Saturday, 15.05.2010.


“Serbia ready to drop charges against Croatia”

Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković said that Serbia is prepared to drop its genocide charges against Croatia.

Izvor: B92

“Serbia ready to drop charges against Croatia” IMAGE SOURCE

14 Komentari

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John Bosnitch

pre 14 godina

And we're off into la-la land yet once again:

Kozor's Croat ultranationalist HDZ party defined itself by asserting that Croatian is a different, distinct language from Serbian... going to the extreme of burning books and issuing dictionaries of newly invented "Croatian" words to wall Croat's off from Serbs and thereby try to maintain some grounds for having ripped Yugoslavia apart by seceding.

Yet how can these be two separate languages be if the documents that Croata donated to the Serbs (8-million euros worth of translations from German and other EU official languages into "Croatian") and then, in front of the international media, the Serbs simply accepted the documents and then directly read them out aloud, in their Serbian mother-tongue, reading directly off the translated "Croatian-version" documents in front of them.

Either the silly story about a separate, distinct Croatian language is yet another example of falsified anti-Serbian propaganda, or the poor Serbian government is going to have to spend another 8-million euro translating the presumably unintelligible "Croatian" texts into the foreign language of "Serbian".

What a farce! How can Western Croato-phile apparatchiks and academics bear to align themselves with such unreformed racist policies and programs?

John Bosnitch


pre 14 godina

The current Serbian Government is only a reflection of the Serbian society – too busy trying to get something in the hope of doing nothing and to try and regain the old Yugoslavian days when little was done but pay was sufficient to have a nice lifestyle.

The west has found the Balkans “Achilles heal” – continue to promise money and they will be happy. When they become suspicious throw them a “bone every now and then they become quite again.

When will people learn that you don’t get something for nothing. Everything has a price.

You can give up the genocide charges; you can give up Serbia if you like but no there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and history will repeat itself again and with Serbs being the victims of future genocides simply because they have no stamina to stand up to the last lot of atrocities. It’s always “we need to live and look forward” and that means forget it all.

The Croats carry on about the 1990s as if the world came to an end, meanwhile the Serbs who have lost hundreds of thousands in the 1940s are happy to “move on” and forget just like Tito and his friends wanted.


pre 14 godina

"Belgrade is content with the fact that Zagreb has made excellent progress on its path of European integration, he said."

What does that have to do with the lawsuits?


pre 14 godina

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D
(iFred, 15 May 2010 15:58)

Serbia did not cross any border. The country was called Yugoslavia and Croatia violated Yugoslavian constitution by importing arms through Hungarian border in order to attack their own government.
The Serbs of Croatia reacted and fought against the Croats. Yugoslav army was all over Yugoslavia, which included Croatia and Bosnia.
When Croatia took up arms against Yugoslavia they were not a separate country but a bunch of guy disloyal to their own country committing treason.

Serbia DID NOT send Serbian soldiers across the border. Volunteers went and the Serbs in those regions fought.


pre 14 godina

Shame on you Mr. Tadic!

Shame on the whole cabinet!

Is this how you respect and pay tribute to the victims of Croatian genocide against the Serbs?!

First Srebrenica now this!
I guess the Communist Party of Jugoslavia and the Ustashi are still collaborating!


pre 14 godina

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".
(Top, 15 May 2010 20:24)

Now we can add Hungarians, Albanians and Russians - and the list is nearly perfect.
If you now, what "Nanking Rape" was about and look at Japanese posts all over the internet, than you wonder, what the "heck".

But who tops the list are Americans. The only government which is still proud to use WMD on civilians, twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As for Dresden... under normal circumstances the criminals who ordered to bomb it should be hanged, no mercy.


pre 14 godina

Everyone must the drop the charges against each other immediatly.

We cannot move on if we continue to live in the past. Everyone here needs to realise if we verbally attack the Croats, they will verbally attack us = which will lead to endless frustration towards each other, and irrelevent hate.

We are all innocent in this game.


pre 14 godina

"Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted..."
(Dragan, 15 May 2010 17:25)

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".


pre 14 godina

The DS will lose power in two years when the eu refuses to admit Serbia to the club and the Serbian people lose their patience. It shows how very naive (or corrupt) they are - they rely on kindness from those who hate Serbs, lie to Serbs and bombed Serbs.


pre 14 godina

Pathetic, truly pathetic. Despite Croatia inflicting two genocides on its Serbs, in WWII and again in 1995, this yellow government of Tadic is very quick to do what Germany wants him to do. Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted, as you still see Nazi Ustasha concerts in Zagreb, and they celebrate the 1995 genocide against Serbs as a national holiday. They are in fact proud of this, and have never ever paid for their crimes.
It is an insult to the Serbian victims to drop this suit, and it would act to cover up the truth, which the West is very afraid of.


pre 14 godina

"He said that if an agreement is reached for the genocide charges filed by Serbia and Croatia against one another to be mutually and unconditional dropped, Serbia is prepared to do so. "

I am sure Croatia will call Serbian bluff.
Just like all other cases in international law that Serbia exhousts, the truth always comes out. As lies have short legs.

