Monday, 28.06.2010.


Humanitarian campaign bikers attacked

Four bikers were injured when rocks were thrown at them in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.

Izvor: Tanjug

Humanitarian campaign bikers attacked IMAGE SOURCE

40 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

Next time, they should come by bicycles, it will keep them more healthy and more strong in case if they will be attacked by some kids in the streets (you guys killed a French football fan last year remember?!!). And I almost forgot, if you come by bikes, you will contribute to keep the environment clean and you don't need to have insurance policy's, plus you will have some credit from "Greenpeace". Cheers


pre 14 godina

They were quite brave to venture through this part of Kosovo. I just wish they'd worn more protective gear so they didn't get hurt so much.


pre 14 godina

It's funny because the whole situation is getting comical at this point. The Serb Patriarch, The Serb Government and The Serb Press are keeping The Serb People in delusion. The reality is Kosovo is as much Serbian as is Slovenia! Let's get real and move forward not back. England didn't get the US Colonies back. India didn't get Bangladesh back. Yugoslavia didn't get Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia etc back. Serbia will not get Kosovo back. That is that.


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:
(Ilyrian, 29 June 2010 11:44)

Like I have always said, converts are the worst.
This is nothing new. Bosniaks are proof of conversions, so what is your point here? All is does is prove my point that you can expect this or anything radical from converts.

You are proving my point man, why do you send links like this?


pre 14 godina

Adam NYC wrote:


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb"

You know for a fact that this is a political group. OK then show us evidence.

This group is going to help Serbian kids. So what? Who else is helping Serbian kids of Kosovo?
Show me one Albanian helping Serbian kids.
When your lot decides that Serbian kids are worth as much as Albanian kids and deserve to be treated the same way then you can talk. When your people stop persecuting Serbs and their children of Kosovo then you can talk but until then kindly keep quiet. It is your shame that these bikers have to travel to Kosovo in order to help Serbian kids. How many bikers from "Kosova" or Albania are having to travel to Serbia in order to help Albanian kids?
You'd like nothing better than Serbs having nobody caring or helping them.

Shame on your all that this is necessary in the first place.


pre 14 godina

Well Ylber... Every document by EU, UN, OSCE etc says "Administrative border" when it describes the area between the province and Serbia proper. On the other hand, the same documents says border between Montenegro/Kosovo (Serbia) and Macedonia/Kosovo (Serbia). What is so funny? Tell me please! :-)


pre 14 godina

Administrative line, hahahaha, that's funny. It's also the line where you have to present documentation, have your car searched and where the plaque says "Republika e Kosoves, Republika Kosovo, Republic of Kosovo", everywhere else in the world that "administrative line" is referred to as a BORDER!


pre 14 godina

"This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission." (Gossamer)

-- Considering the charity work they were doing while riding in the general direction of Pristina, I'd say they're a pretty productive group of nationalists.

Tell you what: the minute these guys ride in the direction of Skoder/Skadar, I'll get worried that Greater Serbian nationalism is alive.

"And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA."

-- Sarajevo has about as much authority over Banja Luka as Pristina has over Kosovska Mitrovica. The only difference is that RS knows where its authority ends - both in the legal sense and territorial. Pristina still has flights of fancy it has more clout than was given to them.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.
(Gossamer, 29 June 2010 07:36)

and Kosmet is not a nation. It is only the southern province of the independent nation called Serbia.

Come on my hyper nationalist Albanian friend... what's good for the Bosnian gander is good for the Kosovan goose.


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:


pre 14 godina

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...
(Jason, 29 June 2010 04:54)

actually i did write a coment , but b92 did not posted. Therefore I responded to Kate's coment since she trust you, and you can read the respons few coments below. I did not fabricate anything. read my coment carefully once again.
Have a nice day.


pre 14 godina

This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission. And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.


pre 14 godina

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

No thanks, I will pass on paying money to see a Crip gang member or the clowns in the crowd who try and emulate him. If you can book me some Motown, Country, Rock or Spanish guitar then I will possibly attend.

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...


pre 14 godina

Let the Serbs in Kosovo alone ! Let the Serbs travel freely ! you Albanian got what you wanted and you receive billions of foreign aid every year ! try to behave as adults ! your behaviour is shamefull and disgusting!

