Kosovo issue has been regarded by many as some kind of K Alb heartfelt desire to somehow claim back their own land and live a happy and multi ethnic existance in some kind of self proclaimed Utopia. My view, and that of many others I would suggest, is that Kosovo's UDI is only supported because of less than idealistic reasons. The US has Bondsteel and the Albanians have dreams of Greater Albania. When Belgrade was accused, falsely in my opinion, of dreams of Greater Serbia NATO bombed her and killed so many innocent civilians and ignored the crimes perpetrated against her. Why now is nothing but support given to ex terrorists (the former opinion of the US of the KLA) who harbour Greater Albania ambitions? I would never advocate the use of any force to resist this illegal land grab and I would point to Serbia's peaceful and diplomatic efforts, in the face of extreme provocation, as the true face of Serbia rather than a mindless post on here.


pre 14 godina

Ahead of the reading of the ICJ decision in The Hague yesterday, reports said that U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden telephoned Serbian President Boris Tadić to affirm U.S.-Serbian friendship and support for a democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo.

Friendship? I hope Tadic told him that friends don't steal from each other.
Perhaps not.


pre 14 godina

Late on Thursday, Tadić announced that the first in a series of Belgrade's steps now will be sending special envoys to more than 50 states worldwide, who will take Tadić personal message to those countries' leaders.

What for?


pre 14 godina

Hillary Clinton's comments are a surprise for 2 reasons. 1) Her native language is English, and 2) she is a lawyer isn't she?

So why didn't she understand the ruling of the ICJ. Maybe she and the albanians who are celebrating should read and learn from the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10734502

Read the 5th paragraph. All the important points are explained there in black and white.


pre 14 godina

"Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue.

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?


pre 14 godina

Nothing changes for either side with reading of judges opinions, except that is giving albanian side enormous high. ehh.
1244 is still in full force,China and Russia are blocking them from ever becoming UN members..which means they`ll stay black hole for us long as Serbia want`s them too.


pre 14 godina

Kosov Albanians are living in their own lands. Serb tribes came to balkans by invasion. They don't deserve to stay in Albanian trojes (Lands in Albanian language).

The Truth

pre 14 godina

Serbia has it self to blame for taking this to a court were a majority of the judges represent countries that recognized Kosovo. Serbs in Bosnia should take the ICJ decision as a sign to break away and finish what the West started, the dissintegration of Yugoslavia. All balkan states, with an exception of Slovenia, are poor and backward. They look up to the EU like a kid looks up to his parents. We should be ashamed for degrading ourselves in this way. Where is our pride and honor? I'd rather die standing up then live on my knees. And that is what will happen if we join the EU. Serbia will be yet another puppet of the Americans, the brits, french and the krauts. I hope and pray Serbia never does join but our people have been so brainwashed by thinking the EU is the solution to everything. It's not. Look at Romania and Bulgaria. Failures even as EU members. We should creat our own future and not depend on someone else to save our ass. See what good european politics brough us: bombardment, sanctions, the murder of our people and the rape of our land in Kosovo. Only Serbs can help themselves.


pre 14 godina

Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.


pre 14 godina

God bless the Albanian people,who have suffered unimaginable horrors at the hands of Serbs during all those many Balkan wars.

God Bless the Clintons and the US State Dept for consistently supporting our cause for independence, security and sovereignty.


pre 14 godina

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.
(Another Canadian Serb, 23 July 2010 12:32)

That is the ultimate goal.
I guess there was no way for Serbia to ask this question in a way that ICJ judges would not punch holes in.

When you are making a deal with the Devil, be sure that which ever way you word it the Devil will have the upper hand.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina


The US commands 69 membered countries in the EU.

Remember the old saying of
"divide and conquer"

Yugoslavia was once strong, but is now a bunch of useless and brankrupt mini states.

