Thursday, 13.05.2010.


“Meeting with EULEX on mass grave”

Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor Bruno Vekarić says there will be a meeting with EULEX on suspected mass grave near Raška.

Izvor: B92

“Meeting with EULEX on mass grave” IMAGE SOURCE

9 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)
Amazing. When people demanded that Albania allow investigation into yellow house and they were met with denial you did not demand that investigation begin NOW and not rely on Albanian goodwill.

What's the difference Roberto?
You belive this one but not the other one so no need to investigate? How about an investigation of missing Serbs? Not once have you demanded that this investigation begin. Why? Why are you so silent when it comes to justice for Serbs? Are they all criminals in your book? Are you just biased to the point of total loss of credibility, escpecially when you present yourself time and time again as an impartial observer.


pre 14 godina

ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,
(roberto, 14 May 2010 18:27)

Probably yes, that job is very depressing to say the least. Now we got all the pointers how to reach her office. What is the plan?

I am afraid if I just dial that number and demand her employer to send her over to Raška they will think I am crazy. There should be a better way. Any idea?


pre 14 godina

(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13) thanks gjergj -- i am rushing rushing rushing. at any rate, me thinks someone is protesting too much...


ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,


pre 14 godina


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

It's not "hard way" but "misspelled way". I did not misspell, I followed the wrong spelling I was given.


Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

Thanks - that looks somewhat better. Googling on "Ewa Klonowska" gave me 462 results. Googling on "Ewa Klonowski" gave 286 results.

Some are "direct hits" like the Wiki and this:


And finally here we got that she is the senior forensic anthropologist for the International Commission on Missing Persons,


So now - thanks to your help - I provided the links. That's much better. How should we proceed, what do you think?

Gjergj Fishta

pre 14 godina

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

(Ataman, 14 May 2010 12:34)


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.

Google "forensic science Ewa Kolowski".

Google would guide you in the right direction -- See below:

"Did you mean: forensic science Ewa Klonowski"

From there you could get the right name:

Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).


pre 14 godina

also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

#1: http://www.asmweb.de/whiteskydog/gaestebuch2/index.php?form=1"eID=38
#2: http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R1NZJYRJRSE96U

That should be her, right? So the name is not misspelled, they write "Polish-American-Icelandic anthropologist Dr Ewa Kolowski"

That's all her internet presence?

I tried a more plausible family name, "Kozlowski" - there I got 320 results, probably the closest being an owner of a gift shop in Pforzheim, Germany and an other lady having a similar shop in DC area.

My third attempt was "Ewa Kozlowska" - that yielded about 12000 hits, so it looks at first sight like the real one. Nothing came out with "Ewa Kozlowska" and "Bosnia" tough, except 51 hits, all irrelevant.

To compare: my own company I did found with my friend in California got 285000 "sharp" hits. The one-man-show company of my friend in Belgrade got 15900 "sharp" hits. We are nobodies.

What did I wrong here - can you please help with the links?


we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

You can demand - but she has to provide her credentials. BTW: I don't think the entire story would be unearthed without REAL GOOD WILL of Serbian authorities to begin with but you do not need to believe me. Regardless - why don't you introduce Ewa in better detail?


it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Than don't wait. I did my job, so far did not find anyone even remotely resembling Ewa K. you did mention. The only area I did not search was the "facebook" - I am not there and not going to be there due personal concerns. Otherwise I have a weak, indirect link to S.L. - that's all. But I am not sure, she (S.L.) is the right connection for that. Try we can, why not?


pre 14 godina

i will ignore all of the political posturing and focus on this mass grave. the opening and subsequent exhumations need to be done properly and in a speedy (as possible)and supervised manner. we expect and demand international supervision as well as kosovar albanian participation. (the bodies are theirs!!) this will not go like the last batch of almost 1,000, which were "doled out" in the slowest and absolutely most painful and torturous manner possible. this will not happen again. also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.



pre 14 godina

Notice here that they actually haven't found or unearthed any body at all. They say "suspected" mass grave which means it is not confirmed.