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D


pre 14 godina

Pathetic, truly pathetic. Despite Croatia inflicting two genocides on its Serbs, in WWII and again in 1995, this yellow government of Tadic is very quick to do what Germany wants him to do. Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted, as you still see Nazi Ustasha concerts in Zagreb, and they celebrate the 1995 genocide against Serbs as a national holiday. They are in fact proud of this, and have never ever paid for their crimes.
It is an insult to the Serbian victims to drop this suit, and it would act to cover up the truth, which the West is very afraid of.


pre 14 godina

The DS will lose power in two years when the eu refuses to admit Serbia to the club and the Serbian people lose their patience. It shows how very naive (or corrupt) they are - they rely on kindness from those who hate Serbs, lie to Serbs and bombed Serbs.


pre 14 godina

"Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted..."
(Dragan, 15 May 2010 17:25)

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".


pre 14 godina

Everyone must the drop the charges against each other immediatly.

We cannot move on if we continue to live in the past. Everyone here needs to realise if we verbally attack the Croats, they will verbally attack us = which will lead to endless frustration towards each other, and irrelevent hate.

We are all innocent in this game.


pre 14 godina

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D
(iFred, 15 May 2010 15:58)

Serbia did not cross any border. The country was called Yugoslavia and Croatia violated Yugoslavian constitution by importing arms through Hungarian border in order to attack their own government.
The Serbs of Croatia reacted and fought against the Croats. Yugoslav army was all over Yugoslavia, which included Croatia and Bosnia.
When Croatia took up arms against Yugoslavia they were not a separate country but a bunch of guy disloyal to their own country committing treason.

Serbia DID NOT send Serbian soldiers across the border. Volunteers went and the Serbs in those regions fought.


pre 14 godina

"Belgrade is content with the fact that Zagreb has made excellent progress on its path of European integration, he said."

What does that have to do with the lawsuits?


pre 14 godina

Shame on you Mr. Tadic!

Shame on the whole cabinet!

Is this how you respect and pay tribute to the victims of Croatian genocide against the Serbs?!

First Srebrenica now this!
I guess the Communist Party of Jugoslavia and the Ustashi are still collaborating!


pre 14 godina

"He said that if an agreement is reached for the genocide charges filed by Serbia and Croatia against one another to be mutually and unconditional dropped, Serbia is prepared to do so. "

I am sure Croatia will call Serbian bluff.
Just like all other cases in international law that Serbia exhousts, the truth always comes out. As lies have short legs.

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D


pre 14 godina

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".
(Top, 15 May 2010 20:24)

Now we can add Hungarians, Albanians and Russians - and the list is nearly perfect.
If you now, what "Nanking Rape" was about and look at Japanese posts all over the internet, than you wonder, what the "heck".

But who tops the list are Americans. The only government which is still proud to use WMD on civilians, twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As for Dresden... under normal circumstances the criminals who ordered to bomb it should be hanged, no mercy.

John Bosnitch

pre 14 godina

And we're off into la-la land yet once again:

Kozor's Croat ultranationalist HDZ party defined itself by asserting that Croatian is a different, distinct language from Serbian... going to the extreme of burning books and issuing dictionaries of newly invented "Croatian" words to wall Croat's off from Serbs and thereby try to maintain some grounds for having ripped Yugoslavia apart by seceding.

Yet how can these be two separate languages be if the documents that Croata donated to the Serbs (8-million euros worth of translations from German and other EU official languages into "Croatian") and then, in front of the international media, the Serbs simply accepted the documents and then directly read them out aloud, in their Serbian mother-tongue, reading directly off the translated "Croatian-version" documents in front of them.

Either the silly story about a separate, distinct Croatian language is yet another example of falsified anti-Serbian propaganda, or the poor Serbian government is going to have to spend another 8-million euro translating the presumably unintelligible "Croatian" texts into the foreign language of "Serbian".

What a farce! How can Western Croato-phile apparatchiks and academics bear to align themselves with such unreformed racist policies and programs?

John Bosnitch


pre 14 godina

The current Serbian Government is only a reflection of the Serbian society – too busy trying to get something in the hope of doing nothing and to try and regain the old Yugoslavian days when little was done but pay was sufficient to have a nice lifestyle.

The west has found the Balkans “Achilles heal” – continue to promise money and they will be happy. When they become suspicious throw them a “bone every now and then they become quite again.

When will people learn that you don’t get something for nothing. Everything has a price.

You can give up the genocide charges; you can give up Serbia if you like but no there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and history will repeat itself again and with Serbs being the victims of future genocides simply because they have no stamina to stand up to the last lot of atrocities. It’s always “we need to live and look forward” and that means forget it all.

The Croats carry on about the 1990s as if the world came to an end, meanwhile the Serbs who have lost hundreds of thousands in the 1940s are happy to “move on” and forget just like Tito and his friends wanted.


pre 14 godina

"He said that if an agreement is reached for the genocide charges filed by Serbia and Croatia against one another to be mutually and unconditional dropped, Serbia is prepared to do so. "

I am sure Croatia will call Serbian bluff.
Just like all other cases in international law that Serbia exhousts, the truth always comes out. As lies have short legs.