We as European tax payers are tired to pay for your stupid games ! grow up !


pre 14 godina

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!
(metrod, 28 June 2010 23:51)
Actually the hatred comes from the Albanian side.
We on the Serbian side present the facts and if that sounds like hatred to you then it's too bad.
Can't handle the truth?


pre 14 godina


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb.

tell it like it is, you Dont get to HIDE BEHIND THE TERM "humanitarian" when all you are doing is perpetrating and continue a nationalist POLITICAL adgenda.

nationalists politics != humanitarian.

serb apologists FOOL NO ONE in their pretense of being unable to distinguish the two.


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Well I guess as a convert to Islam he is going to do his best to prove himself.
Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?


pre 14 godina

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.
(miri, 28 June 2010 21:15)

Miri, bgannon would be concerned. You have picked the wrong person here to try to turn into a hypocrite.
Granted, some wouldn't but not bgannon. He has always presented a fairly balanced argument. I have disagreed with him at times but one thing is for sure he is one person you cannot call a hypocrite.


pre 14 godina

miri my reaction is purely a human one. And as I said my reaction would be the same in your example if a bunch of Albanian bikers (although for some reason the idea seems unlikely) went past I would defend their right to ride through the country without being attacked.

Besides, your argument is a cop out - you are agreeing that the point was proved that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is easily proven, right? And you blame those that 'provoke', rather than getting people to take responsiblity for their own actions.

I've always believed in keeping my own house in order before criticising my neighbours garden...


pre 14 godina

Kosovo (albanian part of it) is black hole of everything let alone respecting human rights. I'm amazed how Kosovo posters here justify those events. It's completely normal for them to hit rocks toward Serbs. That so called state of KosovA won't last long.


pre 14 godina

"If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)"

Bganon, we all know you wouldn't do such a thing.

If you're such a good doer and a fair person you could start by asking your fellow Serb posters to display such hatred towards Albanians.

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!


pre 14 godina

>>Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.
>>(miri, 28 June 2010 17:16)

Do you mean that they proved that south of ibar is lawless instead of the north as some posters been suggesting here over and over ?

>>I can only imagine imagine what would happen if 150 albanian biker decide to go for a ride in Nis!!!
>>(omnipotent, 28 June 2010 18:59)

Would they pay their respects to the kosovo refugees living there ? Nice idea.

>>There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
>>Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
>>(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

A bit ironic those artists performing in Pristina belong to the so called Gangsta rap style. But whatever floats your boat.


pre 14 godina

Nothing new here, the pathological hatred of anything non Albanian goes on. I remember way back in the 70-is while passing through Kosovo towards Macedonia little Albanian kids stoning cars with BG registration.
Sorry state of affairs, which unfortunately will probably last for many more years until they get rid of the last non Albanian from Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.


pre 14 godina

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?
(Fluid, 28 June 2010 19:42)
Hehe what logic.So serbs should not play basketball because it is an american invention or Iranain soccer players should not wear Nike shoes for the same reason.What an american company has to do with some idiots from White House who supported albanian narcoterrorists.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.
(kate, 28 June 2010 20:15)

If you read my coment carefully, you will clearly see that I never mentioned the number of bikers in northern Mitro. I said only 150 Serb bikers came to Gazemistan under KP escort. and yes, they all had to show ID as they came accross the Ibar river and escorted to Gazemistan and back to northern Mitro. End of story. Trust the truth.


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Just make sure to inform snoop doggy not to wear his watch during the concert...


pre 14 godina

I get so angry when I read this that I had to get out running 8 km and then box on my boxing-sack for half an hour. Its only in Kosovo this can happen towards people who come to help and that give a damn. Those people who throw stones, they are so cowardly and those who stands beside and dont make a citizens arrest are even more cowards. I have been many years in Kosovo due to my profession and I dare to say, I have never, ever met more people without dignity, without proud, without braveness and totally without a spirit. Shame !


pre 14 godina

I realise it's dangerous, but stick to it! You are all doing a really good thing.

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.


pre 14 godina

miri whether they (or Serb posters here) are satisfied or not that isn't the point is it?

The point is that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is a serious problem. The question is how that should be tackled and that is an issue for the Kosovo Albanian community to tackle.

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.


pre 14 godina

Why do they call it "Harley Davidson Club of Serbia" when I did not see a single Harley on the group? I saw a bunch of MZ, Ural, Tomos and other similar bikes - not Harleys.