To have all the headlines without any actual body is purposeful negative propaganda. It is obviously the Serbian government officials doing the west's bidding to announce this.


pre 14 godina

i will ignore all of the political posturing and focus on this mass grave. the opening and subsequent exhumations need to be done properly and in a speedy (as possible)and supervised manner. we expect and demand international supervision as well as kosovar albanian participation. (the bodies are theirs!!) this will not go like the last batch of almost 1,000, which were "doled out" in the slowest and absolutely most painful and torturous manner possible. this will not happen again. also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.



pre 14 godina

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)
Amazing. When people demanded that Albania allow investigation into yellow house and they were met with denial you did not demand that investigation begin NOW and not rely on Albanian goodwill.

What's the difference Roberto?
You belive this one but not the other one so no need to investigate? How about an investigation of missing Serbs? Not once have you demanded that this investigation begin. Why? Why are you so silent when it comes to justice for Serbs? Are they all criminals in your book? Are you just biased to the point of total loss of credibility, escpecially when you present yourself time and time again as an impartial observer.


pre 14 godina

Notice here that they actually haven't found or unearthed any body at all. They say "suspected" mass grave which means it is not confirmed.

To have all the headlines without any actual body is purposeful negative propaganda. It is obviously the Serbian government officials doing the west's bidding to announce this.


pre 14 godina

(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13) thanks gjergj -- i am rushing rushing rushing. at any rate, me thinks someone is protesting too much...


ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,


pre 14 godina

ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,
(roberto, 14 May 2010 18:27)

Probably yes, that job is very depressing to say the least. Now we got all the pointers how to reach her office. What is the plan?

I am afraid if I just dial that number and demand her employer to send her over to Raška they will think I am crazy. There should be a better way. Any idea?


pre 14 godina

also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

#1: http://www.asmweb.de/whiteskydog/gaestebuch2/index.php?form=1"eID=38
#2: http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R1NZJYRJRSE96U

That should be her, right? So the name is not misspelled, they write "Polish-American-Icelandic anthropologist Dr Ewa Kolowski"

That's all her internet presence?

I tried a more plausible family name, "Kozlowski" - there I got 320 results, probably the closest being an owner of a gift shop in Pforzheim, Germany and an other lady having a similar shop in DC area.

My third attempt was "Ewa Kozlowska" - that yielded about 12000 hits, so it looks at first sight like the real one. Nothing came out with "Ewa Kozlowska" and "Bosnia" tough, except 51 hits, all irrelevant.

To compare: my own company I did found with my friend in California got 285000 "sharp" hits. The one-man-show company of my friend in Belgrade got 15900 "sharp" hits. We are nobodies.

What did I wrong here - can you please help with the links?


we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

You can demand - but she has to provide her credentials. BTW: I don't think the entire story would be unearthed without REAL GOOD WILL of Serbian authorities to begin with but you do not need to believe me. Regardless - why don't you introduce Ewa in better detail?


it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Than don't wait. I did my job, so far did not find anyone even remotely resembling Ewa K. you did mention. The only area I did not search was the "facebook" - I am not there and not going to be there due personal concerns. Otherwise I have a weak, indirect link to S.L. - that's all. But I am not sure, she (S.L.) is the right connection for that. Try we can, why not?

Gjergj Fishta

pre 14 godina

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

(Ataman, 14 May 2010 12:34)


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.

Google "forensic science Ewa Kolowski".

Google would guide you in the right direction -- See below:

"Did you mean: forensic science Ewa Klonowski"

From there you could get the right name:

Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).


pre 14 godina


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

It's not "hard way" but "misspelled way". I did not misspell, I followed the wrong spelling I was given.


Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

Thanks - that looks somewhat better. Googling on "Ewa Klonowska" gave me 462 results. Googling on "Ewa Klonowski" gave 286 results.

Some are "direct hits" like the Wiki and this:


And finally here we got that she is the senior forensic anthropologist for the International Commission on Missing Persons,


So now - thanks to your help - I provided the links. That's much better. How should we proceed, what do you think?


pre 14 godina

Notice here that they actually haven't found or unearthed any body at all. They say "suspected" mass grave which means it is not confirmed.

To have all the headlines without any actual body is purposeful negative propaganda. It is obviously the Serbian government officials doing the west's bidding to announce this.


pre 14 godina

also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

#1: http://www.asmweb.de/whiteskydog/gaestebuch2/index.php?form=1"eID=38
#2: http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R1NZJYRJRSE96U

That should be her, right? So the name is not misspelled, they write "Polish-American-Icelandic anthropologist Dr Ewa Kolowski"

That's all her internet presence?

