Saturday, 06.06.2009.


D-Day remembered 65 years later

On June 6, 1944 over 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, in northern France, in a push to liberate Europe from Hitler's Nazi forces.

Izvor: VOA

D-Day remembered 65 years later IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

Hand of Moscow,

I am afraid you were exposed to too much official propaganda. Your grandfather maybe died for your country but definitely not for Hungary. My familly lived piecefully near the current Ukrainian border, where there were no Germans. There was nothing to be liberated. However when your army came some 200,000 men, peasants - age 18 to 50 - were taken to Russia to be killed. Hardly any came back. This was called the "malenkij robot" operation. Please dig in and make some research about it. After that please tell me how you feel about it. Maybe after that we will understand each other much better. I understand your sensibility but you have to accept historical events as they occurred, both the glorious and the criminal ones.

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


What has it to do with what I wrote ? Every message of yours is a spit at Russia. Meanwhile my Grandfather died in 1942 to let you live.

I agree with the comparisons you give but what makes you admire the Germans who eliminated the Jews ? What makes you happy about the Russian problems when you owe your life to me ?

You can trust Holliwood fairy tales or Obama's stories how his Grandpa set free first Oswentzim then Auschwitz but you owe your life to me.

By the way the Yakees have set free neither Oswentzim nor Auschwitz. The truth is that out of 4 soldires of the Axis fought here and only 1 on all other fronts !


pre 15 godina

"You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)"

what a touching tale about the bountiful generosity of the US! You might wanna repeat it to the Afghans and Iraqis. But do be bountiful in your mercy too if, as U expect, you encounter many skeptics amongst them!


pre 15 godina

Hi Hand of Moscow,

How is it that Russia was the victor and Germany the defeated one but only some 10-15 years later the Germans already lived much, much better? In 1945 both Russia and Germany were heavily domaged, Germany totally destroyed while Russia's industrial base in the Urals and Siberia remained intact. Also very important to note that the destroyed, territorially "compressed" Germany had to accept some 20 million expuled Germans from neighboring countries. At the same time Russia, already the largest country of the world expanded her territory further by annexations from Germany, Finland and Japan. The contrast that Germany is poor in natural resources but Russia is blessed with them more than any other country is also to be noted.


pre 15 godina

Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)

Nope, Jugoslavija was part of the Socialist camp. The only difference, their tent was the most fun to live in and they had no Soviets guarding the entry of that tent.

By the way, we did discover a loophole in Hungarian system and could travel to W. Berlin almost daily, even during Kádár's heydays.

And? Hungary was still a pathetic tent, the second-joyful after YU, these Soviet guards knew when to look "the other way" or I knew how to pursue them and East Germans to let us out if we wanted.

The trick was: get the "blue" passport asking for Mongolia. Mongolia was part of the system, so all my wife did need was to pay 600 Ft. for every exit. And we always missed the train, landing up in W. Berlin "by mistake". As for me: with Soviet passport once I had a single permit - given in Hungary once / 3 years - the East German border guards were satisfied with it every day. Because Hungarians gave me once in 3 years, but it had to be "okayed" by Soviet consulate. The Soviets gave everyone like 5 year permanent, without expiration. And of course East Germans did care about Soviet permit in Soviet passport, not about Hungarian...

The most spooky crossing (between Berlins) was actually the best one. We also made it many times to W. Germany, always using sleepers coming to W. Germany via Berlin from Moscow and barely being controlled. To Hungarians we were going to Mongolia via Berlin ;)

Going back my favorite was Metropol express. We usually split in Bratislava, me continuing to stay in Serbian sleeper, never sold to Hungarians. A Russian in Serbian sleeper for sure is not a Hungarian guy and for sure he is not bringing photo and/or computers to Hungary, right?

Our biggest laugh once was a huge Hungarian customs "symposium". They spoke "let's go, nothing to do here, this is a Serbian sleeper car with Serbs and Russians, but there is that suspicious woman in Slovak couch, she has a large empty computer case and power supply nothing inside - and we just can't find anything we want".

These were the nice days... us cheating the system and laughing in the face of entire "apparat"... The computer was for work, not for the sale of course. I had a better system than the place where I worked.

I also learned how to "cheat" the regular hard drive controllers to accept hard drives they weren't designed for. Because it could happen, while roaming the "West" I would come across a hard drive I just can't resist. That proved to be very useful later, still doing kind of same thing, just a bit better way. ;)

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


Thank you ever so much ! In Estonian schools they already write that it was the US which has destroyed Hitler while Russia occupied Estonia. In Ukraine and Baltic states they put monuments to SS “heroes” while EU keeps silent . The Poles teach their children as if Poland gave the 4-th ( after USSR , US &Britain ) army. They forget that only some 100 000 Poles were involved to the war on our side while 500 000 fought within Vermacht . They also forget that that Yugoslavian partisans has killed and imprisoned tens of times more fascists … ect.

