Tuesday, 25.05.2010.


“Considerable progress made in Kosovo”

International civilian representative in Kosovo Pieter Feith said in Washington that considerable progress had been made in Kosovo lately.

Izvor: Beta

“Considerable progress made in Kosovo” IMAGE SOURCE

19 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
Post the albanian version. I'll be waiting.


pre 14 godina

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)

(roberto, 25 May 2010 21:55)
Roberto, when did you start refering to Kosovo as Kosova?
Only Albanians do this and it makes the look very foolish indeed, for even their own "government" refers to it as Kosovo.

Take a look at what is written on the passport.


Someone needs to learn to spell.


pre 14 godina

# Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

i'm going to try referencing your comment again, "A", and hope that i have more luck this time than when we were discussing mass graves in serbia... the day before the news came out.

i do believe that great strides have been made, and i congratulate the people of kosova for all progress made. it hasn't been easy, and you are still #1 target of the "nice" neighbor to the north.

of course there is great progress to be made, and we could go down the list. some of the challenges are special to the country, some are general balkan issues, post-communist issues, trying to build up grass-roots, democratic structures, transparency in govt., fighting corruption, trying to strengthen multi-cultural society when so many forces claim it is impossible; trying to get investment and jobs during a world-wide... recession; the list goes on.

as to our opponents and nay-sayers, they have been singing the same tune since 1999 and long-before. fake state, inferior people, "ethnic cleansing" of serbs, descecration of everything serbian. this line was pushed big-time during the milosevic era and has not stopped -- check the records.

so i do not take much of their negativity to heart, except to see that it makes progress all the harder.

but we also shouldn't be cavalier about the situation and always try harder to do better, and work to incorporate ALL citizens of the state. that is what democracy should be all about, not just one community fighting the other, for-ever.

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)


Peter Sudyka

pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 15:30)

Aha, so it was a Kosov@ news source, was it? Much like the one where Thaci claimed Russia will recognize Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

These western officials certainly have no shame. I think lying is something they do on a daily, even hourly, basis, and this Feith is no exception. They must teach a course on 'How to lie constantly and feel no guilt 101'.
Even Donald Duck and Goofy know that the fake/illegal/immoral 'state' of Kosovo is an absolute disaster in every possible sense.


pre 14 godina

Funny how an article devoted to "considerable progress" in Kosovo never really mentioned anything specific that was accomplished. All we read were some empty statements from Feith that were followed up with repeated calls for greater reform and modernization. Other than that, nothing was cited as definitive.

At the same time, I guess if we overlook

a) repeated attempts to cut the power to Serb enclaves
b) repeated attempts to cut phone service
c) repeated attacks on Serb returnees
d) repeated descecration of Serb graves
e) rampant political corruption and economic embezzlement by Pristina's ruling elite and their immediate families
f) continued unemployment and severe poverty
g) inadequate school textbooks for what passes for Kosovo's education system

then yes, Kosovo has indeed made "considerable progress".


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

Let's see:
Serbs cannot return because they are stoned and shot at.
Serbian cemeteries are destroyed.
The Serbs already there are getting beaten up and even killed.
Communications cut for Serbs.
Electricity regularly cut off for Serbs.

Yes, the Albanians have made a great deal of progress. Too bad it's all in the wrong direction.


pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.
(American Eagle, 25 May 2010 13:38)

American Eagle,

Bringing North under the control of KOsovo is not a fresh news. The IC has said that all contigency plans target the end of 2010 as deadline for election in the North and bringing law and order.

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.


pre 14 godina

"Kosovo has been a great success for the international community...."
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

If Kosovo is a great success, then what would be a failure? Okay, I admit, it's all relative. If you compare it to the even more failed states like Afghanistan, Somalia and so on, Kosovo is doing very fine.

John.mc pearson..

pre 14 godina

nice one Kosovo, keep up with the good work,, and u,ll achieve a lot more than Serbia itself, then again u got our support, all the way...

American Eagle

pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 10:44)

I’ll make sure Santa get this memo just in case he lost yours! Dream, Dream, Dream…….


pre 14 godina

Excellent news coming from the Feith. Now we can have the hundreds of thousands of Serbians ethnically cleansed from the provice return to their homes. Now that will be true progress. Lets get those vans moving and get these people back home ASAP.

It's interesting to note that the "international community's" report on BiH was not very promising, however BiH is in much better condition than our province.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.


pre 14 godina

"WASHINGTON -- International civilian representative in Kosovo Pieter Feith said in Washington that considerable progress had been made in Kosovo lately."

