Monday, 15.06.2009.


Ministers "encourage EC" to drop visas by 2010

European Union foreign ministers met on Monday to decide whether they would propose that visas for the Western Balkans countries be abolished.

Izvor: B92

Ministers "encourage EC" to drop visas by 2010 IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.
(Michael John, 15 June 2009 21:58)

Dear Mėhill Gjon,

1) I did not blame "EU" or "USA". Don't put in my mouth what I don't say. There are some in EU and in USA I do blame, but not EU and USA as such. What a nonsense.
2) I have nothing to do with Balkans.

If I am you, I would try to achieve certain minimal standard in comments tough.

Michael John

pre 15 godina

Your comments hit the mark! I commend you for being one of the few from the Western Balkans on B92 to recognize and offer sound advice for helping the region move forward instead of backwards.

Unfortunately, as you can read on the post after yours, there are many who continue to blame all the problems of the Western Balkans on West, i.e. the US and the EU. Does it never occur to some of these posters that the fault may lay with themselves? But no, it is usually blamed on someone else, much the way small children do when things do not go their way. I wish I could be more optimistic, but experience tells me that the mentality of most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.


pre 15 godina


I am afraid, the governments of the "West" have strong interest to keep the next thousand years as unfortunate as the previous were.

It helps keep the prices of exports and people's self-esteem low.
It helps politically dominate the region.
The more divided the region is, the more you help your opponents inside of EU.


pre 15 godina

It pains me when I read about the "Western Balkans" issue and how these regions need to be taken by the hand to the European high table at some undisclosed point in the uncertain future.
Since the whole region is thrown in the category of the poor cousins unfit to be equals, wouldn't it be a good idea if the gvts of the region joined forces to improve a bit their outlook, cooperate more with one another, lobby together and hopefully lower a bit the rhetoric on the sometimes important issues that divide them?
It seems to me that the "Western Balkaners" are too focused in past wars, injustice, disagreements and other noble causes, but in the present (and seemingly in the imminent future) they will continue to suffer the indignities of being treated as second-class, economically ruined and in social involution. Arguably our national gvts are concerned with all important stuff on which people have been fighting one thousand years so far, but I just fear that by being so adamantly opposed to one another we will not have anything better to fight for even in the next thousand of years if we go on this way.
Just an unnecessary thought from some fellow "western Balkaner" the other side of a very divisive border...


pre 15 godina

It pains me when I read about the "Western Balkans" issue and how these regions need to be taken by the hand to the European high table at some undisclosed point in the uncertain future.
Since the whole region is thrown in the category of the poor cousins unfit to be equals, wouldn't it be a good idea if the gvts of the region joined forces to improve a bit their outlook, cooperate more with one another, lobby together and hopefully lower a bit the rhetoric on the sometimes important issues that divide them?
It seems to me that the "Western Balkaners" are too focused in past wars, injustice, disagreements and other noble causes, but in the present (and seemingly in the imminent future) they will continue to suffer the indignities of being treated as second-class, economically ruined and in social involution. Arguably our national gvts are concerned with all important stuff on which people have been fighting one thousand years so far, but I just fear that by being so adamantly opposed to one another we will not have anything better to fight for even in the next thousand of years if we go on this way.
Just an unnecessary thought from some fellow "western Balkaner" the other side of a very divisive border...

Michael John

pre 15 godina

Your comments hit the mark! I commend you for being one of the few from the Western Balkans on B92 to recognize and offer sound advice for helping the region move forward instead of backwards.

Unfortunately, as you can read on the post after yours, there are many who continue to blame all the problems of the Western Balkans on West, i.e. the US and the EU. Does it never occur to some of these posters that the fault may lay with themselves? But no, it is usually blamed on someone else, much the way small children do when things do not go their way. I wish I could be more optimistic, but experience tells me that the mentality of most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.


pre 15 godina


I am afraid, the governments of the "West" have strong interest to keep the next thousand years as unfortunate as the previous were.

It helps keep the prices of exports and people's self-esteem low.
It helps politically dominate the region.
The more divided the region is, the more you help your opponents inside of EU.


pre 15 godina

most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.
(Michael John, 15 June 2009 21:58)

Dear Mėhill Gjon,

1) I did not blame "EU" or "USA". Don't put in my mouth what I don't say. There are some in EU and in USA I do blame, but not EU and USA as such. What a nonsense.
2) I have nothing to do with Balkans.

If I am you, I would try to achieve certain minimal standard in comments tough.

Michael John

pre 15 godina

Your comments hit the mark! I commend you for being one of the few from the Western Balkans on B92 to recognize and offer sound advice for helping the region move forward instead of backwards.

Unfortunately, as you can read on the post after yours, there are many who continue to blame all the problems of the Western Balkans on West, i.e. the US and the EU. Does it never occur to some of these posters that the fault may lay with themselves? But no, it is usually blamed on someone else, much the way small children do when things do not go their way. I wish I could be more optimistic, but experience tells me that the mentality of most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.


pre 15 godina


I am afraid, the governments of the "West" have strong interest to keep the next thousand years as unfortunate as the previous were.

It helps keep the prices of exports and people's self-esteem low.
It helps politically dominate the region.
The more divided the region is, the more you help your opponents inside of EU.


pre 15 godina

It pains me when I read about the "Western Balkans" issue and how these regions need to be taken by the hand to the European high table at some undisclosed point in the uncertain future.
Since the whole region is thrown in the category of the poor cousins unfit to be equals, wouldn't it be a good idea if the gvts of the region joined forces to improve a bit their outlook, cooperate more with one another, lobby together and hopefully lower a bit the rhetoric on the sometimes important issues that divide them?
It seems to me that the "Western Balkaners" are too focused in past wars, injustice, disagreements and other noble causes, but in the present (and seemingly in the imminent future) they will continue to suffer the indignities of being treated as second-class, economically ruined and in social involution. Arguably our national gvts are concerned with all important stuff on which people have been fighting one thousand years so far, but I just fear that by being so adamantly opposed to one another we will not have anything better to fight for even in the next thousand of years if we go on this way.
Just an unnecessary thought from some fellow "western Balkaner" the other side of a very divisive border...


pre 15 godina

most in the Balkans is to blame your neighbors or the West for ones shortcoming, never yourself.
(Michael John, 15 June 2009 21:58)

Dear Mėhill Gjon,

1) I did not blame "EU" or "USA". Don't put in my mouth what I don't say. There are some in EU and in USA I do blame, but not EU and USA as such. What a nonsense.
2) I have nothing to do with Balkans.

If I am you, I would try to achieve certain minimal standard in comments tough.