Thursday, 21.01.2010.


Spanish PM on Greek initiative for W. Balkans

Spanish PM and EU Chairman Jose Luis Zapatero said in Strasbourg that “attention should be given” to a Greek initiative regarding Western Balkans.

Izvor: Tanjug

Spanish PM on Greek initiative for W. Balkans IMAGE SOURCE

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adrian kola

pre 14 godina

I agree with you completely and I sincerely hope that the Greek initiatives are well intended. You cannot have region-wide integration if some officials refuse to recognize the new reality that’s shaped the new geo-politics in the Balkans. This denial will undoubtedly hold back any integration or development and most importantly it will cause further damage to the neighbourly relations between peoples, especially between Albanians and Serbs!

The Greek

pre 14 godina

Spain and Greece have already decided to cooperate drastically and prevent illegal border changes in Balkans.... because of their own interests first. That's why only the Spanish leader did this public statement and no other foreigh leader. And of course this initiative mainly refers to Kosovo and Kosovo only... You will see more clear results of that cooperation in the coming months. Just wait and see...

Kosovo is a part of Serbia, it was stolen illegaly and barbarically from Serbia and it should (and would..) never be a proper state entity. No matter if 200 countries (muslim or american "puppets") recognise it, for the region and the countries around it will always be an "empty land". And this is what really matters - not the recognitions from countries like "Mauritania". Until of course it is returned to Serbia, or until Serbia is also included in the final status of Kosovo...


pre 14 godina

The clock is ticking. The East is getting stronger while the West is faultering. Ukraine is just about back under Russian influence while the coloured revolutions are being undone.

Serbia, BiH, Montengero and FYROM can very easily fall back to the East and I suspect they will. Romania will be a bit more difficult but those that have an opportunity to live in the free world (residing in the East) will choose that path.

I urge Serbian-Albanians to follow the true path to lasting peace and prosperity, which means negotiations. The window of opportunity is still open.

The Greek

pre 14 godina

Spain and Greece have already decided to cooperate drastically and prevent illegal border changes in Balkans.... because of their own interests first. That's why only the Spanish leader did this public statement and no other foreigh leader. And of course this initiative mainly refers to Kosovo and Kosovo only... You will see more clear results of that cooperation in the coming months. Just wait and see...

Kosovo is a part of Serbia, it was stolen illegaly and barbarically from Serbia and it should (and would..) never be a proper state entity. No matter if 200 countries (muslim or american "puppets") recognise it, for the region and the countries around it will always be an "empty land". And this is what really matters - not the recognitions from countries like "Mauritania". Until of course it is returned to Serbia, or until Serbia is also included in the final status of Kosovo...


pre 14 godina

The clock is ticking. The East is getting stronger while the West is faultering. Ukraine is just about back under Russian influence while the coloured revolutions are being undone.

Serbia, BiH, Montengero and FYROM can very easily fall back to the East and I suspect they will. Romania will be a bit more difficult but those that have an opportunity to live in the free world (residing in the East) will choose that path.

I urge Serbian-Albanians to follow the true path to lasting peace and prosperity, which means negotiations. The window of opportunity is still open.

adrian kola

pre 14 godina

I agree with you completely and I sincerely hope that the Greek initiatives are well intended. You cannot have region-wide integration if some officials refuse to recognize the new reality that’s shaped the new geo-politics in the Balkans. This denial will undoubtedly hold back any integration or development and most importantly it will cause further damage to the neighbourly relations between peoples, especially between Albanians and Serbs!


pre 14 godina

The clock is ticking. The East is getting stronger while the West is faultering. Ukraine is just about back under Russian influence while the coloured revolutions are being undone.

Serbia, BiH, Montengero and FYROM can very easily fall back to the East and I suspect they will. Romania will be a bit more difficult but those that have an opportunity to live in the free world (residing in the East) will choose that path.

I urge Serbian-Albanians to follow the true path to lasting peace and prosperity, which means negotiations. The window of opportunity is still open.

The Greek

pre 14 godina

Spain and Greece have already decided to cooperate drastically and prevent illegal border changes in Balkans.... because of their own interests first. That's why only the Spanish leader did this public statement and no other foreigh leader. And of course this initiative mainly refers to Kosovo and Kosovo only... You will see more clear results of that cooperation in the coming months. Just wait and see...

Kosovo is a part of Serbia, it was stolen illegaly and barbarically from Serbia and it should (and would..) never be a proper state entity. No matter if 200 countries (muslim or american "puppets") recognise it, for the region and the countries around it will always be an "empty land". And this is what really matters - not the recognitions from countries like "Mauritania". Until of course it is returned to Serbia, or until Serbia is also included in the final status of Kosovo...

adrian kola

pre 14 godina

I agree with you completely and I sincerely hope that the Greek initiatives are well intended. You cannot have region-wide integration if some officials refuse to recognize the new reality that’s shaped the new geo-politics in the Balkans. This denial will undoubtedly hold back any integration or development and most importantly it will cause further damage to the neighbourly relations between peoples, especially between Albanians and Serbs!