Europe will be the next Yugoslavia, if you know what i mean.


pre 14 godina

It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.
(uli, 23 July 2010 11:53)

Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue. This, I suspect, was never really about independance for Kosovo and more about US safeguarding Bondsteel and the eventual realisation of the Greater Albania dream. I truly hope that the UN General Assembly has the balls to give a really pragmatic view on the political ramaficatons of the UDI.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

Let's get this story straight!

It was the USA who devised a plan and date for the Kosovo Albanians UDI. If it weren't for the US intervention in 1999, there wouldn't have been an advisory opinion by the ICJ on July 22, 2010. An opinion that took 2 years of deliberations to conclude that according to the wording of the question, the Kosovo Albanian's UDI wasn't illegal. Wow! It took 2 years to determine the grammar and context of the question was ambiguos. Maybe, Serbia should have asked the question in Shakespearen.

Now i don't know about the rest of you, but i feel that todays UN, ICJ and Hague Courts are all polictical, for the consumption of the WESTERN masses.

Nothing has been solved and the world watches as Serbia is being raped of it's culture, history and it's right to self rule.

I believe that Serbia needs to either roll over and die, or commence a stronger alliance with the B.R.I.C. countries.

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.


pre 14 godina

Yesterday when I first read the decision, I was convinced that Serbia lost a big battle. Yet the more I read the more I learn that the decision said nothing. What does it mean that it is not illegal for a country to declare independence? That says nothing. What a waste of time. So, any people anywhere can declare independence and that's not illegal? I can say I'm superman and that's not illegal either. The ICJ judges are a bunch of wimps; they refused to rule on the essential question. Why didn't they rule on whether the secession was illegal? That's what I originally thought the ruling was about. That's what all of the arguing was about. This is the worst possible decision for everyone, even the Kosovo Albanians. They are going about portraying this as a huge victory. Even Hillary is saying the decision reaffirms the US position. What? Was it my country's position that the Kosovo Albanians could declare independence? The Clinton and Bush Administrations did not fight for Kosovo's right to declare independence; they fought for their right to be independent. Thus, this decision does little for anyone. Tadic and his group must continue to fight and go about and spread the word that this decision says nothing about sucession.


pre 14 godina

Slovakia, I feel bad for you, because you own to Hungary a big part of your country. Slovakia, soon you will recognize as well because you are bankrupt and sold to EU as Greece. Within two weeks Spain and Romania will recognize Kosovo. Greece the troy of Balkan would be the last country to do so. It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

Let's get this story straight!

It was the USA who devised a plan and date for the Kosovo Albanians UDI. If it weren't for the US intervention in 1999, there wouldn't have been an advisory opinion by the ICJ on July 22, 2010. An opinion that took 2 years of deliberations to conclude that according to the wording of the question, the Kosovo Albanian's UDI wasn't illegal. Wow! It took 2 years to determine the grammar and context of the question was ambiguos. Maybe, Serbia should have asked the question in Shakespearen.

Now i don't know about the rest of you, but i feel that todays UN, ICJ and Hague Courts are all polictical, for the consumption of the WESTERN masses.

Nothing has been solved and the world watches as Serbia is being raped of it's culture, history and it's right to self rule.

I believe that Serbia needs to either roll over and die, or commence a stronger alliance with the B.R.I.C. countries.

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.


pre 14 godina

Yesterday when I first read the decision, I was convinced that Serbia lost a big battle. Yet the more I read the more I learn that the decision said nothing. What does it mean that it is not illegal for a country to declare independence? That says nothing. What a waste of time. So, any people anywhere can declare independence and that's not illegal? I can say I'm superman and that's not illegal either. The ICJ judges are a bunch of wimps; they refused to rule on the essential question. Why didn't they rule on whether the secession was illegal? That's what I originally thought the ruling was about. That's what all of the arguing was about. This is the worst possible decision for everyone, even the Kosovo Albanians. They are going about portraying this as a huge victory. Even Hillary is saying the decision reaffirms the US position. What? Was it my country's position that the Kosovo Albanians could declare independence? The Clinton and Bush Administrations did not fight for Kosovo's right to declare independence; they fought for their right to be independent. Thus, this decision does little for anyone. Tadic and his group must continue to fight and go about and spread the word that this decision says nothing about sucession.