Quite an optomistic statement given the instances of Serb returnees being shot at, Serb telecoms masts and equipment being destroyed, electricity cut off from Serbs who have paid their bills, announcements that more Serb telecoms installations will be removed, continued desicration of Serb graves and religious structures and the ongoing bullying of the Serb population. It does beg the question, by whose levels are these so called progresses being measured? I have no doubt that the Serbs were not consulted about whether they feel progress is being made or not.


pre 14 godina

"According to him, “the challenge remained to ensure that good leadership and respect for rights, especially those of minority communities, become the main characteristics of Kosovo”."

"Good leadership and respects for the right .... become the main characteristics of Kosovo?"

Funny to read these things together in one sentence. Are these long-term projects, for 25 years? Or does it simply mean that Kosovo is far away from it, currently?

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

If this was said by an impartial and objective person I might believe it but coming from this guy...! No way! He is a liar and what ever come out from his mouth is nothing but dung. It is in his own interest to show a positive side of Kosovo. If it is as good as he says why don't they give Kosovo white schengen?


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.


pre 14 godina

"Beside heading the ICO, Feith holds another office in Kosovo – that of EU's special representative."

This man should never be in both offices. One is status neutral and the other is pro-independence, in fact that's a criteria for admission.

His version of 'progress' is stripping Kosovo of anything Serbian even though the province is still legally part of Serbia.


pre 14 godina

"WASHINGTON -- International civilian representative in Kosovo Pieter Feith said in Washington that considerable progress had been made in Kosovo lately."

Quite an optomistic statement given the instances of Serb returnees being shot at, Serb telecoms masts and equipment being destroyed, electricity cut off from Serbs who have paid their bills, announcements that more Serb telecoms installations will be removed, continued desicration of Serb graves and religious structures and the ongoing bullying of the Serb population. It does beg the question, by whose levels are these so called progresses being measured? I have no doubt that the Serbs were not consulted about whether they feel progress is being made or not.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

If this was said by an impartial and objective person I might believe it but coming from this guy...! No way! He is a liar and what ever come out from his mouth is nothing but dung. It is in his own interest to show a positive side of Kosovo. If it is as good as he says why don't they give Kosovo white schengen?


pre 14 godina

"Beside heading the ICO, Feith holds another office in Kosovo – that of EU's special representative."

This man should never be in both offices. One is status neutral and the other is pro-independence, in fact that's a criteria for admission.

His version of 'progress' is stripping Kosovo of anything Serbian even though the province is still legally part of Serbia.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 10:44)

I’ll make sure Santa get this memo just in case he lost yours! Dream, Dream, Dream…….


pre 14 godina

These western officials certainly have no shame. I think lying is something they do on a daily, even hourly, basis, and this Feith is no exception. They must teach a course on 'How to lie constantly and feel no guilt 101'.
Even Donald Duck and Goofy know that the fake/illegal/immoral 'state' of Kosovo is an absolute disaster in every possible sense.


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news coming from the Feith. Now we can have the hundreds of thousands of Serbians ethnically cleansed from the provice return to their homes. Now that will be true progress. Lets get those vans moving and get these people back home ASAP.

It's interesting to note that the "international community's" report on BiH was not very promising, however BiH is in much better condition than our province.


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

Let's see:
Serbs cannot return because they are stoned and shot at.
Serbian cemeteries are destroyed.
The Serbs already there are getting beaten up and even killed.
Communications cut for Serbs.
Electricity regularly cut off for Serbs.

Yes, the Albanians have made a great deal of progress. Too bad it's all in the wrong direction.

American Eagle

pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.


pre 14 godina

Funny how an article devoted to "considerable progress" in Kosovo never really mentioned anything specific that was accomplished. All we read were some empty statements from Feith that were followed up with repeated calls for greater reform and modernization. Other than that, nothing was cited as definitive.

At the same time, I guess if we overlook

a) repeated attempts to cut the power to Serb enclaves
b) repeated attempts to cut phone service
c) repeated attacks on Serb returnees
d) repeated descecration of Serb graves
e) rampant political corruption and economic embezzlement by Pristina's ruling elite and their immediate families
f) continued unemployment and severe poverty
g) inadequate school textbooks for what passes for Kosovo's education system

then yes, Kosovo has indeed made "considerable progress".


pre 14 godina

"According to him, “the challenge remained to ensure that good leadership and respect for rights, especially those of minority communities, become the main characteristics of Kosovo”."

