Monday, 25.05.2009.


No call for recognitions in OIC resolution

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) today in Damascus, Syria, adopted a resolution related to the Kosovo question.

Izvor: B92

No call for recognitions in OIC resolution IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

this was taken from the original document....

The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.


pre 15 godina

U need 2/3 of the vote + 1 to nul a veto. Serbia has this. Through support of Russia and China. Nothing will change by the time ICJ rules. And it will rule in favor of Serbia. Even though it is non-binding it means Kosovo cannot become part of the EU as anything but a province of Serbia. So whatever happens in the meantime is irrelevant and mere posturing.

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

It was funny to read the comments of some Albanians. Muslim brotherhood... Ever heard about free trade agreement between Serbia and Iran, ever heard about Serbia's plans on arms supplies to Iraq. For the Muslims business is much more important than your sentiments.

Serbia is back to the international stage of big politics - step by step. Good luck, Serbia!

As for those shouting about "Kosovo's independence is unavoidable"... Do you know that after the first Chechen war, Chechnya was de facto independent. So what? Where is it now?

About the resolution... Serbia has got what she wanted - no calls for independence - unbelievable that it happened at the Muslim conference! My congrats, Mr. Jeremic!

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

My take on it is as follows.

Firstly, it was a defeat for the Albanian side as the resolution passed, did not openly called for the OIC to support Pristina's UDD. The Saudis tried to include it but was shot down by Serbia's staunch allies in the OIC, namely Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Indonesia among others.

However, the watered down resolution unanimously passed basically lets individual OIC states to make up their own minds while directly referring to UN Resolution 1244. In otherwards, it was a tacit diplomatic victory for Serbia.

The passing of the Saudi resolution would have been a huge boost for Pristina and resulted in a huge sway of recognitions but it was not to be. End result is that the Pristina will get some recognitions form the OIC, a dozen maximum resulting in the OIC divided over the Kosovo issue just like the UN & EU. The OAS and Carribbean states will suffer the same fate while the African Union will be more pronounced in its support for Belgrade led by South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Ghana, Congo and Nigeria.

Serbia won, while its stalemate for the Albanians. The sober editorial from Koha Ditore sums up the Albanian disappointment.

Master ks

pre 15 godina

Let's look the other way around for resolution.
Is the resolution mandatory for countries from OIC to recognize, NO. Then it is enough just to mention the name Republic of Kosova.

By the end of this week or next week we will see...


pre 15 godina

Amer "The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?"

No. The US is a net importer of energy, mainly oil, and if you forced up the price of coal it would force up the prices of oil and gas. As it imports more energy supplies than it exports.....

it also suits the Europeans - they have less reliance on Russia for energy (gas) if they can switch to coal fired power stations - hence the investment in clean coal technology over the last 10 years.

From a purely economic perspective, it's always going to be cheaper to extract coal from Kosovo than from mainland US or EU.

Coal is only one aspect. There are other valuable minerals, especially things such as cobalt - important for the aerospace industry.


pre 15 godina

The truth is that all 57 members of the Islamic Organization voted pro the resolute !

This means thant non of them voted no and this is really a sweet surprize as some of this countries such as Egypt, Algeria and Azerbajan was perhaps not expected to vote pro the resolute wich forwards the Kosova issue to the highest agenda of the Organization !
57 YES
o NO

Thank YOU !


pre 15 godina

'the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.'

The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?


pre 15 godina

OO maybe this is another "diplomatic-victory" for Jeremic, of course his victories, but no Mr. Jeremic this time this resolution goes in Kosova's favor, and as you spend money and taking it from the Serbian people it would be better invest them inside your country instead of losing them for something it has been lost years ago!

Tom O'Donoghue

pre 15 godina

Having read the resolution as passed I am simply amazed at the self-delusional comments by the K-Albanian supporters here. Look, you lost - accept it.


pre 15 godina

Is not it a bit fishy that albanians want a recognition from muslim countries while some days ago they celebrated together with a self declered zionist?


pre 15 godina

Requests the Secretary This last point taken from page 34 (resolution No. 14/36-POL) pretty much sums it all up: "General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers." What may I ask is the present resolution? I don't see anything advocating Kosvo as an independent nation, although clearly there is solidarity with Kosovo's Muslims. Nevertheless, there is a clear and unambiguous call to follow UN resolutions, and that I believe translates to 1244.

Adrian Gashi

pre 15 godina

Dingdong, click on the "political affairs" and you'll see "Resolution No 14/36-POL on the situation in Kosovo":

"... Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 ... the Declaration of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where:


1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration, deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal framework.
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers."

For me, the most important aspect coming of this resolution is the cooperation of Kosova with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, which together with membership in IMF and World Bank will pave the way for improved economic opportunities of Kosova. This for Kosova is a very, very good news.
As for recognitions, it would be unrealistic to expect in bulk recognitions from all 57 OIC countries, all at the same time. OIC is not a country and like EU - where naturally Kosova finds the most support - can't extend recognition per se. But the influence of Turkey and SA in OIC can't be underestimated - and their ardent lobbying within OIC points to only one thing: more recognitions will surely come. Serbia and Russia can only do so much.
Kosova would be advised to apply for membership in OIC, and as an European country OIC would be hard pressed not to accept it. Then once inside, Kosova would have a much greater leverage to lobby individual countries.
I don't see recognition by OIC countries as a big problem though. Sooner or latter the greater part of it will recognize. Same for African countries, with Obama at the head of the White House, more African countries are willing to be more open to US than before with Bush.
At the end, this is a multi-year project. It won't be solved this year, or the next. But Kosova is on the right path, and slowly but surely is finding its place among the community of free and democratic nations.


pre 15 godina

Agim - "They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department." So were the KLA until 12 months before NATO intervention and the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.

R Guraziu - "the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN." I think everyone would agree with this.

King Gent

pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!

(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19)
Funny thing indeed if you know how to use it. Check inside Political Affairs section and you'll find it.
This resolution does not call for the OIC members who hasn't recognised yet to do so but it does remind so. Personally i wouldn't be surprised if 10-15 OIC members do recognise in the next month or 2.

