Sunday, 31.08.2008.


Putin: Truth on Russian side

PM Vladimir Putin says his country acted "correctly, morally and in accordance with international law" on the South Ossetia issue.

Izvor: Ria novosti

Putin: Truth on Russian side IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

God bless the Russian president! Finally someone to speak the truth and confront the Empire:
Watch his interviews to the CNN & ARD:


Go Russia!


pre 15 godina

"... The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.
(Jevic, 1 September 2008 09:19) "

How and with what,...?


pre 15 godina

Russia will never allow US & EU hold its nose. The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.


pre 15 godina

... and then Vladimir Putin appointed A. Lukashenko as Minister of Truth.

and yes: Russian tanks always were driven by truth - by truth and nothing than truth.

Vladimir, go home - and care for Russians in Russia. under your rule life expectancy was lower than during Afghaistan wars. that's the Pandora's box which you cannot close anymore, Vladimir.


pre 15 godina

... and then Vladimir Putin appointed A. Lukashenko as Minister of Truth.

and yes: Russian tanks always were driven by truth - by truth and nothing than truth.

Vladimir, go home - and care for Russians in Russia. under your rule life expectancy was lower than during Afghaistan wars. that's the Pandora's box which you cannot close anymore, Vladimir.


pre 15 godina

Russia will never allow US & EU hold its nose. The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.


pre 15 godina

"... The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.
(Jevic, 1 September 2008 09:19) "

How and with what,...?


pre 15 godina

God bless the Russian president! Finally someone to speak the truth and confront the Empire:
Watch his interviews to the CNN & ARD:


Go Russia!


pre 15 godina

... and then Vladimir Putin appointed A. Lukashenko as Minister of Truth.

and yes: Russian tanks always were driven by truth - by truth and nothing than truth.

Vladimir, go home - and care for Russians in Russia. under your rule life expectancy was lower than during Afghaistan wars. that's the Pandora's box which you cannot close anymore, Vladimir.


pre 15 godina

Russia will never allow US & EU hold its nose. The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.


pre 15 godina

"... The emerging Russia is needed to balanced the situation and to stop the domination of the WEST.
(Jevic, 1 September 2008 09:19) "

How and with what,...?


pre 15 godina

God bless the Russian president! Finally someone to speak the truth and confront the Empire:
Watch his interviews to the CNN & ARD:


Go Russia!