"Good leadership and respects for the right .... become the main characteristics of Kosovo?"

Funny to read these things together in one sentence. Are these long-term projects, for 25 years? Or does it simply mean that Kosovo is far away from it, currently?


pre 14 godina

"Kosovo has been a great success for the international community...."
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

If Kosovo is a great success, then what would be a failure? Okay, I admit, it's all relative. If you compare it to the even more failed states like Afghanistan, Somalia and so on, Kosovo is doing very fine.

Peter Sudyka

pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 15:30)

Aha, so it was a Kosov@ news source, was it? Much like the one where Thaci claimed Russia will recognize Kosovo.


pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.
(American Eagle, 25 May 2010 13:38)

American Eagle,

Bringing North under the control of KOsovo is not a fresh news. The IC has said that all contigency plans target the end of 2010 as deadline for election in the North and bringing law and order.

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.

John.mc pearson..

pre 14 godina

nice one Kosovo, keep up with the good work,, and u,ll achieve a lot more than Serbia itself, then again u got our support, all the way...


pre 14 godina

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)

(roberto, 25 May 2010 21:55)
Roberto, when did you start refering to Kosovo as Kosova?
Only Albanians do this and it makes the look very foolish indeed, for even their own "government" refers to it as Kosovo.

Take a look at what is written on the passport.


Someone needs to learn to spell.


pre 14 godina

# Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

i'm going to try referencing your comment again, "A", and hope that i have more luck this time than when we were discussing mass graves in serbia... the day before the news came out.

i do believe that great strides have been made, and i congratulate the people of kosova for all progress made. it hasn't been easy, and you are still #1 target of the "nice" neighbor to the north.

of course there is great progress to be made, and we could go down the list. some of the challenges are special to the country, some are general balkan issues, post-communist issues, trying to build up grass-roots, democratic structures, transparency in govt., fighting corruption, trying to strengthen multi-cultural society when so many forces claim it is impossible; trying to get investment and jobs during a world-wide... recession; the list goes on.

as to our opponents and nay-sayers, they have been singing the same tune since 1999 and long-before. fake state, inferior people, "ethnic cleansing" of serbs, descecration of everything serbian. this line was pushed big-time during the milosevic era and has not stopped -- check the records.

so i do not take much of their negativity to heart, except to see that it makes progress all the harder.

but we also shouldn't be cavalier about the situation and always try harder to do better, and work to incorporate ALL citizens of the state. that is what democracy should be all about, not just one community fighting the other, for-ever.

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)



pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
Post the albanian version. I'll be waiting.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.


pre 14 godina

"Beside heading the ICO, Feith holds another office in Kosovo – that of EU's special representative."

This man should never be in both offices. One is status neutral and the other is pro-independence, in fact that's a criteria for admission.

His version of 'progress' is stripping Kosovo of anything Serbian even though the province is still legally part of Serbia.

John.mc pearson..

pre 14 godina

nice one Kosovo, keep up with the good work,, and u,ll achieve a lot more than Serbia itself, then again u got our support, all the way...


pre 14 godina

"WASHINGTON -- International civilian representative in Kosovo Pieter Feith said in Washington that considerable progress had been made in Kosovo lately."

Quite an optomistic statement given the instances of Serb returnees being shot at, Serb telecoms masts and equipment being destroyed, electricity cut off from Serbs who have paid their bills, announcements that more Serb telecoms installations will be removed, continued desicration of Serb graves and religious structures and the ongoing bullying of the Serb population. It does beg the question, by whose levels are these so called progresses being measured? I have no doubt that the Serbs were not consulted about whether they feel progress is being made or not.


pre 14 godina

Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

Let's see:
Serbs cannot return because they are stoned and shot at.
Serbian cemeteries are destroyed.
The Serbs already there are getting beaten up and even killed.
Communications cut for Serbs.
Electricity regularly cut off for Serbs.

Yes, the Albanians have made a great deal of progress. Too bad it's all in the wrong direction.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

If this was said by an impartial and objective person I might believe it but coming from this guy...! No way! He is a liar and what ever come out from his mouth is nothing but dung. It is in his own interest to show a positive side of Kosovo. If it is as good as he says why don't they give Kosovo white schengen?


pre 14 godina

Kosovo has made a radical progress in all dimesions that West deems essential.