Bob Petrovich

pre 15 godina

I wonder if there is single Kosovo Albanian interlocutor capable of accepting the facts and not resorting to wishful thinking.

This is verbatim Resolution 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO
The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.

OIC supports UNSEC 1244, not illegal secession.


pre 15 godina

Now recognitions don't matter? What are you going to say next that even with the whole world recognizing us as long as you don't than we aren't independent?

Time is on our side.


pre 15 godina

No call for recognitions in OIC resolution
25 May 2009

very true, but I just got hold of contents of the original text and i must say was so well crafted , that there was no need to put it bluntly asking these countries to recognize Kosova.
Mr. Jeremic was not honest and the text was not chenged a bit, but he made it look like he was the couse for removing the direct question of recognition of Kosova. That was never there to beging, but if you are a poltician and you can read between lines it was there and voted unanoumosly. Now what?


pre 15 godina

I don't recall any EU resolution calling for Kosovo recognition. But 22 out of 27 did it. It's a same resolution as the EU's. Watch and wait.!:_)

This is a victory day for Kosovo.

R Guraziu

pre 15 godina

The Resolution unfortunately does not seek for other countries to recognise Kosovo - but "reaffirms the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;

1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.

2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal

3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.

4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers."

The good thing is that it brought the Kosovo issue in its agenda - the bad thing is the that the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN.

See http://www.oic-oci.org/36cfm/w/en/res/36CFM-POL-RES-FINAL.pdf pp.33/34

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

@(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19) - there is a resolution, please click on the link you sent on "political affairs", and then read page 33.

There is a resolution that is sympathetic towards Kosovo, but can be explained by Serbia as a victory because it does not call for immediate recognition.

So, both Serbian and Kosovar reactions can be interpreted as correct.

Cheers, Gerro


pre 15 godina

To DingDong,

A typical example of "reliable" Albanian news sources. The Albanian tactics at this site are so obvious. "Suddenly" B92 gets flooded with all kinds of pro-Kosovo comments and these comments are all highly recommended, giving the impression that many visitors agree with the Albanian postings. It must be CNN-style shock and awe news bombardment to demoralize the Serbian and other serious foreign visitors. Must of us have been trained by now to see through all this and ignore it.


pre 15 godina

Having just read the resolution, yes it passed indeed, and yes there is no call for Kosova's recognition but rather to help it.

I can see why Jeremic is excited. I wouldn't though as we knew from the start that certain countries would not allow it to pass in a form that would order them to recognize it. However I'd say this is a good thing. It paves the way for recognitions state by state. The text says Kosova will be a topic in the next conference as well. Who knows what will happen till then.


pre 15 godina

DingDong... You should read a little more carefully. Those are topics. Under the Resolution section, you can find the Kosova Resolution and the original text.


pre 15 godina


The treat does not come from Serbs but from Albanians who say the North should be taken by force. The West wants and needs to maintain status quo even if Serbs don't play along. The Serbs can accept the current situation but can the Albanians?


pre 15 godina

"funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link! "

Funny thing indeed, the resolution was passed. of course the victory is in getting Saudis involved so at least 19 Muslim countries recognize us, no one expected Iran and Syria to go along with recognition. They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department. So expect many recognitions now that the Saudis are in, they have plenty of money, prestige (within their world) and power to influence other Muslim nations.


pre 15 godina

For those interested in the truth, hereby the official statement:
"In its closing session the 36 Ministerial Summit of the OIC by an unanimous vote has adopted the "Kosovo resolution" drafted by the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this resolution it is said clearly that since the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008, Kosovo has made progress in building of democratic institutions, it has a modern constitution, Kosovo also has contributed to the preservation of peace and stability in the region. Further, this resolution, which is the first of its kind adopted by the OIC, calls upon member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the rest of the international community to continue to support the strengthening of Kosovo and its economy. The resolution tasks the OIC Secretary General to report to the future OIC summits about the dynamic of events in Kosovo.

The last paragraph of the resolution is also very important because it puts Kosovo on the permanent agenda of the OIC and empowers the OIC Secretariat to deal with Kosovo in a similar move as the EU institutions have done post 17 February 2008 and which has opened the path for the EU member states to decide individually and not feel blocked by the need for an unanimous decision to act.
Even though this resolution does not clearly call the OIC member states to recognize the independence of Kosovo, the adopted draft opens the path for positive developments in the future. Diplomatic sources confirm that due to these events new recognitions are to be expected in the next days and weeks.
Serbia, through its Foreign Minister Jeremic, has tried to block the new momentum however it has failed to do so. Through the active support of Syria, host country of the summit, Egypt and some other countries influenced by the Russian interests, Serbia has managed not to allow the explicit call to recognize the independence of Kosovo however it could not block the new commitment of the OIC towards Kosovo. FM Jeremic also failed to attend the summit since his request was denied. The same measure was applied also to the Kosovo side.
The developments in the 36 Ministerial Summit clearly demonstrate that Serbia has failed to stop the further internationalization of the independence of Kosovo. "

Let's wait and see if there will be new recognitions.


pre 15 godina

“funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!”

Check inside the links and you will find: “RESOLUTION NO. 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO”


pre 15 godina

The initial news was that the resolution failed and Jeremic was the hero of the day. Now we have a resolution voted unanimously in the favor of Kosovo. Yesterday somebody said that the Albanian diplomacy has terribly failed but it seems that was not the case. We expect now more fictitious reasons for non – failure: as always from Serbian side.

PS. There is not such word “Muslim brothers” on this resolution!


pre 15 godina

'funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!'

It's in a pdf - click on "Political Affairs" under Resolutions.


Point no. 4 is interesting - it calls on the Sec'y General (of the OIC) to 'to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37 Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.'

This means Kosovo will automatically be on the agenda next time. How many Islamic countries receive serious funding from the Saudis? And the Saudis were not just going through the motions - the Blic article Peggy linked to says they walked out of the first session over Kosovo, and small countries are usually good at reading signals.

