Tuesday, 25.05.2010.


France calls for N. Korea to be punished

France has joined the chorus of voices calling for North Korea to be punished for firing a torpedo that sunk a South Korean naval ship.

Izvor: Deutsche Welle

France calls for N. Korea to be punished IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

Now, THAT's a powerful comment coming from the country of France. What are they going to do, drop a bomb??

Please....focus on yourself & if asked for help, then jump in. Stop trying to act like Clinton....please, you're getting me nauseas.


pre 14 godina

Now, THAT's a powerful comment coming from the country of France. What are they going to do, drop a bomb??

Please....focus on yourself & if asked for help, then jump in. Stop trying to act like Clinton....please, you're getting me nauseas.


pre 14 godina

Now, THAT's a powerful comment coming from the country of France. What are they going to do, drop a bomb??

Please....focus on yourself & if asked for help, then jump in. Stop trying to act like Clinton....please, you're getting me nauseas.