Tuesday, 25.05.2010.


Reports: U.S. expands secret military missions

The U.S. has reportedly expanded clandestine military activity in an effort to disrupt militant groups or counter threats, RFE/RL says.

Izvor: RFE/RL

Reports: U.S. expands secret military missions IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

"The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU."

And the EU will collapse by trying to bail out you and many other countries. Nobody in the US will cry over it since this thing called EU was heralded as an atlantic partner but in reality pushed by Chirac, Schroeder and the likes as an opposing political counterweight. We don't want any counterweight.
The EU can remain as a very weak area with a weak currency. This way travaling in Europe is more convenient and simpler for us.


pre 14 godina

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.
(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19

My views on the EU are well known and iam not going to repeat myself.

The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU.But who is going to bail you out?
You cannot print dollars forever.
First, the Fed printed billions to bail out Fannie and Freddie billions more to bail out failed bankers and billions more to bail out failed automakers.
Total US liabilities $ 130 TRILLION.

As to US being the only superpower just have a look at your achievements in Iraq and Afganistan.A bunch of ragged mullahs have the mighty US army bogged down.Make no mistake that you'll leave Afganistan with your heads between your legs.

BTW. I heard OBL is recuperating in US in a ranch
owned by a former US president.


pre 14 godina

(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19
The US couldn’t instigate a BBQ without consulting someone. Gee, you have Clinton acting unilaterally over Kosovo then George Bush in Afghanistan, but now Obama can’t order a steak without consultations. If your US is so strong why has it not put sanctions on Iran or even better why don’t they give Israel the green light to bomb Tehran?
Why not carry out punitive actions against North Korea without begging China all the time. Why does Hilary have to go to China to beg then to buy US bonds if it a strong country. The US is no longer a superpower in this world; your George Bush made sure of that. The Chinese have thrown the US navy out of the South China Sea and its preparing to move its operational headquarters to either Diego Garcia or northern Australia. But wait there is more, India is in the process of expanding in the Indian Ocean so bye, bye US again.


pre 14 godina

"can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world."

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.


pre 14 godina

I wonder how secret are those
missions when they are announced in detail in the international press by general Petreaus.


Is it another attempt by the US neocons to convince the world that their morally and financially bankrupt country can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world.

I have to admit though that many posters,myself included,had another false down with Obamaslogan"change you can belieeve in".Politicians cannot bring change.Only people can.


pre 14 godina

“The document says the goals are to "penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy" militant groups, including Al-Qaeda, and "prepare the environment" for future attacks. It does not authorize offensive action, "The Times" reports.”
So the US could not win by military means now it is instigating covert action. It reminds me of a true WW2 German radio announcement when its forces lost a major battle against the Russians – “the glorious forces of the fatherland have struck a deadly blow to the enemy but are repositioning their forces several kilometers back to regroup and prepare for a devastating final blow”. Needless to say they were losing battle after battle.
The morale of the story for the US is “you should have done this in the first place, now is too late”.


pre 14 godina

I wonder how secret are those
missions when they are announced in detail in the international press by general Petreaus.


Is it another attempt by the US neocons to convince the world that their morally and financially bankrupt country can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world.

I have to admit though that many posters,myself included,had another false down with Obamaslogan"change you can belieeve in".Politicians cannot bring change.Only people can.


pre 14 godina

“The document says the goals are to "penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy" militant groups, including Al-Qaeda, and "prepare the environment" for future attacks. It does not authorize offensive action, "The Times" reports.”
So the US could not win by military means now it is instigating covert action. It reminds me of a true WW2 German radio announcement when its forces lost a major battle against the Russians – “the glorious forces of the fatherland have struck a deadly blow to the enemy but are repositioning their forces several kilometers back to regroup and prepare for a devastating final blow”. Needless to say they were losing battle after battle.
The morale of the story for the US is “you should have done this in the first place, now is too late”.


pre 14 godina

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.
(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19

My views on the EU are well known and iam not going to repeat myself.

The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU.But who is going to bail you out?
You cannot print dollars forever.
First, the Fed printed billions to bail out Fannie and Freddie billions more to bail out failed bankers and billions more to bail out failed automakers.
Total US liabilities $ 130 TRILLION.

As to US being the only superpower just have a look at your achievements in Iraq and Afganistan.A bunch of ragged mullahs have the mighty US army bogged down.Make no mistake that you'll leave Afganistan with your heads between your legs.