Naim from Sweden

pre 15 godina

There is no resolution on their website, because it happend like one, two hours ago. Wait for tomorrow and you will see.

We all know this resolution is for Kosovas favor.


pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!



pre 15 godina

I don't know the contents of resolution, but one thing is sertain that the said resolution voted unanimously in favour of Kosova. Whether the resolution ask for Kosova recogniton or just to help economicaly, it makes no difference. There is one thing for sure that we all will see a barrage of recognitions in coming weeks and not months.


pre 15 godina


Recognitions do nothing other than provide a false sense of temporary optimism by Albanians who put all their focus on status, while standards remain low. Since 1999, standards in employment and education have remained some of the lowest in Europe. But that doesn't at all matter to the aparatchiks in Pristina as they believe all they have to do is get more recognitions and things will suddenly get better.

It didn't happen when Montenegro and Macedonia recognized. It didn't happen with the Marshall Islands recognized. It didn't happen when Saudi Arabia recognized, and even if as is mentioned above that El Salvador will recognize, it won't happen then. Kosovo remains as internally divided and as undeveloped as it has been for years, and no amount of bribed recognitions by Skender Hysterical is going to fundamentally change the dynamics of Kosovo anytime soon.

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

Interesting story. Serbia claims resolution was rejected, Albania claims the opposite. Other agencies tell that resolution was blocked by Azerbaijan.

Whatever the outcome - interesting story.


pre 15 godina

(MikeC, 25 May 2009 16:21)

Serbia is in no position to threaten Kosovo, so dont talk about any conflicts.

What goes for the OIC resolution, rumors has 19 OIC members are ready to recognize the legal decleration of Kosova's Independence. God bless Kosovo and all its allies!


pre 15 godina

" Jeremić’s cabinet stated yesterday that a resolution that is neutral in status had been accepted, in which Kosovo’s statehood was not mentioned, and which did not call on Muslim countries to ecognize Kosovo. "

Jerevici lied, the original one just passed!

Expect Kosova to soon have 50% +1 of UN members, than Serbia will not have many more excuses. Good luck with EU then


pre 15 godina

It would be utopic to believe that 57 nations when in majority inhabited by Muslims could agree in a matter such as a recognition. Saudi-Arabia (Arabs) and Iran (Persians) are natural enemies since millenia. To expect that e.g. those countries would agree in that matter would be foolish. Iran is one of the biggest Allies of Serbia and vice versa. Moreover, even the Arab or Sunite countries can speak with one voice. Just see Israel which has been recognized by only Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

So spare the breath. Recognitions are made on bilaretal talks and do not need approvals from clubs like EU, UN or OIC. Otherwise, how could Egypt recognize Israel? The Islamic conference is not even close to talk about such a thing, unfortunately.


pre 15 godina

There is pressure being put on countries to recognize the fake state of Kosovo. Any new recognitions should at least be put on hold until the ICJ ruling but I'm convinced that the enemies of international law know that the ICJ might rule in Serbias favour and therefore they want to act now and act stupid later. This makes things even worse on the ground in Kosovo. Countries that ignore the ICJ and thereby international law can't expect things to improve on the ground in Kosovo. This will certainly lead to an even greater division between Serbs and Albanian that will force NATO to permanently occupy this part of Serbia or risk another war in a nearby future.


pre 15 godina

There are some news that this resolution has already been adopted today. There are now information on the content. Anyway, this could be seen as a good news for Kosovo and its recognition proces.


pre 15 godina

There are some news that this resolution has already been adopted today. There are now information on the content. Anyway, this could be seen as a good news for Kosovo and its recognition proces.


pre 15 godina

(MikeC, 25 May 2009 16:21)

Serbia is in no position to threaten Kosovo, so dont talk about any conflicts.

What goes for the OIC resolution, rumors has 19 OIC members are ready to recognize the legal decleration of Kosova's Independence. God bless Kosovo and all its allies!


pre 15 godina

" Jeremić’s cabinet stated yesterday that a resolution that is neutral in status had been accepted, in which Kosovo’s statehood was not mentioned, and which did not call on Muslim countries to ecognize Kosovo. "

Jerevici lied, the original one just passed!

Expect Kosova to soon have 50% +1 of UN members, than Serbia will not have many more excuses. Good luck with EU then


pre 15 godina

I don't know the contents of resolution, but one thing is sertain that the said resolution voted unanimously in favour of Kosova. Whether the resolution ask for Kosova recogniton or just to help economicaly, it makes no difference. There is one thing for sure that we all will see a barrage of recognitions in coming weeks and not months.


pre 15 godina


Recognitions do nothing other than provide a false sense of temporary optimism by Albanians who put all their focus on status, while standards remain low. Since 1999, standards in employment and education have remained some of the lowest in Europe. But that doesn't at all matter to the aparatchiks in Pristina as they believe all they have to do is get more recognitions and things will suddenly get better.

It didn't happen when Montenegro and Macedonia recognized. It didn't happen with the Marshall Islands recognized. It didn't happen when Saudi Arabia recognized, and even if as is mentioned above that El Salvador will recognize, it won't happen then. Kosovo remains as internally divided and as undeveloped as it has been for years, and no amount of bribed recognitions by Skender Hysterical is going to fundamentally change the dynamics of Kosovo anytime soon.


pre 15 godina

There is pressure being put on countries to recognize the fake state of Kosovo. Any new recognitions should at least be put on hold until the ICJ ruling but I'm convinced that the enemies of international law know that the ICJ might rule in Serbias favour and therefore they want to act now and act stupid later. This makes things even worse on the ground in Kosovo. Countries that ignore the ICJ and thereby international law can't expect things to improve on the ground in Kosovo. This will certainly lead to an even greater division between Serbs and Albanian that will force NATO to permanently occupy this part of Serbia or risk another war in a nearby future.


pre 15 godina

I don't recall any EU resolution calling for Kosovo recognition. But 22 out of 27 did it. It's a same resolution as the EU's. Watch and wait.!:_)

This is a victory day for Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

Now recognitions don't matter? What are you going to say next that even with the whole world recognizing us as long as you don't than we aren't independent?

