Tuesday, 02.06.2009.


No Serbs on missing Air France jet

There were no Serbian nationals traveling on the Air France jetliner that disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean yesterday.

Izvor: Reuters

No Serbs on missing Air France jet IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

Viza restrictions mean many Serbs do not leave their country and as a result do not travel as much. Hence no incidence of Svine Flue either.

But what happens when you have a Serb with French or German passport? What nationality is a Serb than?


pre 15 godina

What a horrible tragedy! My thoughts go out to all those that perished and their families.
(MikeC, 2 June 2009 11:45)

Yes, the pictures are really moving and I very much distracted by this event. The chain of tragedies will never end. Regardless, how safely is world's safest airplane built and how good is the airline flying it: mistakes during the flight have the potential of maximal possible number of fatalities.

Airline industry is very proud of airplanes having the best record of accident-free miles. Unfortunately, these records are a bit biased:

#1: Except rare circumstances (like in this case) the most accidents do happen within few minutes after take-off or before landing. Therefore the correct statistics should involve landings/takeoffs, not merely distance flown. Other ways of transport (starting the car or train) do not have that specific.

#2: Flying as it is today is the least environment-friendly way of transportation.

Would GWB not spend some "little change" on Iraq, same money could help to change the way we travel forever. Instead, we are using what I believe is a dead-end. The gargantuan A-380 looks like a technical miracle, but imagine one event like this involving 600 people instead of 200 would send the entire industry in the tailspin.


pre 15 godina

What a horrible tragedy! My thoughts go out to all those that perished and their families.
(MikeC, 2 June 2009 11:45)

Yes, the pictures are really moving and I very much distracted by this event. The chain of tragedies will never end. Regardless, how safely is world's safest airplane built and how good is the airline flying it: mistakes during the flight have the potential of maximal possible number of fatalities.

Airline industry is very proud of airplanes having the best record of accident-free miles. Unfortunately, these records are a bit biased:

#1: Except rare circumstances (like in this case) the most accidents do happen within few minutes after take-off or before landing. Therefore the correct statistics should involve landings/takeoffs, not merely distance flown. Other ways of transport (starting the car or train) do not have that specific.

#2: Flying as it is today is the least environment-friendly way of transportation.

Would GWB not spend some "little change" on Iraq, same money could help to change the way we travel forever. Instead, we are using what I believe is a dead-end. The gargantuan A-380 looks like a technical miracle, but imagine one event like this involving 600 people instead of 200 would send the entire industry in the tailspin.


pre 15 godina

Viza restrictions mean many Serbs do not leave their country and as a result do not travel as much. Hence no incidence of Svine Flue either.

But what happens when you have a Serb with French or German passport? What nationality is a Serb than?


pre 15 godina

Viza restrictions mean many Serbs do not leave their country and as a result do not travel as much. Hence no incidence of Svine Flue either.

But what happens when you have a Serb with French or German passport? What nationality is a Serb than?


pre 15 godina

What a horrible tragedy! My thoughts go out to all those that perished and their families.
(MikeC, 2 June 2009 11:45)

Yes, the pictures are really moving and I very much distracted by this event. The chain of tragedies will never end. Regardless, how safely is world's safest airplane built and how good is the airline flying it: mistakes during the flight have the potential of maximal possible number of fatalities.

Airline industry is very proud of airplanes having the best record of accident-free miles. Unfortunately, these records are a bit biased:

#1: Except rare circumstances (like in this case) the most accidents do happen within few minutes after take-off or before landing. Therefore the correct statistics should involve landings/takeoffs, not merely distance flown. Other ways of transport (starting the car or train) do not have that specific.

#2: Flying as it is today is the least environment-friendly way of transportation.

Would GWB not spend some "little change" on Iraq, same money could help to change the way we travel forever. Instead, we are using what I believe is a dead-end. The gargantuan A-380 looks like a technical miracle, but imagine one event like this involving 600 people instead of 200 would send the entire industry in the tailspin.