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D


pre 14 godina

Pathetic, truly pathetic. Despite Croatia inflicting two genocides on its Serbs, in WWII and again in 1995, this yellow government of Tadic is very quick to do what Germany wants him to do. Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted, as you still see Nazi Ustasha concerts in Zagreb, and they celebrate the 1995 genocide against Serbs as a national holiday. They are in fact proud of this, and have never ever paid for their crimes.
It is an insult to the Serbian victims to drop this suit, and it would act to cover up the truth, which the West is very afraid of.


pre 14 godina

Serbia is Serbia and Croatia is Croatia, whoever crosses their own borders to reach the other side, those are the criminals. :D
(iFred, 15 May 2010 15:58)

Serbia did not cross any border. The country was called Yugoslavia and Croatia violated Yugoslavian constitution by importing arms through Hungarian border in order to attack their own government.
The Serbs of Croatia reacted and fought against the Croats. Yugoslav army was all over Yugoslavia, which included Croatia and Bosnia.
When Croatia took up arms against Yugoslavia they were not a separate country but a bunch of guy disloyal to their own country committing treason.

Serbia DID NOT send Serbian soldiers across the border. Volunteers went and the Serbs in those regions fought.


pre 14 godina

Shame on you Mr. Tadic!

Shame on the whole cabinet!

Is this how you respect and pay tribute to the victims of Croatian genocide against the Serbs?!

First Srebrenica now this!
I guess the Communist Party of Jugoslavia and the Ustashi are still collaborating!


pre 14 godina

"Frankly, Croatia is not sorry for the genocides they inflicted..."
(Dragan, 15 May 2010 17:25)

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".


pre 14 godina

The current Serbian Government is only a reflection of the Serbian society – too busy trying to get something in the hope of doing nothing and to try and regain the old Yugoslavian days when little was done but pay was sufficient to have a nice lifestyle.

The west has found the Balkans “Achilles heal” – continue to promise money and they will be happy. When they become suspicious throw them a “bone every now and then they become quite again.

When will people learn that you don’t get something for nothing. Everything has a price.

You can give up the genocide charges; you can give up Serbia if you like but no there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and history will repeat itself again and with Serbs being the victims of future genocides simply because they have no stamina to stand up to the last lot of atrocities. It’s always “we need to live and look forward” and that means forget it all.

The Croats carry on about the 1990s as if the world came to an end, meanwhile the Serbs who have lost hundreds of thousands in the 1940s are happy to “move on” and forget just like Tito and his friends wanted.


pre 14 godina

The DS will lose power in two years when the eu refuses to admit Serbia to the club and the Serbian people lose their patience. It shows how very naive (or corrupt) they are - they rely on kindness from those who hate Serbs, lie to Serbs and bombed Serbs.


pre 14 godina

Everyone must the drop the charges against each other immediatly.

We cannot move on if we continue to live in the past. Everyone here needs to realise if we verbally attack the Croats, they will verbally attack us = which will lead to endless frustration towards each other, and irrelevent hate.

We are all innocent in this game.

John Bosnitch

pre 14 godina

And we're off into la-la land yet once again:

Kozor's Croat ultranationalist HDZ party defined itself by asserting that Croatian is a different, distinct language from Serbian... going to the extreme of burning books and issuing dictionaries of newly invented "Croatian" words to wall Croat's off from Serbs and thereby try to maintain some grounds for having ripped Yugoslavia apart by seceding.

Yet how can these be two separate languages be if the documents that Croata donated to the Serbs (8-million euros worth of translations from German and other EU official languages into "Croatian") and then, in front of the international media, the Serbs simply accepted the documents and then directly read them out aloud, in their Serbian mother-tongue, reading directly off the translated "Croatian-version" documents in front of them.

Either the silly story about a separate, distinct Croatian language is yet another example of falsified anti-Serbian propaganda, or the poor Serbian government is going to have to spend another 8-million euro translating the presumably unintelligible "Croatian" texts into the foreign language of "Serbian".

What a farce! How can Western Croato-phile apparatchiks and academics bear to align themselves with such unreformed racist policies and programs?

John Bosnitch


pre 14 godina

See, Croats and Serbs have a lot in common: Never admitting their own guilt, always blaming the others, and celebrating the war criminals as "heroes".
(Top, 15 May 2010 20:24)

Now we can add Hungarians, Albanians and Russians - and the list is nearly perfect.
If you now, what "Nanking Rape" was about and look at Japanese posts all over the internet, than you wonder, what the "heck".

But who tops the list are Americans. The only government which is still proud to use WMD on civilians, twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As for Dresden... under normal circumstances the criminals who ordered to bomb it should be hanged, no mercy.


pre 14 godina

"Belgrade is content with the fact that Zagreb has made excellent progress on its path of European integration, he said."

What does that have to do with the lawsuits?