Time is on our side.

Adrian Gashi

pre 15 godina

Dingdong, click on the "political affairs" and you'll see "Resolution No 14/36-POL on the situation in Kosovo":

"... Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 ... the Declaration of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where:


1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration, deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal framework.
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers."

For me, the most important aspect coming of this resolution is the cooperation of Kosova with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, which together with membership in IMF and World Bank will pave the way for improved economic opportunities of Kosova. This for Kosova is a very, very good news.
As for recognitions, it would be unrealistic to expect in bulk recognitions from all 57 OIC countries, all at the same time. OIC is not a country and like EU - where naturally Kosova finds the most support - can't extend recognition per se. But the influence of Turkey and SA in OIC can't be underestimated - and their ardent lobbying within OIC points to only one thing: more recognitions will surely come. Serbia and Russia can only do so much.
Kosova would be advised to apply for membership in OIC, and as an European country OIC would be hard pressed not to accept it. Then once inside, Kosova would have a much greater leverage to lobby individual countries.
I don't see recognition by OIC countries as a big problem though. Sooner or latter the greater part of it will recognize. Same for African countries, with Obama at the head of the White House, more African countries are willing to be more open to US than before with Bush.
At the end, this is a multi-year project. It won't be solved this year, or the next. But Kosova is on the right path, and slowly but surely is finding its place among the community of free and democratic nations.


pre 15 godina

It would be utopic to believe that 57 nations when in majority inhabited by Muslims could agree in a matter such as a recognition. Saudi-Arabia (Arabs) and Iran (Persians) are natural enemies since millenia. To expect that e.g. those countries would agree in that matter would be foolish. Iran is one of the biggest Allies of Serbia and vice versa. Moreover, even the Arab or Sunite countries can speak with one voice. Just see Israel which has been recognized by only Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

So spare the breath. Recognitions are made on bilaretal talks and do not need approvals from clubs like EU, UN or OIC. Otherwise, how could Egypt recognize Israel? The Islamic conference is not even close to talk about such a thing, unfortunately.


pre 15 godina

No call for recognitions in OIC resolution
25 May 2009

very true, but I just got hold of contents of the original text and i must say was so well crafted , that there was no need to put it bluntly asking these countries to recognize Kosova.
Mr. Jeremic was not honest and the text was not chenged a bit, but he made it look like he was the couse for removing the direct question of recognition of Kosova. That was never there to beging, but if you are a poltician and you can read between lines it was there and voted unanoumosly. Now what?

Bob Petrovich

pre 15 godina

I wonder if there is single Kosovo Albanian interlocutor capable of accepting the facts and not resorting to wishful thinking.

This is verbatim Resolution 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO
The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.

OIC supports UNSEC 1244, not illegal secession.

R Guraziu

pre 15 godina

The Resolution unfortunately does not seek for other countries to recognise Kosovo - but "reaffirms the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;

1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.

2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal

3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.

4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers."

The good thing is that it brought the Kosovo issue in its agenda - the bad thing is the that the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN.

See http://www.oic-oci.org/36cfm/w/en/res/36CFM-POL-RES-FINAL.pdf pp.33/34


pre 15 godina

"funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link! "

Funny thing indeed, the resolution was passed. of course the victory is in getting Saudis involved so at least 19 Muslim countries recognize us, no one expected Iran and Syria to go along with recognition. They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department. So expect many recognitions now that the Saudis are in, they have plenty of money, prestige (within their world) and power to influence other Muslim nations.


pre 15 godina

To DingDong,

A typical example of "reliable" Albanian news sources. The Albanian tactics at this site are so obvious. "Suddenly" B92 gets flooded with all kinds of pro-Kosovo comments and these comments are all highly recommended, giving the impression that many visitors agree with the Albanian postings. It must be CNN-style shock and awe news bombardment to demoralize the Serbian and other serious foreign visitors. Must of us have been trained by now to see through all this and ignore it.


pre 15 godina

For those interested in the truth, hereby the official statement:
"In its closing session the 36 Ministerial Summit of the OIC by an unanimous vote has adopted the "Kosovo resolution" drafted by the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this resolution it is said clearly that since the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008, Kosovo has made progress in building of democratic institutions, it has a modern constitution, Kosovo also has contributed to the preservation of peace and stability in the region. Further, this resolution, which is the first of its kind adopted by the OIC, calls upon member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the rest of the international community to continue to support the strengthening of Kosovo and its economy. The resolution tasks the OIC Secretary General to report to the future OIC summits about the dynamic of events in Kosovo.

The last paragraph of the resolution is also very important because it puts Kosovo on the permanent agenda of the OIC and empowers the OIC Secretariat to deal with Kosovo in a similar move as the EU institutions have done post 17 February 2008 and which has opened the path for the EU member states to decide individually and not feel blocked by the need for an unanimous decision to act.
Even though this resolution does not clearly call the OIC member states to recognize the independence of Kosovo, the adopted draft opens the path for positive developments in the future. Diplomatic sources confirm that due to these events new recognitions are to be expected in the next days and weeks.
Serbia, through its Foreign Minister Jeremic, has tried to block the new momentum however it has failed to do so. Through the active support of Syria, host country of the summit, Egypt and some other countries influenced by the Russian interests, Serbia has managed not to allow the explicit call to recognize the independence of Kosovo however it could not block the new commitment of the OIC towards Kosovo. FM Jeremic also failed to attend the summit since his request was denied. The same measure was applied also to the Kosovo side.
The developments in the 36 Ministerial Summit clearly demonstrate that Serbia has failed to stop the further internationalization of the independence of Kosovo. "

Let's wait and see if there will be new recognitions.


pre 15 godina

'funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!'

It's in a pdf - click on "Political Affairs" under Resolutions.


Point no. 4 is interesting - it calls on the Sec'y General (of the OIC) to 'to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37 Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.'

