Thursday, 04.06.2009.


Hague wants “Karadžić deal” cleared up

The Hague Tribunal insists that Carl Bildt meet with Radovan Karadžić’s legal team regarding the rumors that an immunity deal was struck with Richard Holbrooke.

Izvor: Tanjug

Hague wants “Karadžiæ deal” cleared up IMAGE SOURCE

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Rote Kapelle

pre 15 godina

Both Milosevic and Kradjic cases show that any cooperation ends in Haague. It's a good lesson for other world leaders to make bargains with the US. Next will be Lukashenko. Just let the Eastern Partnership become a stronger trend !


pre 15 godina

It is positive that the ICTY finally wants to clear the way for a tranparent court case. Kardzic is not the only one that may have fallen victim to the game played by countries without understanding for the Rule of Law. Currently Ante Gotovina is enjoying the same uncertain situation by his defense team using the sponsored witness SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC to relay to the world his homework from a foreign country that ALL internationals working with EU and UN were spies for Serbia????? If Serbia has any knowledge towards the Karadzic case and the statements of SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC - then support the Rule of Law and contribute to a transparent outrcome of the work of the ICTY.


pre 15 godina

It is positive that the ICTY finally wants to clear the way for a tranparent court case. Kardzic is not the only one that may have fallen victim to the game played by countries without understanding for the Rule of Law. Currently Ante Gotovina is enjoying the same uncertain situation by his defense team using the sponsored witness SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC to relay to the world his homework from a foreign country that ALL internationals working with EU and UN were spies for Serbia????? If Serbia has any knowledge towards the Karadzic case and the statements of SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC - then support the Rule of Law and contribute to a transparent outrcome of the work of the ICTY.

Rote Kapelle

pre 15 godina

Both Milosevic and Kradjic cases show that any cooperation ends in Haague. It's a good lesson for other world leaders to make bargains with the US. Next will be Lukashenko. Just let the Eastern Partnership become a stronger trend !

Rote Kapelle

pre 15 godina

Both Milosevic and Kradjic cases show that any cooperation ends in Haague. It's a good lesson for other world leaders to make bargains with the US. Next will be Lukashenko. Just let the Eastern Partnership become a stronger trend !


pre 15 godina

It is positive that the ICTY finally wants to clear the way for a tranparent court case. Kardzic is not the only one that may have fallen victim to the game played by countries without understanding for the Rule of Law. Currently Ante Gotovina is enjoying the same uncertain situation by his defense team using the sponsored witness SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC to relay to the world his homework from a foreign country that ALL internationals working with EU and UN were spies for Serbia????? If Serbia has any knowledge towards the Karadzic case and the statements of SLOBODAN LAZAREVIC - then support the Rule of Law and contribute to a transparent outrcome of the work of the ICTY.