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?


pre 14 godina

These bikers were part of a larger group of Serbian nationalists who decided it would be a good idea to traipse around Kosovo with their colors showing loud and proud. Bikers can be outlaws but they must know what to expect when they venture into the greater, and much more serious, world of politics and national identity.


pre 14 godina

You missed a good concert.
(Jason, 28 June 2010 17:53)

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.


pre 14 godina

The President of the Harley Davidson Club of Serbia, Milić Radević, confirmed for the Tanjug news agency that the four bikers were hurt, adding that the incident shows that “Kosovo is a territory where the security situation is not in order”.

Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.


pre 14 godina

stop speaking of what you do not know, Kosovo-u don't live in USA. I have seen well over 1000 bikers all over the north. I guess you could only gaze longingly up here from the south. You missed a good concert.


pre 14 godina

They visited Gazimestan on Monday, where a celebration of the Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) holiday was held.

They left, heading towards the administrative line leading to central Serbia, at about 15:00 CET.

For your information;
It was not 1500 bikers that went to Gazimestan, but only 150 Serb bikers and they were escorted by KP+ they had to be identified each and every one of 150 counted by KP. Also, Russian Ambassador to Belgrade was there as well.


pre 14 godina

stop speaking of what you do not know, Kosovo-u don't live in USA. I have seen well over 1000 bikers all over the north. I guess you could only gaze longingly up here from the south. You missed a good concert.


pre 14 godina

I realise it's dangerous, but stick to it! You are all doing a really good thing.

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Just make sure to inform snoop doggy not to wear his watch during the concert...


pre 14 godina

I get so angry when I read this that I had to get out running 8 km and then box on my boxing-sack for half an hour. Its only in Kosovo this can happen towards people who come to help and that give a damn. Those people who throw stones, they are so cowardly and those who stands beside and dont make a citizens arrest are even more cowards. I have been many years in Kosovo due to my profession and I dare to say, I have never, ever met more people without dignity, without proud, without braveness and totally without a spirit. Shame !


pre 14 godina

Kosovo (albanian part of it) is black hole of everything let alone respecting human rights. I'm amazed how Kosovo posters here justify those events. It's completely normal for them to hit rocks toward Serbs. That so called state of KosovA won't last long.


pre 14 godina

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?
(Fluid, 28 June 2010 19:42)
Hehe what logic.So serbs should not play basketball because it is an american invention or Iranain soccer players should not wear Nike shoes for the same reason.What an american company has to do with some idiots from White House who supported albanian narcoterrorists.


pre 14 godina

Nothing new here, the pathological hatred of anything non Albanian goes on. I remember way back in the 70-is while passing through Kosovo towards Macedonia little Albanian kids stoning cars with BG registration.
Sorry state of affairs, which unfortunately will probably last for many more years until they get rid of the last non Albanian from Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

miri whether they (or Serb posters here) are satisfied or not that isn't the point is it?

The point is that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is a serious problem. The question is how that should be tackled and that is an issue for the Kosovo Albanian community to tackle.

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.
(Gossamer, 29 June 2010 07:36)

and Kosmet is not a nation. It is only the southern province of the independent nation called Serbia.

Come on my hyper nationalist Albanian friend... what's good for the Bosnian gander is good for the Kosovan goose.


pre 14 godina

They visited Gazimestan on Monday, where a celebration of the Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) holiday was held.

They left, heading towards the administrative line leading to central Serbia, at about 15:00 CET.

For your information;
It was not 1500 bikers that went to Gazimestan, but only 150 Serb bikers and they were escorted by KP+ they had to be identified each and every one of 150 counted by KP. Also, Russian Ambassador to Belgrade was there as well.


pre 14 godina

>>Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.
>>(miri, 28 June 2010 17:16)

Do you mean that they proved that south of ibar is lawless instead of the north as some posters been suggesting here over and over ?

>>I can only imagine imagine what would happen if 150 albanian biker decide to go for a ride in Nis!!!
>>(omnipotent, 28 June 2010 18:59)

Would they pay their respects to the kosovo refugees living there ? Nice idea.

>>There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
>>Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
>>(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

A bit ironic those artists performing in Pristina belong to the so called Gangsta rap style. But whatever floats your boat.


pre 14 godina

Let the Serbs in Kosovo alone ! Let the Serbs travel freely ! you Albanian got what you wanted and you receive billions of foreign aid every year ! try to behave as adults ! your behaviour is shamefull and disgusting!