This means Kosovo will automatically be on the agenda next time. How many Islamic countries receive serious funding from the Saudis? And the Saudis were not just going through the motions - the Blic article Peggy linked to says they walked out of the first session over Kosovo, and small countries are usually good at reading signals.

Naim from Sweden

pre 15 godina

There is no resolution on their website, because it happend like one, two hours ago. Wait for tomorrow and you will see.

We all know this resolution is for Kosovas favor.

King Gent

pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!

(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19)
Funny thing indeed if you know how to use it. Check inside Political Affairs section and you'll find it.
This resolution does not call for the OIC members who hasn't recognised yet to do so but it does remind so. Personally i wouldn't be surprised if 10-15 OIC members do recognise in the next month or 2.


pre 15 godina

The initial news was that the resolution failed and Jeremic was the hero of the day. Now we have a resolution voted unanimously in the favor of Kosovo. Yesterday somebody said that the Albanian diplomacy has terribly failed but it seems that was not the case. We expect now more fictitious reasons for non – failure: as always from Serbian side.

PS. There is not such word “Muslim brothers” on this resolution!


pre 15 godina


The treat does not come from Serbs but from Albanians who say the North should be taken by force. The West wants and needs to maintain status quo even if Serbs don't play along. The Serbs can accept the current situation but can the Albanians?


pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!



pre 15 godina

Having just read the resolution, yes it passed indeed, and yes there is no call for Kosova's recognition but rather to help it.

I can see why Jeremic is excited. I wouldn't though as we knew from the start that certain countries would not allow it to pass in a form that would order them to recognize it. However I'd say this is a good thing. It paves the way for recognitions state by state. The text says Kosova will be a topic in the next conference as well. Who knows what will happen till then.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

My take on it is as follows.

Firstly, it was a defeat for the Albanian side as the resolution passed, did not openly called for the OIC to support Pristina's UDD. The Saudis tried to include it but was shot down by Serbia's staunch allies in the OIC, namely Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Indonesia among others.

However, the watered down resolution unanimously passed basically lets individual OIC states to make up their own minds while directly referring to UN Resolution 1244. In otherwards, it was a tacit diplomatic victory for Serbia.

The passing of the Saudi resolution would have been a huge boost for Pristina and resulted in a huge sway of recognitions but it was not to be. End result is that the Pristina will get some recognitions form the OIC, a dozen maximum resulting in the OIC divided over the Kosovo issue just like the UN & EU. The OAS and Carribbean states will suffer the same fate while the African Union will be more pronounced in its support for Belgrade led by South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Ghana, Congo and Nigeria.

Serbia won, while its stalemate for the Albanians. The sober editorial from Koha Ditore sums up the Albanian disappointment.

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

Interesting story. Serbia claims resolution was rejected, Albania claims the opposite. Other agencies tell that resolution was blocked by Azerbaijan.

Whatever the outcome - interesting story.


pre 15 godina

Requests the Secretary This last point taken from page 34 (resolution No. 14/36-POL) pretty much sums it all up: "General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers." What may I ask is the present resolution? I don't see anything advocating Kosvo as an independent nation, although clearly there is solidarity with Kosovo's Muslims. Nevertheless, there is a clear and unambiguous call to follow UN resolutions, and that I believe translates to 1244.

Tom O'Donoghue

pre 15 godina

Having read the resolution as passed I am simply amazed at the self-delusional comments by the K-Albanian supporters here. Look, you lost - accept it.


pre 15 godina

The truth is that all 57 members of the Islamic Organization voted pro the resolute !

This means thant non of them voted no and this is really a sweet surprize as some of this countries such as Egypt, Algeria and Azerbajan was perhaps not expected to vote pro the resolute wich forwards the Kosova issue to the highest agenda of the Organization !
57 YES
o NO

Thank YOU !


pre 15 godina

Is not it a bit fishy that albanians want a recognition from muslim countries while some days ago they celebrated together with a self declered zionist?

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

It was funny to read the comments of some Albanians. Muslim brotherhood... Ever heard about free trade agreement between Serbia and Iran, ever heard about Serbia's plans on arms supplies to Iraq. For the Muslims business is much more important than your sentiments.

Serbia is back to the international stage of big politics - step by step. Good luck, Serbia!

As for those shouting about "Kosovo's independence is unavoidable"... Do you know that after the first Chechen war, Chechnya was de facto independent. So what? Where is it now?

About the resolution... Serbia has got what she wanted - no calls for independence - unbelievable that it happened at the Muslim conference! My congrats, Mr. Jeremic!


pre 15 godina

“funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!”

Check inside the links and you will find: “RESOLUTION NO. 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO”


pre 15 godina

Agim - "They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department." So were the KLA until 12 months before NATO intervention and the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.

R Guraziu - "the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN." I think everyone would agree with this.


pre 15 godina

DingDong... You should read a little more carefully. Those are topics. Under the Resolution section, you can find the Kosova Resolution and the original text.

Master ks

pre 15 godina

Let's look the other way around for resolution.
Is the resolution mandatory for countries from OIC to recognize, NO. Then it is enough just to mention the name Republic of Kosova.

By the end of this week or next week we will see...


pre 15 godina

OO maybe this is another "diplomatic-victory" for Jeremic, of course his victories, but no Mr. Jeremic this time this resolution goes in Kosova's favor, and as you spend money and taking it from the Serbian people it would be better invest them inside your country instead of losing them for something it has been lost years ago!


pre 15 godina

'the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.'

The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?


pre 15 godina

U need 2/3 of the vote + 1 to nul a veto. Serbia has this. Through support of Russia and China. Nothing will change by the time ICJ rules. And it will rule in favor of Serbia. Even though it is non-binding it means Kosovo cannot become part of the EU as anything but a province of Serbia. So whatever happens in the meantime is irrelevant and mere posturing.

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

@(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19) - there is a resolution, please click on the link you sent on "political affairs", and then read page 33.

There is a resolution that is sympathetic towards Kosovo, but can be explained by Serbia as a victory because it does not call for immediate recognition.

So, both Serbian and Kosovar reactions can be interpreted as correct.

Cheers, Gerro


pre 15 godina

Amer "The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?"