When 5 years ago they invited Putin to celebrate 60 years of the Overlord Operation they even did not give a word ! This year they went further and did not invite any Russian … By the way to help the Yankees USSR has launched a big Operation Bagration which brought us to Warsaw and deprived Hitler of all the reserves he had.

As a president of France Sarkozy is 100% wrong and as a Jew he is 200% wrong ! As far as I know absolute majority of the Jews have no compromise over everything concerning WW2. The only exclusion I know is someone “Joe” coming here only to spit at Russia.



pre 15 godina


You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.


pre 15 godina

And before D-day, West successfully sold it's old, natural ally, Serbia, to Tito.
You see, Joe, there are many "befores" and "afters", and many faces of colonization. Serbs lived it through for more than half a century, paying dearly western political games.We still are, aren't we, it's not yet over.


pre 15 godina

"in a push to liberate Europe from Hitler's Nazi forces."

To little too late, western powers are cowards as always (but their propaganda mashine is immense).

THE RUSSIANS liberated europe and the world from fascism at the price of 30 million murdered russian (real) freedom fighters.

Now, go and celebrate THAT €Uropean leaders, in Moscow mind you.

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


Thank you ever so much ! In Estonian schools they already write that it was the US which has destroyed Hitler while Russia occupied Estonia. In Ukraine and Baltic states they put monuments to SS “heroes” while EU keeps silent . The Poles teach their children as if Poland gave the 4-th ( after USSR , US &Britain ) army. They forget that only some 100 000 Poles were involved to the war on our side while 500 000 fought within Vermacht . They also forget that that Yugoslavian partisans has killed and imprisoned tens of times more fascists … ect.

When 5 years ago they invited Putin to celebrate 60 years of the Overlord Operation they even did not give a word ! This year they went further and did not invite any Russian … By the way to help the Yankees USSR has launched a big Operation Bagration which brought us to Warsaw and deprived Hitler of all the reserves he had.

As a president of France Sarkozy is 100% wrong and as a Jew he is 200% wrong ! As far as I know absolute majority of the Jews have no compromise over everything concerning WW2. The only exclusion I know is someone “Joe” coming here only to spit at Russia.



pre 15 godina

"You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)"

what a touching tale about the bountiful generosity of the US! You might wanna repeat it to the Afghans and Iraqis. But do be bountiful in your mercy too if, as U expect, you encounter many skeptics amongst them!


pre 15 godina

Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)

Nope, Jugoslavija was part of the Socialist camp. The only difference, their tent was the most fun to live in and they had no Soviets guarding the entry of that tent.

By the way, we did discover a loophole in Hungarian system and could travel to W. Berlin almost daily, even during Kádár's heydays.

And? Hungary was still a pathetic tent, the second-joyful after YU, these Soviet guards knew when to look "the other way" or I knew how to pursue them and East Germans to let us out if we wanted.

The trick was: get the "blue" passport asking for Mongolia. Mongolia was part of the system, so all my wife did need was to pay 600 Ft. for every exit. And we always missed the train, landing up in W. Berlin "by mistake". As for me: with Soviet passport once I had a single permit - given in Hungary once / 3 years - the East German border guards were satisfied with it every day. Because Hungarians gave me once in 3 years, but it had to be "okayed" by Soviet consulate. The Soviets gave everyone like 5 year permanent, without expiration. And of course East Germans did care about Soviet permit in Soviet passport, not about Hungarian...

The most spooky crossing (between Berlins) was actually the best one. We also made it many times to W. Germany, always using sleepers coming to W. Germany via Berlin from Moscow and barely being controlled. To Hungarians we were going to Mongolia via Berlin ;)

Going back my favorite was Metropol express. We usually split in Bratislava, me continuing to stay in Serbian sleeper, never sold to Hungarians. A Russian in Serbian sleeper for sure is not a Hungarian guy and for sure he is not bringing photo and/or computers to Hungary, right?

Our biggest laugh once was a huge Hungarian customs "symposium". They spoke "let's go, nothing to do here, this is a Serbian sleeper car with Serbs and Russians, but there is that suspicious woman in Slovak couch, she has a large empty computer case and power supply nothing inside - and we just can't find anything we want".

