Saturday, 16.05.2009.


El Baradei urges Iran to engage with U.S.

Iran should engage with the U.S. and negotiate over its nuclear program, Mohamed ElBaradei, chief of the IAEA, said in a magazine interview released today.

Izvor: Reuters

El Baradei urges Iran to engage with U.S. IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

Yes Ira should engage with the US. But what the US (and Israelis) really want is for the Iranians to cave in completely to their demands (hence Obama's threat of sanctions even before negotiations have been arranged).

Tehran should stay its ground. After all, its main export is oil and there are many eager customers, most notably China, who can afford to pay market prices in cash with no political strings attached.

The US on the other hand will hope to get Iranian goods on credit (what else is new?) and will, moreover, attach a million political conditions to any deal. Iran should just tell Obama to shove it -- unless he is prepared to treat them as equals in any negotiation.


pre 15 godina

Yes Ira should engage with the US. But what the US (and Israelis) really want is for the Iranians to cave in completely to their demands (hence Obama's threat of sanctions even before negotiations have been arranged).

Tehran should stay its ground. After all, its main export is oil and there are many eager customers, most notably China, who can afford to pay market prices in cash with no political strings attached.

The US on the other hand will hope to get Iranian goods on credit (what else is new?) and will, moreover, attach a million political conditions to any deal. Iran should just tell Obama to shove it -- unless he is prepared to treat them as equals in any negotiation.


pre 15 godina

Yes Ira should engage with the US. But what the US (and Israelis) really want is for the Iranians to cave in completely to their demands (hence Obama's threat of sanctions even before negotiations have been arranged).

Tehran should stay its ground. After all, its main export is oil and there are many eager customers, most notably China, who can afford to pay market prices in cash with no political strings attached.

The US on the other hand will hope to get Iranian goods on credit (what else is new?) and will, moreover, attach a million political conditions to any deal. Iran should just tell Obama to shove it -- unless he is prepared to treat them as equals in any negotiation.