No. The US is a net importer of energy, mainly oil, and if you forced up the price of coal it would force up the prices of oil and gas. As it imports more energy supplies than it exports.....

it also suits the Europeans - they have less reliance on Russia for energy (gas) if they can switch to coal fired power stations - hence the investment in clean coal technology over the last 10 years.

From a purely economic perspective, it's always going to be cheaper to extract coal from Kosovo than from mainland US or EU.

Coal is only one aspect. There are other valuable minerals, especially things such as cobalt - important for the aerospace industry.


pre 15 godina

this was taken from the original document....

The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.


pre 15 godina

There is pressure being put on countries to recognize the fake state of Kosovo. Any new recognitions should at least be put on hold until the ICJ ruling but I'm convinced that the enemies of international law know that the ICJ might rule in Serbias favour and therefore they want to act now and act stupid later. This makes things even worse on the ground in Kosovo. Countries that ignore the ICJ and thereby international law can't expect things to improve on the ground in Kosovo. This will certainly lead to an even greater division between Serbs and Albanian that will force NATO to permanently occupy this part of Serbia or risk another war in a nearby future.


pre 15 godina


Recognitions do nothing other than provide a false sense of temporary optimism by Albanians who put all their focus on status, while standards remain low. Since 1999, standards in employment and education have remained some of the lowest in Europe. But that doesn't at all matter to the aparatchiks in Pristina as they believe all they have to do is get more recognitions and things will suddenly get better.

It didn't happen when Montenegro and Macedonia recognized. It didn't happen with the Marshall Islands recognized. It didn't happen when Saudi Arabia recognized, and even if as is mentioned above that El Salvador will recognize, it won't happen then. Kosovo remains as internally divided and as undeveloped as it has been for years, and no amount of bribed recognitions by Skender Hysterical is going to fundamentally change the dynamics of Kosovo anytime soon.


pre 15 godina

To DingDong,

A typical example of "reliable" Albanian news sources. The Albanian tactics at this site are so obvious. "Suddenly" B92 gets flooded with all kinds of pro-Kosovo comments and these comments are all highly recommended, giving the impression that many visitors agree with the Albanian postings. It must be CNN-style shock and awe news bombardment to demoralize the Serbian and other serious foreign visitors. Must of us have been trained by now to see through all this and ignore it.


pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!


Bob Petrovich

pre 15 godina

I wonder if there is single Kosovo Albanian interlocutor capable of accepting the facts and not resorting to wishful thinking.

This is verbatim Resolution 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO
The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.

OIC supports UNSEC 1244, not illegal secession.


pre 15 godina

There are some news that this resolution has already been adopted today. There are now information on the content. Anyway, this could be seen as a good news for Kosovo and its recognition proces.


pre 15 godina

Now recognitions don't matter? What are you going to say next that even with the whole world recognizing us as long as you don't than we aren't independent?

Time is on our side.


pre 15 godina


The treat does not come from Serbs but from Albanians who say the North should be taken by force. The West wants and needs to maintain status quo even if Serbs don't play along. The Serbs can accept the current situation but can the Albanians?


pre 15 godina

(MikeC, 25 May 2009 16:21)

Serbia is in no position to threaten Kosovo, so dont talk about any conflicts.

What goes for the OIC resolution, rumors has 19 OIC members are ready to recognize the legal decleration of Kosova's Independence. God bless Kosovo and all its allies!


pre 15 godina

" Jeremić’s cabinet stated yesterday that a resolution that is neutral in status had been accepted, in which Kosovo’s statehood was not mentioned, and which did not call on Muslim countries to ecognize Kosovo. "

Jerevici lied, the original one just passed!

Expect Kosova to soon have 50% +1 of UN members, than Serbia will not have many more excuses. Good luck with EU then


pre 15 godina

I don't know the contents of resolution, but one thing is sertain that the said resolution voted unanimously in favour of Kosova. Whether the resolution ask for Kosova recogniton or just to help economicaly, it makes no difference. There is one thing for sure that we all will see a barrage of recognitions in coming weeks and not months.


pre 15 godina

"funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link! "

Funny thing indeed, the resolution was passed. of course the victory is in getting Saudis involved so at least 19 Muslim countries recognize us, no one expected Iran and Syria to go along with recognition. They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department. So expect many recognitions now that the Saudis are in, they have plenty of money, prestige (within their world) and power to influence other Muslim nations.


pre 15 godina

I don't recall any EU resolution calling for Kosovo recognition. But 22 out of 27 did it. It's a same resolution as the EU's. Watch and wait.!:_)

This is a victory day for Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

No call for recognitions in OIC resolution
25 May 2009

very true, but I just got hold of contents of the original text and i must say was so well crafted , that there was no need to put it bluntly asking these countries to recognize Kosova.
Mr. Jeremic was not honest and the text was not chenged a bit, but he made it look like he was the couse for removing the direct question of recognition of Kosova. That was never there to beging, but if you are a poltician and you can read between lines it was there and voted unanoumosly. Now what?

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

@(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19) - there is a resolution, please click on the link you sent on "political affairs", and then read page 33.

There is a resolution that is sympathetic towards Kosovo, but can be explained by Serbia as a victory because it does not call for immediate recognition.

So, both Serbian and Kosovar reactions can be interpreted as correct.

Cheers, Gerro


pre 15 godina

For those interested in the truth, hereby the official statement:
"In its closing session the 36 Ministerial Summit of the OIC by an unanimous vote has adopted the "Kosovo resolution" drafted by the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this resolution it is said clearly that since the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008, Kosovo has made progress in building of democratic institutions, it has a modern constitution, Kosovo also has contributed to the preservation of peace and stability in the region. Further, this resolution, which is the first of its kind adopted by the OIC, calls upon member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the rest of the international community to continue to support the strengthening of Kosovo and its economy. The resolution tasks the OIC Secretary General to report to the future OIC summits about the dynamic of events in Kosovo.