BTW. I heard OBL is recuperating in US in a ranch
owned by a former US president.


pre 14 godina

(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19
The US couldn’t instigate a BBQ without consulting someone. Gee, you have Clinton acting unilaterally over Kosovo then George Bush in Afghanistan, but now Obama can’t order a steak without consultations. If your US is so strong why has it not put sanctions on Iran or even better why don’t they give Israel the green light to bomb Tehran?
Why not carry out punitive actions against North Korea without begging China all the time. Why does Hilary have to go to China to beg then to buy US bonds if it a strong country. The US is no longer a superpower in this world; your George Bush made sure of that. The Chinese have thrown the US navy out of the South China Sea and its preparing to move its operational headquarters to either Diego Garcia or northern Australia. But wait there is more, India is in the process of expanding in the Indian Ocean so bye, bye US again.


pre 14 godina

"The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU."

And the EU will collapse by trying to bail out you and many other countries. Nobody in the US will cry over it since this thing called EU was heralded as an atlantic partner but in reality pushed by Chirac, Schroeder and the likes as an opposing political counterweight. We don't want any counterweight.
The EU can remain as a very weak area with a weak currency. This way travaling in Europe is more convenient and simpler for us.


pre 14 godina

"can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world."

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.


pre 14 godina

I wonder how secret are those
missions when they are announced in detail in the international press by general Petreaus.


Is it another attempt by the US neocons to convince the world that their morally and financially bankrupt country can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world.

I have to admit though that many posters,myself included,had another false down with Obamaslogan"change you can belieeve in".Politicians cannot bring change.Only people can.


pre 14 godina

"can still exercise its pseudo-world power in various parts of the world."

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.


pre 14 godina

“The document says the goals are to "penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy" militant groups, including Al-Qaeda, and "prepare the environment" for future attacks. It does not authorize offensive action, "The Times" reports.”
So the US could not win by military means now it is instigating covert action. It reminds me of a true WW2 German radio announcement when its forces lost a major battle against the Russians – “the glorious forces of the fatherland have struck a deadly blow to the enemy but are repositioning their forces several kilometers back to regroup and prepare for a devastating final blow”. Needless to say they were losing battle after battle.
The morale of the story for the US is “you should have done this in the first place, now is too late”.


pre 14 godina

(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19
The US couldn’t instigate a BBQ without consulting someone. Gee, you have Clinton acting unilaterally over Kosovo then George Bush in Afghanistan, but now Obama can’t order a steak without consultations. If your US is so strong why has it not put sanctions on Iran or even better why don’t they give Israel the green light to bomb Tehran?
Why not carry out punitive actions against North Korea without begging China all the time. Why does Hilary have to go to China to beg then to buy US bonds if it a strong country. The US is no longer a superpower in this world; your George Bush made sure of that. The Chinese have thrown the US navy out of the South China Sea and its preparing to move its operational headquarters to either Diego Garcia or northern Australia. But wait there is more, India is in the process of expanding in the Indian Ocean so bye, bye US again.


pre 14 godina

Well, I know it must be very hard for you - citizen of a bankrupt country and of an experimental failed union called EU - to see that the USA remains the only REAL superpower exercising its pover all over the world. Please get used to it. Also the world is much better off this way. You will realize this sooner or later.
(Joe, 26 May 2010 02:19

My views on the EU are well known and iam not going to repeat myself.

The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU.But who is going to bail you out?
You cannot print dollars forever.
First, the Fed printed billions to bail out Fannie and Freddie billions more to bail out failed bankers and billions more to bail out failed automakers.
Total US liabilities $ 130 TRILLION.

As to US being the only superpower just have a look at your achievements in Iraq and Afganistan.A bunch of ragged mullahs have the mighty US army bogged down.Make no mistake that you'll leave Afganistan with your heads between your legs.

BTW. I heard OBL is recuperating in US in a ranch
owned by a former US president.


pre 14 godina

"The Greek economy is in trouble and is being bailed out by the EU."

And the EU will collapse by trying to bail out you and many other countries. Nobody in the US will cry over it since this thing called EU was heralded as an atlantic partner but in reality pushed by Chirac, Schroeder and the likes as an opposing political counterweight. We don't want any counterweight.
The EU can remain as a very weak area with a weak currency. This way travaling in Europe is more convenient and simpler for us.