By the end of this year, the IC has promissed that North will be under TOTAL control of Kosovo authrorities, thus sparing our military & police efforts to bring law and order.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 10:44)

I’ll make sure Santa get this memo just in case he lost yours! Dream, Dream, Dream…….


pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.
(American Eagle, 25 May 2010 13:38)

American Eagle,

Bringing North under the control of KOsovo is not a fresh news. The IC has said that all contigency plans target the end of 2010 as deadline for election in the North and bringing law and order.

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.


pre 14 godina

Funny how an article devoted to "considerable progress" in Kosovo never really mentioned anything specific that was accomplished. All we read were some empty statements from Feith that were followed up with repeated calls for greater reform and modernization. Other than that, nothing was cited as definitive.

At the same time, I guess if we overlook

a) repeated attempts to cut the power to Serb enclaves
b) repeated attempts to cut phone service
c) repeated attacks on Serb returnees
d) repeated descecration of Serb graves
e) rampant political corruption and economic embezzlement by Pristina's ruling elite and their immediate families
f) continued unemployment and severe poverty
g) inadequate school textbooks for what passes for Kosovo's education system

then yes, Kosovo has indeed made "considerable progress".


pre 14 godina

"According to him, “the challenge remained to ensure that good leadership and respect for rights, especially those of minority communities, become the main characteristics of Kosovo”."

"Good leadership and respects for the right .... become the main characteristics of Kosovo?"

Funny to read these things together in one sentence. Are these long-term projects, for 25 years? Or does it simply mean that Kosovo is far away from it, currently?


pre 14 godina

Excellent news coming from the Feith. Now we can have the hundreds of thousands of Serbians ethnically cleansed from the provice return to their homes. Now that will be true progress. Lets get those vans moving and get these people back home ASAP.

It's interesting to note that the "international community's" report on BiH was not very promising, however BiH is in much better condition than our province.

American Eagle

pre 14 godina


Where did you read that the ICO or anyone will bring Northern Kosovo under Pristina's control? Can you site your source please because I haven't read that and I'm a news-junkie.


pre 14 godina

"Kosovo has been a great success for the international community...."
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

If Kosovo is a great success, then what would be a failure? Okay, I admit, it's all relative. If you compare it to the even more failed states like Afghanistan, Somalia and so on, Kosovo is doing very fine.


pre 14 godina

These western officials certainly have no shame. I think lying is something they do on a daily, even hourly, basis, and this Feith is no exception. They must teach a course on 'How to lie constantly and feel no guilt 101'.
Even Donald Duck and Goofy know that the fake/illegal/immoral 'state' of Kosovo is an absolute disaster in every possible sense.

Peter Sudyka

pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
(PRN, 25 May 2010 15:30)

Aha, so it was a Kosov@ news source, was it? Much like the one where Thaci claimed Russia will recognize Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

# Step by step Kosovo is taking it's place among the democratic, civilized nations of the world. Kosovo has been a great success for the international community and the world should be proud of helping Kosovo achieve what they have now.
(A, 25 May 2010 10:25)

i'm going to try referencing your comment again, "A", and hope that i have more luck this time than when we were discussing mass graves in serbia... the day before the news came out.

i do believe that great strides have been made, and i congratulate the people of kosova for all progress made. it hasn't been easy, and you are still #1 target of the "nice" neighbor to the north.

of course there is great progress to be made, and we could go down the list. some of the challenges are special to the country, some are general balkan issues, post-communist issues, trying to build up grass-roots, democratic structures, transparency in govt., fighting corruption, trying to strengthen multi-cultural society when so many forces claim it is impossible; trying to get investment and jobs during a world-wide... recession; the list goes on.

as to our opponents and nay-sayers, they have been singing the same tune since 1999 and long-before. fake state, inferior people, "ethnic cleansing" of serbs, descecration of everything serbian. this line was pushed big-time during the milosevic era and has not stopped -- check the records.

so i do not take much of their negativity to heart, except to see that it makes progress all the harder.

but we also shouldn't be cavalier about the situation and always try harder to do better, and work to incorporate ALL citizens of the state. that is what democracy should be all about, not just one community fighting the other, for-ever.

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)



pre 14 godina

Excuse me about the source this time, as I thought that all of us knew this longtime ago. If I find a source in English I will let you know.
Post the albanian version. I'll be waiting.


pre 14 godina

best wishes to all the people of kosova!! (and everywhere else :)

(roberto, 25 May 2010 21:55)
Roberto, when did you start refering to Kosovo as Kosova?
Only Albanians do this and it makes the look very foolish indeed, for even their own "government" refers to it as Kosovo.

Take a look at what is written on the passport.


Someone needs to learn to spell.