The last paragraph of the resolution is also very important because it puts Kosovo on the permanent agenda of the OIC and empowers the OIC Secretariat to deal with Kosovo in a similar move as the EU institutions have done post 17 February 2008 and which has opened the path for the EU member states to decide individually and not feel blocked by the need for an unanimous decision to act.
Even though this resolution does not clearly call the OIC member states to recognize the independence of Kosovo, the adopted draft opens the path for positive developments in the future. Diplomatic sources confirm that due to these events new recognitions are to be expected in the next days and weeks.
Serbia, through its Foreign Minister Jeremic, has tried to block the new momentum however it has failed to do so. Through the active support of Syria, host country of the summit, Egypt and some other countries influenced by the Russian interests, Serbia has managed not to allow the explicit call to recognize the independence of Kosovo however it could not block the new commitment of the OIC towards Kosovo. FM Jeremic also failed to attend the summit since his request was denied. The same measure was applied also to the Kosovo side.
The developments in the 36 Ministerial Summit clearly demonstrate that Serbia has failed to stop the further internationalization of the independence of Kosovo. "

Let's wait and see if there will be new recognitions.


pre 15 godina

The initial news was that the resolution failed and Jeremic was the hero of the day. Now we have a resolution voted unanimously in the favor of Kosovo. Yesterday somebody said that the Albanian diplomacy has terribly failed but it seems that was not the case. We expect now more fictitious reasons for non – failure: as always from Serbian side.

PS. There is not such word “Muslim brothers” on this resolution!


pre 15 godina

Having just read the resolution, yes it passed indeed, and yes there is no call for Kosova's recognition but rather to help it.

I can see why Jeremic is excited. I wouldn't though as we knew from the start that certain countries would not allow it to pass in a form that would order them to recognize it. However I'd say this is a good thing. It paves the way for recognitions state by state. The text says Kosova will be a topic in the next conference as well. Who knows what will happen till then.


pre 15 godina

Is not it a bit fishy that albanians want a recognition from muslim countries while some days ago they celebrated together with a self declered zionist?

Naim from Sweden

pre 15 godina

There is no resolution on their website, because it happend like one, two hours ago. Wait for tomorrow and you will see.

We all know this resolution is for Kosovas favor.


pre 15 godina

Requests the Secretary This last point taken from page 34 (resolution No. 14/36-POL) pretty much sums it all up: "General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers." What may I ask is the present resolution? I don't see anything advocating Kosvo as an independent nation, although clearly there is solidarity with Kosovo's Muslims. Nevertheless, there is a clear and unambiguous call to follow UN resolutions, and that I believe translates to 1244.

King Gent

pre 15 godina

funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!

(dingdong, 25 May 2009 18:19)
Funny thing indeed if you know how to use it. Check inside Political Affairs section and you'll find it.
This resolution does not call for the OIC members who hasn't recognised yet to do so but it does remind so. Personally i wouldn't be surprised if 10-15 OIC members do recognise in the next month or 2.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

My take on it is as follows.

Firstly, it was a defeat for the Albanian side as the resolution passed, did not openly called for the OIC to support Pristina's UDD. The Saudis tried to include it but was shot down by Serbia's staunch allies in the OIC, namely Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Indonesia among others.

However, the watered down resolution unanimously passed basically lets individual OIC states to make up their own minds while directly referring to UN Resolution 1244. In otherwards, it was a tacit diplomatic victory for Serbia.

The passing of the Saudi resolution would have been a huge boost for Pristina and resulted in a huge sway of recognitions but it was not to be. End result is that the Pristina will get some recognitions form the OIC, a dozen maximum resulting in the OIC divided over the Kosovo issue just like the UN & EU. The OAS and Carribbean states will suffer the same fate while the African Union will be more pronounced in its support for Belgrade led by South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Ghana, Congo and Nigeria.

Serbia won, while its stalemate for the Albanians. The sober editorial from Koha Ditore sums up the Albanian disappointment.

Gerro Beuk

pre 15 godina

Interesting story. Serbia claims resolution was rejected, Albania claims the opposite. Other agencies tell that resolution was blocked by Azerbaijan.

Whatever the outcome - interesting story.

Adrian Gashi

pre 15 godina

Dingdong, click on the "political affairs" and you'll see "Resolution No 14/36-POL on the situation in Kosovo":

"... Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 ... the Declaration of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where:


1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration, deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal framework.
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers."

For me, the most important aspect coming of this resolution is the cooperation of Kosova with the OIC Economic and Financial institutions, which together with membership in IMF and World Bank will pave the way for improved economic opportunities of Kosova. This for Kosova is a very, very good news.
As for recognitions, it would be unrealistic to expect in bulk recognitions from all 57 OIC countries, all at the same time. OIC is not a country and like EU - where naturally Kosova finds the most support - can't extend recognition per se. But the influence of Turkey and SA in OIC can't be underestimated - and their ardent lobbying within OIC points to only one thing: more recognitions will surely come. Serbia and Russia can only do so much.
Kosova would be advised to apply for membership in OIC, and as an European country OIC would be hard pressed not to accept it. Then once inside, Kosova would have a much greater leverage to lobby individual countries.
I don't see recognition by OIC countries as a big problem though. Sooner or latter the greater part of it will recognize. Same for African countries, with Obama at the head of the White House, more African countries are willing to be more open to US than before with Bush.
At the end, this is a multi-year project. It won't be solved this year, or the next. But Kosova is on the right path, and slowly but surely is finding its place among the community of free and democratic nations.


pre 15 godina

DingDong... You should read a little more carefully. Those are topics. Under the Resolution section, you can find the Kosova Resolution and the original text.

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

It was funny to read the comments of some Albanians. Muslim brotherhood... Ever heard about free trade agreement between Serbia and Iran, ever heard about Serbia's plans on arms supplies to Iraq. For the Muslims business is much more important than your sentiments.

Serbia is back to the international stage of big politics - step by step. Good luck, Serbia!

As for those shouting about "Kosovo's independence is unavoidable"... Do you know that after the first Chechen war, Chechnya was de facto independent. So what? Where is it now?