These were the nice days... us cheating the system and laughing in the face of entire "apparat"... The computer was for work, not for the sale of course. I had a better system than the place where I worked.

I also learned how to "cheat" the regular hard drive controllers to accept hard drives they weren't designed for. Because it could happen, while roaming the "West" I would come across a hard drive I just can't resist. That proved to be very useful later, still doing kind of same thing, just a bit better way. ;)

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


What has it to do with what I wrote ? Every message of yours is a spit at Russia. Meanwhile my Grandfather died in 1942 to let you live.

I agree with the comparisons you give but what makes you admire the Germans who eliminated the Jews ? What makes you happy about the Russian problems when you owe your life to me ?

You can trust Holliwood fairy tales or Obama's stories how his Grandpa set free first Oswentzim then Auschwitz but you owe your life to me.

By the way the Yakees have set free neither Oswentzim nor Auschwitz. The truth is that out of 4 soldires of the Axis fought here and only 1 on all other fronts !


pre 15 godina

"in a push to liberate Europe from Hitler's Nazi forces."

To little too late, western powers are cowards as always (but their propaganda mashine is immense).

THE RUSSIANS liberated europe and the world from fascism at the price of 30 million murdered russian (real) freedom fighters.

Now, go and celebrate THAT €Uropean leaders, in Moscow mind you.


pre 15 godina

And before D-day, West successfully sold it's old, natural ally, Serbia, to Tito.
You see, Joe, there are many "befores" and "afters", and many faces of colonization. Serbs lived it through for more than half a century, paying dearly western political games.We still are, aren't we, it's not yet over.


pre 15 godina


You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.


pre 15 godina

Hand of Moscow,

I am afraid you were exposed to too much official propaganda. Your grandfather maybe died for your country but definitely not for Hungary. My familly lived piecefully near the current Ukrainian border, where there were no Germans. There was nothing to be liberated. However when your army came some 200,000 men, peasants - age 18 to 50 - were taken to Russia to be killed. Hardly any came back. This was called the "malenkij robot" operation. Please dig in and make some research about it. After that please tell me how you feel about it. Maybe after that we will understand each other much better. I understand your sensibility but you have to accept historical events as they occurred, both the glorious and the criminal ones.


pre 15 godina

Hi Hand of Moscow,

How is it that Russia was the victor and Germany the defeated one but only some 10-15 years later the Germans already lived much, much better? In 1945 both Russia and Germany were heavily domaged, Germany totally destroyed while Russia's industrial base in the Urals and Siberia remained intact. Also very important to note that the destroyed, territorially "compressed" Germany had to accept some 20 million expuled Germans from neighboring countries. At the same time Russia, already the largest country of the world expanded her territory further by annexations from Germany, Finland and Japan. The contrast that Germany is poor in natural resources but Russia is blessed with them more than any other country is also to be noted.


pre 15 godina

Hi Hand of Moscow,

How is it that Russia was the victor and Germany the defeated one but only some 10-15 years later the Germans already lived much, much better? In 1945 both Russia and Germany were heavily domaged, Germany totally destroyed while Russia's industrial base in the Urals and Siberia remained intact. Also very important to note that the destroyed, territorially "compressed" Germany had to accept some 20 million expuled Germans from neighboring countries. At the same time Russia, already the largest country of the world expanded her territory further by annexations from Germany, Finland and Japan. The contrast that Germany is poor in natural resources but Russia is blessed with them more than any other country is also to be noted.


pre 15 godina

"in a push to liberate Europe from Hitler's Nazi forces."

To little too late, western powers are cowards as always (but their propaganda mashine is immense).

THE RUSSIANS liberated europe and the world from fascism at the price of 30 million murdered russian (real) freedom fighters.

Now, go and celebrate THAT €Uropean leaders, in Moscow mind you.


pre 15 godina

And before D-day, West successfully sold it's old, natural ally, Serbia, to Tito.
You see, Joe, there are many "befores" and "afters", and many faces of colonization. Serbs lived it through for more than half a century, paying dearly western political games.We still are, aren't we, it's not yet over.


pre 15 godina


You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


Thank you ever so much ! In Estonian schools they already write that it was the US which has destroyed Hitler while Russia occupied Estonia. In Ukraine and Baltic states they put monuments to SS “heroes” while EU keeps silent . The Poles teach their children as if Poland gave the 4-th ( after USSR , US &Britain ) army. They forget that only some 100 000 Poles were involved to the war on our side while 500 000 fought within Vermacht . They also forget that that Yugoslavian partisans has killed and imprisoned tens of times more fascists … ect.