pre 14 godina

Slovakia, I feel bad for you, because you own to Hungary a big part of your country. Slovakia, soon you will recognize as well because you are bankrupt and sold to EU as Greece. Within two weeks Spain and Romania will recognize Kosovo. Greece the troy of Balkan would be the last country to do so. It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.


pre 14 godina

It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.
(uli, 23 July 2010 11:53)

Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue. This, I suspect, was never really about independance for Kosovo and more about US safeguarding Bondsteel and the eventual realisation of the Greater Albania dream. I truly hope that the UN General Assembly has the balls to give a really pragmatic view on the political ramaficatons of the UDI.


pre 14 godina

God bless the Albanian people,who have suffered unimaginable horrors at the hands of Serbs during all those many Balkan wars.

God Bless the Clintons and the US State Dept for consistently supporting our cause for independence, security and sovereignty.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina


The US commands 69 membered countries in the EU.

Remember the old saying of
"divide and conquer"

Yugoslavia was once strong, but is now a bunch of useless and brankrupt mini states.

Europe will be the next Yugoslavia, if you know what i mean.


pre 14 godina

Kosov Albanians are living in their own lands. Serb tribes came to balkans by invasion. They don't deserve to stay in Albanian trojes (Lands in Albanian language).

The Truth

pre 14 godina

Serbia has it self to blame for taking this to a court were a majority of the judges represent countries that recognized Kosovo. Serbs in Bosnia should take the ICJ decision as a sign to break away and finish what the West started, the dissintegration of Yugoslavia. All balkan states, with an exception of Slovenia, are poor and backward. They look up to the EU like a kid looks up to his parents. We should be ashamed for degrading ourselves in this way. Where is our pride and honor? I'd rather die standing up then live on my knees. And that is what will happen if we join the EU. Serbia will be yet another puppet of the Americans, the brits, french and the krauts. I hope and pray Serbia never does join but our people have been so brainwashed by thinking the EU is the solution to everything. It's not. Look at Romania and Bulgaria. Failures even as EU members. We should creat our own future and not depend on someone else to save our ass. See what good european politics brough us: bombardment, sanctions, the murder of our people and the rape of our land in Kosovo. Only Serbs can help themselves.


pre 14 godina

Nothing changes for either side with reading of judges opinions, except that is giving albanian side enormous high. ehh.
1244 is still in full force,China and Russia are blocking them from ever becoming UN members..which means they`ll stay black hole for us long as Serbia want`s them too.


pre 14 godina

"Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue.

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?


pre 14 godina

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.
(Another Canadian Serb, 23 July 2010 12:32)

That is the ultimate goal.
I guess there was no way for Serbia to ask this question in a way that ICJ judges would not punch holes in.

When you are making a deal with the Devil, be sure that which ever way you word it the Devil will have the upper hand.


pre 14 godina

Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.


pre 14 godina

Hillary Clinton's comments are a surprise for 2 reasons. 1) Her native language is English, and 2) she is a lawyer isn't she?

So why didn't she understand the ruling of the ICJ. Maybe she and the albanians who are celebrating should read and learn from the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10734502

Read the 5th paragraph. All the important points are explained there in black and white.


pre 14 godina

Late on Thursday, Tadić announced that the first in a series of Belgrade's steps now will be sending special envoys to more than 50 states worldwide, who will take Tadić personal message to those countries' leaders.

What for?


pre 14 godina

Ahead of the reading of the ICJ decision in The Hague yesterday, reports said that U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden telephoned Serbian President Boris Tadić to affirm U.S.-Serbian friendship and support for a democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo.