I tried a more plausible family name, "Kozlowski" - there I got 320 results, probably the closest being an owner of a gift shop in Pforzheim, Germany and an other lady having a similar shop in DC area.

My third attempt was "Ewa Kozlowska" - that yielded about 12000 hits, so it looks at first sight like the real one. Nothing came out with "Ewa Kozlowska" and "Bosnia" tough, except 51 hits, all irrelevant.

To compare: my own company I did found with my friend in California got 285000 "sharp" hits. The one-man-show company of my friend in Belgrade got 15900 "sharp" hits. We are nobodies.

What did I wrong here - can you please help with the links?


we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

You can demand - but she has to provide her credentials. BTW: I don't think the entire story would be unearthed without REAL GOOD WILL of Serbian authorities to begin with but you do not need to believe me. Regardless - why don't you introduce Ewa in better detail?


it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)

Than don't wait. I did my job, so far did not find anyone even remotely resembling Ewa K. you did mention. The only area I did not search was the "facebook" - I am not there and not going to be there due personal concerns. Otherwise I have a weak, indirect link to S.L. - that's all. But I am not sure, she (S.L.) is the right connection for that. Try we can, why not?


pre 14 godina

i will ignore all of the political posturing and focus on this mass grave. the opening and subsequent exhumations need to be done properly and in a speedy (as possible)and supervised manner. we expect and demand international supervision as well as kosovar albanian participation. (the bodies are theirs!!) this will not go like the last batch of almost 1,000, which were "doled out" in the slowest and absolutely most painful and torturous manner possible. this will not happen again. also i do not trust the serbian forensic people and very much recommend that our frnd dr ewa (Kolowski --- misspelled, sorry) be asked to officiate. she is supremely qualified and utterly no-nonsense, and has years of experience w/mass graves, way too much.

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.



pre 14 godina

(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13) thanks gjergj -- i am rushing rushing rushing. at any rate, me thinks someone is protesting too much...


ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,

Gjergj Fishta

pre 14 godina

Please suggest how to find her. I tried to google on "Ewa Kolowski" and there are only two links to her on entire internet:

(Ataman, 14 May 2010 12:34)


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.

Google "forensic science Ewa Kolowski".

Google would guide you in the right direction -- See below:

"Did you mean: forensic science Ewa Klonowski"

From there you could get the right name:

Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).


pre 14 godina


Why try the herd way when the easy way is better.
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

It's not "hard way" but "misspelled way". I did not misspell, I followed the wrong spelling I was given.


Ewa Klonowska (in some sites you will find her surname as Klonowski).
(Gjergj Fishta, 14 May 2010 13:13)

Thanks - that looks somewhat better. Googling on "Ewa Klonowska" gave me 462 results. Googling on "Ewa Klonowski" gave 286 results.

Some are "direct hits" like the Wiki and this:


And finally here we got that she is the senior forensic anthropologist for the International Commission on Missing Persons,


So now - thanks to your help - I provided the links. That's much better. How should we proceed, what do you think?


pre 14 godina

ps ewa is a wonderful person, on top of it all,,,
(roberto, 14 May 2010 18:27)

Probably yes, that job is very depressing to say the least. Now we got all the pointers how to reach her office. What is the plan?

I am afraid if I just dial that number and demand her employer to send her over to Raška they will think I am crazy. There should be a better way. Any idea?


pre 14 godina

we really need to demand that these conditions are adhered to, and not left to the "good will" of the serbian authorities, give me a break.

it needs to begin NOW.

(roberto, 14 May 2010 01:48)
Amazing. When people demanded that Albania allow investigation into yellow house and they were met with denial you did not demand that investigation begin NOW and not rely on Albanian goodwill.

What's the difference Roberto?
You belive this one but not the other one so no need to investigate? How about an investigation of missing Serbs? Not once have you demanded that this investigation begin. Why? Why are you so silent when it comes to justice for Serbs? Are they all criminals in your book? Are you just biased to the point of total loss of credibility, escpecially when you present yourself time and time again as an impartial observer.