When 5 years ago they invited Putin to celebrate 60 years of the Overlord Operation they even did not give a word ! This year they went further and did not invite any Russian … By the way to help the Yankees USSR has launched a big Operation Bagration which brought us to Warsaw and deprived Hitler of all the reserves he had.

As a president of France Sarkozy is 100% wrong and as a Jew he is 200% wrong ! As far as I know absolute majority of the Jews have no compromise over everything concerning WW2. The only exclusion I know is someone “Joe” coming here only to spit at Russia.



pre 15 godina

Hand of Moscow,

I am afraid you were exposed to too much official propaganda. Your grandfather maybe died for your country but definitely not for Hungary. My familly lived piecefully near the current Ukrainian border, where there were no Germans. There was nothing to be liberated. However when your army came some 200,000 men, peasants - age 18 to 50 - were taken to Russia to be killed. Hardly any came back. This was called the "malenkij robot" operation. Please dig in and make some research about it. After that please tell me how you feel about it. Maybe after that we will understand each other much better. I understand your sensibility but you have to accept historical events as they occurred, both the glorious and the criminal ones.


pre 15 godina

Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)

Nope, Jugoslavija was part of the Socialist camp. The only difference, their tent was the most fun to live in and they had no Soviets guarding the entry of that tent.

By the way, we did discover a loophole in Hungarian system and could travel to W. Berlin almost daily, even during Kádár's heydays.

And? Hungary was still a pathetic tent, the second-joyful after YU, these Soviet guards knew when to look "the other way" or I knew how to pursue them and East Germans to let us out if we wanted.

The trick was: get the "blue" passport asking for Mongolia. Mongolia was part of the system, so all my wife did need was to pay 600 Ft. for every exit. And we always missed the train, landing up in W. Berlin "by mistake". As for me: with Soviet passport once I had a single permit - given in Hungary once / 3 years - the East German border guards were satisfied with it every day. Because Hungarians gave me once in 3 years, but it had to be "okayed" by Soviet consulate. The Soviets gave everyone like 5 year permanent, without expiration. And of course East Germans did care about Soviet permit in Soviet passport, not about Hungarian...

The most spooky crossing (between Berlins) was actually the best one. We also made it many times to W. Germany, always using sleepers coming to W. Germany via Berlin from Moscow and barely being controlled. To Hungarians we were going to Mongolia via Berlin ;)

Going back my favorite was Metropol express. We usually split in Bratislava, me continuing to stay in Serbian sleeper, never sold to Hungarians. A Russian in Serbian sleeper for sure is not a Hungarian guy and for sure he is not bringing photo and/or computers to Hungary, right?

Our biggest laugh once was a huge Hungarian customs "symposium". They spoke "let's go, nothing to do here, this is a Serbian sleeper car with Serbs and Russians, but there is that suspicious woman in Slovak couch, she has a large empty computer case and power supply nothing inside - and we just can't find anything we want".

These were the nice days... us cheating the system and laughing in the face of entire "apparat"... The computer was for work, not for the sale of course. I had a better system than the place where I worked.

I also learned how to "cheat" the regular hard drive controllers to accept hard drives they weren't designed for. Because it could happen, while roaming the "West" I would come across a hard drive I just can't resist. That proved to be very useful later, still doing kind of same thing, just a bit better way. ;)


pre 15 godina

"You can hardly compare Eastern Europe to Yougoslavia. You were not colonized by a foreign power. After 1948 you were totally independant. Also you were helped economically in a substantial way by the USA. As a result you lived much better than most of the countries I call "colonized". Also as many of your countrymen pointed out at earlier occasions you never had communism but only socialism. You were free to travel and work in foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of your countrymen worked in Germany, saved money and were able to build big houses at home. That period can almost be called as the Golden Age of your country.
(Joe, 6 June 2009 17:42)"

what a touching tale about the bountiful generosity of the US! You might wanna repeat it to the Afghans and Iraqis. But do be bountiful in your mercy too if, as U expect, you encounter many skeptics amongst them!

Hand of Moscow

pre 15 godina


What has it to do with what I wrote ? Every message of yours is a spit at Russia. Meanwhile my Grandfather died in 1942 to let you live.

I agree with the comparisons you give but what makes you admire the Germans who eliminated the Jews ? What makes you happy about the Russian problems when you owe your life to me ?

You can trust Holliwood fairy tales or Obama's stories how his Grandpa set free first Oswentzim then Auschwitz but you owe your life to me.

By the way the Yakees have set free neither Oswentzim nor Auschwitz. The truth is that out of 4 soldires of the Axis fought here and only 1 on all other fronts !