Friendship? I hope Tadic told him that friends don't steal from each other.
Perhaps not.


pre 14 godina

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?
(Metrod, 23 July 2010 19:37)

Yes Metrod I do care to comment. Serbia maintains that Kosovo is her territory. 1244 confirms this. The UDI was not illegal but no mention was made of the seccession issue. For many years the Kosovo issue has been regarded by many as some kind of K Alb heartfelt desire to somehow claim back their own land and live a happy and multi ethnic existance in some kind of self proclaimed Utopia. My view, and that of many others I would suggest, is that Kosovo's UDI is only supported because of less than idealistic reasons. The US has Bondsteel and the Albanians have dreams of Greater Albania. When Belgrade was accused, falsely in my opinion, of dreams of Greater Serbia NATO bombed her and killed so many innocent civilians and ignored the crimes perpetrated against her. Why now is nothing but support given to ex terrorists (the former opinion of the US of the KLA) who harbour Greater Albania ambitions? I would never advocate the use of any force to resist this illegal land grab and I would point to Serbia's peaceful and diplomatic efforts, in the face of extreme provocation, as the true face of Serbia rather than a mindless post on here.


pre 14 godina

Slovakia, I feel bad for you, because you own to Hungary a big part of your country. Slovakia, soon you will recognize as well because you are bankrupt and sold to EU as Greece. Within two weeks Spain and Romania will recognize Kosovo. Greece the troy of Balkan would be the last country to do so. It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.


pre 14 godina

Yesterday when I first read the decision, I was convinced that Serbia lost a big battle. Yet the more I read the more I learn that the decision said nothing. What does it mean that it is not illegal for a country to declare independence? That says nothing. What a waste of time. So, any people anywhere can declare independence and that's not illegal? I can say I'm superman and that's not illegal either. The ICJ judges are a bunch of wimps; they refused to rule on the essential question. Why didn't they rule on whether the secession was illegal? That's what I originally thought the ruling was about. That's what all of the arguing was about. This is the worst possible decision for everyone, even the Kosovo Albanians. They are going about portraying this as a huge victory. Even Hillary is saying the decision reaffirms the US position. What? Was it my country's position that the Kosovo Albanians could declare independence? The Clinton and Bush Administrations did not fight for Kosovo's right to declare independence; they fought for their right to be independent. Thus, this decision does little for anyone. Tadic and his group must continue to fight and go about and spread the word that this decision says nothing about sucession.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

Let's get this story straight!

It was the USA who devised a plan and date for the Kosovo Albanians UDI. If it weren't for the US intervention in 1999, there wouldn't have been an advisory opinion by the ICJ on July 22, 2010. An opinion that took 2 years of deliberations to conclude that according to the wording of the question, the Kosovo Albanian's UDI wasn't illegal. Wow! It took 2 years to determine the grammar and context of the question was ambiguos. Maybe, Serbia should have asked the question in Shakespearen.

Now i don't know about the rest of you, but i feel that todays UN, ICJ and Hague Courts are all polictical, for the consumption of the WESTERN masses.

Nothing has been solved and the world watches as Serbia is being raped of it's culture, history and it's right to self rule.

I believe that Serbia needs to either roll over and die, or commence a stronger alliance with the B.R.I.C. countries.

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.


pre 14 godina

It is our time that Albania is getting his land back. The history goes in circles my friend. Its eagles time to fly high. The Albanian eagle always will live in those mountains. Mountains of Kosovo are full with eagles.
(uli, 23 July 2010 11:53)

Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue. This, I suspect, was never really about independance for Kosovo and more about US safeguarding Bondsteel and the eventual realisation of the Greater Albania dream. I truly hope that the UN General Assembly has the balls to give a really pragmatic view on the political ramaficatons of the UDI.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina


The US commands 69 membered countries in the EU.

Remember the old saying of
"divide and conquer"

Yugoslavia was once strong, but is now a bunch of useless and brankrupt mini states.

Europe will be the next Yugoslavia, if you know what i mean.


pre 14 godina

Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.


pre 14 godina

Kosov Albanians are living in their own lands. Serb tribes came to balkans by invasion. They don't deserve to stay in Albanian trojes (Lands in Albanian language).


pre 14 godina

Nothing changes for either side with reading of judges opinions, except that is giving albanian side enormous high. ehh.
1244 is still in full force,China and Russia are blocking them from ever becoming UN members..which means they`ll stay black hole for us long as Serbia want`s them too.


pre 14 godina

Otherwise, there will be no Serbia left standing in the near future.
(Another Canadian Serb, 23 July 2010 12:32)

That is the ultimate goal.
I guess there was no way for Serbia to ask this question in a way that ICJ judges would not punch holes in.

When you are making a deal with the Devil, be sure that which ever way you word it the Devil will have the upper hand.


pre 14 godina

God bless the Albanian people,who have suffered unimaginable horrors at the hands of Serbs during all those many Balkan wars.

God Bless the Clintons and the US State Dept for consistently supporting our cause for independence, security and sovereignty.

The Truth

pre 14 godina

Serbia has it self to blame for taking this to a court were a majority of the judges represent countries that recognized Kosovo. Serbs in Bosnia should take the ICJ decision as a sign to break away and finish what the West started, the dissintegration of Yugoslavia. All balkan states, with an exception of Slovenia, are poor and backward. They look up to the EU like a kid looks up to his parents. We should be ashamed for degrading ourselves in this way. Where is our pride and honor? I'd rather die standing up then live on my knees. And that is what will happen if we join the EU. Serbia will be yet another puppet of the Americans, the brits, french and the krauts. I hope and pray Serbia never does join but our people have been so brainwashed by thinking the EU is the solution to everything. It's not. Look at Romania and Bulgaria. Failures even as EU members. We should creat our own future and not depend on someone else to save our ass. See what good european politics brough us: bombardment, sanctions, the murder of our people and the rape of our land in Kosovo. Only Serbs can help themselves.


pre 14 godina

"Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the K Albanians in this issue.

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?


pre 14 godina

Hillary Clinton's comments are a surprise for 2 reasons. 1) Her native language is English, and 2) she is a lawyer isn't she?

So why didn't she understand the ruling of the ICJ. Maybe she and the albanians who are celebrating should read and learn from the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10734502

Read the 5th paragraph. All the important points are explained there in black and white.


pre 14 godina

Late on Thursday, Tadić announced that the first in a series of Belgrade's steps now will be sending special envoys to more than 50 states worldwide, who will take Tadić personal message to those countries' leaders.

What for?


pre 14 godina

Ahead of the reading of the ICJ decision in The Hague yesterday, reports said that U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden telephoned Serbian President Boris Tadić to affirm U.S.-Serbian friendship and support for a democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo.

Friendship? I hope Tadic told him that friends don't steal from each other.
Perhaps not.


pre 14 godina

- Hey UK, read below...

"Cut the puppets strings. Kosovo is Serbia. Only Serbs can fight for that.
Enter, station around 25% border with allowed 1,000 trops, and ask no questions. Let the security council ask that.

- Does this comment not completely and clearly show the true intentions of the Serbs in this issue?

Care to comment?
(Metrod, 23 July 2010 19:37)

Yes Metrod I do care to comment. Serbia maintains that Kosovo is her territory. 1244 confirms this. The UDI was not illegal but no mention was made of the seccession issue. For many years the Kosovo issue has been regarded by many as some kind of K Alb heartfelt desire to somehow claim back their own land and live a happy and multi ethnic existance in some kind of self proclaimed Utopia. My view, and that of many others I would suggest, is that Kosovo's UDI is only supported because of less than idealistic reasons. The US has Bondsteel and the Albanians have dreams of Greater Albania. When Belgrade was accused, falsely in my opinion, of dreams of Greater Serbia NATO bombed her and killed so many innocent civilians and ignored the crimes perpetrated against her. Why now is nothing but support given to ex terrorists (the former opinion of the US of the KLA) who harbour Greater Albania ambitions? I would never advocate the use of any force to resist this illegal land grab and I would point to Serbia's peaceful and diplomatic efforts, in the face of extreme provocation, as the true face of Serbia rather than a mindless post on here.