We as European tax payers are tired to pay for your stupid games ! grow up !


pre 14 godina

You missed a good concert.
(Jason, 28 June 2010 17:53)

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.


pre 14 godina

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

No thanks, I will pass on paying money to see a Crip gang member or the clowns in the crowd who try and emulate him. If you can book me some Motown, Country, Rock or Spanish guitar then I will possibly attend.

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...


pre 14 godina

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.
(miri, 28 June 2010 21:15)

Miri, bgannon would be concerned. You have picked the wrong person here to try to turn into a hypocrite.
Granted, some wouldn't but not bgannon. He has always presented a fairly balanced argument. I have disagreed with him at times but one thing is for sure he is one person you cannot call a hypocrite.


pre 14 godina

These bikers were part of a larger group of Serbian nationalists who decided it would be a good idea to traipse around Kosovo with their colors showing loud and proud. Bikers can be outlaws but they must know what to expect when they venture into the greater, and much more serious, world of politics and national identity.


pre 14 godina

Well Ylber... Every document by EU, UN, OSCE etc says "Administrative border" when it describes the area between the province and Serbia proper. On the other hand, the same documents says border between Montenegro/Kosovo (Serbia) and Macedonia/Kosovo (Serbia). What is so funny? Tell me please! :-)


pre 14 godina

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...
(Jason, 29 June 2010 04:54)

actually i did write a coment , but b92 did not posted. Therefore I responded to Kate's coment since she trust you, and you can read the respons few coments below. I did not fabricate anything. read my coment carefully once again.
Have a nice day.


pre 14 godina

Why do they call it "Harley Davidson Club of Serbia" when I did not see a single Harley on the group? I saw a bunch of MZ, Ural, Tomos and other similar bikes - not Harleys.

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.
(kate, 28 June 2010 20:15)

If you read my coment carefully, you will clearly see that I never mentioned the number of bikers in northern Mitro. I said only 150 Serb bikers came to Gazemistan under KP escort. and yes, they all had to show ID as they came accross the Ibar river and escorted to Gazemistan and back to northern Mitro. End of story. Trust the truth.


pre 14 godina

The President of the Harley Davidson Club of Serbia, Milić Radević, confirmed for the Tanjug news agency that the four bikers were hurt, adding that the incident shows that “Kosovo is a territory where the security situation is not in order”.

Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.


pre 14 godina

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.


pre 14 godina

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!
(metrod, 28 June 2010 23:51)
Actually the hatred comes from the Albanian side.
We on the Serbian side present the facts and if that sounds like hatred to you then it's too bad.
Can't handle the truth?


pre 14 godina

"This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission." (Gossamer)

-- Considering the charity work they were doing while riding in the general direction of Pristina, I'd say they're a pretty productive group of nationalists.

Tell you what: the minute these guys ride in the direction of Skoder/Skadar, I'll get worried that Greater Serbian nationalism is alive.

"And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA."

-- Sarajevo has about as much authority over Banja Luka as Pristina has over Kosovska Mitrovica. The only difference is that RS knows where its authority ends - both in the legal sense and territorial. Pristina still has flights of fancy it has more clout than was given to them.


pre 14 godina

miri my reaction is purely a human one. And as I said my reaction would be the same in your example if a bunch of Albanian bikers (although for some reason the idea seems unlikely) went past I would defend their right to ride through the country without being attacked.

Besides, your argument is a cop out - you are agreeing that the point was proved that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is easily proven, right? And you blame those that 'provoke', rather than getting people to take responsiblity for their own actions.

I've always believed in keeping my own house in order before criticising my neighbours garden...


pre 14 godina

Adam NYC wrote:


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb"

You know for a fact that this is a political group. OK then show us evidence.

This group is going to help Serbian kids. So what? Who else is helping Serbian kids of Kosovo?
Show me one Albanian helping Serbian kids.
When your lot decides that Serbian kids are worth as much as Albanian kids and deserve to be treated the same way then you can talk. When your people stop persecuting Serbs and their children of Kosovo then you can talk but until then kindly keep quiet. It is your shame that these bikers have to travel to Kosovo in order to help Serbian kids. How many bikers from "Kosova" or Albania are having to travel to Serbia in order to help Albanian kids?
You'd like nothing better than Serbs having nobody caring or helping them.

Shame on your all that this is necessary in the first place.


pre 14 godina

"If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)"

Bganon, we all know you wouldn't do such a thing.

If you're such a good doer and a fair person you could start by asking your fellow Serb posters to display such hatred towards Albanians.