About the resolution... Serbia has got what she wanted - no calls for independence - unbelievable that it happened at the Muslim conference! My congrats, Mr. Jeremic!


pre 15 godina

It would be utopic to believe that 57 nations when in majority inhabited by Muslims could agree in a matter such as a recognition. Saudi-Arabia (Arabs) and Iran (Persians) are natural enemies since millenia. To expect that e.g. those countries would agree in that matter would be foolish. Iran is one of the biggest Allies of Serbia and vice versa. Moreover, even the Arab or Sunite countries can speak with one voice. Just see Israel which has been recognized by only Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

So spare the breath. Recognitions are made on bilaretal talks and do not need approvals from clubs like EU, UN or OIC. Otherwise, how could Egypt recognize Israel? The Islamic conference is not even close to talk about such a thing, unfortunately.

Tom O'Donoghue

pre 15 godina

Having read the resolution as passed I am simply amazed at the self-delusional comments by the K-Albanian supporters here. Look, you lost - accept it.


pre 15 godina

Agim - "They are rogue /terrorist supporting states as per State Department." So were the KLA until 12 months before NATO intervention and the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.

R Guraziu - "the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN." I think everyone would agree with this.


pre 15 godina

'funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!'

It's in a pdf - click on "Political Affairs" under Resolutions.


Point no. 4 is interesting - it calls on the Sec'y General (of the OIC) to 'to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37 Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.'

This means Kosovo will automatically be on the agenda next time. How many Islamic countries receive serious funding from the Saudis? And the Saudis were not just going through the motions - the Blic article Peggy linked to says they walked out of the first session over Kosovo, and small countries are usually good at reading signals.

R Guraziu

pre 15 godina

The Resolution unfortunately does not seek for other countries to recognise Kosovo - but "reaffirms the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;

1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.

2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal

3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.

4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers."

The good thing is that it brought the Kosovo issue in its agenda - the bad thing is the that the Islamic Community is as divided as the EU and the UN.

See http://www.oic-oci.org/36cfm/w/en/res/36CFM-POL-RES-FINAL.pdf pp.33/34


pre 15 godina

OO maybe this is another "diplomatic-victory" for Jeremic, of course his victories, but no Mr. Jeremic this time this resolution goes in Kosova's favor, and as you spend money and taking it from the Serbian people it would be better invest them inside your country instead of losing them for something it has been lost years ago!


pre 15 godina

U need 2/3 of the vote + 1 to nul a veto. Serbia has this. Through support of Russia and China. Nothing will change by the time ICJ rules. And it will rule in favor of Serbia. Even though it is non-binding it means Kosovo cannot become part of the EU as anything but a province of Serbia. So whatever happens in the meantime is irrelevant and mere posturing.


pre 15 godina

The truth is that all 57 members of the Islamic Organization voted pro the resolute !

This means thant non of them voted no and this is really a sweet surprize as some of this countries such as Egypt, Algeria and Azerbajan was perhaps not expected to vote pro the resolute wich forwards the Kosova issue to the highest agenda of the Organization !
57 YES
o NO

Thank YOU !


pre 15 godina

“funny thing the internet. If somethings interests you and you can READ, then you can look it up. There is no Kosovo resolution at the OIC. See the OIC link!”

Check inside the links and you will find: “RESOLUTION NO. 14/36-POL ON THE SITUATION IN KOSOVO”


pre 15 godina

'the US decided that Kosovo (i.e. it's coal reserves) were of strategic interests.'

The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?


pre 15 godina

Amer "The U.S. has the world's largest coal reserves - better to leave these in Kosovo in the ground and drive up the world price. No?"

No. The US is a net importer of energy, mainly oil, and if you forced up the price of coal it would force up the prices of oil and gas. As it imports more energy supplies than it exports.....

it also suits the Europeans - they have less reliance on Russia for energy (gas) if they can switch to coal fired power stations - hence the investment in clean coal technology over the last 10 years.

From a purely economic perspective, it's always going to be cheaper to extract coal from Kosovo than from mainland US or EU.

Coal is only one aspect. There are other valuable minerals, especially things such as cobalt - important for the aerospace industry.

Master ks

pre 15 godina

Let's look the other way around for resolution.
Is the resolution mandatory for countries from OIC to recognize, NO. Then it is enough just to mention the name Republic of Kosova.

By the end of this week or next week we will see...


pre 15 godina

this was taken from the original document....

The Thirty-Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of
Enhancing Islamic Solidarity), held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic from 28 Jamadul
Awal – 1 Jamadul Thani 1430 .H (23-25 May 2009);
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the
Charter of the OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenants on Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, 1951 as well as
other instruments of international law;
Upholding the role of the U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and
maintenance of international peace and security;
Referring to the UN Security Council Resolutions No.1160 (of 31st of March
1998), No.1999 (of 23rd September 1998) No. 1203 (of 24th October 1998) No.1239 (of
14 May 1999) and 1244 of 10th of June 1999 and the relevant statements of its President.
Referring to Resolution No. 16/31 adopted at the Thirty-first Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul on 14-16 June 2004; the
Resolution No.36/34 of the 34th Session of the ICFM, Islamabad, 15-17 May 2007; the
Final Communiqué of the 11th OIC Summit, Dakar, 13-14 March 2008; the Declaration
of the OIC Ministerial Meeting in Kampala in June 2008 and in New York in September
2008 where is noted the Declaration of Independence by the Assembly of Kosovo of 17
February 2008;
Reaffirming the strong interest of OIC regarding the Muslims in the Balkans, and
the importance of the stability in the whole Balkan region;
1. Takes note of the progress made towards strengthening the democracy in
Kosovo, serving peace and stability in Kosovo and the whole region.
2. Further takes note of the accelerated UN Mission’s reconfiguration,
deployment of EULEX throughout Kosovo, in compliance with UN Secretary
General’s guidelines and the current Kosovo institutional and legal
3. Welcomes the cooperation of Kosovo with the OIC Economic and Financial
institutions, and calls on the international community, to continue contributing to
the fostering of the Kosovo’s economy.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present
resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the 37th Session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers.