Tuesday, 03.03.2009.


Report: U.S. protected Mladić?

U.S. historian Charles Ingrao says that the Pentagon did not consider the arrest of Hague fugitives a priority, according to daily Večernje Novosti.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Report: U.S. protected Mladiæ? IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

Isn't it nice that beneath that wonderful looking candy-coated shell of Wilsonian Liberalism is a nice big fat neuget of Realpolitik?

And my country likes to critique Russia. Silly country.


pre 15 godina

This is news? Personnel and former personnel at the ICTY complained long ago that US investigators were extremely secretive, did not share data and kept away from other investigators in the same building.

The US is still protecting other (friendly) war criminals as much as they can, the most obvious overt example being Ante Gotovina. His lawyer Greg Kehoe has very good relations with the US military establishment and they are trying to manipulate his trial so few, if any questions are asked about the support Croatia had from the US on Operations Storm & Lightning - i.e. where a supposedly private military consultant company, MPRI (Military Professional Resources Inc.) probably no more than a front company, provided direct military advice through 'ex' US generals on an operation that lead to the largest ethnic cleansing of the bosnian civil war.

The certainly don't want any questions asked about where Croatia got its weapons from, or satellite data or SiGNalInTelligence from.

By the own standards of various war crimes conventions, you can be charged with complicity to war crimes if you willfully do not use your influence to stop war crimes from happening if there is a reasonable risk of them happening. The ICTY used these exact same arguments in the Hague to convict several people.

Hence, no-one want the US to be accused of complicity in war crimes before the ICTY, of which they are certainly guilty (along with some other states).

No government in Europe has been charged with supplying weapons to the war zone either. We have to make do with former president of Argentina Carlos Menem being convicted for doing this.

The fact that the ITCY remit specifically excludes investigation of complicity in war crimes by those outside of the territory of the ex-SFRY makes the whole thing a show. It is like shining a torch at night, some things become clear, but much of that around remains in the dark - hardly a full and frank look at events in the former yugoslavia and a squaring of its history that the ICTY professes is one of its main aims. What a joke.


pre 15 godina

So, just so that I am sure that I understand this correctly. The US used to class the KLA and all it's members as terrorists, now they class them as heads of state and government ministers on whom they are prepared to spend huges sums of US dollars. The US used to do all that they could to protect Mladic et al from being arrested and extradited to the Hague, now they consider them to be to worst criminals ever to walk the face of this earth it seems and will stop at nothing to ensure they are bought to the tribunal. At the moment they consider the UDI of the Albanians in Kosovo to be some kind of shining example that they wish to support and nurture....I wonder how long before they change their minds on that one too? Maybe when they can no longer afford to run Camp Bondsteel and therefore have no need to "support" the Albanians UDI? Or, here is a shocking suggestion, maybe they will recognise that the UDI is actually just a "land grab" dressed up as a legitimate UDI? Or am I just living in a dreamland to believe that could ever happen. Time will tell. To pre-empt all the negative and politically weighted comments that will be aimed at my comments, please just recognise that they are purely my thoughts and ponderings, not any kind of attack aimed at anyone.Thanks.


pre 15 godina

Maybe Mladic has taken up residence in the West Wing of the White House. For vacations he spends time at the Bush Ranch and takes up the invitation for afternoon tea with Gordon Brown in Downing Street sometimes.


pre 15 godina

Perhaps they should search for Ratko Mladic in the United States? Perhaps Mladic is relaxing in Florida at the expense of the american taxpayers?


pre 15 godina

So, just so that I am sure that I understand this correctly. The US used to class the KLA and all it's members as terrorists, now they class them as heads of state and government ministers on whom they are prepared to spend huges sums of US dollars. The US used to do all that they could to protect Mladic et al from being arrested and extradited to the Hague, now they consider them to be to worst criminals ever to walk the face of this earth it seems and will stop at nothing to ensure they are bought to the tribunal. At the moment they consider the UDI of the Albanians in Kosovo to be some kind of shining example that they wish to support and nurture....I wonder how long before they change their minds on that one too? Maybe when they can no longer afford to run Camp Bondsteel and therefore have no need to "support" the Albanians UDI? Or, here is a shocking suggestion, maybe they will recognise that the UDI is actually just a "land grab" dressed up as a legitimate UDI? Or am I just living in a dreamland to believe that could ever happen. Time will tell. To pre-empt all the negative and politically weighted comments that will be aimed at my comments, please just recognise that they are purely my thoughts and ponderings, not any kind of attack aimed at anyone.Thanks.


pre 15 godina

Perhaps they should search for Ratko Mladic in the United States? Perhaps Mladic is relaxing in Florida at the expense of the american taxpayers?


pre 15 godina

Maybe Mladic has taken up residence in the West Wing of the White House. For vacations he spends time at the Bush Ranch and takes up the invitation for afternoon tea with Gordon Brown in Downing Street sometimes.


pre 15 godina

This is news? Personnel and former personnel at the ICTY complained long ago that US investigators were extremely secretive, did not share data and kept away from other investigators in the same building.

The US is still protecting other (friendly) war criminals as much as they can, the most obvious overt example being Ante Gotovina. His lawyer Greg Kehoe has very good relations with the US military establishment and they are trying to manipulate his trial so few, if any questions are asked about the support Croatia had from the US on Operations Storm & Lightning - i.e. where a supposedly private military consultant company, MPRI (Military Professional Resources Inc.) probably no more than a front company, provided direct military advice through 'ex' US generals on an operation that lead to the largest ethnic cleansing of the bosnian civil war.

The certainly don't want any questions asked about where Croatia got its weapons from, or satellite data or SiGNalInTelligence from.

By the own standards of various war crimes conventions, you can be charged with complicity to war crimes if you willfully do not use your influence to stop war crimes from happening if there is a reasonable risk of them happening. The ICTY used these exact same arguments in the Hague to convict several people.

Hence, no-one want the US to be accused of complicity in war crimes before the ICTY, of which they are certainly guilty (along with some other states).

No government in Europe has been charged with supplying weapons to the war zone either. We have to make do with former president of Argentina Carlos Menem being convicted for doing this.

The fact that the ITCY remit specifically excludes investigation of complicity in war crimes by those outside of the territory of the ex-SFRY makes the whole thing a show. It is like shining a torch at night, some things become clear, but much of that around remains in the dark - hardly a full and frank look at events in the former yugoslavia and a squaring of its history that the ICTY professes is one of its main aims. What a joke.


pre 15 godina

Isn't it nice that beneath that wonderful looking candy-coated shell of Wilsonian Liberalism is a nice big fat neuget of Realpolitik?

And my country likes to critique Russia. Silly country.


pre 15 godina

So, just so that I am sure that I understand this correctly. The US used to class the KLA and all it's members as terrorists, now they class them as heads of state and government ministers on whom they are prepared to spend huges sums of US dollars. The US used to do all that they could to protect Mladic et al from being arrested and extradited to the Hague, now they consider them to be to worst criminals ever to walk the face of this earth it seems and will stop at nothing to ensure they are bought to the tribunal. At the moment they consider the UDI of the Albanians in Kosovo to be some kind of shining example that they wish to support and nurture....I wonder how long before they change their minds on that one too? Maybe when they can no longer afford to run Camp Bondsteel and therefore have no need to "support" the Albanians UDI? Or, here is a shocking suggestion, maybe they will recognise that the UDI is actually just a "land grab" dressed up as a legitimate UDI? Or am I just living in a dreamland to believe that could ever happen. Time will tell. To pre-empt all the negative and politically weighted comments that will be aimed at my comments, please just recognise that they are purely my thoughts and ponderings, not any kind of attack aimed at anyone.Thanks.


pre 15 godina

Perhaps they should search for Ratko Mladic in the United States? Perhaps Mladic is relaxing in Florida at the expense of the american taxpayers?


pre 15 godina

Maybe Mladic has taken up residence in the West Wing of the White House. For vacations he spends time at the Bush Ranch and takes up the invitation for afternoon tea with Gordon Brown in Downing Street sometimes.


pre 15 godina

This is news? Personnel and former personnel at the ICTY complained long ago that US investigators were extremely secretive, did not share data and kept away from other investigators in the same building.

The US is still protecting other (friendly) war criminals as much as they can, the most obvious overt example being Ante Gotovina. His lawyer Greg Kehoe has very good relations with the US military establishment and they are trying to manipulate his trial so few, if any questions are asked about the support Croatia had from the US on Operations Storm & Lightning - i.e. where a supposedly private military consultant company, MPRI (Military Professional Resources Inc.) probably no more than a front company, provided direct military advice through 'ex' US generals on an operation that lead to the largest ethnic cleansing of the bosnian civil war.

The certainly don't want any questions asked about where Croatia got its weapons from, or satellite data or SiGNalInTelligence from.

By the own standards of various war crimes conventions, you can be charged with complicity to war crimes if you willfully do not use your influence to stop war crimes from happening if there is a reasonable risk of them happening. The ICTY used these exact same arguments in the Hague to convict several people.

Hence, no-one want the US to be accused of complicity in war crimes before the ICTY, of which they are certainly guilty (along with some other states).

No government in Europe has been charged with supplying weapons to the war zone either. We have to make do with former president of Argentina Carlos Menem being convicted for doing this.

The fact that the ITCY remit specifically excludes investigation of complicity in war crimes by those outside of the territory of the ex-SFRY makes the whole thing a show. It is like shining a torch at night, some things become clear, but much of that around remains in the dark - hardly a full and frank look at events in the former yugoslavia and a squaring of its history that the ICTY professes is one of its main aims. What a joke.


pre 15 godina

Isn't it nice that beneath that wonderful looking candy-coated shell of Wilsonian Liberalism is a nice big fat neuget of Realpolitik?

And my country likes to critique Russia. Silly country.