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Well I guess as a convert to Islam he is going to do his best to prove himself.
Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?


pre 14 godina

This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission. And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.


pre 14 godina

It's funny because the whole situation is getting comical at this point. The Serb Patriarch, The Serb Government and The Serb Press are keeping The Serb People in delusion. The reality is Kosovo is as much Serbian as is Slovenia! Let's get real and move forward not back. England didn't get the US Colonies back. India didn't get Bangladesh back. Yugoslavia didn't get Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia etc back. Serbia will not get Kosovo back. That is that.


pre 14 godina


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb.

tell it like it is, you Dont get to HIDE BEHIND THE TERM "humanitarian" when all you are doing is perpetrating and continue a nationalist POLITICAL adgenda.

nationalists politics != humanitarian.

serb apologists FOOL NO ONE in their pretense of being unable to distinguish the two.


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:


pre 14 godina

Administrative line, hahahaha, that's funny. It's also the line where you have to present documentation, have your car searched and where the plaque says "Republika e Kosoves, Republika Kosovo, Republic of Kosovo", everywhere else in the world that "administrative line" is referred to as a BORDER!


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:
(Ilyrian, 29 June 2010 11:44)

Like I have always said, converts are the worst.
This is nothing new. Bosniaks are proof of conversions, so what is your point here? All is does is prove my point that you can expect this or anything radical from converts.

You are proving my point man, why do you send links like this?


pre 14 godina

They were quite brave to venture through this part of Kosovo. I just wish they'd worn more protective gear so they didn't get hurt so much.


pre 14 godina

Next time, they should come by bicycles, it will keep them more healthy and more strong in case if they will be attacked by some kids in the streets (you guys killed a French football fan last year remember?!!). And I almost forgot, if you come by bikes, you will contribute to keep the environment clean and you don't need to have insurance policy's, plus you will have some credit from "Greenpeace". Cheers


pre 14 godina

The President of the Harley Davidson Club of Serbia, Milić Radević, confirmed for the Tanjug news agency that the four bikers were hurt, adding that the incident shows that “Kosovo is a territory where the security situation is not in order”.

Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.


pre 14 godina

They visited Gazimestan on Monday, where a celebration of the Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) holiday was held.

They left, heading towards the administrative line leading to central Serbia, at about 15:00 CET.

For your information;
It was not 1500 bikers that went to Gazimestan, but only 150 Serb bikers and they were escorted by KP+ they had to be identified each and every one of 150 counted by KP. Also, Russian Ambassador to Belgrade was there as well.


pre 14 godina

These bikers were part of a larger group of Serbian nationalists who decided it would be a good idea to traipse around Kosovo with their colors showing loud and proud. Bikers can be outlaws but they must know what to expect when they venture into the greater, and much more serious, world of politics and national identity.


pre 14 godina

You missed a good concert.
(Jason, 28 June 2010 17:53)

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.


pre 14 godina

Why do they call it "Harley Davidson Club of Serbia" when I did not see a single Harley on the group? I saw a bunch of MZ, Ural, Tomos and other similar bikes - not Harleys.

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?


pre 14 godina

This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission. And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.


pre 14 godina

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.


pre 14 godina

"If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.
(bganon, 28 June 2010 19:00)"

Bganon, we all know you wouldn't do such a thing.

If you're such a good doer and a fair person you could start by asking your fellow Serb posters to display such hatred towards Albanians.

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.
(kate, 28 June 2010 20:15)

If you read my coment carefully, you will clearly see that I never mentioned the number of bikers in northern Mitro. I said only 150 Serb bikers came to Gazemistan under KP escort. and yes, they all had to show ID as they came accross the Ibar river and escorted to Gazemistan and back to northern Mitro. End of story. Trust the truth.


pre 14 godina

stop speaking of what you do not know, Kosovo-u don't live in USA. I have seen well over 1000 bikers all over the north. I guess you could only gaze longingly up here from the south. You missed a good concert.


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:


pre 14 godina

Administrative line, hahahaha, that's funny. It's also the line where you have to present documentation, have your car searched and where the plaque says "Republika e Kosoves, Republika Kosovo, Republic of Kosovo", everywhere else in the world that "administrative line" is referred to as a BORDER!


pre 14 godina


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb.

tell it like it is, you Dont get to HIDE BEHIND THE TERM "humanitarian" when all you are doing is perpetrating and continue a nationalist POLITICAL adgenda.

nationalists politics != humanitarian.

serb apologists FOOL NO ONE in their pretense of being unable to distinguish the two.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo (albanian part of it) is black hole of everything let alone respecting human rights. I'm amazed how Kosovo posters here justify those events. It's completely normal for them to hit rocks toward Serbs. That so called state of KosovA won't last long.


pre 14 godina

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...
(Jason, 29 June 2010 04:54)

actually i did write a coment , but b92 did not posted. Therefore I responded to Kate's coment since she trust you, and you can read the respons few coments below. I did not fabricate anything. read my coment carefully once again.
Have a nice day.


pre 14 godina

Also, isn't "Harley Davidson" American? How about starting an "Ural Club of Serbia" instead?
(Fluid, 28 June 2010 19:42)
Hehe what logic.So serbs should not play basketball because it is an american invention or Iranain soccer players should not wear Nike shoes for the same reason.What an american company has to do with some idiots from White House who supported albanian narcoterrorists.


pre 14 godina

It's funny because the whole situation is getting comical at this point. The Serb Patriarch, The Serb Government and The Serb Press are keeping The Serb People in delusion. The reality is Kosovo is as much Serbian as is Slovenia! Let's get real and move forward not back. England didn't get the US Colonies back. India didn't get Bangladesh back. Yugoslavia didn't get Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia etc back. Serbia will not get Kosovo back. That is that.


pre 14 godina

I realise it's dangerous, but stick to it! You are all doing a really good thing.

Kosovo-USA - You show yourself up by your blatant misinformation. I trust Jason on this matter.

So why are you making out it was 150 and they all had to show papers to the KPS etc? Obviously some sour grapes.

But if the KPS were there I hope they arrested the stone throwers.


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Just make sure to inform snoop doggy not to wear his watch during the concert...


pre 14 godina

Let the Serbs in Kosovo alone ! Let the Serbs travel freely ! you Albanian got what you wanted and you receive billions of foreign aid every year ! try to behave as adults ! your behaviour is shamefull and disgusting!

We as European tax payers are tired to pay for your stupid games ! grow up !


pre 14 godina

>>Mission completed for the bikers. Proving what they wanted to prove now they can go back to Serbia satisfied.
>>(miri, 28 June 2010 17:16)

Do you mean that they proved that south of ibar is lawless instead of the north as some posters been suggesting here over and over ?

>>I can only imagine imagine what would happen if 150 albanian biker decide to go for a ride in Nis!!!
>>(omnipotent, 28 June 2010 18:59)

Would they pay their respects to the kosovo refugees living there ? Nice idea.

>>There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
>>Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
>>(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

A bit ironic those artists performing in Pristina belong to the so called Gangsta rap style. But whatever floats your boat.


pre 14 godina

Nothing new here, the pathological hatred of anything non Albanian goes on. I remember way back in the 70-is while passing through Kosovo towards Macedonia little Albanian kids stoning cars with BG registration.
Sorry state of affairs, which unfortunately will probably last for many more years until they get rid of the last non Albanian from Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

miri whether they (or Serb posters here) are satisfied or not that isn't the point is it?

The point is that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is a serious problem. The question is how that should be tackled and that is an issue for the Kosovo Albanian community to tackle.

If it happened in Serbia (or if positions were reversed), I'd be very concerned, condemning it openly and calling on the authorities to prevent it from happening again.


pre 14 godina

I get so angry when I read this that I had to get out running 8 km and then box on my boxing-sack for half an hour. Its only in Kosovo this can happen towards people who come to help and that give a damn. Those people who throw stones, they are so cowardly and those who stands beside and dont make a citizens arrest are even more cowards. I have been many years in Kosovo due to my profession and I dare to say, I have never, ever met more people without dignity, without proud, without braveness and totally without a spirit. Shame !


pre 14 godina

There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers.
(Kosova-USA, 28 June 2010 19:36)

No thanks, I will pass on paying money to see a Crip gang member or the clowns in the crowd who try and emulate him. If you can book me some Motown, Country, Rock or Spanish guitar then I will possibly attend.

BTW - Still waiting for you to acknowledge you fabricated the story about only 150 bikers being at the event...

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA.
(Gossamer, 29 June 2010 07:36)

and Kosmet is not a nation. It is only the southern province of the independent nation called Serbia.

Come on my hyper nationalist Albanian friend... what's good for the Bosnian gander is good for the Kosovan goose.


pre 14 godina

There are several posters just on this thread alone who display such hatred.

If you cared enough, you could start with them.

Obviously, you don't. And we all know it. So, stop pretending!
(metrod, 28 June 2010 23:51)
Actually the hatred comes from the Albanian side.
We on the Serbian side present the facts and if that sounds like hatred to you then it's too bad.
Can't handle the truth?


pre 14 godina

Well Ylber... Every document by EU, UN, OSCE etc says "Administrative border" when it describes the area between the province and Serbia proper. On the other hand, the same documents says border between Montenegro/Kosovo (Serbia) and Macedonia/Kosovo (Serbia). What is so funny? Tell me please! :-)


pre 14 godina

miri my reaction is purely a human one. And as I said my reaction would be the same in your example if a bunch of Albanian bikers (although for some reason the idea seems unlikely) went past I would defend their right to ride through the country without being attacked.

Besides, your argument is a cop out - you are agreeing that the point was proved that violence against Serbs in Kosovo is easily proven, right? And you blame those that 'provoke', rather than getting people to take responsiblity for their own actions.

I've always believed in keeping my own house in order before criticising my neighbours garden...


pre 14 godina

"There is a good concert in Prishtina on July 10, 2010.
Snoop Dogg will be in Pr.You are welcome to the concert and see your fellow American singers."

Well I guess as a convert to Islam he is going to do his best to prove himself.
Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?


pre 14 godina

"This was not a humanitarian mission. This was a GREATER SERB NATIONALIST mission." (Gossamer)

-- Considering the charity work they were doing while riding in the general direction of Pristina, I'd say they're a pretty productive group of nationalists.

Tell you what: the minute these guys ride in the direction of Skoder/Skadar, I'll get worried that Greater Serbian nationalism is alive.

"And also: Republic of Srpska IS NOT a nation. It is only the eastern part of a independent nation called BOSNIA."

-- Sarajevo has about as much authority over Banja Luka as Pristina has over Kosovska Mitrovica. The only difference is that RS knows where its authority ends - both in the legal sense and territorial. Pristina still has flights of fancy it has more clout than was given to them.


pre 14 godina

Adam NYC wrote:


this is a political group... run by serbs for serbs.

they could care less for kids in kosovo if they are not serb"

You know for a fact that this is a political group. OK then show us evidence.

This group is going to help Serbian kids. So what? Who else is helping Serbian kids of Kosovo?
Show me one Albanian helping Serbian kids.
When your lot decides that Serbian kids are worth as much as Albanian kids and deserve to be treated the same way then you can talk. When your people stop persecuting Serbs and their children of Kosovo then you can talk but until then kindly keep quiet. It is your shame that these bikers have to travel to Kosovo in order to help Serbian kids. How many bikers from "Kosova" or Albania are having to travel to Serbia in order to help Albanian kids?
You'd like nothing better than Serbs having nobody caring or helping them.

Shame on your all that this is necessary in the first place.


pre 14 godina

I doubt you would be concerned ( at least not in the way you mean it) if a bunch of K-Albanian bikers rolled demonstratively into Serbia with K. plates stuck behind their backs.

Your very reaction was precisely what this event was designed to provoke. There is no need for further explanation.
(miri, 28 June 2010 21:15)

Miri, bgannon would be concerned. You have picked the wrong person here to try to turn into a hypocrite.
Granted, some wouldn't but not bgannon. He has always presented a fairly balanced argument. I have disagreed with him at times but one thing is for sure he is one person you cannot call a hypocrite.


pre 14 godina

Peggy"Is Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) going to be there too?"
Ask better your compatriot, a bosnian serb, about this:
(Ilyrian, 29 June 2010 11:44)

Like I have always said, converts are the worst.
This is nothing new. Bosniaks are proof of conversions, so what is your point here? All is does is prove my point that you can expect this or anything radical from converts.

You are proving my point man, why do you send links like this?


pre 14 godina

They were quite brave to venture through this part of Kosovo. I just wish they'd worn more protective gear so they didn't get hurt so much.


pre 14 godina

Next time, they should come by bicycles, it will keep them more healthy and more strong in case if they will be attacked by some kids in the streets (you guys killed a French football fan last year remember?!!). And I almost forgot, if you come by bikes, you will contribute to keep the environment clean and you don't need to have insurance policy's, plus you will have some credit from "Greenpeace". Cheers